Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 13 - |Fresh Water| Part 1

I LOOK AT THE mermaid before me, and I’m in disbelief and shock. Why am I even surprised? After everything I’ve seen in the past few days, the beings of the sea should not faze me.

Her hair is moist, and yet, it does not cling to her flesh. Like Assan and Hass, her gills are barely visible on her neck. Brown locks hang down her back, and her eyes are like Hass’s. She is wearing a seashell bra, with white-colored clams covering her chest. Her figure is skinny, which is similar to some of the mermen I saw that remind me of nobles. Above the water but below her waist, green scales cover her skin.

I move away from her, but I don’t know where to go. My body is weak, my muscles ache, and my heart cries out, hoping Seidon is alive.

The rumbling water echoes in my ears and dizziness hit me, like a blow to the head.

Terza smiles before me, flashing teeth. “You are, Elena, well, I must say, Assan must like you.” With those words, my dream-like state subsides, as I try to understand what she means. I part my lips, wanting to respond to her, but no sound comes from me.

She shakes her head and says, “It’s unlike Assan to drop his guard, lest around a human.” She laughs.

At this moment, images flood my mind: me tightening my fingers around the comb and pushing it into Assan’s flesh. Inside myself, I still hear him groaning in pain and calling my name. In the end, stabbing Assan only further infuriated him.

“I …” I breathe out as I hold myself against the rocks. My breathing becomes labored, and heaviness weighs down on me. Every part of me has become a rock, a stone that is ready to sink.

Terza moves closer to me and parts her lips to speak, but before any sound comes out, a masculine groan is heard beside us.

“Good, Terza, you found her,” Hass says as he breathes a sigh of relief.

Quickly I dart my gaze at Assan. An irritated gleam shows in his eyes. He stares sharply at me as if he wants to lung towards me for revenge. Instead of pouncing on me, Hass swims in front of Assan, creating a barrier between us.

The tension between Assan and I fills the air. I glare back at the merprince, thinking about Seidon and how Assan could have killed him.

Hass glances at Assan and me, and then he looks at Terza.

“Yes, brother, but she looks unwell. She needs to-“ Brother! I jump slightly in the water, trying to comprehend how Hass can have a sister. For a second, Hass gives me a sideways glance, as though he understands my surprise.

Assan cuts her off abruptly and says, “Elena is none of your concern, Terza. Just tell me, what is my mother’s plan?” Assan asks, in a demanding and deep voice.

Terza scoffs and narrows her eyes to Assan. “Such an ungrateful prince,” she pauses and then points at him, “You should be glad I am on your side and not her majesty’s.”

Majesty. I raise my curious gaze to Terza, wondering what she is talking about. Assan confessed that he is a prince. If his mother is the queen, and none of the mermaids are with the mermen, then what is happening? I think to myself, as I assess the information being revealed to me.

Assan glances at me as if he is reading my thoughts. At least right now, he doesn’t know what I am thinking. Bastard.

“Terza,” Hass scolds his sister and then purses his lips.

Instead of responding, she scowls.

“Terza! I do not have time for foolishness. What is my mother’s plan, and does she know about Elena?!” Assan’s angry voice roars through the cove, shaking the water were are swimming in.

“I don’t know!” Terza counters back, to which Assan swims closer to her, giving her an intimidating gaze.

“Terza, Assan.” Hass swims between the two, giving them a scolding glare. Assan and Terza are the children, and Hass is the father disciplining them.

As I watch the argument, the noises begin to fade, and my body is tired, almost as though energy is draining from me. My grip on the rock loosens, and I twitch in the water.

“Elena!” Both male mercreatures call my name, then a familiar touch of strong hands captures my arm and moves me towards their chest.

Once I regain my senses, I look up and see Hass staring at me with tight lips. His expression is wry, filled with concern.

“Assan, maybe it would be better if I . . .”

“No,” Assan says in a bold voice. “Elena is mine to do with what I desire, I will take her back.” Assan—using one hand—grips me against his wet flesh and then stares down at me. I avert my eyes to the wound I inflicted on him, and then, my mouth is agape.

“You are . . . already healing.” In a swift movement, Assan grips my chin, forcing me to gaze up at him.

His eyes bore into mine, warning me not to move. He squeezes his digits tight against my chin, making me wince in pain. My gaze is locked on his. He bares his teeth, and his eyes flicker a solid blue. “Do not ever. . .try to stab me again,” he warns me in a cold voice and grips my chin tighter until pain throbs through my face.

