Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 12 - |Tide|

ASSAN’S STRONG GRIP PULLS me deeper into the depths of the water, but I try to swim towards Seidon. I wiggle my leg, twisting my lower torso in hopes of escaping the determined merman, but Assan will not release me, no matter how much I fight against him. His grip on my ankle gets tighter, and adrenaline rushes through me, fearing he’ll dismember my leg. Using all my strength, I keep wiggling as the throbbing pain from his hold courses through my entire being.

I scream in the water, flailing my arms; however, still, he won’t let me be free. Feeling defeated, I resign myself to give in to him and stop fighting. My body goes limp, muscles no longer twitching until a faint face comes into view.


Seidon quickly propels himself towards me. He reaches out his hand, and I grab it, lacing our fingers together and squeezing him tightly. There is a look of horror in his eyes, and I’m sure he is confused over what is happening. Below me, the water shifts, and Assan loosens his hold on my ankle. Something isn’t right? Is Assan... For a second, images of me stabbing Assan come back to me. It wasn’t my intention to kill him. Assan wants to save his people, to protect them, and yet, a part of me feels guilty. Why? This feeling confuses me. He took me from my friends, locked me away, and even now, he still won’t let me go, but Assan has something to strive for. He saved me, protected me, and risked his life for mine.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, fighting the urge to see his floating corpse in the water, but I am unable to look away. The first man who kissed, touched, and saved me could be dead by my hand.

As I struggle to avert my gaze from beneath me, Seidon’s blonde locks float around his face, but I still see his mismatched dark and light blue eyes. He stares at me in the water, waiting for my next move. Albeit, something is off. His irises then go wide, frightened as if he has seen some monster. I spin my head; Assan is staring at Seidon with his own shock. Both of them stay silent and still, like a guard at their post.

I flick my gaze between the two of them, wondering what is going on. Assan’s mouth is parted as he eyes Seidon intently, and Seidon glares at the merman before him. Glancing at Assan, I try to read his expression. For the first time, his calm demeanor has been reduced to ash.

Snapped out of his long daze, Seidon pulls my arm, moving me away from Assan. His tight grip holds my body, and he starts swimming off, swimming at an intense speed.

Feeling safe and secure in his arms, salty tears blend in with the water. Freedom is upon me; I am back where I belong, with Seidon, Lucas, and Mika. Seidon didn’t forget me, and that thought alone feels me with endless joy.

In front of us, I make out the land through the water. Seidon goes faster. Then, he stops. The water before us starts to form into a circle, turning into a whirlpool. We maneuver out of the way, looking for another path. It’s hopeless; another whirlpool is upon us. Seidon grimaces and pulls me against his chest. As I look at him, I can tell he is thinking. Using his finger, he points upwards, signaling to me we are about to surface. Without wasting time, Seidon swims upwards and then gasps for air. Liquid plummets from his mouth, and he coughs.

“Seidon!” I yell out as I loosen my body from his grip. Quickly I swim in front of him, with tears streaming down my face. “Are you all right?” I choke out, hoping my friend of many years isn’t injured.

“Elena, I-I am fine...” The words come out slowly. His head is lowered to the water, and his wet locks cover his eyes. Once he finally catches his breath, he brings his gaze to mine, giving me a wry smile. “I finally found you.” The happiness he feels forms on his lips, and more tears flood from my eyes. Even though I want to stop crying, the salty liquid continues flowing. My bottom lip trembles, and without thinking, I attack Seidon, hugging him tightly. Our sleek clothes—my dress and Seidon’s white shirt—mush together. Seidon wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

I rest my head in the crook of his neck, not wanting to let go. “I’m sorry it took me so long, but I knew you didn’t run away, that isn’t who you are.” His soft voice whispers in my ear. I hug him tighter, knowing the only person who was there for me after my father left, is here for me again, to find me.

“Let her go,” a male voice growls out.

On command, Seidon releases me and maneuvers me behind him.

Past Seidon’s arm, I see Assan in the middle of the water. He narrows his solid blue eyes and scowls. To my surprise, the liquid around him is still.

“Seidon! Elena!” Lucas calls to us from the bank of the water.

I know the expression on Assan’s face and what he is capable of. Fear courses through my entire being, not only for me but for Seidon, too. I exhale a breath and try to remain calm. I won’t let Seidon get injured for me; I have to protect him.

“Seidon,” I say, barely audible, just loud enough for him to hear, or I hope it’s only him.

