Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 14 - |Geyser| Part 2

My body tenses as the moment I feared would happen is now occurring. Quickly I think of what to say. I can’t tell her about Assan; she would never believe me. . .

“Well!” She yells, stepping forward.

I flinch to her voice, intimidated by her rage. I knew this would happen, and now it is happening. I want to tell her the truth— about Assan, the merman, the mermaids, and the war in the sea.

“I . . .” The words leave me, and suddenly, my mother yanks my wrist, gripping me tightly.

“Where were you?!”

“I ran away!” I blurt out.

To my words, my mother releases me, throwing my arm back.

I shake as fear spreads through every inch of my body. “I was scared and ran away!” I shout out as I stare at my mother.

She steps back from me and glares at me with enraged blue eyes. “Do you think me a fool?” She questions, with a mocking tone in her voice.

I lower my gaze to the floor, thinking of the next lie I can tell my mother. “I did . . .” I pause, “instead of selling my clothes, I ran away. I was too scared to face the brothels. I found this tattered dress and stayed away . . .”

Silence fills the room. I wait for my mother to respond, but she stays wordless. A soft sound comes from her lips, but before she can speak, I hear a voice call my name—a voice I’ve been waiting to hear since Assan took me.

“Elena!” I raise my gaze and see Joe standing at the edge of the narrow stairs. Tears gather at the base of his eyes, and he is wearing his white sleeping gown, which is still too small for him.

“Joe.” For once, not since I’ve seen Seidon, a tiny smile graces my lips. My little brother is alive and safe.

Without wasting time, he runs to me, colliding with my legs. He clenches the sides of my dress, latching onto me with a tight grip like a suckling babe. I embrace him, wrapping my arms around his tiny frame. In front of me, I hear deep groans rumble from my mother’s throat. I know this moment won’t last, but even so, I am glad.

Joe, you are all right, I think, as I hug him tighter. Besides my mother, Joe is the only family I have left in this world; if he leaves, then I am truly alone. Suddenly, my thoughts switch to Seidon. Still, I don’t know if he dead or alive, but I will find out.

“Elle, Elle, what happened to you? Where did you go?” Joe’s cries snap me from my thoughts. I stare down at him with a slight smile and coo his back.

“Joe—” My voice is soft.

“Enough! Joe! Go back to your room and shut the door,” my mother says, cutting my speech off.

I gasp at my mother and see her jealousy and hatred. Rage is fuming within her, showing on her crimson cheeks.

Joe lifts his face up from my dress. His features are flushed, wet from tears and dirt from the stains on my gown.

“But mama, I want to be with Elena,” Joe protests as he still clings to me.

My mother clenches her jaw and says, “Go now!” She yanks his arm, pulling him away from me.

Rage courses through me as I look at my mother. Always . . .

Joe stares at me one more time before walking away. As he walks, something on his ankles catches my attention: welts and purple flesh-covered buries circle around his skin. I study them with my eyes, wondering what could have happened. Leona, she. Joe, needs you, Seidon’s words repeat in my mind.

Joe ascends up the stairs, leaving my mother and me alone again. Anger now burning inside me, I take a step towards her.

“What happened to Joe?!” I demand an answer.

My mother scowls, but I know her, and now, behind her blue eyes is sadness. Not for me, but for Joe. She stares at me, keeping her body firm.

“You left, Elena, so I did what I had to in order to raise money for us,” she answers, nearly yelling.

I clench my hands into fists, tired of her dancing around the truth.

“What happened? Tell me the truth!”

To my surprise, my mother laughs as if she’s mocking me. “Who are you to demand answers, Elena? You abandoned us, just like that worthless father of yours. You are just like him, and I did what I needed to survive.”

To her words, my body freezes. I am just like my father . . . No, I am not. I didn’t abandon Joe; I was taken by a merman. Assan, Hass, and Terza are real, and it did happen.

I lower my gaze to the floor. My rage turns into guilt. If I never followed Seidon that day, I would be the whore I was trained for, and my family would have money; Joe would have been safe.

Overwhelming disappointment hits me as a canon striking a ship. I keep my gaze lowered, thinking about my mother’s words.

“What can I do to redeem myself?” I pause, “I want to . . .help?” I ask softly, knowing that soon my position will be sealed.

My mother remains quiet until we hear a banging at the door.

“Leona! You owe me. I have waited long enough now!” Elijah stomps into the house, slamming the door behind him. “I want my service. I paid you good money.”

I dart my eyes to Nathan and then back to my mother. A twisted smile then tugs at the corner of her lips, and she turns towards Nathan.

“How about . . . my daughter services you?” My mother suggests as she strolls towards Nathan with a confident stride.

I open my mouth agape in disbelief of her proposal. Joe is still in the house.

She circles Nathan, rubbing her fingers across his bare shoulders and brown locks.

“Are you trying to cheat me?” He questions, with anger in his tone.

“Not at all.” My mother smiles again. “Elena is capable. I have taught her all my skills for the acts of pleasure.” The last word rolls off her tongue like a temptress proud of her work.

However, my body shudders. I don’t want to do this, but I have no choice. I trained for this—to provide for my family the way my father couldn’t and to use the female form to get what I want.

“Really? How do I know you are not lying, Leona?” The man asks suspiciously.

Before turning away, my mother glances at me, with a look that signals don’t fail me, or else.

“If she is not good enough, then I will have you next, no charge, of course,” I hear my mother say.

I’d never seen my mother make deals before, but I heard rumors she knew how to consort with men, and now I see.

The man eyes me, drinking in my form. He then grips my mother’s chin, whispers in her ear, and pushes her away.

I shake, feeling helpless and alone as a stray cat left to fend for itself. The man inches his way over to me as he unbuckles his breeches. His pants descend to the floor, and underneath his white shirt that drapes down his stomach is a small bump, showing his longing.

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