“Assan!” Hass and Terza call out, but Assan doesn’t respond to them. He pulls me closer to him, increasing the pressure on my face. Even with few fingers, his grip is strong, and it feels he’s crushing my face. Tears form at the base of my eyes as I think about Seidon. He fought for me, he faced Assan for me, and now, because of me, he could be dead. My vision goes blurry, and my body goes limp. I close my eyes and let my arms hang loose on my sides. Even if I wanted to fight Assan again, why should I? He won’t free me.

“Assan! Is your goal to make her afraid of you?!” Terza yells out, then there a quiet pause. As Assan releases me, I collapse into his arms.

Silence fills the cavern. Under the water, Assan’s arms scoop me into his embrace and coddle me against his chest. Slowly, I search around, and Terza and Hass watch Assan and me. Due to the pain, I close my eyes again, as I wish and hope Seidon is all right.

“Terza,” Assan speaks softly. “Do the mermaids know about Elena?”

Terza is quiet before she exhales and says, “Yes, your aunt, Nerina, knows about Elena. Nerina saw her in the cave.”

“Damn it,” Assan growls, and around my waist, the chill liquid sways with Assan’s movements. He tightens his hold on my weak form, holding me protectively in his embrace.

“Before, I set up protection so no one would find Elena . . . but I did not believe she would try to escape. To save her, I had to destroy the cryptids protecting the cave.” As I hear Assan speak, I think back to the first place we met: the cave that started it all. The cryptids were to keep others out . . .

“If the mermaids find Elena,” Terza pauses, “they will kill her.”

“Assan—” Hass immediately calls out.

Assan cuts Hass off. “I know. Terza, for now, go ensure my mother isn’t on to me. I will take Elena back myself and speak to my father about this.”

Even though my eyelids are shut, I can tell we’re moving, but then, Terza calls out to Assan.

“Assan.” Terza hesitates for a moment.

“What is it?!”

“Nerina told me Elena should have been dead by now.” At that, I snap my eyes open.

“What do you mean?” Hass asks.

Terza looks at both mermen, with unresolved emotions showing on her features. As I stare at her, I wonder what she means. To my knowledge, I have only seen one mermaid, well, now two. Before, I only saw the one they call Nerina, Assan’s aunt.

Terza bites her bottom lip. “The berserker from before . . . he was sent by your mother to kill Elena. She wanted it to mate with Elena. And for the babies to destroy her from the inside,” she informs us.

Assan’s and Hass’s pupils go wide, and even I am in disbelief. Assan tells me I am his people’s only hope; however, his mother is trying to kill me.

A loud growl rumbles from Assan’s throat, and then, his eyes turn solid blue, darker than I have seen before. His pupils are like a void of darkness, a growing rage that overtakes all light.

“Her will to destroy us blinds her, even so, that she would aid a berserker to our death?!” The water behind Assan rushes towards Terza, nearly knocking her off balance. Hass swims in front of Assan and blocks his path with one arm.

“Assan, now is not the time, nor is your mother’s actions Terza’s fault. Elena is not well, and she needs to be taken back. We must move before the mermaids find us, or worse, the Belua,” Hass scolds Assan.

Assan clicks his tongue. “Fine, but Terza, do not forget where your loyalties lie,” he growls out.

“I won’t,” she huffs, and then says, “After you let your jealousy get out of control, I’m the one covering your tail, literally.” Terza gives Assan a sharp glare before diving into the water and swimming away.

Hass sighs, then mutters curses under his breath.

“Hass, make sure the Belua are not nearby. I will take Elena back to the castle,” Assan orders.

“I understand.” Hass then swims near Assan and stares down at me. Through my tired eyes, I look at Hass in his multi-colored hues. He touches his chill hand to my forehead, causing me to whimper.

“Her body is weak, most likely due to shock and exhaustion from being hit by the wave of water.”

“I will take care of her.” Assan ensures Hass in a firm voice. “Besides, there is a matter I must discuss with my father. Family secrets are never a good thing, and my father has hidden enough from me.” Assan gives Hass a look of reaffirmation.

Without speaking, Hass acknowledges Assan, and then he glances at me one more time before swimming away, leaving me alone with the merprince. After what he did to me, to Seidon, I know Assan will punish me again. In my weakened state, I can’t oppose him or fight against him—my body is his to control.

I move my gaze away from Assan’s and focus on the clear blue water surrounding us. Suddenly, a gentle touch brushes the locks from my forehead.

“Your body temperature is too warm.” Assan’s voice is low.

