Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 11 - |Waves|

LOOKING AT ASSAN FILLS me with dread, but at the same time, I am relieved he is here. What has happened to my life? I can only question, especially since Dylan mentioned he wanted to mate with me like Assan is. Everything is still a puzzle: Do all the mermen need to mate? And if so, why is only Assan given the privilege? Everyone calls him lord, but Assan mentioned he hates his home and that being a lord means nothing to him.

My gaze fixes on Assan while I’m lost in thought. As I stare at him, I remember the events from yesterday and then avert my eyes from his form. A part of me wonders if I should be grateful to him. Mother told me some men want to watch others have intercourse, and she told me to prepare for that, to have other men watch me. Assan says he cares nothing for me, and yet, he would kill his own kind for my protection.

“Are you going to keep standing there?” He scowls, and then his lips curl into a smirk. “Humph, maybe you like being in this cave,” he taunts me.

I grip the dress against my bare skin and huff. “I did not ask to be brought here, and while I do wonder about what just happened, I know you won’t tell me.”

“Correct. . . at least for now, I won’t tell you.” He half-smiles. “You seem to be learning my ways, Elena. Did yesterday’s lesson finally teach you to obey me?”

My body tenses, and I clench my fist to his words. “Your name makes so much sense now,” I mumble, with my sight staring down at the moist gravel.


“Yes,” I say flatly and shift my eyes back to him.

He quirks an eyebrow at me. “You act like an ass.” My voice is firm, and Assan grimaces at me. Slight anger burns in his mismatched eyes, but he quickly calms down.

He crosses his arms against his chest and stares back at me. “It is too bad, really. I have a gift for you, but I suppose that doesn’t change you thinking I’m an ass, does it?”

“No.” The word left my mouth quicker than I expected. This wasn’t normal for me to retaliate, but I should hold my tongue. If I further enrage Assan, then my meager day will be spent in this cave. After everything he has done to me and will do to me, his apology is fruitless.

A groan rumbles from Assan’s throat, and his arms are still crossed. “Unfortunately, if we would have met under different circumstances, I would be pleasing you for enjoyment, not torture. Nevertheless, your feelings towards me don’t change anything,” he says sharply, as he uncrosses his arms.

“No, they don’t,” I acknowledge, knowing full well Assan will do as he pleases despite my protest.

I avoid Assan now and decide to drift into my own thoughts of pity and resentment. A brief moment of silence fills the cave with only the soothing sounds of water to calm my anxious state. Pressing the cloth tighter against my skin, I wish to cover my body from Assan’s sight, but there is no point. I have nowhere to hide.

“Elena, press your hand against the back cave wall,” Assan orders, his voice snapping me from my thoughts, and I look up at him.

“The cave wall?” I spin my head to inspect the cave wall.

“Yes, there is a certain spot that should feel. . .somewhat different from the rest, soft, you could say.”

Not knowing what to expect, I swallow the gulp in my throat and meander to the cave wall. To keep Assan from seeing my bare backside, I press my body against the wall and trace my fingers on the jagged rocks.

Assan chuckles darkly. “No reason to be shy, Elena. I will see you nude soon enough.” He gives me a sly smile, and I purse my lips.

“Then, until that time comes, I shall keep myself covered,” I retort, to which Assan grimaces.

Serrated edges of the wall pierce my flesh, and burning pains ache in my backside. Even though the throbbing agony causes me torment, I remain steadfast in not letting Assan see my bare bottom. My hands continue to brush the moist wall until, finally, my fingers touch something soft. I widen my eyes in disbelief and also fear. How do I know this isn’t a trap? So many creatures have tried to kill me up to this point, what if another comes?

“I take it, by your expression, you found it.” Assan stares at me like a stone statue, trying to read my features.

I simply nod to his statement and remain still. My heart beats against my chest as the fear of going further consumes me.

Assan sighs heavily. “There is nothing to be afraid of. I said I would keep you safe. I honor my word, Elena,” Assan reassures me in a soft voice, with calm eyes. “Trust me.” His face is gentle.

I don’t want to trust Assan or believe a vile word he speaks, but time is limited.

