Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Sixteen.

Adam had become depressed, he was also extremely angry with himself, as he was sure it must have been something that he had done to draw the police to him. It had been over a week since he had been forced to leave his apartment, he had lost virtually everything; it also meant that they would have found the various passports that he had acquired in his efforts to return into the UK. It was annoying him as he hated leaving such loose ends, he had been sure that every action that he had taken had been thought through, ensuring he took whatever precautions needed to avoid been detected.

He narrowed it down to possibly been his ’Phone call to Harlow or to the man who had knocked on his door doing market research, but if that was the case how was he recognised. He knew with the wigs and makeup his change of appearance would have fooled his own mother, and that brought it down to Mrs Harlow Fairfax. But she had been so dotty that he was convinced it could not have been her. “The stupid old biddy did not even know what day it was.”

The more he tried to fathom out how, the worst it seemed to dig deeper into his soul, until he could feel another presence within him as it began to take control willing him to kill some one. Anyone it didn’t matter who, this presence just lusted after death, it seemed to revel in it wanting its very presence all around it until his body soul and mind were so immersed that it had taken full and total control.

Adam had to force himself to stop thinking like that, it had scared him, it was then that he realised he must have left himself open to some form of demonic possession.

He could only think it must have happened that time when the doctor had left in a semi dead state where he was neither in one world or the other, but trapped within a dimension that was usually sealed off to the likes of mankind. For some time, he sat on his sofa bed with his hands supporting his head, he had his head bowed with his eyes closed. “Shit, shit, shit, why the bloody hell has this happened to me?” he asked himself, it was the next day when he was awoken by the sound of a jet travelling over the block of bed sits.

He was lying on the floor and had no memory of what had happened or of why he slept on the floor and not the bed. His mouth tasted vile and when he looked in the mirror, for his morning shave there were black stains around his lips, as he opened his mouth he could see his tongue was heavily stained, and that the gums around all his teeth had been bleeding.

It also hurt to clean his teeth even more so when he swilled his mouth with Listerine mouthwash, it usually made him judder a little, just from the taste. But this time it actually burned deeply into his mouth, as he spat it out he could see blood mixed with a foul tasting black fluid. “What the bloody hell?” he thought to himself, he knew he could not go to the hospital as it would mean they could trace him through his national Insurance number.

His only hope was to attend one of the local doctor’s surgeries on the pretence that he was on holiday. After some thought he decided it would be wiser to visit doctors away from Bridgwater, he wasn’t sure how they had traced him to Bray, but he knew he could not afford to have them do that again.

He boarded a train at Bridgwater and got off at Slough, from there he boarded a train for Windsor. It was only a short journey of a few minutes from Slough, once in Windsor he walked around the area taking in the local tourist sites including the famous castle.

After about an hour he made his way to one of the local surgeries and asked if he could talk with a doctor. After waiting some twenty minutes he managed to get in to see a Dr Hanson, his visit was basically a wasted journey, as the doctor had never seen anything like it before.

Once he learnt that Adam had been abroad and had travelled from Thailand, India, Iraq, so on, he seemed most concerned, and he had suggested that he took himself back to Slough, and asked to see a Mr Hamilton. He explained that he specialised in tropical diseases, having assured him that if he were to hand in this note that he was writing, that someone would see him that day.

As Adam left the surgery he was depressed, whatever it was that he had it had scared the doctor, he could tell by the way the man had reacted and insisted that he take himself to Wexham Park Hospital. He could feel this presence whelming up within him again, as he walked the streets he found himself looking at people, and thinking how he could kill them.

It was an elderly couple from the USA who eventually caught his eye, as they had walked past, he could see that he had an Oyster Rolex on his wrist and who he assumed was his wife was virtually dripping in Diamonds and Gold.

He turned quickly around and followed them at a discrete distance, and they eventually went for a walk around the castle, Adam decided to follow, and after some twenty minutes he heard his wife say she wanted to see the queens doll collection.

As they made their way through the various corridors, Adam was beginning to think they were never going to be alone, it was only then that he suddenly realised there was no one else anywhere in view. He knew if he were to act quickly that this window of opportunity would not last for long. Walking up behind the lady he put his arm around her shoulders and held a knife to her neck. “One word, just one and I’ll slit her neck.” The husband could see from the look in his eyes that he meant exactly what he said, just a few yards along was a door indicating that there was a disabled toilet designed to take a wheelchair.

