Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Seventeen.

Joshua had brought his submersible to the Cavern entrance; he had asked to have Wendy and Beverly to assist him, plus a group of men for the heavy lifting. There was an element of excitement in the air; it was almost electric with a high level of hope that there would be no mishaps. The Full Moon was due within the next seven days, and he had wanted to ensure everything was working and that they had time to iron out any faults, which they may come across.

It took some hours for them to have set up the various electronic surveillance equipment; it was needed to have enabled them to keep track of their submersible. Everything had to be transferred through the glass tunnel and into an area of the cavern that had been sectioned off from public view. As Betsy, the name they had given to the submersible slowly started her descent, the team had gathered to watch the monitors displaying the feedback from the four cameras on board.

Each one showed a view from North, East, South and West and was able to be manoeuvred independently of the others. There had been four small, but highly powerful and light motors fitted on each of the four base corners, as a primary backup, should the main motor for any reason fail. It had taken just over twenty-two minutes before Betsy had made her way into the flooded cavern. Her motor and body had been especially designed to reduce the water displacement to a minimum, what they had wanted, was to avoid disturbing clouds of sediment, which would in turn, would obscure their view.

As Betsy slowly made her way forward, Joshua increased the intensity of the laser lights. As she manoeuvred her way through the cavern they were amazed at the detailed markings on parts of the cavern walls. It indicated that this section of rock must have been at one time above Sea level, and had been inhabited by early cave dwellers. As Betsy went further into the cavern, there on several natural rock shelves were the remains of human bones, and alongside the bodies were various late Stone Age tools, along with some crudely handmade bowls.

All that Betsy had seen was been digitally recorded and transferred into binary for computer reference. Carefully Joshua guided Betsy’s two claws like arms and extended one to enable it to pick up various objects for future examination. By the time they had retrieved Betsy some three hours had lapsed. When the machine was lifted from the water, there was a high level of excitement in wanting to view and feel its much-treasured cargo.

By mid-afternoon Betsy had re-entered the water and was now at the Abyss, and had descended to place itself out of the various eddies, that were continually in motion. Slowly and carefully it started the motion of mapping out the base beneath the sediment, from within the cavern the team watched the monitors as the computer deciphered the information then displayed the data in colour in a three-dimensional image onto the monitor.

Peter had arrived, he had been looking forward to viewing the results, and slowly as the picture immerged before them they could see there was a mass of bones all from various Dinosaurs that had walked the earth millions of years earlier. Within the software was a programme that enabled it to identify all known bones that had been programmed into its database? Each identified bone was represented by a colour allocated to a particular Dinosaur or known animal, human included.

After its second full pass the information displayed had been check then confirmed as accurate. The team looked across to Peter he had asked to be informed if there were any human remains discovered; the probe had displayed seven Adult remains, all males. There were a further eighteen females all never reaching their adulthood, and to their horror approximately one hundred and two children, none over the age of four years.

The information indicated that at one time before this area had become flooded, that it was possibly used as a Holy site for human sacrifice. There was one further worrying piece of information, early human bone structures especially on the skull were shaped differently to modern day humans, the computer indicated there was one female from her size, and only in her early teenage years.

From her bone structure, it was felt that she was from our time period, Peter bit his lower lip and placing his hand to his face as he lowered his head. As Joshua looked across to him he could see a tear in his eye, he had heard from his work friends that Bill had lost his daughter and that to date she had not been found. The group was not aware that Peter had felt certain that her remains were to have been found there, it was an accurate guess on Joshua’s part, although he had kept his thoughts to himself.

Peter made a copy from the printout before asking the team to see if they could identify any bones of particular value. When he had left them, the team could see he was upset, it disturbed them to see him like this, as he was normally such a positive character who rarely ever let anything get him down. Later in the evening as he laid on his bed Christine could see that he was troubled, normally he would talk anything over with her, but this time he seemed to be holding it inside him. As his wife sat on the bed he swung his feet sideways and sat up, and placing his arms around her shoulders he hugged her then rested his head on the back of her shoulders.

Quietly he whispered into her ear, “I can’t talk here in case little ears hear us, do you think we could go for a walk, that’s if you feel up to it?” Christine smiled as she placed her hand on his arm; “Do you know a walk would be really nice.” Said Christine, they spoke to security just letting them know what they were doing; Christine like any parent was concerned for her child’s safety, but knew with the security team constantly with them that she would be in safe hands.