Sai glances at me and says, “Elena, I’ll handle this.” He shifts his gaze back to Assan, keeping his eyes narrowed and firm.

“Who and what the hell are you?!” Seidon yells out as he raises his clenched fist out of the water.

Assan’s eyes remain narrowed, brows frowning. Droplets of liquid drip from his black tresses, raining down on his bare muscular chest. “Who and what I do does not concern you, human,” Assan snarls darkly. “That woman,” he gestures to me, “is mine.” His voice is cold.

The corner of Seidon’s lips twists into a smirk. “So, it was you that day, in the water,” he pauses, “you took her,” Seidon hisses out, with venom lacing his voice.

Assan growls in frustration, his visage unwavering to Seidon’s taunts.

“Yes, I did,” Assan answers bluntly, with no remorse in his voice. “Regardless, you will return her to me, and then”—Assan flickers his gaze to Lucas and then back to Seidon—“Both of you will die,” he says, through clenched teeth, with a dark tone in his voice,

Quickly I glance at Lucas and see the panic in his eyes. “Seidon, get Elena and let’s get out of here, now!”

Seidon flinches but shrugs off Lucas’s words. Even before Assan, Sai remains unfazed, confident in the situation before him. He then flickers in his gaze to me, moving his eyes to the edge of the land. He nods faintly, letting me know to head towards Lucas on his signal. His cues remind me of our childhood, of us running through the fields and playing in the wind. If we were sneaking up on Lucas or Dr. Leverton, Seidon would signal me to hide and tell me when to appear.

“Oi, I don’t know who or what the hell you are, but tell me, if you want her so much, what does she mean to you?” Seidon asks abruptly, sending me into shock by his question.

I look at Seidon. His expression is focused, and I already know what he is doing—distracting Assan for my escape. Even as I watch Seidon, there is faint confusion on his face. He most likely wants to know who this man is that wants me and what he is. Seidon glances at me, instructing me to swim. For a second, I glance at Assan, eager to hear his answer. His face is hard, with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. Assan flickers his sight to me and then back to Seidon. A part of me wonders what he will say, but I already know the answer: I mean nothing to him.

Inside I prepare myself for, after this moment, I will never see Assan again. My feelings are divided. Assan wants to save his people, and for that, he says he needs me. Images of our time together rehash in my mind: the kisses between us, the sights of the ocean, and Assan’s touch on my skin, but I know leaving is for the best.

Assan lets out a dark chuckle as his eyes flash between their normal color and solid build. He lazily shrugs and says, “Like I will answer a human. Feelings are for the weak, but since you have a death wish, I will gladly grant it for you.” He smirks deviously, extending his ominous grin wide across his face; it’s the smile of death.

My breaths become labored. In haste, Seidon glances back at me. “Elena, go now!” He screams.

There is panic in his blue eyes, and the realization of leaving Assan hits me: I will never see him again. With quick speed, I spin around and swim towards Lucas. Suddenly, spiraling water circles before me as a boat caught in a storm. Assan won’t let me leave.

I whirl around and rank my eyes around the basin of liquid. Behind, in front, and to the sides of us are circles of intense spinning water. Curling my fingers into fists, I stare at Assan in the distance. With his eyes a solid cobalt blue, lips twisted into a demented smile, and columns of water surrounding his deadly form, it’s obvious he intends to keep me here, but I won’t let him kill my friends. Even if I have to die, my friends don’t.

Then, Seidon’s hues widen at the force in front of him. “What is he?” His voice comes out as a whisper as his body succumbs to fear.

Assan stares at me with cold and narrowed eyes. “Elena, I told you, you will never escape from me”—he holds out his slender hand—“Come.” His face is calm, but his eyes show a different feeling.

To Assan’s words, Seidon regains his composure and stays in front of me. However, my gaze stays on Assan. The merman tightens his jaw, flinching in the water with his hand still waiting for me to comply. The wound I inflicted on him must be painful, and yet, he still won’t let me go. Quickly, I sweep my eyes around. Lucas is standing by the rocks, frightened like a kid about to be beaten, and Seidon isn’t moving as his unwavering sight is on Assan. The raven-haired merman inches closer to us, and I have no doubt he is preparing something.

Tension is heavy in the air, suffocating me. Each of us tries to anticipate the other’s move, but no matter the outcome, I know Seidon and Lucas will die. I can’t let that happen; I won’t let them die for me. They are noblemen who will be missed and needed. One day they’ll marry noblewomen of status, inherit lands and money, and serve for a higher propose. I have no purpose but to serve as my mother’s whore. Assan is a prince who can provide my family with riches. In the end, I could be worth more dead than alive.

