Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 14 - |Geyser| Part 1

MY EYES STARE UNBELIEVING at the images before me. In the distance, wooden ships, ranging in different sizes, sway in the water. The biggest ship - the governor’s ship - has the flag of Hlynn blowing in the wind. The wind is low, crinkling the picture of the silver sea dragon that resides on the flag. As I keep looking in the distance, a thick, white haze hovers above the ground, masking the sailors on the docks. Soon, I’ll be home. Even now, I feel my eyes deceive me, like I there is an illusion before me. As the seahorse swims closer to the docks, the poor terraced housing comes into view.

The chilly night air brushes against my skin, causing me to shiver slightly. In the water, the yellow seahorse maneuvers around, heading towards the wooden rowboats that litter the docks. Once we get closer, the faint glow from a lantern on the edge of the berth shines through the fog, helping guide our way.

My heart beats wildly as we get closer to port. Thoughts swirl in my head: my mother, Joe, and my friends. The happiness I feel to be home floods through me and seeps out as tears of joy. Salty tears stream from my eyes as I recall everything that has happened to me. Even if my mother hurts me, punishes me, or hates me, I made it back alive.

The seahorse finally descends to the wooden planks before stopping suddenly in the cool liquid. I lower my gaze to the seahorse’s eyes, seeing a hint of hesitation in them. It then turns around, pointing back out to sea.

I stare at it, confused. “Do you want me to get off?” I question it, and then the seahorse bounces its head. I understand.” Slowly, I unwrap my arms from around its slimy neck and enter the water. Once I am off, the seahorse swims away, entering the fog until I no longer see it. Even as I stay in the water, a part of me fears something will grab my ankle, pulling me back into the shadowy depths, but nothing occurs; everything is silent.

I really have escaped Assan. I wonder . . . if he–

“No,” I whisper to myself. My focus should not be on Assan, and yet, buried inside of me is the worry for him.

I exhale softly, staring out into the distance of the dark ocean. Assan isn’t here, he is no longer with me, and it’s the choice I made. After the realization of my decision hints me, I quickly spin around and propel myself towards the docks. As I swim, I shake my head, trying to get the memories of Assan out of my mind. However, I feel an ache in my chest, an ache I don’t understand.

I swim through the small wooden rowboats rocking in the water until my hand touches the wood of the pier. In disbelief, I quickly crawl out of the water and cough. The water in my lungs exits my mouth, landing on the ground. Looking ahead, I see sailors leaning against the ships, drinking, talking, and gambling. Some are conversing amongst themselves, while others are talking to prostitutes. Seeing the ladies of the night remind me of the life awaiting me, but right now, I only focus on returning home. Using my strength, I lift myself up and walk slowly across the wooden planks. As I walk, I feel a prick of pain on my skin, when I remember I have no shoes on.

I sigh heavily at the thought and then start walking towards town when I decide to stop and look back at the water. Even though the moon is hovering in the sky, I can tell that it’s early morning. As I linger my gaze on the ocean, I can only wonder if Assan is alive. Why I care, I don’t even know. I think back to his touch against my skin and his lips on mine. Now that I have escaped Assan, he should be nothing more than a distant memory, but even now, his presence lingers in my mind. Clenching my face and shutting my eyes, I quickly spin around and force the thoughts from me. Assan never cared about me, I repeat as I stroll towards town. I repeat the words in my head; however, all I can think about was how Assan kissed me, embraced me, and told me to not leave.

Assan has his people to protect, and I have Joe.

As I walk through the ports, the sailors shift their gaze towards me, eyeing me curiously. They are either gawking at my tattered dress and lack of shoes, or the brown color of my skin. I avert my gaze, and quickly run past them, hoping to avoid conversation.

“Oui! You there! Girl!” A sailor yells out to me, but I ignore him and run towards the terraced housing.

Under my feet, I finally feel the cool cobblestone street and all the dirt. The closer to get to the alley that houses the entrance to my home, the more my heart thumps in my chest. I will have to face my mother, who will probably hurt me. Fears courses through my veins, and her potential reaction goes through my mind. She’ll hit me, punish me, or turn me away. Either way, I know she will never believe me about Assan.

As I keep walking, I feel dirt from the street in-between my toes. All I long for is a hot bath, to see Joe, and for my mother to embrace my return, but I know it won’t be that simple. Once I enter the alleyway, the stink of dung and urine hits my nostrils, causing me to gag. It’s a smell I didn’t miss. Around me, I see the same poor form before, sleeping in the cervices on the street, curled in blankets. Like before, some I cannot tell if they are dead or alive. Being back here, in this valley of death, makes me reflect on what I miss about the ocean. To that thought, I shake my head. Assan is gone. Terza told me to forget everything, to not tell a soul. That’s what I must do forget.