As they walked passed the Keepers Cottage, Jason looked up from his kennel to greet them, within a few minutes they were walking hand in hand slowly along the Coastal Path. From there one could see spectacular views, the sun was starting to sink low into the western sky, they knew it would be dark soon, so they made their way over to a large rocky formation that formed a sort of large table top. From there they sat side-by-side talking.

Peter explained what the computer had shown, and expressed his fears that it might be Amander’s remains. Christine had realised the problems involved of the situation, knowing that if it did eventually prove to be the child, that the Peterson’s would possibly take the news very badly. Also, there was even Amander herself to think of, Peter had explained before to his wife that he felt sure from listening to her conversations that she had not realised her death.

He was unsure just how it would affect her; she had shown that she is capable of violent reactions; Matthew and Nathaniel had been severely rebuked by her when they had called her a ghost. Adam had seen and felt her temper when she had attacked him in defence of Christine and Elaine.

Having died so young she was far from mature enough to handle such emotions. As the sun slowly disappeared looking as if a hungry Sea had swallowed it up, it was going to be a clear night with the moon soon to show its full brilliance, as it reflected the light from the sun back towards the earth. It was decided to wait until further action had been taken, Christine had expressed that it would be wiser to wait until it was established that it was possible to retrieve the body.

Or in any way discover its identity, until then, it would not be wise to stir up emotions, together they walked back into the lighthouse.

Adam had decided if he did not act soon then it would be too late, he still had the Volvo Estate, which he had driven to Weymouth. To his surprise he noticed there were various warning posters in place giving details to the public about what to do should they see the man whose picture was on display. He stopped outside the library, and then went in to use their toilet, later he made his way along the high street to see if he could recognise anyone, he had come prepared if necessary for a long stay.

During his last stay in Weymouth, he had managed to gather a certain amount of intelligence, which he knew he could still use. He wanted to abduct Wendy, such was the value that he put on her knowledge, that he was prepared to risk been caught. With the small amount, he had stolen from the American tourists, and taken from the three prostitutes, he would be able to live for perhaps a year. There was not a chance of working again, not while nearly every intelligence agency in the land was looking for him.

It had come to close at Bray in been caught, and he never wanted to face imprisonment again, he had settled it within his mind that he would rather die, than been taken alive and have to face imprisonment.

He was unsure exactly of Wendy’s shopping habits, yet he felt that if he could keep himself unrecognised then it was just possible that he may get to see Wendy window-shopping. It was a long shot, and he knew that, but he could not think of any other way of reaching her.

Had she lived within the area for over a year then it would be possible that he could have found her details from the electoral role. It was not until the fifth day, before he had the break that he had been looking for. Wendy had come into Weymouth with friends, to spend a long-earned day, either on the beach or window-shopping. At first, she had walked past Adam, and literally within a few feet of him, without him realising who she was.

It was only after she had passed him, that it dawned on him, she had looked like Wendy, so from a distance he decided to follow her. There were five people in her group, two women and three men, Adam had not realised that the other female was actually her partner. After some two hours of window-shopping, they had made there way down to the Wharf to find a pub, where they could sit outside to have a meal.

Adam quietly bid his time, he had increased his weight by some four stone grown a beard and took to wearing a hat. He was tired, the increase in weight had taken its toll on him, his gum and teeth problem had not cured, although fortunately it had mercifully stabilised, but was none the less unpleasant to look at and made it agonisingly painful for him to eat.

That was partially why he had grown such a full beard, as it gave the impression that he was many years older, and looked as if he had been an old fisherman. He had managed to find an empty table outside the building, when the group came out it was to his surprise that they sat around the next table to him.

Their conversation was far from low keyed, although not in any way classed as been loud, and been so close he was able to fully hear their various conversations. He had not realised it was a waitress served pub and was taken back when five salad meals were brought out along with a couple of bottles of wine.

As the waitress was about to go back into the building, Adam reached out and caught her arm; he asked if she could bring him out a cold beer. He would have desperately of liked to of had a full meal but since his teeth had deteriorated so suddenly, he had been forced to take those pre-made liquid meals, that were used for building people’s strength.