I exhale. “Okay.” My hand hovers over the soft spot in the wall. Then, I trace my fingers over the smooth rocks that feel like mud. It’s hard to believe this is just another cave-like room. So many secrets lie within this underwater castle, and I know none of them. Assan said he would tell me the truth, so I must keep going.

In slow motions, I press my hand into the pulpy substance and prepare for whatever awaits me. Suddenly, the rocky wall beside me opens inward, revealing a room I never thought could exist. Turning my head, my eyes seem to have deceived me. From the corner of my widen eyes, a glint of gold sparkles from within the room. Thanks to the beams of sunlight descending from the sky, the outer edge of the new room is illuminated.

“Go inside, Elena, and pick out whichever dress you wish to wear. Of course, you will find undergarments, as well.” Assan stares at me blankly, waiting for me to move.

“I . . .” my mouth is speechless as I move closer to the new opening.

Inside, covering the floor and up the walls, are hidden treasures that only royals and pirates have: gold coins and necklaces, diamonds, and an assortment of high-quality dresses. Everything in this room is fit for a queen. My words choke in my throat; I am stunned. I drop the cloth dress and walk into the room, with my mouth agape.

I think about my mother, and with all these riches, she would have the status she longed for. Too bad Assan didn’t take Mother, for she would have no problem selling herself for a cave of wealth.

As my eyes sweep the room, a hairbrush and comb capture my attention. It’s clear that a woman was once here, but how? Did this cave belong to a mermaid, but if it did, then how did they walk on land? Slowly, I approach a gown hanging off the wall and trance the gold trim of the dress, feeling its softness. Memories flood through my mind. The last time I wore a dress like this, I was a child, and my father was still with us.

“Elena,” Assan calls to me.

Snapped from my thoughts, I turn on my heel and face Assan. A cool breeze blows across my bare skin, making me flinch. Quickly I grab the old white gown from the cave floor and wrap it around my body.

Amusement shows on Assan’s features; he half-smiles at me. “You insist on covering yourself up for no reason; however, no matter, do as you please.” He grunts. “Now hurry, unless you want to spend the day in this cave.”

“. . .Assan, can I really have one of those dresses?” My voice is hesitant. I wasn’t used to having beautiful things anymore. After my father left, my mother lost all our possessions. Any money I made, or gifts given to me by Seidon, Lucas, or Mika, I shared with Joe. I don’t feel right wearing a dress designed for a noblewoman. I am a whore, not a lady of status.

“Yes, Elena,” Assan answers. He swims to the bank, most likely sensing my hesitation. Placing his arm on the rough surface, he stares at me, reading me. “Are you worried?”

I lower my gaze to the shimmering gravel. “No, but why, after everything, are you being kind to me?” Images of yesterday flood through me—Assan licking me, challenging me to open my legs for him—and I squeeze my hand into a fist.

Assan remains quiet for a moment and then says, “Am I being kind to you, Elena?” He gives me a devilish grin, and I stare at him, confused.

Of course, Assan isn’t kind. He will still force himself upon me, kill me, and take my child.

Assan lowers his gaze to the water. “Hurry and get dressed. Time is limited.”

I look at Assan in his multi-colored eyes and moist black strands of hair. To be expected. In the end, he is still just using me.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“You shall find out, now hurry,” he orders.

Keeping myself together, I turn around, back to the smaller cave. As I start walking, I still feel Assan’s lingering gaze on me. Before proceeding, I look at the water again, wondering how long he is going to watch me.

“Are you going to stay there as I dress?” I question curiously.

Assan grins at me, flashing pearly white teeth. Between his exposed muscular chest, medium-length black hair, and flexed arms, I can only wonder how Assan stays in such shape. Despite his looks, his presence still leaves me distraught. Even if Assan is trying to be kind to me, he shrugs his actions off like nothing, leaving me bewildered.

“If I say yes, will it bother you?” He quirks an eyebrow at me, teasing me.

“Yes,” I say bluntly.

Assan closes his eyes and swims away from the edge of the water. “I will be waiting for you.” He quickly descends into the depth of liquid, with his gleaming dark fin shining in the sunlight.