Bracing myself, I walk closer to the front door of the terraced house. Looking at the wooden door feels like a dream to me. What should be a wonderful return feels like a nightmare, poisoned by what I know my mother will do.

I exhale softly, walk up to the door, and then knock slightly. As I lower my gaze, I see candlelight seeping through the crack under the door. Mother is up, this late? Can she really be home?

Waiting for her to answer causes my body to tremble. On the other side of the door, I hear a man’s voice, yelling curses.

Suddenly, the door is jerked open. Looking up, I see a rugged, dirty middle-aged man. He is topless, wearing nothing but his breeches and a belt. I plainly see he isn’t wealthy, but another worker, like any other sailor or miner. Various scars line his cheeks, and his hair is short and dirty blonde. His dark-brown hues stare at me, confused.

“What do you want, girl?” He asks me with a menacing expression on his face.

Caught off guard, I step back. “I . . .I,” I stammer as I fear the worst. That my mother has again been evicted from our home, throw out like a drunk at a tavern.

“Who is at the door?” I hear the familiar voice of my mother behind the man. She walks up to the door, wearing the silk robe she adores. Her blonde locks are messy, and I can see the sweat dripping from her brows. As she stares at me, her blue eyes go wide, looking at me with disbelief. For a second, I see a flicker of concern in her eyes I’ve only seen once before, but soon, they return to anger.

“Speak properly!” The man urges me.

As I feel the fear flowing through me, I look at my mother, wondering what she will do.

“Elena,” my mother breathes, with her slits narrowed.

“Elena,” the man repeats in confusion, cocking an eyebrow.

My mother releases an irritated sigh from her lips. “That is my daughter, let her in.”

To my mother’s words, the man stares at me with his mouth agape. He flickers his gaze towards me, then at my mother. He is most likely confused by the difference between our skin colors. After a second, his mouth twists into a smirk, and he shifts his sight back to my mother.

He whistles like he is impressed. I wasn’t expecting that.

“You know how to get around, don’t you?” He laughs as he looks at my mother. “I never knew you liked the dark-skinned ones,” he adds, and my mother stays silent.

Her white cheeks flush pink with anger - either because of me or the mysterious man, I can’t tell.

I brace myself for my mother’s reaction, clenching the fabric of my tattered blue dress. She keeps her angry hues on me and says, “Where have you been, Elena?” Her question comes out sharply, with no hint of worry or sorrow, just anger.

I swallow the spittle in my mouth, hoping to lubricant my starchy throat. Slowly, I step into the tiny house, and the unknown man shifts pass me, stepping to the side.

My mother stomps towards me, eyeing up my messy locks, tattered dress, and dirty face. From her expression, I know she’ll never believe the truth, and the lie I tell her I will be punished for.

“I -” The words catch in my throat, as the memories with Assan spring in my mind: him grabbing my ankle, waking up in the cave, and our mouths joining for the first time.

“I hate to be a nuance, but Leona -” The man cut in, strolling towards my mother with a sly grin on his lips, walking seductively. “We had a deal.”

She darts her piercing gaze to him and pouts her red painted lips. “I’m aware of that, Nathan, but I will speak to my daughter first, wait outside.” She raised her voice.

The man named Nathan then scowls, and quickly takes hold of her wrist, pulling her to him. “Do not tell me you forgot our deal. I expect to be serviced.” His voice was low, threatening.

Tension and silent rage fill the small kitchen. My mother stares at the man, not moving. He smiles back at her, as he runs his calloused, looking hands through her blonde tresses.

It doesn’t take long for me to realize the situation, but I know my mother, and she hates not having control.

Giving the man her sweetest smile, she moves her ruby lips near his, and then says, “In time, give me a moment and wait outside.”

Disgruntled, the man clicks his tongue but complies with my mother’s request.

“Do not keep me waiting too long.” His voice is serious. As he turns away from my mother and walks out to the door, he gives me a sideways glance, most likely angry that I distracted his plans.

Once he leaves, my mother and I stand alone in the small kitchen, staring at each other face-to-face. She stays quiet, looking at me like she wants to hate me. The disappointment is clear in her blue eyes.

“Where have you been, Elena?” Her voice holds no hint of sympathy.

Note: There was more to this chapter, but meh...let's just consider this the ending, shall we?

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