In truth, he hated them and often longed for a juicy steak or a lobster, anything other than the same boring diet he now was forced to live with. He was surprised to hear that Peter was due to take his family back to Burnham, he had not been aware that they even had any property in that area. Quietly he sat drinking his cold beer pretending to enjoy the sun and to watch the fishermen as they were unloading their various catches. It was interesting; as often people would congregate around a particular boat to purchase freshly caught fish, caught that very day.

After an hour or so the group got up and decided to part their various ways, as the women wanted to continue with some more window shopping, the men had wanted to lay on the beach and sleep off the wine and meal. It was another boring long three hours before the women had made their way into one of the old houses that over looked the beach. Adam was about to follow when he realised, this was there home, as Wendy held on to the various packages, her partner fumbled in her bag and produced a key.

She quickly unlocked the door then they both made their way into the building, Adam walked away extremely pleased with himself, it had been a long hot and very tiring day. “So now I have got you,” he thought to himself, it was during the early hours of the morning that he had made his way back to Wendy’s house.

He had checked to see if he could leave his car to the rear of the building, as he had not wanted to draw attention to himself. It was Beverly who woke first to see a hooded man standing in their bedroom, she had given a low scream at the fright that he had given her. When she saw that he was carrying a gun, she thought better of trying to defend herself, her actions had woken Wendy, it had taken her a few seconds to realise just what was happening.

Adam had himself been taken by a moment’s surprise, he had not realised up until that very point in time that Wendy had a female partner. Quietly he ordered Wendy to get dressed, at first, she had not wanted to comply, until he fired a shot into Beverly’s shoulder. The force of the impact instantly shattered her bone and threw her backwards. Blood had splattered her face and body, and had already stained the silk sheets, the room was still partially dark and Adam was unsure if he had wounded or killed her.

He was just about to fire another shot when he heard a noise from one of the adjoining rooms, he had not realised it, but Wendy had been forced to share her home with other employees, to have enabled her to offset the price of the mortgage.

What Adam had originally wanted, was to have avoided as much noise and commotion as possible, quickly he told Wendy to inform whosoever it was that everything was OK, if not then he would be forced to kill everyone in the house. Wendy quickly got out of her bed pulling the blood-stained sheet to wrap around her, but Adam gave it a violent tug forcing it from her hands and exposing her naked body.

As one of the men who had been with her earlier that day came to the door Wendy partially opened it and apologised for the noise, asking if he had also heard that car backfiring.

After some seconds and a few politer words everything was back too normal, at least it had looked that way. Adam had become sexually aroused, it was the combination of having just killed someone and with seeing Wendy standing there before him. Had there have been no one else within the building he would have indulged into his fantasy, as it was he realised that it greatly increased the risk of him been caught.

He grasped Wendy by her hair and forced her head down to his groin, he held the gun literally against her head “Make sure I bloody enjoy it bitch or that will be the last thing you ever see, and don’t even think of calling out.

She flinched as he twisted his wrist almost forcing chunks of hair to pull out and into his hand. Slowly Wendy undid his zip trying to think of any way that she could escape or incapacitate her captor, as the Zip finally would go no further there bulging before her face was his erect penis. The stench from his sweaty unwashed groin was almost obnoxious; it was evident that personal hygiene was not one of his stronger points.

She closed her eyes visualising her teeth sinking into it and ripping it right off. Just then there was a noise again from one of the adjoining rooms, Adam pushed Wendy away “you were lucky this time bitch, but then there will be plenty of time later.” Unknown to Adam Beverly had been playing dead, she had realised to save her partner it was better to allow Adam to think her dead, giving her an opportunity of calling for help the moment he had left the building.

Quickly Wendy pulled on some clothing reached over and picked up her handbag and whatever else she could find, Adam grabbed her wrist twisting it violently “What’s in the bag bitch?” He seemed to enjoy tormenting her and calling her by that name. “Just my glasses and some personal items” she said, he pulled it from her and looked inside. Taking out her mobile ’Phone and throwing it on the bed, “you won’t be needing this” he then handed the bag and the rest of its contents back to her, and pulled her to her feet.

