Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 14 - |Geyser| Part 3

This is the first time I’ve seen a man naked below the waist, and as Mother always told me, a woman can easily tell when a man is ready. The flesh between Nathan's legs is pointing at me, saying it wants me.

In the end, I only escaped one prison to return to another. After everything, I should be grateful, and yet, I want to disappear from this moment; however, I told Mother I wanted to redeem myself, so this is my penance.

Nathan walks up to my trembling form, with a cocky smirk etched on his lips.

“Don’t disappoint me, girl. Now get on with it.”

I glance at my mother as I try to hold back the shame and anger flowing through me. She simply nods her head, instructing me from a distance.

As I lower my body to the ground, I remember those bananas and how much I hate them. If I mess up, I know another punishment awaits me, or worse yet, Joe. Joe has suffered enough under my mother’s cruel hands, so I must perform to Nathan’s satisfaction. I cannot risk hurting him or leaving him dissatisfied.

Bending down, I settle on my knees, and Nathan moves closer to me, rubbing his hard flesh against my mouth. Even if I don’t want to open my lips for him, I need to comply with his wants.

I trained for this, and if I can survive Assan, then Nathan is just another of fate’s test. As he slides inside me, my thoughts drift to happier days, days when my father was still with me, smiling at me.

“Ah-h,” he groans. “I never thought of face fucking your kind before,” he growls out as he thrust his hips back and forth, spewing drips of juices down my throat.

I curl my hands into fists and shut my eyes, holding back all the emotions threatening to surface from inside me. The smell coming off his body is repugnant, mixed with sweat and musk. Nathan’s moans and groans echo in my ears, and I think back to Assan. If Assan were here, I wonder if he would protect me now. Would he kill Nathan for touching me?

Assan isn’t here; I am alone, I think to myself, as the taste of Nathan covers my tongue and rolls down my throat.

He moans again, louder this time. He keeps bucking his hips, and I lose track of the time. As long as he keeps going, then I must endure it, bobbing my own head to his movements.

“That’s it, almost . . .” He growls out, increasing his speed inside me. His hand grips my hair, tightening his hold, keeping me in place.

Once he finishes, I yank my body from his hold and sit against the wall. Using my arm, I wipe his warm juices, that are seeping from my mouth, from my face and cough. This is my new beginning, and soon, I will be like my mother: a harlot of the night fulfilling the desires of men.

Nathan’s relaxed form grins at me, and I return his smile with a glare. I won’t cry or show any weakness. As long as Joe is safe, I will do what I must to protect him. In a way, I wonder if Assan felt the same as me. He did what he needed to save and protect his people, and I left without saying anything to him.

I stay against the wooden wall as my eyes rank the room, waiting to see what Mother will say. As I wait, Nathan’s lips twist into a lazy smile, and he stares down at me as he buckles up his pants.

He whips around slightly, looking at my mother. “You taught her well, Leona. A smirk goes across his lips, and then he turns around, heading to the door.

“She is my daughter, after all, regardless of skin color.” I can hear the delight in her voice, happy that I didn’t ruin this moment for her.

As I stare at my mother, I want to narrow my eyes to her, to hate her, but as long as Joe is here, I will comply with her wishes.

My mother glances at me before following behind Nathan. He walks to the door, places his hand on the handle, but then turns around and flickers his gaze at me.

“Is she still a virgin?” He asks curiously, his eyes glowing with lust.

My mother opens and closes her mouth as if her words are caught in her throat. She must be struggling with a response; however, she gives me a sideways glance, studying my expression. Then, she quickly returns her attention back to Nathan, with a smile spread across her plump lips.

She crosses her arms against her chest and says, “She is, but you cannot afford her on your salary.” She laughs, mocking him.

Nathan then scowls, but soon his expression turns to an arrogant smirk. “Do not underestimate me, Leona. As the Governor’s private guard, I get paid rather handsomely,” he boasts, giving my mother a bright smile.

My mother stands in shock, with her mouth open agape.

Nathan looks back at me and says, “I will see you again, Elena.” The words roll off his tongue, like a promise from a demon. After that, he slams the door shut, leaving my mother disgruntled and angry. My mother huffs and strolls over to me. She stares down at me with rage showing in her blue eyes.

