Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter 10 - |Ice|

ALL NOISES FADE EXPECT the sound of blood pumping in my ears. My heart thumps in my chest, and Assan’s cold fingers caress the skin of my inner thigh. His slender hands trail up my leg, inching towards my core. With my eyes shut, I try to conjure pleasant images. Mother always said if you need to take yourself away from the moment, then focus on something else, even if it is just the ceiling above you. I jerk my leg out of instinct, but Assan quickly captures my ankle with his hand and tightens his grip.

I should want to escape this moment, but this is what I practiced for. If things went as planned, I would be in a brothel now with my buyer. As I lie here, waiting, Assan’s touch sends shivers down my spine, and fear pumps through me; my breath hitches in my throat. I prepared for this, but I can’t help but wonder if this is it. Questions hit me: Will he penetrate me? And how? Will it be painful? My mother warned me about intercourse, about when a man would enter my body. She said it would be painful at first, but I would learn to enjoy it over time. I never believed my mother. How can someone who doesn’t love you and just enters your body for their lust be pleasurable? My eyes are shut tight, and Assan’s warm breath tickles my inner thigh.

With my legs wide open, I feel vulnerable. Any moment, Assan can plunge inside of me, and all I can do is wait for the suffering.

His cold finger then touches my folds, causing me to shudder.

“No, undergarments, Elena,” he teases darkly, “You already seem so eager.” His warm breath blows against me again, and then something soft presses on my flesh, followed by licks and flicks. My skin prickles at what I assume is Assan’s kisses and his tongue licking me, or at least I hope that it is his tongue.

I squeeze my hands into fists, pondering his words as he continues. My lungs long to scream and my legs to lash out, but I won’t. My mother warned me that fighting makes it worse. It is best to lie still and keep my eyes shut unless the men want me to stare at them. She also said that sometimes, the men will want me to look at them in the eyes as they enjoy my body, taking all of me in for themselves. At least Assan hasn’t asked that of me yet.

“So eager,” Assan mummers as he opens my inner lips, thus exposing my sensitive bud. I shut my eyes tighter, letting the darkness conceal my sight from the black-haired merman between my thighs. Swiftly, a cold breeze blows up my legs, reaching my bare stomach. As I shudder, I wonder if it’s more from Assan’s fingers on my skin or the cold draft that blew up my dress.

My mind drifts back to Assan’s words. Eager, I laugh internally and turn my head.

“Being too poor for clothes does not make one eager,” I mumble, anger lacing my voice.

Staying stiff, I wait for Assan to answer me with a rude comment. Instead, I only hear the soothing sounds of rumbling water, and I no longer feel his digits on my skin.

The silence leads me to confusion, and only my fear is left to comfort me. Despite my hesitation—and wondering if Assan has spared me—I slowly open my eyes. Peeking over my dress, I spot Assan in his usual thinking position—eyes closed and his arms crossed against his chest. What is he doing? Looking at him, I can only wonder why he stopped.

As if he senses my curious gaze, he opens his eyes and gives me a firm expression. He briefly studies my visage and then swims back between my legs.

He grips my ankles, opening my legs wide again, and says, “I’m going to pleasure you now, Elena, or do you wish to admit that you were wrong?” His voice is cold and threatening. My body trembles at his icy words, but I resign myself from fighting him. I am not weak, and I stand by what I said. This is the flow of life that was granted to me.

As I swallow the gulp in my throat, I answer with, “No, you say you will bed me and need a child, but how can you even know how to pleasure a woman?”

He chuckles darkly. “Humph, well, then, I suppose soon you will know, but I wonder, are you purposely making me want you more, or is this your way of keeping my attention?” he asks, amused

To his words, heat warms my face—a mix of frustration and disbelief, as a woman of both dark and white, for his attraction to me. Somehow, he saw through my plan of stalling his departure before telling me the truth. However, I can’t let him think he was right, as it will only feed his confidence.

“Maybe it is both,” I say, hoping it catches him off guard.

“What a tease you are, Elena. Did I misjudge you?” He says as his calloused hands run up my thigh. The feeling of the hard cave floor under my bottom is drowned out by the touch of Assan’s cold digits on my skin.

As my heart beats against my chest, Assan’s warm breath takes in my sensitive skin. All sounds fade from my ears, like a distant memory in a haze of confusion.

A low moan escapes Assan’s lips, and I grip my fist even tighter. My palm is throbbing with pain from my nails, but I don’t care. At least the pain numbs the thoughts of what Assan will do to me. I gasp as warmth takes over the sensitive skin between my legs. Inside myself, I try to resist this feeling, but my body grows hot as the moisture builds in my lower torso.