Quickly he led the two into the small room then told them to strip, and if they so much as uttered a word they would both die. Once they had complied, he went through their pockets and her handbag, and removing everything of value.

He was about to leave them when he could feel this desire within him willing him to kill them, as he left the cubical he closed the door then using the blade of his knife he turned the lock indicating that it was in use. It was not until some hours later when the castle was being locked up that it was discovered there were two bodies found in one of the disabled toilets.

Adam had made his way back towards Reading having first pawned the Rolex for a third of its true value, the gold had netted him just over Three Hundred pounds. The Diamonds were of a high quality, none the less by selling everything to a back-street trader it kept his identity, and a low profile.

At the end of the day he had netted just over Eight Hundred pounds in cash and by selling the various other items he had made a total of Two thousand and thirty pounds. He was about to board the train from Slough when he stopped himself, he was chewing something over in his mind, and he turned around and made his way back to Chalvey, on the outskirts of Slough

There he went back to the dealer who had purchased the various items from him, saying he had some more jewellery for sale. The broker had just made a tidy sum from him and was hoping to do the same again, this time Adam lifted his arm and put a knife straight into the mans heart.

After cleaning away the blood that had spurted onto his hands he walked away from the premises, thirty-three thousand pounds the richer, and with a vast quantity of Diamond rings, broaches and various items of Gold, including his Rolex.

Before leaving the train at Reading he had removed his wig and reversed his jacket, he was sure he had not been recognised nor seen entering or leaving the brokers shop. He was pleased with himself it had been a good and successful day, it also meant that he could once again afford to improve his living quarters.

He knew it would be relatively easy to sell the various items, as long as he didn’t try to move to many in one go, then he was confident in getting away with it. He knew of two different dealers in London who would not ask questions, he had sold to them before, and then he had got what he classed as a fare price that time. He was fully aware that the goods had needed to be sold on and that the various dealers needed to make their profit. That was what had angered him over the Chalvey broker.

He was running an illegal business anyway, none the less it had angered him to think that this Asian was taking him for a fool and making on him. He was not usually racist in any way his friend Sidequi was proof of that, it was just the snide smirk on the mans face that had grounded its way into his mind, anyway he had already killed two people that day and needed to kill another.

He knew it would be best to move on, however death had got into his blood, he had made a note of a few ’Phone numbers offering personal services. The next morning, he left the bed sit, having paid a month rent up front, he knew it would be some time before anyone realised he had gone. It was the landlord who had notified the police, he had called round to the bed-sit several times trying to catch him in.

Eventually he had let himself in with his passkey; he had not been prepared for the site that was to greet him. There lying on the bed sofa were three women each had been killed, the autopsy report was to later show that they were all asphyxiated possibly by a pillow, and before he left he had removed their hearts and then placed them on the pillow next to their severed heads.

Amander had been watching the Palaeontologists as they painstakingly chipped away at the rock surrounding the Mammoth; some came away with great ease while others were stubbornly difficult. It was a delicate and slow job, it wouldn’t do to hurry, as it had lain there for millions of years undisturbed, yet one simple slip and within seconds one could so easily have broken a bone or worst still to have destroyed an almost unreplaceable piece of our heritage.

Amander knew almost every inch of the coastline in that area, before Elaine had come onto the scene it had been difficult for her as few people ever saw her let alone wanted to talk. It had taken her some years to just learn how to move objects and to disappear and then reappear at will, when she had first seen Elaine on that day she had made her way around the point and onto her beach as Amander called it.

She had become scared, as in truth it had taken her by surprise to have suddenly seen this stranger waving at her and then making her way towards her. That is why she had disappeared, as at first, she was unsure on how to handle it, it was only when she had realised that this child’s life was in danger that she had put aside her fear.

It had not even occurred to her, that it was within her ability to draw people’s attention. Some people simply could never see her, it was fortunate for Elaine that the Welsh fisherman had seen Amander, he had originally thought it was her who was in trouble. It was only when he saw Elaine trapped and the other child back on the beach that he went to her assistance.

Amander was slightly troubled; it had occurred to her that her mother was unable to see her, and yet she always seemed to sense her presence whenever she was near her. Yet her father simply had no such reaction or feelings. It had also occurred to her that since she had known Elaine, that she had grown, and in all these years she had stayed the same. Deep within her subconscious Amander knew something was wrong, even the true answer as to why she was like this, yet she had not found her own body and was therefore confused.