Quietly he partially opened her bedroom door and looked to see if everything was safe for him to leave, as there was no sign of anyone he quickly pulled at her arm forcing her to follow him. They made there way down the stairs and out through the back door, Wendy could see someone had left the kitchen window open because of the heat, and had forgotten to shut it. She was even more annoyed when she realised it was in fact her who had opened it.

Adam forced her into the driver’s side of his car, and made her make her way across the seat into the passenger’s chair. Beverly had managed to stand up, her shoulder was bleeding badly and she had lost a lot of blood. It took her some seconds to stabilise herself as the room felt as if it was moving; she fell against a bedroom door forcing it open and slumped onto the floor. By the time an ambulance and the Police had arrived Adam was already on his way through the village of Abbotsbury in Dorset, and making his way along the back roads toward Bridport.

There he had rented himself a small cottage with its nearest neighbour been some two miles or more away. He had told the letting agency that he was an Author and was writing a book, he had wanted the isolation to enable him the privacy that he had wanted. Once safely within the confines of his home, he relaxed, his urge for violence and sex had ceased. In truth, he was tired and needed very much to sleep. After having secured Wendy firmly to one of the armchairs that was within the house Adam sat down.

Wendy could see a black fluid that was seeping from his mouth as he had closed his eyes trying to sleep. He was no longer able to go any real length of time without resting, it was as if another presence from within him was slowly growing and in its process draining his very life essence. At first it had disturbed him deeply, he had noticed only the other day when picking up some broken glass that he had cut himself. To his amazement the wound had healed itself within a few minutes yet inwardly he felt dreadful and was unable to explain as to why, yet his gums and teeth refused to heal.

By next morning, he had awoken feeling more rested, then he had undone Wendy’s binding and led her to the kitchen table; before her were the ’photos of Elaine as she had been playing by the Lighthouse, next to that was his drawing of the child who she had been playing with. Wendy was not even aware of Amander, so she was in shock when he demanded to know how she had developed such an advanced bio-robotic machine and that he wanted to sell on the blue prints.

Although Wendy was confused she was wise enough to play along, and explaining that without her glasses she was unable to clearly see to write. Adam went over to the chair and found her bag on the floor, next to where he had tied her for the night. After some minutes Wendy had put on the viewing glasses and had asked for paper, a pen and a pencil along with an eraser and a set of drawing tools. Adam had foreseen her request, she was amazed when he led her into one of the adjoining rooms, and within it was a fully equipped studio, even including a desktop computer connected to the internet. He forced her to sit and held a gun to her head demanding that she access her files and down load the blue prints.

Unknown to Adam the moment that she had put on the spectacle’s it had activated the newly designed viewing device, which she had been working on with Beverly and Joshua. Within seconds she had been in contact with Alex, she only wished that they had thought of including into the design, a satellite-tracking device, at least now she never felt quite so scared and alone. Alex had informed her that Beverly was alive, she had lost a lot of blood and had it been a few minutes longer before the ambulance had appeared, she may well have never recovered.

Peter had been informed and was on his way into the office. Before long when he had arrived, he explained to a confused Wendy that the device she was wearing had enabled them to hear Adams voice and his demands, and that they were aware of his requests.

Peter went on to explain about the so-called Bio-robotic device, which Adam was referring to, was actually something else that he had been working on, and he had asked if there were any Blue prints that she could access, which would give the impression of the workings of any robotic device.

Wendy had lifted her head up and down to indicate yes; as she was accessing the blue prints via Adams laptop computer, the connection was suddenly cut off. “Dam” she said quickly, “the bastards have cut me off. I hate that Peter, he always thinks he so bloody right, and as for that obnoxious little brat of his, she’s the most spoilt bloody kid that I’ve ever known.”

Adam was taken aback by the sudden outburst; she had acted so well that even Peter flinched while listening in and viewing everything that she looked at. “Do you know that bastard, won’t even give me royalties on my own invention.” she threw the computer mouse onto the table.

Then looking across to Adam she continued, “I’m sorry, I guess you’re the last person interested in how much I hate that bastard, couldn’t you have chosen somewhere further away that bloody Bridport, I hate the miserable mean old sod.”