Assan continues, and waves of new sensations spread throughout my body. My breath hitches, and my toes curl. With every flick of his tongue, my mouth forces out a moan. What is this?

“Relax, Elena, or is my pleasure too much for you?” Assan says as if he is teasing me. I purse my lips, keeping my eyes closed, and say nothing. If I say yes, he will believe he has won, but as his touch on my skin still rocks my body, I can’t help but feel I have lost this round. If Assan knows how to do this, I must not be the first woman he has touched. Were there others before me?

“Open your eyes, Elena, or are you scared if I continue, you will need to admit defeat? Or, perhaps my tongue has already rendered you speechless. Such a shame, as that was only a taste of what I can do,” he says.

I snap my eyes open, grit my teeth, and say, “I’m not scared.” My voice is firm, and I lock my eyes onto Assan’s multiple-colored irises.

The same devilish smirk adorns his lips, and his eyes flicker lustfully. As I look into his desired-filled eyes, I see more of what Assan is capable of; however, even I can’t deny the new sensations he brings forth from my body.

“Maybe I’ve been underestimating you too much, Elena,” he says, with the corner of his lips turning upwards, and he swims closer to me. With a swift motion, he places both of his strong hands under my buttocks and inches me to him.

I gasp loudly as his tongue returns to the spot between my thighs. I moan, and he moans—our sounds mixing—a noise I did not think I would hear. As I lie here, I slowly open my eyes and stare at the hole in the ceiling. The once-shining sun is fading into dusk, and soon, the day will descend into darkness. I know intercourse is when a man enters a woman, but Assan hasn’t entered me, and yet, my body is hot, melting with every soft lick on my sensitive skin. I am succumbing to Assan’s actions, unable to fight him any longer. I squirm and moan as these sensations I have never felt before overtaking me.

What is this feeling? He hasn’t entered me. . . I gasp again and squeeze the gravel under my hand. The sounds of rumbling water mix with Assan’s groans and moans, and what must feel like pleasure builds inside me.

Warmth spreads through me, and Assan’s touch is no longer tight against my skin. Slowly, he moves his hands from my buttocks back to my thigh in smooth and gentle movements.

Is this what pleasure feels like? But how?

His tongue continues to flick across the moistness between my legs. My toes start to curl again, and I am being taken captive by Assan’s touch. I want to resist him, but the control over my body is waning. As I stare into the orange-yellow blaze of the sky, the rays of sunlight turn into blurry visions of beauty. I can’t. . . this feeling . . .

I feel Assan smirk against my wet flesh, and to my surprise, I moan his name. Assan then quickly stops, leaving me panting for air and breathless.

He chuckles darkly. I shift my gaze to him; a twisted grin is etched on his lips. His handsome face is flustered, and tousled raven locks cover his features. The water on his muscular chest gleams in the sun’s rays, highlighting his sculpted form.

He crosses his arms against his chest and continues to laugh. Out of embarrassment and anger, I quickly retreat—lowering my dress and standing up. What was that? I stand puzzled by Assan’s behavior and the actions between us. Was that it? Did we . . .I feel a lump in my throat and wonder if Assan has impregnated me. Being a merman, I wonder how they mate, but asking would only lead to Assan’s teasing.

Heat rises to my cheeks, and I avoid Assan’s gaze. Fuming, I clench my fist, disgusted in my confusion and lack of knowledge about what Assan did. Mother only taught me how to pleasure men, never what actions men do to women besides entering them.

Assan’s masculine laughter finally dies, but I still avoid his sight. I know he was laughing at me.

“Elena,” Assan calls me, but I don’t want to speak to him or even see him.

He chuckles darkly, and swaying water echoes through the cave.

“Is something wrong, Elena?” He questions in his deep voice, teasing me, knowing full well what burden I must feel.

As I stand still, my mind is filled with questions: Why did he stop? Did I really want him to stop? Or could I now have his child growing inside me, given that I don’t know how mermen mate? Before Assan told me about Berserkers. Do mermen mate the same way? Slowly, I look back at Assan, and he raises an eyebrow at me. Surprisingly, he is calm; I am not used to this Assan.

“Did you . . .” my words trail off, and Assan laughs again. He must know what I am thinking.

“You are a virgin, aren’t you? Heh, no, Elena,” he says in a calm voice, with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

I look up at Assan, surprised, trying to figure out what he did to me and what sensations I felt.

Taking one step forward, I ponder the actions between us. “If you didn’t impregnate me, then . . . “ my words choke in my throat, and Assan locks his dark gaze on me.