It also frightened her to have such thoughts, even as a child such stories of the dead or ghosts had always disturbed her. In her eyes, they were evil and always did horrible things to people, and she knew she was not like that. “Anyway” she thought to herself, “unless I can actually see a body, then I know I’m not a ghost.”

Amander like any child had fantasised as to why she could now do things that other children couldn’t, and had imagined having somehow become trapped in a different dimension. One where people could travel simply by thought, and where if they wanted they could fly and creep up on people unseen.

Amander had been at Elaine’s when the Peterson boys had been visiting, and one day she had watched the oldest son Nathaniel as he had come out of the shower. It was so strange to see him with no clothes on, and she couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about sex, as she had thought it looked silly just dangling there.

On one occasion Amander had been walking the cliff top near the cove, a teenage couple had pulled up with their motorbike, as this was before Peter had fenced off that area.

Amander was interested and remembered that it was near here that she had first come with her boyfriend, the couple had started kissing and had been touching each other. Amander was shocked, as she had never seen people do that before, after a short while the couple had started undressing each other.

Amander had told her boyfriend no when he had wanted sex, the truth was she was scared and was embarrassed, as Amander had really had not known what to do, and had heard other girls often talk about sex while at school, they sometimes joked about how big their boyfriend’s penis was, but up until then she had never seen one.

As the couple on the cliff started kissing again Amander had seen how his penis had grown large, but even then, she could not understand what all the fuss was about. When her friends had said big, she really imagined it as big.

Amander had once seen a horse with an erect penis, and in her innocence, she had imagined a man’s must therefore be similar. When the women had started groaning she had thought he was hurting her and had picked up his helmet and hit him with it until he stopped. Amander laughed at the thought of their reaction, they had not been able to see her, just this helmet suddenly floating into the air and then crashing down three or four times against his back. They had started screaming and had got up and ran leaving everything even their clothing, it was some hours before they had come back. Even then they grabbed their clothes, and got on the bike without even dressing, and drove away.

The next time that another couple had come to that area Amander never interfered, she could still not understand why they made so much noise, in truth she had thought that they looked a bit silly and wondered why they were not cold. After that she ignored any further couples not been interested anymore, anyway soon after Peter had the area fenced off in case someone had fallen into one of the many holes.

Wendy and Beverly had both been working on the design of a new surveillance device, what they had wanted was to put together a remote viewing device small enough to hide inside the frame of a pair of spectacles. That would enable the wearer to transmit remotely back to a central unit, whatever it was that they were viewing. They were trying to increase the remote range, and to enable the user a greater freedom of use.

Modern digital technology, along with satellite access had given them a greater freedom, that was only dreamed of a few years ago, it was the constant high state of alert, that had been brought about by the families concern of Adam still having not been placed back into any form of a custodial unit.

Peter had been talking with Joshua, his optical surveillance unit had proved an outstanding success, with eleven police authorities wanting to rent units, his sales team had secured a further seventy-two orders from businesses from within the Dorset area. Due to the high demand Peter had been talking over the best way that they could produce the units, as he could foresee a national as well as international market.

Beverly had felt it would be possible to personalise the units, as the greater advancement in producing computers that could be built into a single microchip had given them the ability of reducing its size. By making a personal unit that could be worn like a pair of spectacles that would transmit the viewed images into a central unit through satellite, then receive back any information by displaying it back onto the inside of the lens.

In turn, this would enable the user to have almost instant recognition of any personnel, who were programmed into the main central unit, without drawing attention to the users. It was also possible to fit miniaturised speakers into the base of the spectacle arms enabling the user to not only have visual feedback but also audio. It was Peter’s intention that as soon as these units were tested and assembled, to have all his personnel using them while at work, for his family and himself included; and he intended to wear them all the time.

This incident with Adam had really spooked him, the police had confirmed that it was he who had been responsible for the Windsor killings, and for the three ladies found in the Bridgwater bed sit. It was feared from his behaviour that he had become so mentally unstable that it would only be a matter of time before even more bodies were to be found.

Anything that increased his chances, of having this madman caught, and placed into custody was worth the price, as he wanted him caught and put away before another life was taken.

Bill had left for work earlier than usual, as there had been some recent activity by local dealers trying to gain access to a stretch of coastline that had partially eroded due to heavy storms. A couple of children had managed to make their way to a very remote site, by camping over night then making their way to the beach whenever the tide had given them access.