I whimper in his arms. This isn’t like me to be weak, to be so fragile. When it was Joe and me, I could never be weak. Joe . . . My thoughts are a ship caught in a storm, I have to get back to Joe. Seidon’s words echo in my mind, Leona, she. . .

With my eyes closed, the images of those I love surface in my mind’s eye. “Seidon . . . “My voice is but a whisper.

For a moment, all I hear is the rumbling of water and the flowing waterfall in the distance.

“Even now, you are still thinking of him, of this, Seidon.” I hear Assan say softly like there is a pain in his voice. With my current state, I cannot tell if my ears are deceiving me.

On my chest, the soft touch of a warm hand grazes my skin. Sudden heat goes through my body, reminding me of a warm blanket.

With my eyes closed, my body then feels submerged, drowning in liquid. Assan’s muscular chest presses against my own body as his arm encases me, holding me like a mother would a child.

In my dream-like state, I’m floating, with a strong pair of arms waiting to catch me. Even though I am weak, I know Assan is swimming through the water. After a while, he makes a dead stop and doesn’t move.

“Lord Assan!” A male voice yells from a distance.

“What is happening?” Assan questions as panic laces his words.

Slowly, I open my eyes. The pathway to the undersea castle is being guarded by mermen, but as I look at them through blurry vision, I can tell something is not right.

The merman with slit-narrowed eyes and flowing white hair swims up to Assan.

“Kael, tell me what has happened,” Assan demands.

Kael regains his composure before speaking and says, “The Belua, some of them have infiltrated the castle.”

Shock lines Assan’s face. “How?”

“We are not sure. . .it’s as if they are looking for something.”

Assan averts his gaze from Kael’s, musing to himself. I hear him mutter words under his breath, as well as curses. His eyes spark a revelation. He shifts his sight to me.

“Elena!” He calls as he slightly shakes my weak form.

“As-san . . .”

Panic and confusion fill Assan’s mismatched eyes, and for once, I can tell he is worried.

“Elena, tell me, did one of the Belua see you—before, tell me!” He demands.

In my ailing state, I can barely respond to him, even though I know what he is asking. Lucas told me once that patients can go into a coma state, where they can hear what those around them are saying, but they can’t move or speak, and that is how I feel now. I am sleeping death, but yet, my ears still hear all.

Assan shakes my body again, and I groan.

I stir in his arms when the sound of a loud quake knocks more of my senses awake. Assan sways in the water, almost losing his grip on my form.

“Lord Assan!” I hear Kael call out.

Assan stays quiet. “The Belua . . . they must be looking for Elena. She is no longer safe here.” I hear the regret in his voice.

“I have to take her somewhere else.” Assan spins around in the water, but Kael stops him.

“The King needs you here! If the Belua have infiltrated the castle, it’s only a matter of time before they learn of the hidden passageways.”

Assan stalls in the water. I look up at him. He grits his teeth, battling within himself. Assan can abandon me, and a part of me wishes he would. Assan says he took me for his people, to save the mermen. His own mother tried to kill me, and his own people tried to rape me. As I gaze up at his mismatched eyes, in this deciding moment, I wonder what he will do. The more I fight against Assan, the feebler I become. Soon, I may not be able to even carry a child, and then I will be just dead weight to him.

Joe needs me, but here I am, turning into death in Assan’s arms. Seidon, I hope, is only unconscious and not gone from this world. Mika and Lucas left me behind. I close my eyes and rest my head against Assan’s chest. Maybe, if my father is dead, I will join him soon.

“Lord Assan!” Kael yells out again.

I feel Assan quickly spin around in the water. “Kael, help the others defend the castle. I’m going to take Elena away from here!”

“What? Lord Assan, we cannot hold them off alone, even with your father’s help!”

“Find a way! My priority now is to Elena. Do not have me repeat myself.” Assan growls out, and Kael goes quiet. The water sways around me. Our bodies are moving at a quick pace.

“Elena, I underestimated you. Even now, you surprise me. A Belua saw you and you lived, tch, troublesome,” I hear Assan say, and for some reason, there is a tint of happiness in his voice. I open my eyes again, and in the distance, the mermen are preparing for battle. Assan has left his kind to protect me. Why? I don’t know. . .

Assan continues swimming. I hope he is not going to another cave. Like always, Assan glides through the water, but this time, he is moving faster than before. I keep my eyes closed as my body’s heaviness weighs down on me. I’m tired—tired of fighting Assan, losing to him, and attempting escape. Even though the water is cool, my body is warm, burning as if I am under the sun’s rays.

“Hold on.”

Hold on, I repeat in my mind as all other sounds fade from my ears.

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