He tilts his head to one side, giving me a curious expression. “Do you want more, Elena?” His half-lidded eyes are taunting—sea-green and dark blue hues gleaming with wicked desires—awaiting an answer.

Caught off guard by his question, I quickly step back, trying to understand my feelings. He tricks me into giving in to him, and now he asks me if I want more! Despite what he made me feel, anger burns through me—for wondering if I do want more or for the fact that Assan has proven his abilities.

Assan swims towards the bank’s edge as if knowing what I was thinking and rests his arm on the wet gravel. He smiles slyly at me, and droplets of water drip from his messy black hair down the well-developed muscles of his chest and arms.

I avoid his sight and say, “No, I don’t, but I’m curious. Why did you . . .”

“Hmmm…why did I what?” His voice comes out like velvet, calm and curious.

As I exhale, I maneuver my eyes back to Assan’s. Again, everything is becoming too much for me, and after this, my thoughts have become complicated. I want answers to understand the actions transpiring around me and what Assan made me feel. Why does a part of me want more? I shake my head, hating this body that has betrayed my feelings. I don’t want him to touch me again, or I...

My body tenses. “Stop. . . why did you stop? Your goal is to create a child, is it not?” The heat warms my cheeks, and I avert my gaze from Assan. I want to, no, I need to understand what has happened to me.

He looks at me curiously and then closes his eyes. “You know nothing,” he snarls, snapping his eyes open. “When the time comes, I will impregnate you, Elena.” He smiles wickedly at me. “Your mind may want one thing, but your body, Elena, wants more.”

I step back, clenching the sides of my white gown. “I do not.”

“Say what you will, but I will finish you, don’t worry. You will shout my name to the skies before I am done with you; I hope you’ve learned not to challenge me further.” He narrows his serious pupils to me, gazing at my sacred form.

My eyes widen, and I remember the words I said before. I doubt you even know how to pleasure a woman . . .so that was the feeling… and if Assan knows how to . . . he must have been with a human before? Or are mermaids the same as human females, and where are they?....

“When are you going to tell me the truth? And where are the women? What happened to them?!” I shout.

Assan stays quiet, and his lips form a scowl. Before he speaks, his eyes shift down to the dark liquid as if he is looking at something or someone.

“Wait here.” He dives into the water.

Was someone watching us? Embarrassment floods me, and I can only hope no one is spying on Assan and me. I slowly walk forward and then bend down to stare into the dark, cloudy liquid.

Are the mermen being attacked again? My eyes stay on the water, watching for any movement, but it remains calm. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for, but I needed to be on guard, given all the events that happened.

“Searching for something?”

I jump, quickly jerking my head around when I see Assan leaning against the cave wall, in the water, confident as always.

“Do you always need to do that, or just enjoy scaring me?” I huff and step towards him.

“Can it be both?” He smirks.“I could say the same to you, Elena. Threatening to take your life when I am not around, do you wish just to enrage me?” His smirk shifts to a grimace.

My body tenses, but I know this is my chance—it is either now or never, or I doubt Assan will ever reveal the truth to me.

“Tell me, what were the creatures that attacked you, and that man, who is he and—”

“Enough!” Assan’s voice roars through the cave, and the water surrounding him bubbles again. His solemn gaze is on me, but unlike before, he calms down quickly and sighs. “Tomorrow.” He sighs heavily. “I will tell you tomorrow, but not sooner. After what you did today, I’ve decided to take you out.”

My eyes widen, and my mouth is agape, “Out…”

“Yes, Elena. The future mother of my child cannot be in poor health, physical or otherwise. Tomorrow, I will take you out, and Hass will watch over you from now on.” He laughs. “He’ll be like your butler.”

I lower my gaze to the floor, mulling over Assan’s words. Out of all the words spoken, the only one that sticks with me is Out. . . I may be able to escape after all. If Assan takes me back to the waterfall, I can see Seidon and everyone else again. I want to cry tears of joy and happiness, knowing I may have a chance to see my friends again, but I dare not ask or speak about it. If Assan knew my thoughts, my happiness would be short-lived.

“Do you have nothing to say?” Assan eyes me suspiciously. I have to maintain my stance and not hint at my thoughts.

I purse my lips and then say, “Where will you take me? And why now, why won’t you tell me the truth while we are both here?”

Assan stares at me blankly, showing no emotion on his face, and then he lets out an exhausted sigh. “Get some rest, Elena. Tomorrow, we shall talk,” he says and starts swimming away.

Before he leaves, I run to the edge of the water. “Assan!” I don’t want to be in the dark any longer, but he won’t tell me the truth of the darkness surrounding me. Even tomorrow is a mystery to me.