Adam was literally so taken back that he went to pick up a mug of coffee and knocked it over. “Dam that bloody man,” he shouted, “It’s nice to find someone else who hates him as much as I do.” Said Wendy, praying quietly that he would not guess it was all an act. “Do you know I even tried to leave, until he had me called into his office and waved a penalty clause in front of my face? Do you know he could have bloody bankrupt me and had rights on anything I made or invented within the next ten years?”

Adam was not sure if he had found himself an ally, “what do you mean he’s cut you off?” Wendy paused for a few seconds, breathing in deeply then spoke. “He has cancelled out my access code, but don’t worry I have a back door that I can get into the system with. If we are lucky I can access some more, before they realise I am even in the system. It’s your computer may I try?”

Adam looked on, he was quiet for some seconds trying to take everything in, Wendy knew that her team back on Portland were watching and listening in on her every move. “Ok go ahead but remember I’m watching you, this had better not be a trick, I won’t think twice about killing you.”

Wendy knew she had to play him along, at least she had brought herself some time and had been able to let Peter and the others know she was somewhere in Bridport. Quietly she tapped away at the keyboard with Adam watching every letter that she typed, after some minutes she had gained access to one of the information sites. It was something that she and Beverly had been working on, it was far from complete, yet still contained enough data to give her some more time to think.

After some minutes, her access had been barred, “dam that bastard, dam him.” Adam could see for himself she had accessed a mass of technical data and had even managed to save some to disk, and had started to print various Blue Prints on the workings of her early research into robotics.

Wendy thought it was a fare gamble that Adam would have little to know knowledge on the subject, and if she kept it technical enough without embarrassing him, that she could buy herself some more time. Praying that the law or her security team would find her, before Adam took it into his head to want more from her than just information.

Peter had informed the police that Wendy had made contact, and that she had indicated that she was been kept somewhere within Bridport, one of the officers had come to the Head Office to see for herself how she was managing to keep in full communication with them.

Without Adam having realised what was happening, she was suitably impressed with the quality of the picture and audio that was been displayed on the computer screen. When she had established that it was possible to hold a two-way conversation with Wendy, she introduced herself and asked if she could try to convey to them any more information as to where she was been held captive.

Wendy heard her request, then without speaking directly, she shook her head indicating yes, Adam had gone back into the kitchen having first unplugged the modem to ensure Wendy could not talk any further with anyone on his ’Phone or by using his computer. Wendy had got up from the table and walked into the kitchen, “would you like me to make us something to eat?”

Adam put down the mug and turned around, “I can’t bloody eat, not since this happened to my teeth.” He opened his mouth close to her face and breathed out. The stench and the site of the black fluid took Wendy back; his gums were becoming septic and bleeding. “I’ve seen this before,” said a little voice in her ear. “It was while I was in Thailand, it’s caused by a grub that burrows its way into the roof of your mouth and quite happily lives there. What you’re seeing is the mouths reaction to it urine,”

Wendy flinched. “Ouch that must hurt, I’ve seen this before when I was with the army, and one of our soldiers had taken vacation in Thailand and had contracted something almost identical to that.” She was playing for time; Adam looked at her “You’re not having me on are you?”

As she was talking information was been continually fed to her via the glasses that she was wearing, “No honestly, it’s caused by a group of grubs, if you have ever been in Thailand then it’s almost certainly that is what it is.” Adam had no way of knowing if she had known of his Thai connection, “How did they treat it?” he asked, the information had already been given to her. “By an operation, and a course of very powerful Antibiotics, it’s the only way of fully getting rid of the grubs, as they lay eggs and they in turn lay eggs until eventually the host dies.”

She had hoped that the information would not scare him, you would not even need to be put to sleep, you could stay awake all the time and watch”. “I have an old army friend who was a surgeon, the last time I spoke with her she was living in Chickeral near Weymouth. I’m sure she could operate on you.” She paused for a few seconds and then looked towards his hands. “With that gun in your hands there is no way she could harm you.”

The security team who was listening in was unsure if she was telling the truth, “do you really know someone?” came the question, Wendy shock her head sideways, she was playing for time hoping to get Adam to give away his location. “And how do you intend getting me to this doctor friend of yours, without her telling the police where I am”. He lashed out catching the side of her face, the team listening in, had all flinched at the sight and sound of his hand, as it came into contact with her face.

