Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Eighteen.

Peter had taken his family to Weymouth, but had not left them at the rented house, he took them to Brien’s and Kate’s home, having explained briefly what the trouble was and that there were police close by to watch over them. He had not informed them there was this madman loose who was looking to kidnap a dead child, who he mistakenly thought was some type of Bio-robotic android. In truth he could hardly believe it himself, let alone expect anyone else to understand.

Bill had promised to keep the Lighthouse secure, and had even contacted an old friend who had been promoted to Taunton’s head Office. He ensured that Peter in turn got all the assistance needed, anyway there was a national alert out looking for Adam, as he was classed as been highly dangerous and wanted for multiple murders.

It had been decided that as long as he had Wendy hostage, that they would do everything within their power to ensure she was save before they made their move. What they had not bargained on was Adam getting to Weymouth before them; he had taken Wendy that very night, having firstly tied her wrists behind her as a precaution. He had driven his car up to one of the neighbour’s houses and walked in as casually as if he owned the house and taken them hostage.

Wendy had been unable to warn any one, it was not until the next morning when she awoke that she managed to convince Adam to untie her and let her go to the toilet. As she walked into the bathroom she took her spectacles from her top pocket and put them on. Unknown to her Peter had already arrived and was just driving back from Brean, having dropped off his family.

Alex only just managed to warn him as he was driving his car up outside the house. Wendy heard Adam’s footsteps and quickly took of the glasses and placed them back in her pocket.

Adam walked straight into the room and caught her sitting on the lavatory, “Hurry up Peter has just arrived,” he said. Unknown to him the people he had observed earlier on, going in and out of one of the houses across the road, was in fact plain clothed police along with the CID from Bridgwater. As it was they were particularly looking forward to meeting this nasty character, as he had left three dead bodies the last time he had been in that area.

Alex had managed to ’Phone through the warning at least allowing the police some notice of what was about to happen. As Peter got out of his car Adam appeared from the house next door with a gun held to the owner’s head. He had tied Wendy’s hands and forced her to come outside with him. Peter looked on horrified at the site before him, to keep up the charade he looked at Wendy. “Your Bloody fired you bitch, I warned you I would break you if you ever tried to cross me.”

Adam laughed, “I think she is far from worried about that, after I’ve finished with you she will be as free as a bird.” He hadn’t realised it but he had been taken in and had rather grown to like her, quickly he undid her binding and told her to open the driver’s door of Peter’s car, and to get in. Adam held the gun to the other woman’s head. “Now unless you do as I tell you this woman will die, then you straight afterwards.”

Peter had no doubt that he meant every word that he spoke. He walked over to the passenger side and sat in the front seat, Adam walked the hostage over to the car and opened the rear door, as he sat inside he pushed her away. “Right drive quick, before we are seen,” as the car started to move, he leant his arm from the window and fired one shot into the woman’s head. “Now drive or you will be next,”

Wendy and Peter felt like crying inside for the person, who lay lifeless on the road. Wendy never really knew where she was, and by pure chance she had turned the car in the direction of Bream. “Where do you want me to take him?” asked Wendy, “I hope it’s somewhere where I can bloody watch him beg for mercy?” Adam smiled, “you’ll get your wish little lady, don’t you worry.”

Peter was scared that they might just by chance go past Brien’s home, as it was not that far from where they now were. As they drove past his home Peter was thankful there was no sign of them, then to his horror there before them was a group of horse riders. He knew immediately who they were, as they passed Elaine shouted, “Oh its daddy’s car,”

Adam had heard her and shouted at Wendy to stop the car, Peter screamed out trying to warn his child, within seconds there was a shot fired and he slumped forward. Adam quickly got out of the car, but by then the children were racing away across the sand dunes and towards the beach.

Wendy saw her chance and drove away quickly leaving Adam cursing; she could see him in the rear-view mirror. Adam turned and made his way towards the sand dunes, at that moment a motor cyclist had appeared, Adam stood in the middle of the road waving frantically causing the rider to stop. At gunpoint Adam ordered him off the bike, and quickly he mounted and headed for the dunes, he was so furious he had not even thought of killing the bikes owner.

Within minutes he could see the riders in the distance, but then suddenly before him he could see Peter and Amander walking along the beach. When they turned and saw him they had started running, and without thinking he quickly followed, he was so furious he was not thinking clearly. All he wanted now was to kill Peter and this time making sure he stayed dead, Amander had let Peter’s hand go, and had turned to face Adam as he powered his bike towards her.