He better not peek! I think to myself, but more than likely, I know he will. I sigh heavily and then return to the treasure-filled cave. Once inside, I rank my eyes over the area until the comb from before catches my attention. Around the comb is a collection of shiny gold coins, piled onto each other like a tiny mountain. Reaching into the pile of gold and stones, I pick up the comb and stare at it. It’s unlike any comb my mother has ever possessed. It’s gold, with pearls lining the top of it, and two tiny diamonds rest on each side.

“How did all this get here?” I wonder to myself, as I sweep my eyes around the area. Even though I wish I could take some coins with me when I escape, it would only slow me down. I look at the treasures with a long gaze, trying to formulate a plan, but it is risky. With this gold, I would no longer have to follow the stream of my path, and a new waterway could open for me.

Still, I contemplate the best course of action to take. My gaze returns to the comb, and even with just this, we could eat for months. Not only could I sell the comb, but if I need to force myself away from Assan, it will help me.

I search further around the room until I find some undergarments. By the looks of them, they were still new, white, and unused. Quickly I put them on—mostly those I could put on myself, and then I use the comb to brush the strands of my tangled black hair. In a way, it is refreshing to have some alone time again, even if Assan was only a pair of eyes away. At least with him here, I don’t have to worry about random mermen attacking me. Still, his kindness towards me remains a puzzle, but I will not falter. I tuck the comb away near my bustle, ensuring I can grab it quickly when the time comes to free myself from Assan.

Spinning around, I look at all the different colored dresses. Many of them remind me of the sea: cobalt blue, sea-green, and coral pink. Who wore all of these? I trace my finger down the soft fabric of the cobalt blue dress with gold trim lining the seams. At the bottom of the gown, dark blue blends with light blue, contrasting the two colors. The neckline is square across, with puffy ruffle sleeves on each side. It’s a dress fit for a lady of the royal court; however, I am no lady.

I sigh and slip the dress on. Once I am clothed, I exit the small cave and walk to the bank of the water. Everything is in place, and when the time is right, I will use the comb to stab Assan if I have to.

The merman waiting for me surfaces above the water, with his black locks dripping droplets of liquid down his toned chest. For a moment, he stares at me intensely, silently, saying nothing.

My lips form a thin line, as I wonder why he keeps looking at me. With my heart thumping against my chest, worry spreads through me. Can he tell me about his plan?

Assan finally parts his lips and says, “I don’t like to be kept waiting, let’s go,” he orders, hurrying me along. Still, for a second, I thought I saw something else in his eyes. Maybe longing, perhaps, or disbelief.

“Are you impatient about everything?” I question, with anger lacing my voice.

He snarls. “Time is running out, Elena, more than you know.”

I eye Assan with confusion, but I know that soon I will see the truth. Assan swims to the bank of the rocks, waiting for me to enter the water. Back to the sea, back to the creatures who want to kill me, bed me, and have me bear their children. I need to be brave because those with fear will fail.

I place my foot into the cold liquid, but Assan captures me, pulling me in, thus having me land in his arms. Even though I landed safely, he scoops me up, griping me tightly and cradling me against the chill skin of his chest. Then, he places his hand upon my throat. His fingers glow with a soft blue light, and a tingle stirs inside me.

“We will be going through the sea, Elena, so stay close to me. The long-awaited truth you have been seeking is almost upon you, but I wonder, will you be able to handle it?” He gives me a teasing grin.

“You already challenged me to one of your games, Assan, and I didn’t back down,” I retort him while staring up at his dark blue and sea-green eyes.

He smiles at me as if the memory of yesterday fills him with some sick joy. Instead of saying more, he remains wordless and dives us into the water with me in his arms. The chill liquid hits me harder than before, but my vision and ability to speak under the water feels the same. As Assan starts swimming through the castle, I realize he shared his power with me again without kissing me. For some reason, Assan is staying nice to me, and yet, I still feel the distance between us.

In the watery passageway, the cryptids are bright, glowing on the wall and causing the surrounding water to shimmer with an unearthly light. As we swim past them, I can’t help but stare at the plant that once tried to kill me, but also saved me.