Assan turns his back to me. “Go to sleep, Elena, and don’t try to hurt yourself again. I’m the only one who can touch you, pleasure or pain.”

After that, he dives into the water, leaving me alone. I collapse to the ground. I failed again at everything. Again, Assan has beaten me and proved me wrong. Images of him between my legs appear in my mind. I want to deny it, to hate him more, but his touch on my skin, his kisses along my inner thigh, made me weak. I never had a man touch me that way before, and I never knew they could. Like his kisses, he just teases me and uses me.

I sigh heavily. The smell of salt water permeates the air, along with the sounds of running water. A draft of wind blows through the cave, causing me to get chilly. My thoughts are cloudy, like the darkness forming the sky and the murky water.

Slowly, I rise to my feet and sweep my eyes over the room. Nothing differs from the other room besides the cosmetic chest on the dresser. Using the little bit of light to see my path, I walk over to the dresser. I run my finger down the wooden box, and like the other rooms, there is dust. Curious, I try to open the chest, but it is locked.

“I wonder what could be inside.” I stare at the chest momentarily and then gaze at the porcelain basin on the ground.

Bending down, I think about my plan. Should I try again?

I hear a lighthearted laugh. “I do not believe Assan would approve of you repeating your earlier actions, wouldn’t you agree?”

Quickly, I stand up. Hass is at the water’s edge, with a bright smile on his features. His brunette bangs are moist and hovering over his silver pupil.

“No, he wouldn’t.” My voice is but a whisper.

“You should get some rest, dear Elena. Assan has informed he is taking you out tomorrow. It will be good for you.”

I stare at Hass from a distance. “Do you know where he will take me?”

Hass shakes his head. “You shouldn’t worry about such things now and get some rest. I am sure Assan has informed you I will be looking after you from now on.” He smiles warmly at me.

Lowering my gaze to the floor, I remain silent. No words Hass can say can comfort me. There is no point in fighting or lashing out; I hope to escape tomorrow.

“Thank you, Hass,” I say softly and turn away from him.


I spin back around and look at Hass curiously.


“I never got to ask you, but how old are you?”

I avoid his sight. “I am in my twenty-second year.”

“Ah, still young, I see. I remember that age.” He chuckles lightly.

Is Hass older? He doesn’t look older. How long can a merman live?

I look at Hass, surprised. “I don’t feel young. If it weren’t for my mother, maybe I would be like the rest of the girls my age…married and with child.”

“Oh, I can’t say I’m too familiar with human society. At twenty-two, most mermen are still considered babies.” He laughs again, and I stare at him in confusion.

He waves his hand. “It’s nothing; rest, and I will check on you later.” He smiles at me before diving into the water.

“Wait. . .” I sprint to the bank, but Hass has already descended into the depths of the water. “What did he mean that a twenty-two-year-old merman is still considered a baby? How old is Assan, then?”

More and more questions surround me, and I groan from frustration. Finally, feeling the weight of exhaustion, I resign myself to listen to Assan for once and rest.

I walk over to the bed and lie down. As I stare up at the ceiling, I think about tomorrow. The clouds move slowly through the sky, making a white blanket that covers the stars coming out. Can I escape from Assan, and where could he be taking me? If it is back to the waterfall, I can find my way home and forget everything that has happened. Then again, I doubt I will ever forget. Still, the idea of seeing Joe again, Seidon, Lucas, and Mika are enough to help me sleep, even if I will also have to face my mother.

As I close my eyes, the sound of water splashing against the rocks captures my attention. I thought I heard a male groan for a second, but Hass said he would check on me later; it is probably my imagination.


GLEAMING BRIGHT LIGHT SWEEPS over my eyes. I flutter my eyelids, roll over, and try not to wake up. I’m not ready to wake from my slumber yet. In my dreams, I find peace. I see my father, Seidon, Joe, and my friends. The water splashing further awakens me, causing me to stir in bed. Slowly, I open my eyes, seeing the cave walls through blurry vision.

Remembering the events from yesterday, I think about Assan’s touch on my skin. Even though I knew he was teasing me, I can’t get the idea of his touch out my mind. I sit up and exhale. Sometimes, I wonder if Assan’s cruelty will end, but Hass mentioned this is Assan’s usual disposition. I wonder why Assan acts the way he does. What is his past? Who are his parents? So many questions need answers; it makes my head hurt. I maneuver my legs over the bed, get up, and start walking towards the entrance to the cave. The rocks on the cave wall glisten in the sunlight, producing a rainbow of color that twinkles around the room.