He was still under the impression that Amander was some type of advanced Robot, Adam had not wanted to destroy her, and he tried swerving and found himself sliding along the wet sand. As the bike came to a halt there some two hundred yards away he could see Peter and Amander blocked by the incoming tide, he looked around him and found his handgun. Picking it up he hurried along the sand, and running faster as he approached them, knowing that they were trapped with nowhere else to hide.

It was then when he stopped that he realised he was himself trapped, as he hadn’t noticed at first, but the sand was becoming softer by each step. Now that he stood still he had already sunk up to his knees, and frantically he tried twisting only to find it increased the rate with which he sank. Peter and Amander walked up to him, they were somehow unaffected by the quick sand, it was only then that Adam realised that they were both ghosts.

As they laughed at him, they took great pleasure in walking right through him. He was desperate, the water was rising, and it had already gone from a few inches to about a foot in depth. Peter came and sat next to him just out of his arms reach, Amander had gone back to check on her friend Elaine.

“Do you know something?” Peter asked him, “This area is famous for its quick sand, in some parts it can swallow a car in seconds, but in other area’s like this, a man of your weight will most probably only sink up to his chest. I don’t know if you understand this, but your about three quarters of a mile out from the beach, no one will hear you shouting from there. As for the locals, they all know this part of the beach is treacherous and never come anywhere near it.”

By now Adam was trapped up to his chest his arms were extended outwards trying to keep his head above the water. “Oh, don’t worry about that, the water never gets much higher, unless there is a high tide, or a storm. You will probably be here for years before anyone ever finds you, even then they may never.”

He stopped himself and stood up, the motorbike had already disappeared into the quick sand, he looked at Adam laughed and walked away. Adam shouted furiously saying “I’ll see you in hell.” Peter stopped and walked back towards him, and then took the gun from his hand. Allow me to demonstrate, he aimed the gun directly at his face and pulled the trigger. There was a flash of light and a deadening sound, strangely to Adam it was like looking at everything in slow motion, he could of swore he saw the bullet as it left the gun, just seconds before it hit his face.

He felt the pain as the bullet passed straight through the skull, then blinking his eyes he could feel the wound starting to heal itself. It was then that he remembered the time when he had cut his hand on the broken glass, and had watched in amazement as the wound healed almost magically. “You have picked up a visitor,” said Peter, “you remember that time when you looked into hell itself, well it was there that one of its occupants used you as a vessel to escape.” Peter smiled as he watched the terror in Adams eyes; “Now believe me, when I tell you it would rather stay here with you in this sandy grave, even until eternity, than spend a single day more from where it came.”

Already the water was just starting to reach Adams head. “Oh, in case your wondering how on earth I know this, in truth I’m not sure, its almost as if, once a person passes to the other side, they can see the past and future as if it was here and now, almost like all knowing.”

At that Peter dropped the gun and went to walk away, he stopped and turned around. “I have just seen into your future, you are to never be found, each and every day the crabs and fishes along with worms, they will eat away at your body, the birds will land on your head and peck out your eyes. But by the next morning you will have healed only to face it continuously all over again and again, and again”.

At that he walked away. Back at Brien’s house the police were confused, Wendy’s car had been pulled over by a plain clothed detective, she had explained what had happened and had been taken to Brien’s house. An ambulance had been called for Peter but he was already dead, Christine and Elaine were crying.

Peter walked up to Amander and took her hand, she looked up at him. “I’m dead aren’t I”? Peter smiled but held her hand firmly, “Yes my love, do you want to see where your body is, or would you rather put it out of your mind.” Amander folded her lower lip into her mouth, “If it’s alright with you, I would rather stay here?” “What at Brien’s house” asked Peter? “No, I mean with you, I am not scared anymore and I know you will look after me.” Replied Amander.

Peter smiled, yet he could feel himself been drawn towards a bright light that had materialized above them. “Have you ever wanted to look what’s behind that light”? He asked Amander, she looked at it and for a brief second, and he could see that she was almost afraid, but then she drew strength from Peter been by her side. “Yes, but I don’t know what it is, and it has kind of scared me, whenever I saw it in the past.” Peter kept hold of her hand and then he asked her a question. “Shall we look together, and if we want I’m sure we can come back to see everyone any time that we want to return.”

Gently he led her towards the light, they could both feel its power as it drew them closer by every step. Just before Peter led her through, he turned to say goodbye to his loved ones, knowing now that they would have to live their life without him, but none the less they were well cared for. Looking back at Amander she smiled, and then asked him a question. “You don’t really wear your wives’ knickers, do you?” at that she laughed at the look on his face. “No…” then they both passed through to the other side.

The End

Book Two to Follow.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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