I swallow the gulp in my throat and move past Seidon. No one will die for me. We’ve already suffered because my father left us, and I am not my father. As Assan watches me, his lips twist into a satisfied grin.

Before I can move further, Seidon grabs my arm and jerks me back to him. I snap out of my thoughts and look into Seidon’s determined pupils.

“Elena, what are you doing?” He stares at me intently, with a gaze telling me to fight.

I part my lips. “Seidon I—”

“Joe needs you! Leona has—”Joe, what has happened to Joe? My body goes into full-fledged panic. Mother. . . Joe is just a child, she wouldn’t! Anger flows through my entire being, thinking about my mother’s potential actions. I need to return home to save Joe. Seidon’s eyes bore into mine, and at this moment, I know Joe needs me.

“Stop stalling, come here, Elena!” Assan roars out, sending waves crashing against the bank of the rocks. For a second, I thought I saw pain on Assan’s features, but it has to be my imagination.

Seidon flickers his enraged hues back to Assan. “She isn’t going anywhere with you!” He screams out as he swings his tightened fist through the air.

Then, an intense rush of water hits Assan right in the face. Assan’s eyes grow wide, and he drops his bottom lip, revealing sharp teeth. A loud growl rumbles from his throat, echoing through the basin.

I look at Seidon in surprise. My body trembles. Seidon stares down at his hands, perplexed.

“Seidon,” my voice comes out as a soft whisper, confused over what is transpiring. Did Seidon just control the water? But how?

I always knew Seidon preferred being in the water, but I never thought . . . I shake my head, questioning everything I know about my friend. This whole time, did Seidon know about my plight? Is he one of them?

With slow movements, I swim away from Seidon, and he looks at me with hurtful eyes.

“Elena, I—” he says to me, but his voice falls on deaf ears.

In the distance, Assan chuckles darkly. His insane laughter rings throughout the area. He stares at Seidon and me with solid dark blue eyes that glow in the sunlight.

“I will kill you, human! That, I promise you.” His voice is deep, threatening.

My mouth is open agape. Water begins to build up behind Assan, growing larger with each passing second. Lucas screams, and Seidon stays in front of me. The giant wave reaches into the sky, and Assan stays still; his blue eyes glow with murderous intent. He will kill Seidon, and for that, I am sure, but I won’t let him.

“Seidon! Lucas!” I hear a familiar female voice coming from the forest, and in the distance, Mika—dressed as darkness—emerges from the trees. She stops and stares at everyone before her. Her gaze flickers to Seidon and me, then to Assan. As soon as she sees Assan, her eyes become cold. She glares at him with wary eyes, and it’s an expression I have never seen on her before. It’s almost as if she knows him, but that can’t be right.

Assan glances at Mika as the mountain of water hovers over him. He mutters something under his breath, then growls, shifting his gaze back to Seidon.

Seidon quickly maneuvers in front of me and grabs my arm, trying to pull me into his hold. Instead of letting him take me, I push away from him. Again, he is confused. All I can wonder is how and why Seidon controlled the water just now, and I know that if I go into his arms, it will further enrage Assan.

“Enough!” Assan roars. The wall of water behind him rushes towards Seidon and me. I gasp, wanting to swim away, but my body feels frozen, stuck with overwhelming fear. Water darts my direction, like an arrow made of liquid.

“Elena!” Seidon screams my name and charges to me. He grabs my wrist, jerking me against his chest, but the chill liquid sweeps us into the tide, thrashing our bodies along. Through the water’s haze, I see Mika and Lucas, yelling with their mouths wide open. Fear and desperation fill their concerned eyes, and I can tell Lucas longs to swim towards us, but the water is too much.

Both of our bodies are submerged, drowning in a blanket of heavy water that is consuming us. I struggle to breathe. My lungs burn, my chest convulses, but somehow I’m still alive. Even with my eyes closed, I sense the touch of Seidon’s hands upon me, keeping his fingers intertwined with mine. I need to focus on survival, so I can save Joe, but thoughts hit me as if they are raindrops dripping from the skies.

What is Seidon?

Did Assan try to kill me as well?

Can I finally be free of him?

Will I ever know the whole truth?

