Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Three

“How, father how can I speak to that innocent angel, I don’t want to scare her or have her fear me,” Lucien softly said looking at his father with clenched fists with a glare.

“Lucien, do you know her name?” Lucien eyes his father letting out a heavy sigh and taking his hair out of his hair tie, running hand through it aggressively.

“Her name is Liliana Lockhart,” Lucien told his father, and he watched his father body stiffen up with wide eyes.

“The adopted daughter of the Warlock Antonio Lockhart?” Lucien nodded looking at his father with confusion trying to understand what was going on with his old man.

“Lucien, my dear boy, that young girl is very special, and I cannot tell you how special she truly is seeing how she denied the right of passage of her bloodline,” Lucien’s father exclaimed from his seat next to him, and with a clap on his shoulder his father bent down coming eye to eye with him.

“That young woman, will never fear you my dear boy, she may have had a hard time in her childhood before the Lockhart’s took her in and that young woman has a heart of gold with a soft caring personality, and I know she will stand by you, and do not let you ego get in the way and lose her to some little boy,” Lucien smirked after his father’s strong words of wisdom, trying to figure out how he can speak with the angel tomorrow at school.

* * *

“Lucien, what are we doing at school this early in the morning,” one of his friend whined out and Lucien whacked him upside the head with a cold glare.

“Hey, the new girl, she is walking with the red head she was sitting with in math yesterday,” Lucien quickly looked towards the little angel in her school uniform, and he can feel his arousal seeing her petite curvy body being hugged by the uniform.

Lucien took in a deep breath quickly looking himself over making sure he looked alright and well-groomed since he took all morning to get ready to finally talk with the little angel, and when he looked up his anger got a hold of him when he saw her hiding behind the other small girl yelling at Joseph Mackenzie a cocky warlock from a low-class working family.

He quickly stepped back into the shadows making himself reappear between the two girl’s and the bulkhead idiot allowing his hands to start glowing a dark mist. “ladies’, go inside and wait for me,” Lucien gruffly stated, and he watched in the corner of eye with the red head pulling his angel towards the front doors.

“What the hell, Bianchi, this was none of your business to interfere,” Lucien titled his head to the side coldly, blankly staring the idiot in the eyes, watching him stumble backwards in fright.

He smirked deliberately taking small steps towards the idiot, watching him turn around stumbling and running away in fear.

He quickly shadow stepped back inside the school looking around for his little angel, when he saw her shaking and hugging herself with tears in her eyes and he cursed under his breath.

He quickly walked over gathering her into his arms, having her wrap her legs around his waist with her arms clinging to the back of his neck, crying against him as they entered their first class of the day, and he sat down with her on his lap straddling him.

“Shh, sweet angel, I am right here, I won’t allow anyone to come near you,” Lucien cooed in her ear, running hand in her long light brown hair holding her tightly close to his body.

Liliana cuddled against the young man who saved her from the brute who tried to force her to go with him when she told him no, the first time, now she was sitting upon her saviors lap clinging to him and feeling safe since all she ever felt was fear from her past.

Will Lucien Bianchi, please report to the front office.’

Lucien narrowed his eyes towards the loudspeaker still holding his angel in his arms clinging to the front of his shirt with her head leaned against his chest while he did both of their class work.

“Angel seems I am being called to the front office,” Lucien softly said, placing a kiss upon her head, hearing her whimper and shake her head not wanting him to leave her.

Lucien inwardly smiled feeling his heart warm knowing she has full trust in him, especially to keep her safe, with a shrug he stood up, hefting her high into his arms carrying with her towards the front office knowing she was not going to allow him to let her go.

Liliana held onto Lucien not wanting to be apart from him, and for once she was being selfish, knowingly after the first encounter when he stepped in to protect her and her friend. Liliana knew she can trust him with everything seeing how she has always been able to see within peoples inner souls, telling her what kind of person they are based off their inner spiritual essence.

“Lucien, please have a seat and it would seem you have miss Lockhart with you?” The headmaster said with confusion, seeing the little lady clinging to the young baron who took his seat across from his desk, and situated the young woman upon his lap.

“Liliana, before I can start on what happened this morning, I need your permission to explain everything to the young baron you are attached to?” Liliana briefly looked towards the headmaster shyly taking her face away from her hiding place from Lucien’s chest, giving the elder man a shy nod and smile with a blush.

“Lucien, Liliana Lockhart was the daughter of the late crown prince of the Moretti bloodline, she is the only golden royal healer left in our people,” Lucien was shocked to say the least when he heard this, and now it all made sense with his father’s weary voice from last night, when told him her name.

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