They had made a chance discovery of the section of cliff that had exposed a cluster of beautiful large Ammonites and some fossilised fish. A little higher up the cliff one of the boys had unearthed a fossilised egg, it had taken them three days before they had returned home with their bounty.

To their great annoyance, their father had made them ’Phone Peter and apologise, telling them where they had been and what they had done. He had been aware that children at times accessed that stretch of beach, but as it had been relatively safe from been cut off by the tide and up until then there had only been minor and more common ammonites that were ever found there.

So, he had not officially encouraged their access, but had not prevented it. Peter had driven down from Portland to see the boys and to talk with their father, he was amazed when he realised just what they had found, then impressed when the two brothers promptly brought out detailed photographs, drawings and even measurements from where each item had been found. They were both keen amateur palaeontologists and had done a remarkably good job of recording and itemising their find.

Peter asked the father why, when he was out of work, that he had not allowed his sons to have kept or sold the items. It was to his pleasant surprise when the man explained that he had always brought up his children to be honest, and that he had no intention of changing now even if he was out of work.

The local papers had got wind of the story as Peter had allowed them to keep their find and had even put them in touch with a Japanese collector who eventually parted with a cool Twenty-four thousand pounds for all the said items.

Peter had not only allowed them to keep their find but had also given the family a personal privileged guided tour of the cavern site, and also offered the father a position of employment on the security team.

Unfortunately, his action had in one way backfired as word had soon spread with the resulting effect of having dealers and collectors trying to gain access to the site. As a result, he had been forced to place twenty four-hour security there to prevent any further destruction and theft from the site.

The young brother’s interest, had given Peter an idea, he had spoken to Bill inquiring if he would be interested in heading up a local paleontological club, to encourage keen amateurs in developing their hobby further, and to give something back to the community. It was agreed that access should also be given to the local college or the Local University. Peter agreed to offer up a one half-mile strip of Coastal land to be made available to the local club, and all Colleges or University had to become members of the club if they wanted access.

Any important finds were to remain the property of the club for the benefit of the community. Should funds be needed then after permission from Peter and Bill jointly, then certain finds could be sold with all proceeds been put back into the club and local community, and that the two brothers were to be offered a position on the ruling committee.

Peter had wanted Bill to run the club, as he knew he would soon detect any dealers trying to infiltrate for personal gain. He wanted to especially encourage the local youth in the area to become involved, after talking over the proposed plan with his wife, Alex, Bill and Mary.

It was agreed that as an incentive to those within the club, that have shown a good keen interest and have in Bills eyes followed the club rules and to have given their time into improving the club and doing something of worth for the community. That once a year the firm responsible for the cavern would adopt and finance any such individuals through college, then University on there chosen subject.

Should any wish to eventually set their sights on palaeontology, then they would be financed through college and university and be offered a position of employment on graduation, with the added bonus of been given full access to various internal sites throughout their education. Peter had asked if Bill and Mary would allow him to name it, the Amander Peterson foundation, and they were unaware of just how much this vastly growing empire was indebted to their child.

Adam was sickened by the publicity; it had made National News and had stirred some considerable interest. He had still not found a way of stealing what he thought was their advanced robotic technology.

Amander was so pleased that her name was to be used in such a way. Her visits to Elaine had increased with her very rarely leaving the Lighthouse area other than the times when she was drawn away. Unknown to her it was the full cycle of the moon that had been disturbing her.

Once a month the high tide was just strong enough to disturb the sediment at the base of the abyss, on these occasions the tidal action would also disturb the bones mass, in doing so it drew Amander’s presence back into the vast void of darkness. Until once again the mass would settle, on each occasion that her body or remains were to become further entangled and slowly work its way deeper, eventually in a given time it would become indistinguishable from the general mass.

Joshua had also been working on an improved mini submersible, which he had designed specifically for the purpose of exploring these sets of caves and tunnels. After seeing for himself the vast complex of offshoot tunnels and the abyss, he wanted to see if he could design a machine that would make its way into the flooded cavern, film and retrieve an item of choice and bring it back undamaged to its controller.

He had also wanted to send it into the abyss to measure the force of the tidal pull, and to see if it could map the base with a digitised impulse, fired from ultra sound, and to give a display of what actually lay their buried under all that sediment.