Our bodies cascade in the spiraling water, lashing and flinging around. My eyes are closed; no sound enters my ears. My heart thumps in my chest; my lungs are cut off from oxygen. The taste of saltwater lingers on my tongue, and my world spins like a sailor fallen from a boat. Seidon attempts to tighten his hold on my hand, but I feel his grip loosening.

Rushing water crashes against my form from every side, and I dare not open my eyes. I am a ragdoll, being tossed from child-to-child. Water shoots up my nose, and my body aches, throbbing with burning pains. Seidon’s digits slip from my grasp; we are drifting apart. Assan wanted this. Rather than let me be free, he would kill me. He reminds me of my mother, another person controlling my flow.

Lissome fingers rub harshly against my hand, and then I know, Seidon can’t hang on. Our forms whisk in the water, swirling endlessly with no end in sight. Quickly my eyelids open to see Seidon. For a brief moment, his body glows with soft blue light, mixing in with the shade of water. His multi-colored blue eyes bore into mine as if he sees me clearly, and his lips quiver. As I stare back at him, I see my childhood friend, the boy who was there for me, who came to find me, and who I can lose at this very moment.

Seidon . . . With his padded fingers rubbing in between my own, Seidon slips from my hold. Even now, in the rush of death, tears stream from my eyes. Seidon is gone, whipped away from me like my freedom, my future, and the dreams I once held would come true.

I snap my eyes shut as I sway along, moving with the current. As I drift, the water that once encompassed me settles below my chin. I breathe slowly, taking in the fresh air that blows across my face until my body stops. Something sharp hits my skin, gently.

“Seidon,” I whimper as I open my eyes. Looking around, all I see is the pebble clay-colored rocky walls. Muscles ache, arms feel heavy, and my whole body is a shell of pain—from my emotional state to my physical state. Shifting my sight from right to left, I only see the empty cavern around to greet me.

Breathes becoming labored, I wince at the pain, cringing my face to the burning sensations flowing within me.

“Seidon!” My voice reverberates through the cave, and for a moment, I wait, hoping and praying that Seidon responds to me.

Silence. Nothing. Only the sound of rumbling water answers my calls. I am beginning to hate water.

“I have to find him.” My voice is soft, barely audible.

Using the bit of strength I have, I maneuver in the water and point my body towards the direction of the waterfall. I hope that Seidon is alive. I extend my now bruised arms, swimming carefully to the circular opening.

Following along the wall, I propel myself closer to the waterfall, until my body slows down. Cramping pains in my legs makes it difficult to move. I rest on a nearby rock, peeping outside until the sight of Lucas, Mika, and Seidon catch my attention.

A small whimper escapes my lips. Seidon . . . Laying in the grass, Seidon is not moving. An ache goes through my heart at the sight of him. His brown breeches are ripped, covered in holes.

“Seidon!” I hear Lucas yell out as he hovers over Sai.

I need to get to them. I trance my soft digits over the barbed wall, hoping to ease to the waterfall—it’s no use.

“Why,” I seethe, hating everything that has happened. If it wasn’t for Assan, I would be free. And now, Seidon, he could be? As I lower my head to the water, I feel useless. A stupid girl who thought she could be free, but there is no freedom for me. Raising my head slightly—and through a curtain of wet black locks—I see Lucas shaking Seidon. He still isn’t moving.

As I keep my gaze on the forest and my friends, two voices echo from behind me. I spin around.

In the distance—in the cavern—is Hass and Assan. If they spot me, it’s over. Assan will punish me for stabbing him, maybe even kill me. I don’t want to find out. My only chance for freedom is swimming towards Mika and Lucas, but my body is too drained.

I dart my sight between my two choices—swim to land and risk drowning, or let Assan spot me—and neither is ideal.

“You almost used too much power,” I hear Hass’s voice reverberate through the cavern. Even from afar, his voice is clear, and I understand every word. It must be the cave.

“I am aware of that,” Assan growls out. He moves in the water, looking as if he is touching the wound I inflicted on him. Maybe I should have tried to kill him, but I am not a murderer, even if Assan wishes to kill me.

I quickly look back at Lucas and Mika. Both still hover over Seidon’s unconscious form.

Seidon . . . what are you? Are you even alive?

My body trembles in the water. Seidon knew nothing about this, his eyes told me so, but how could he control the water? He hit Assan; my eyes did not deceive me.

“At least answer me this: Why did you attack him? He is just a meager human.” Hass questions.

Assan growls again, baring his teeth. “. . . he was trying to take Elena. I can’t lose her.”

Assan’s words send me into confusion and shock. Hass’s eyes widen, and then he arches an eyebrow.