“Deadly, but they can be very beautiful,” Assan says softly, which surprises me.

Looking at Assan, I see there is a sense of peacefulness on his face. His mismatched eyes stare out into the distance, and I wish this was the Assan I could see more often. He increases his speed, swimming fluidly through the murky waters. Once we exit the castle, more mermen come into view, swimming about and looking as if they are relaxing from the battle that took place a day ago. However, the mermen with silver chains around their chests seem to be patrolling the area, acting as guards.

A few of the mermen wearing silver chains glance at me and then proceed back to their activities. As Assan keeps going, the scene changes to nothing but vast open water that’s full of darkness.

“Hold on, Elena, and don’t let go.”

Assan tightens his grip on my form, bringing me closer to his muscular chest. A part of me is scared to be alone with him, especially after yesterday, but I think back to this morning and the dress Assan gave me. His kindness towards me seems displaced, leaving my mind a ball of confusion.

I nod as I cling to him. Through the deep, dark water, he swims with ease. We pass schools of fish, large and small. Even sharks trail around us, swimming with their own kind. Like before, various colors—yellow, pink, orange, and green—of coral surround us, swaying in the water’s current as they stick to the rocks. Once the view of the coral fades behind us, Assan enters a series of tunnels. Wherever we are going, it’s far away from the undersea castle.

Finally, Assan surfaces above the cold liquid, and the first sound I hear is excessive running water echoing throughout the area. Spinning my head around, I see thick walls of rock, and a rush of water streaming down into a basin in the distance.

We are inside a cavern, I think to myself as I continue to rank my eyes around.

“We are here.” Assan slowly releases me, placing me into the water, and swims a few inches away, giving me some space.

In the distance, the beams from the sun reflect off the water, illuminating the darkness of the cavern, and with the shimmering rocks, rainbow colors dance on the rocky walls, giving us a beautiful sight. At this moment, excitement floods through me as I remember my plan. Within myself, I wonder if I could forget everything that has happened to me, but I know I can’t. No one would believe me, least of all my mother.

I move away from Assan, keeping my back to him as I look at the cavern in awe. My mind only has one question: is this the same waterfall Assan took me from?

“It’s not like you to be quiet, is something wrong?” Assan asks slyly. Before I turn around, I brace myself, and trace my fingers down the comb I’m hiding in my bustle.

“I suppose the beauty of the walls has captured me. It reminds me of the ocean.” My voice is soft, and Assan hums in response. Even now, above the water, the smell of refresh air mixed with the scent of the ocean whiffs into my nostrils.

“You could say it’s one of the things I enjoy about my kind,” Assan says, breaking the quiet between us.

To his words, I spin around in the water and eye him curiously. His face is serene, and his muscles are relaxed. For once, Assan isn’t on guard. He must find this place peaceful. Looking at him now is different from before, almost like another merman, one who is calm and happy, not angry and full of bloodlust. His sculpted face and strong jawline emanate his power, not only of his features but also the waters that he lives in. Internally I sigh, knowing I shouldn’t get lost in his handsome facial expressions. No matter how good looking Assan is, I must stay the course on returning to Joe, and I need to prepare myself for his answers.

I clench the sides of my dress, waiting in anticipation as I try to keep my form from shaking. “Are you going to tell me the truth now? You told me you don’t lie, so I expect you will keep your word.”

At that, Assan stares at me with half-lidded eyes and a bored expression on his face.

“I did, didn’t I?” His voice is cocky, and he swims towards me.

On instinct, I move away from him and grip the comb in my bustle.

He stops before me, staring down at me. “What do you want to know first, Elena?” His expression is firm, severe, and fierce.

With my heart pumping in my chest, I linger my gaze on Assan. “Is this the waterfall you took me from?” I ask, with my amber eyes staring directly into his.

Assan smirks for a moment and then chuckles darkly. He shrugs lazily, with his amused eyes on me. “No, Elena. There are many waterfalls in this forest. Where you were taken from is just one of many, although, this one is my favorite.” He grins at me.

