Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Five

“Angel!” Lucien called out, running up to her and pulling her into his arms, taking in her natural soft floral scent in her hair.

Liliana giggled hugging the massive male before her, and snuggling against his brad muscular chest, feeling the warmth and safety in his strong arms.

“Let’s go angel,” Liliana nodded walking with Lucien’s arm wrapped around her waist, as he opened his car door for her, helping her to get in and got in himself driving off towards the middle-class section of Crowley Cove, towards the Lockhart coven sector.

Liliana and Lucien both laid on the couch in the living room cuddled up together watching a movie when the front door open and neither teenager paid too much attention to the man watching from the doorway of the living room.

“Tony, don’t even, think about it,” Marissa scolded her husband who was staring at her and huffed out silently heading up stairs towards his room to get ready to relax for the evening with his family.

“Kids, do you two want dinner?” Marissa softly asked entering the room with a small towel in her hands wiping the water off.

Lucien quickly looked at his phone to see what time it was and knowing it was already dinner time, he knows he needs to head on home, even though he would rather stay with his angel.

“Angel, I need to head on home,” Lucien softly told her, helping to stand up and he did the same, being down and pressing a kiss to her head before he left after biding his angel’s mother a goodnight.

Liliana blushed playing with her fingers and giggling from the feeling in her belly that only Lucien was able to create within her, and she skipped herself back into the dining room seeing her father sitting down sighing with a shake of his head.

Marissa giggled along with her daughter talking about the young gentlemen who has her precious girl smitten after two days of them meeting and Antonio watched the two precious woman in his life both talk animatedly, and he knew this day would come that his precious little girl would fall in love one day.

Dinner was eventful for the Lockhart head family, laughing and enjoying each other’s company seeing how the adult couple were happy to have this beautiful young woman come into their lives, six years ago, when Antonio found the lost royal princess in group home back in Florence.

On the other side of Crowley Cove, Lucien pulled up to his home after spending the afternoon and evening with is angel, he could not stop the warm feeling spreading in his heart every time she would do something that would make him happy and laugh.

Entering his home, he was surprised to see not only his father was sitting at the dining table but, also the Dormont head and his daughter who was dressed without barely anything covering her private parts, with a skin-tight dress, taking his seat on his father’s left ignoring the stupid slut across from him.

“Son, we will talk later, why don’t we eat,” Lucien’s father sternly spoke out keeping his voice void of emotion towards the power-hungry man before him that he works alongside in the council chambers alongside his majesty Dante Moretti, and his chosen heir, Chance Moretti his nephew.

Lucien nodded at his father and started to eat his dinner quietly hiding his true feelings seeing how his angel was now texting him and sending him a few adorable messages making cough behind his hand, trying not to let out a grin or chuckle at the messages.

Lucien’s father eyes his son with a knowing smirk while he was speaking with Harold seeing how was trying to create another marriage proposal between his only son and his only daughter, when he believes his son has already found his wife to be.

Lucien politely excised himself seeing ow he wanted to make a call to hi angel before she heads to bed, wishing he was next to her holding her as they both slept next to each other.

“Hey, angel,” Liliana giggled at his tired voice, and she heard the annoyance in his voice, and she knew something was not right.

“Hey, teddy bear, is something wrong, I can hear some annoyance in your voice?” Lucien softly smiled hearing the softness in his angel’s sweet voice loving that there was someone else who worried for him.

“Father has a guest over and the asshats daughter is a damn slut, and I cannot stand the bitch, she is nothing but a power-hungry slut,” Lucien sighed out running his hand through his hair aggressively wanting to hit something or better yet hold his angel in his arms.

“Lucien, does she go to our school?” Lucien sat up holding his phone to his ear feeling worried when he heard her soft voice waver.

“Angel, her name is Racheal Dormont, and she does go to our school, and I am telling you this right now baby, if she has done anything to you, I need to know sweetheart,” Lucien sternly said quickly gathering a few clean changed clothes and his bookbag and his keys along with his phone charger. “Baby please, don’t cry, I am going to be there in a few seconds, I need to know where you are in the house,” Liliana sniffled trying to hide her cries from the one guy she has any feelings towards and now he knows something must have happened at school earlier today.

“I am in my room, it’s on the second floor away from my parent’s room,” Liliana told him hanging up and putting her phone on charger wearing her silk baby pink camisole and silk sleep shorts with black lace trimmings, getting into her warm queen size bed feeling the need to sob herself to sleep trying to keep her own emotions at bay, even though the only person she wants is Lucien.

She closed her eyes snuggling down into her bed with her hair in a long braid, allowing herself to rest for the night.

Lucien quickly jumped out of his window not giving a damn what matters when his angel needs him right now and he will not allow some stupid bitch trying to take him away from his sweet little angel, before he even had a chance to ask her on a proper date.

He quickly got into his car after telling his father he was going out and won’t be back until tomorrow, unless otherwise. He started his car and drove away towards his angel’s home, making sure he was close enough to shadow step inside his angel’s room, and lay down with her for the night and speak to her in the morning.

Parking his car, he locked his bag into is trunk and grabbed his clean change of clothes, closing his eyes and shadow stepping and appearing into his angel’s home, especially into her room.

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