“Don’t tell me you are developing feelings for her, Assan? Out of all the human females you have bedded, has this one captured some sort of meaning to you?”

My heart beats in my chest to Hass’s blunt question. I know Assan doesn’t have feelings for me, but what I thought is true. Assan has slept with other women before, human women. But why? And if he has, why did he not choose them? Anger courses through me. Anger over not knowing the full truth and also, another feeling I can’t comprehend. Assan had other women before, but he claims to want me. I must mean so little to him. I shouldn’t care; I don’t care. I want to be free from him, I stabbed him and even thought of killing him, but I still remember the part of me that questioned if leaving Assan was right.

Hass holds up Assan using one arm, keeping him balanced in the water.

“No . . .” Assan’s voice is hesitant, shaking. He cares nothing for me. However, this hesitation is not like him. I need to tear my gaze away from Assan and Hass, but Assan is weak. The water surrounding him is turning crimson, quickly.

“I have made too many sacrifices to fail now. Elena is the key to our survival, you know this, Hass.” Assan grunts in annoyance. Hass remains neutral, his face devoid of emotion.

Hass sighs heavily, “I know this, Assan, and as your advisor, I must warn you against using your power unnecessarily. Your father will not like this—”

Assan grimaces, cutting off Hass. “Aside from this mission, when have I ever cared what my father thought?” Assan pauses, and Hass sighs again, “Speaking of my father, I must speak with him,” Assan says through clenched teeth.

“About?” Hass questions, looking at Assan perplexed.

“An observation. Both of us know my father keeps secrets, and I plan to uncover them.” Hass stares at Assan, trying to read the expression on his face.

Both mermen stay silent as if trying to keep information from the other. An observation, is he referring to Seidon? Does Seidon really not know?

Joe is in danger, Seidon is unconscious, and I can’t swim to my friends or freedom; my river is jagged.

I quickly shift my gaze back to Lucas and Mika, holding in my wish to cry out to them. Lucas is now hoisting Seidon over his shoulder. No, don’t leave me behind. I move slightly in the water, trying not to make much noise. Throbbing pain from my legs shot through my being. I have no choice. Propelling myself forward, I kick my legs. It’s too much, and one leg goes limp. Quickly I swim above the water and grab onto the rocky wall again.

For a moment, Mika stares out into the waterfall as if she is looking for something. Her eyes search the area, almost as if she is looking for prey. I am confused by Mika’s actions. Is she trying to find me, and if she is, why hasn’t she called out to me? She quickly turns around, takes a step, and then stops. I want to shout to her, call her name, but then Assan will find me. Even in his weakened state, Hass is there for him. I can’t out swim a merman, so I won’t even try.

Mika’s body is stiff in place. At this moment, she is like a statue, blending into the wooden scenery. Her black tresses whisk in the wind.

What is she doing?

Once a few seconds pass, Mika then runs off. I am further confused.

“Where is Elena now? Is she hurt?” I hear Assan ask with slight urgency in his voice.

I whip around in the water at the sound of my name. Hass and Assan are still in the distance, conversing.

“I’ve sent someone to retrieve her,” Hass answers calmly. “I hope to find her soon and that she isn’t injured. If it wasn’t your intention to hurt her, then you should have used more caution.” Hass scolds Assan.

Assan wasn’t trying to kill me.

“ . . . I know.” Assan lowers his gaze to the water. Emotion, some sort of regret is showing on his face. Is this the real Assan?

Hass stares at Assan for a moment, reading his expression.

“Regardless, we should know soon.” Hass reaffirms Assan.

I need to get away before the merman finds me. I stare out at the land in front of me. So close, and yet so far. A plan, I need a plan. Thoughts go through my head—mostly of pain.

My friends have abandoned me. I can’t save Joe, I can’t help Seidon, and I can’t even save myself. Maybe I am like my father. I want to give up, to just sink where I am.

Behind me, I hear a sudden splash. Quickly I spin around. Above the water is the top of a head. Wet, dark-brown locks begin to emerge to the surface. The sight before me stuns me.

A woman with brunette tresses, one sky blue eye, and one silver eye, stares back at me. Her expression is soft, and a smile adorns her lips. Looking at her, I see a familiarity with Hass—a woman who would be part of the noble class, a lady of the court.

“You must be Elena,” her voice is soft and friendly. “Don’t be afraid, I am Terza.” She continues to smile at me. Just by looking at her, I can tell what she is—a mermaid.

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