“How quickly you get a buyer,” she snarls, “tomorrow you are going to the brothels, and if you run away again, don’t bother coming back,” she warns me. Once she is done, she ascends to the stairs and closes the door behind her.

I knew this would be my homecoming. For me, there are no warm hugs, just this life that was granted to me. I lift my body up from the floor, slowly, as the pain from my feet spreads to my toes, and the taste of Nathan’s residue stays on my tongue.

All I long for is some water, a warm bath, and to see Joe and Seidon again. As I think about Seidon, my chest stings; I hope he is alive. Seidon, what would you think of me if you knew what I’d just done? Tears burn my eyes, but I don’t want to cry and be weak. Somehow, I lived through Assan and the monsters of the sea, so surely, I can survive the brothels.

As I inch my way upstairs, the small flame from the candle on the kitchen table lights my way. Through the darkness, I go upstairs and stop in front of the room I share with Joe. The sound of whimpering from inside the room captures my ears.

Rage, for the pain done to Joe, fills every inch of my being; however, I need to be strong for my brother. I exhale and open the door a crack as I watch the shadow of my little brother sitting on the bed.


“I am here, Joe.” I make my way over to the tiny bed and sit down next to him. His small arms wrap around my waist, and his head burrows into my stomach.

“Where were you? Elle! Ever since you left, mother changed,” he cries out.

Mother never changed, Joe, she was always cruel, I want to tell him, but I refrain from spewing the awful truth about our mother to him. In my absence, Mother finally showed her true colors to Joe, and because of Assan, I wasn’t able to shield him from the truth of this world. However, since I’m back now, I can take the pain for him again.

I circle my arms around him, embracing him like a mother would a child. Even though I’m not a mother, I often hear the other women say once you have a child, your life is no longer your own. In a sense, that’s how I feel. If it weren’t for Joe, I would have left here long ago.

As I pat Joe’s back and coo him, images of Assan enter my mind: his long black locks brushing my skin, his lips on mine, and his arms wrapped around me, protecting me. I shake my head. I need to remove Assan and the undersea world from my memory. This is my life now—no—this was always my life. But, for some reason, I find myself wanting to think about the merman who hurt and helped me. I don’t want to think of him, so why are thoughts of him plaguing my mind?

“Elle,” Joe whimpers again, taking me from my thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Joe, I. . .” I trail off.

If I tell Joe the truth, would he even believe me? It’s best not to, I decide.

“I ran away because I was scared, but I’m back now.” I squeeze him tighter, hoping he feels safe.

He rubs his wet face into my tattered dress, as his tears soak through to my skin.

“Elle, when you were gone, Mother took me somewhere, it was dark and . . .”

“Shhh, it will be okay.” I pat his back again, but curiosity overwhelms me. A dark place, what dark place?

Fear for Joe overtakes me. I shallow the gulp in my throat, remembering Seidon’s warning. Joe, Leona she . . .

“Joe, what happened?” I ask in a soft tone, hoping I don’t regret this question.

He buries his face deeper into my dress and holds me tighter.

“She told me it would be quick and to just stand still. If I was a good boy, she would give me a treat.”

Panic floods through me now; a mixture of emotions courses through my veins. My chest is heavy, and my breaths become labor. Slowly, I inhale an anxious breath.

“Joe, what happened?” My voice is fear and disbelief, and I hope what I think happened didn’t happen.

“She blindfolded me,” he cries out, “and led me into a room. I heard voices, laughing.”

“Laughing,” I repeat.

“Hands started to touch me, and then I felt something hard near my mouth. Then Mother yelled and grabbed me. She said that wasn’t part of the arrangement.”

I gasp, and anger fills me like a mother bear in front of her cub. I knew my mother would do anything for money, but to use Joe and expose him to the dangers of the world enraged me.

Words leave me, and nothing I do or say can remove this awful memory from Joe’s mine. I hold his body closer to mine, wishing we could go somewhere else, anywhere else. I am so sorry, Joe, I failed you. As my brother’s words repeat in my mind, I remember my time with Assan. Like the merman prince, I have a duty to protect those that I love. No matter what happens, I will never leave Joe again. My life is not my own; it belongs to my mother, now and forever.

Joe continues to whimper in my arms, and all I can do is console him the best way I can. “I’m back, Joe, and I promise I won’t leave again,” I say, sealing my fate. As long as I am alive, Joe will not suffer the way I have, ever again.

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