“Your favorite,” I repeat, and again Assan’s actions leave me confused. At this moment, a realization hits me: Assan brought me to his favorite waterfall. His further actions infuriate me. Assan is kind to me, but yet, it comes with a price.

He arches an eyebrow at me. “That can’t be all your questions.”

I gather my thoughts and clear my mind. I have to stay on topic.

“Why do you need a child, Assan? What were those creatures that resemble your kind?” I pause, lowering my gaze to the dark blue liquid.

“That man who could walk in the water, who was he? Why must I die?” I whisper as I try to hold back the tears in my eyes. Even though this isn’t the same waterfall, it’s still the forest, so I can try to escape once I learn the truth, and hopefully, save another from this fate.

As I linger my sight on the swirling water, his deft fingers stroke my chin, and then, with soft touches, he lifts my gaze back to meet his irises. He tries to read my expression, and for a second, I see a glint of sadness in his eyes, but soon they become dark again.

He keeps his gaze on me, not looking away. “I am a prince, Elena, and my kind is now at war,” he says in a severe tone. He stares at me, and I stare back at him, wide-eyed. My mouth is stuck like a stone in a wall, unable to form words. I knew Assan was a lord, perhaps a nobleman, but I never imagined a prince.


“Just listen,” he orders. I nod and stay quiet, trying to digest the truth spewing from his lips.

“The creatures you saw are our enemies and must be defeated. As heir to my kingdom, I must produce a child”—he closes his eyes for a second and continues—“I won’t let my kind die out, Elena. If the Beluas have their way, it won’t just be the sea they conquer. Even humans will be at risk for war.”

I am speechless, dizzy, and my body is sluggish. Bile rises to my throat, and I stumble in the water. My heart is sinking, and before I fall, Assan catches me in his arms, keeping me steady.

“I knew this would be too much for you,” he says in a monotone voice. Blood rushes to my head, and everything is swirling around me—my world is being turned upside down again. Mermen, mermaids, a prince, war, and more mysteries than I can handle.

“Why didn’t you tell me the truth sooner?!” I yell out, pushing myself away from his wet form.

Assan looks at me, unwavering in his expression. “And if I had, then what? Would you volunteer to save my people?” He glares at me, but I don’t care. Rage courses through my veins, and yet, I feel divided. Assan wants to help his people, but how does having a child help that? At first, he seemed only cruel, but he must care about the other mermen.

“How does having a child make a difference?!” I yell out, “There has to be another way, one where I don’t have to die!” My voice comes out in a rage, breathing heavily.

Assan stays before me, stoic, not moving, and looks at me with eyes devoid of any emotion. “That’s enough for today”—he runs wet digits through his midnight black strands—“I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle the truth.” He tilts his head, causing his tresses to form a curtain over his sea-green and dark blue eyes. “Sometimes, Elena, it’s better to be ingenuous to the ways of the world.”

He swims closer to me, but still, I struggle to hold myself together. I need to fight for my freedom. “Please! I have people who depend on me, who need me,” I cry out, hoping to reason with Assan. Both of us have people we long to protect, who we would do anything for. For once, I understand Assan’s feelings to protect those that he loves.

Even now, Assan says nothing, not moving like a statue. My firm gaze stays on his, and then suddenly, in a quick motion, he captures my wrist, pressing my arm against the rocky wall. I wince from the pain and his cold touch on my skin. Clenching my teeth, I use my other hand to grab the comb from my bustle. I rub my wet fingers on the sharp tips of the gold comb, ready and willing to stab Assan if I need to.

“If I could release you, I would. But it’s not just a war with the Belua, but with my own kind, as well,” he seethes as he presses his steady hand against my stomach, “this is what I need from you. We both have others that depend on us, and in turn, sacrifices must be made,” he says darkly, with eyes glinting with murderous intent.

I avoid Assan’s gaze and say, “You are right, Assan, we both have people we want to protect and depend on us. And every moment you keep me from them, my hate for you grows.” I bare my teeth.