Wendy pulled herself up and faced him directly in the eye; “If you ever hit me again, I swear you will have to kill me before I give you any further information on my discovery”. She had taken a considerable chance in standing up to him like that, “now if you really hate this bastard Peter as much as I do, then you will want to get your own back at him. I think I may just know a way of doing it.”

He was about to hit her again when she grabbed his arm, “you do and I swear now, you will have to kill me, I meant what I said.” She was banking on him wanting the Blue Print of the bio-robotic machine. Adam stared at her, he needed the money that this could bring him, and he had already even managed to line up a couple of very interested parties. He lowered his hand and looked her straight into the eye, “You’re a spunky little bitch, and I like that in a person.” He said.

She was unsure if he had just paid her a complement, quickly playing for time she continued with what she had wanted to say. “Peter is due to take his family to a home he has in West Burnham in Somerset, there will not be so much security there. He will have the child with him; from there I could remotely activate her and order her to come directly to me. If you like I could even show you how to do it, and you could work the controls to ensure I don’t try anything stupid, although I assure you I won’t.”

He had overheard her talking about the said visit to Burnham and therefore believed her, “how do I know you’re not setting me up for some kind of trap?” Wendy lifted her arms into the air as if perplexed, “you’re so bloody paranoid, I’ve never met a man like you, and how the bloody hell am I going to let them know where I am. Hell I got lost the moment you turned off the main road just before Charmouth, up till then I at least had some idea where I was, now were in some bloody remote cottage miles from anywhere and your worried I will warn him. What the bloody hell am I suppose to do, light a fire and send smoke signals?”

That remark brought a smile to his face, “God you’re feisty, and I bet that bloody Peter loved working with you.” “That bastard could not stand me, everyone else bloody bowed down to him, yes, your royal highness, let me wipe your backside your royal highness, they bloody made me sick. Do you know I caught him once, I walked into his home, his family were away at Burnham, and I had to go there to pick up some Blue Prints? Anyway, I walked into his bedroom and there he was trying on his wives’ knickers, honestly now I’m not pulling your leg, God you should have seen him. He was furious with me”

Poor Peter back at the head office had turned red with embarrassment, as everyone turned around to look at him. “No honestly that’s not true,” he said, “she is just saying that to win him over.” Wendy continued, “Anyway he threatened me, that if ever I told anyone, that he would have me killed.” Adam had wanted to believe her, he actually found himself liking this person who he had so violently kidnapped.

“Listen I’m ’sorry, it was wrong of me to have hit you.” He paused for some seconds thinking what to say next. “As long as you behave yourself, it won’t happen again.” Wendy looked him in the eye in a less threatening manner, “listen mate, I’ll forgive you if you promise me one thing.” Adam looked at her wondering what she was about to say, “That’s if you promise to kill that bastard and that bloody little brat of a daughter, deal” she extended her hand and looked back right into his eyes. He looked at her for some seconds, “right you have a deal,” rather than take her hand he lifted his arm and slapped her hand in a downward motion.

“Right how do you propose that we can get this doctor friend of yours to help me?” She looked up at him, “in truth mate I haven’t the faintest bloody idea, but I’m dam sure we can think of something between us. Why not wait until you’ve got rid of Peter and that little brat, and then think of some way of getting help, hell it will only be another two days before he takes them to Burnham, if your going to kill him you will have to work fast.”

Adam was attracted at the idea, he could think of nothing more pleasing than killing his daughter while making Peter watch, “I know, I’ll rape the little bitch while daddy watches” he thought to himself. “Listen mate, I know you can’t eat, but would you mind if I made myself something, I’ll liquidise something up for you as well if you want?” Adam looked at her, “go ahead, but nothing for me.”

Unknown to him, Wendy had managed to let the police know in some more detail as to approximately where she was, sadly it was still not enough to guide them to the door. Peter spoke, “Wendy listen the battery life of your unit will only last for another five hours tops, try not to wear them unless you have to, and that will keep them working for when you need it the most. If possible try to get him into Burnham by tomorrow, and that way we can be waiting for him.”

Wendy understood, she took off the spectacles and folded them placing them in her shirt pocket. “Listen mate, what shall I call you, I can’t go on saying mate all the time, and it doesn’t sound right?” Adam looked across as he put his mug of cold coffee down, “Adam”; that was all he said, he just sat there watching her prepare a meal of beans on toast.

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