Adam happened to be walking past a gift shop in London when he spotted a working model steam engine; it had given him an idea. Over the next few hours he scurried through various shops until he found what he had been looking for, it was a Hornby locomotive limited addition. He had been searching through the Internet until he had found suitable information on bomb making. Unfortunately, although the information had been extensive it was unable to come up with what he had been looking for.

It had however given him a contact name with a far right neo-Nazi group; they had taken to him like a fly to a dead body. Within a short time, he had secured what he had wanted, 2oz of Centex high explosive. Carefully he lined the inside of the locomotive and rigged it so that it would ignite the moment the engine was activated by a small amount of electricity been passed through its motor.

He had it gift wrapped and had placed a card within saying it was from his old friends in the police force in recognition for his work with the local youth. The package made its way through parcel post and was delivered to the Keepers Cottage, Lighthouse Portland. It was Mary who had intercepted it from the postman; she had left it on the table for when Bill returned.

That evening after his meal he reached over and opened his package, on reading the card a tear trickled from his eyes, proudly he called Mary in from the kitchen to show her what his old friends had sent him. As it happened he had not fully assembled the track that he had only recently purchased, as he was building himself a model village.

Mary had encouraged him to use one of the two spare bedrooms; in there, he had most of the set laid out. Carefully he placed the engine onto a specially prepared section of track that he used for testing his locomotives, as it was he was tired and knew he was to be up early the next morning, so he left it there awaiting a test for another day. As he walked out of the room he was tempted to go back and test it, but he knew if he did that, then he would still be there in the early hours of the morning.

He paused looked back, then switched off the light, and closed the door behind him. Mary happened to walk past just at that moment. He reached out and gave her a cuddle, he could not remember how long it had been since he had felt so relaxed, he knew this was the wisest thing that they could have done, and was glad they had accepted Peter’s offer of a job when it was made.

Jason was very unsettled and he kept barking as if there was something troubling him; twice Bill had gone out to the kennel to check if everything was in order. He knew his dog and it disturbed him that he should be acting in such a manner, he was the same the next day before he left for work. He kept barking and trying to make his way into the cottage, as he was about to put him into the Rover, he slipped his noose and quickly made his way past Mary and into the cottage.

He stopped outside the bedroom door, where Bill had his train set, as Bill walked into the cottage he could see Jason sitting there growling with his ears upright and his hackles back. He immediately knew something was wrong, this was a trained police dog and he never behaved in this manner unless something was disturbing him. After trying to call him back, Jason refused to obey, he had never behaved like this before, and it was not like him to disobey an order.

For some minutes he stood there thinking, then it dawned on him, reaching over to the ’Phone he picked it up and dialled a number. After some minutes he slowly placed the receiver back in its place “Betty would you do something for me?” she looked at him, she could see he had almost turned white. “Yes…why what is it?” his hands were almost shaking. “Go next door and tell everyone to leave the building immediately, and let Peter know there is possibly a bomb in the cottage.”

Her mouth dropped, she could see he was serious, “Please Bill, don’t do anything silly, we can replace the train set and furniture.” He looked at her and smiled, “go now quickly and trust me.” He sent his wife, as he knew his only chance in retrieving Jason was to go into the room and physically remove him. Betty would not have had the strength to do that. As he was walking out of the cottage door with Jason, Peter almost bumped into him; “God Bill is that right you think you may have a bomb in there?”

Bill placed his hand on his shoulder and led him and Jason away from the building, Christine was just about to use her mobile ’Phone, fortunately Bill saw her and shouted “No” just in time. He had shouted so loud that she almost dropped it in fright, “No please do not do that, as mobile ’Phones can sometimes set off certain bombs”.

The look of horror and fear on Christine face, when she realised her action could have so easily have accidentally of killed them, had left her shaking. Bill told Peter to take everyone as far away as possible from the Lighthouse and cottage, he knew Peter had a landline phone in his kitchen, from there he informed the police of his suspicions and then left the area himself. It had taken a few hours before the bomb squad had given them the all clear, they had entered the bedroom and located the locomotive, and it was exactly where bill had said he had left it.

It was placed into a reinforced container and taken away, to Bills pleasant surprise the next day one of the Bomb squad officers returned with his locomotive. “Don’t worry sir, we have removed all traces and have even tested it just to make sure that it is safe”. He was very pleased and glad to have it back, but for some reason, never could find the courage in the future, or enthusiasm at that, to place it onto his track, let alone use it.

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