Assan grips my chin, lifting my sight back to his. As he looks at me, I tighten my fingers around the comb in my hand. If Assan will not let me go, then my only option is to run. Even now, my thoughts spiral about like a storm, jumping back in forth between anger and understanding. He said there is a war between these creatures called Belua and his own kind. He wants to protect his people, the same way I want to protect Joe. Both of us are fighting a war, and there are no winners, only losers. I can’t lose, I can’t help Assan. Even if he told me the truth and didn’t force me to give into him, as long as I have Joe, Seidon, Lucas, and Mika, I cannot forfeit my life—not yet.

“Your mind may resist me, but your body, Elena, tells me a different story”—he smiles slyly at me, with his eyes flickering of lust—“with every rising of the moon and sun, my mating period grows. I desire you, Elena, and soon, the feeling will be mutual,” his voice comes out like velvet, wrapping me in feelings that are foreign to me. Heat rises to my cheeks as Assan brings his face closer to mine, and he tightens the grip on my arm. Towering over me, he is a force that sends my emotions into a blaze of fiery rage, but at the same time, he makes me feel small like a mouse. Only the sound of rumbling water and blood pumping in my ears echoes through my being. Assan’s lips graze against my own, making me light-headed.

Desire, rage, and lust are all emotions I never thought I would experience. With Assan, each one grows and confuses me; my body does betray me. Silky sensations brush across the bare skin of my feet, then run up my legs, parting my thighs. A small yelp escapes my lips, but Assan is unwavering.

“A fin can have many different uses, Elena,” he breathes against my trembling lower lip.

His mouth almost captures mine, but I can’t give into him. If I did allow myself to be loved by Assan, then only a trail of tears and lies would follow. I felt loved by my father, and then he abandoned us; he left and lied to me, so maybe it’s better to be a whore, to have lust without love, to have desires but feel dead. This is my flow, and thus, my better chance of survival.

With my hand tight around the comb, I ease it closer to Assan, near the side of his stomach. No turning back. Using all my strength, in a quick motion, I stab the comb into Assan’s side. He hisses and then clenches his teeth. As he loosens his grip, he places his other hand on his wound, and mutters curses under his breath.

Quickly, I wiggle my arm out of his hold and see the once dark liquid turning crimson. Without wasting time, I swim rapidly to the waterfall in the distance.

“Elena!” Assan’s angry voice roars through the cave walls, echoing through the cavern. Breathing heavily, I propel myself towards the opening of the basin, going underneath the flowing water.

“Elena!” Assan calls me again. Soon, he will catch up to me, grab me, and then maybe kill me, but I cannot give up now. Water splashes into my eyes and mouth, and my vision is blurry. I kick my legs, pushing my body past its limits. Assan is faster than me; he will catch me soon. Behind me, his roaring voice of anger mixes with the thunderous sounds of the waterfall. The intense floods of water beat down on my head, but still, I go on. I reach the open pool and see the tall trees of the forest. Freedom is close, so close. My body yearns to feel the muddy dirt under my feet and return to land, where I can see my friends and Joe again. The smell of saltwater hits my nostrils; water comes from my throat, and I catch my breath above the surface.

As I propel my body towards land, voices reverberate from within the forest.

“How do you know she didn’t run away?” I hear a male voice say, which sounds familiar.

“Tch, she wouldn’t do that. She would never abandon him to be alone with Leona,” the second voice says, and my eyes grow wide. Seidon!

Just hearing his voice sends me relief, and without thinking, I shout his name, hoping he will listen to me. Behind me, Assan’s disgruntled groans get louder. I know he will hurt me if he catches me, for that, I am sure.

The voices get quiet. All sounds fade except the running of the waterfall. Then, through the vines of the trees and bushes appears the face I have wanted to see. Seidon’s multi-colored blue eyes stare into mine, and his mouth is agape.

“Elena.” His voice is soft, in disbelief, and Lucas stands next to him, with his own shock and surprise.

“Seidon,” I call to him, with tears of joy streaming down my face.

“Stay right there! I’m coming for you!” Seidon yells to me and then jumps into the water. I keep going, speeding to him as fast as I can, but before he can reach me, the familiar touch of Assan’s hand grips my ankle. I have lost, he caught me.

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