Sniffing the air, I smell the aroma of freshly cooked fish mixed with saltwater. I then look around the bank of the rocks, seeing a plate of fish and what appears to be dried seaweed. Fish must be part of the mermen’s diet, which is ironic given they are half-fish themselves. Next to the plate is a cup of water, followed by a second porcelain bowl. The bowl is filled with water, soap, and a washcloth.

I sigh. I need to wash up. As I stare down into the water, my stomach growls from the smell of fish permeating the air. Even though I don’t wish to fill my stomach, I know my body demands it. I could refuse to eat, but that would incur more of Assan’s wrath. I scoot over to the morsels of food waiting to be devoured and take the plate into my lap.

Quickly, I ate the fish and seaweed, realizing how hungry my body was. It’s abnormal for me to consume seaweed, but my options are limited. To my surprise, the fish is seasoned. It reminds me of what I used to eat when I was a child visiting Seidon and when my father was around. After eating, I swallow the cup of water, leaving no drop left. I was hungry and thirsty, but it’s hard to think of food when a merman tells you he wants to bed you and then kill you. I sigh heavily as I maneuver myself to the porcelain basin.

“Bathing is better than staying dirty,” I speak softly and slowly remove the dress from my body. As I take the soap and washcloth into my hand, the noise of plucking water alerts me. I place the cloth of the dress over my bare skin, covering my breast and lower torso.

“Is someone there?” I call out, wondering if Assan is watching me. It wouldn’t surprise me if he were peeking at me—he seems that type. I rank my eyes around the pool of liquid, but I see nothing. The cave isn’t shaking; the water isn’t bubbling, so perhaps I hear things. After being attacked several times, I wonder if my mind is fooling me.

I shake my head to regain my senses and continue bathing. The lukewarm water is refreshing against my skin, putting me at ease. Again, I hear a blop sound from behind me. In no time, I spin around, facing the water. I pull the dress back up to my chest, and in the distance, short blonde locks and a pair of light blue and dark green pupils are peeking out from the water. They are staring at me.

I gasp and jump back.

“Who is there?!” I take a few steps back as I shift my eyes around the pool of water. The pair of hues eases towards me, and I’m startled. Ever since Assan brought me here, my life has become a series of wonders and unknowns. Around every corner, with every new being I meet, I could be faced with possible death. I think about the woman I saw before, and I wonder what could be in the water with me: a berserker, a scaly fish creature, a merman, or better yet, Assan.

“I’m surprised you could hear me, human. You have better senses than I thought.” A male voice echoes through the cave, and instantly, I realize it is neither Assan nor Hass.

My throat goes dry; what now? I stay quiet and retreat deeper into the cave. It is a merman, right? And merman can’t walk on land, at least I tell myself.

“Why are you here?” I question him while I walk backward.

No longer able to hide, the merman surfaces above the water. He has multi-colored eyes like the others, but his features are unlike Assan’s or Hass’s. He is average-looking, with a slim build and short blonde hair.

“I’m here because I want what every merman wants.” His voice is agitated and angry.

What does every merman want? What is he talking about? I grip the loose dress tighter in front of my chest. I hear my blood pumping in my ears, and my heart beats faster, but after everything that has happened, I try to control my breathing.

“I suppose our great Assan hasn’t told you, has he?”

My lips form a thin line as I shake my head in response.

He avoids my gaze. “To be expected. . . it’s all because of him, both of them; if it weren’t for those two, the mermaids would never have left.”

My ears perk up, my eyes widen, and I step forward.

“What happened to them?”

His eyes lock back on me. “I will tell you after I’m finished with you.” He smiles widely at me, a devious grin that sends a chill down my spine and fear that sticks to me.

I move back again, inching my way to the cave wall. “Stay away from me!”

“Stay away! Don’t make me laugh. Why does Assan get to be the only one to mate? We have been denied while he brings a female here. My chance is gone because of those two, and now, I will take what belongs to me,” he growls through clenched teeth and speeds towards me.

Like in an ocean, the water forms waves splashing violently against the rocks. I stay in my spot, thinking quickly of where to go. The cave is wide open. I move back slightly and see that the merman is stopped on the edge of the land.

“You can’t get to me, so leave, or I will scream!”

The merman laughs with confidence, lacing his voice. “You are mine, human. I won’t let them destroy us. Even if I have to disgrace my body by mating with a human, I will do it. You are mine, mine. . . mine. . .” His words repeat in a loop, getting deeper every time he speaks. I try to run, but I’m locked frozen in shock. The merman’s body starts to glow a bright white light. Soon, his once pale skin turns into dark green scales, and his arms form tentacles.

“Mine . . . mine . . . mine.” His voice roars through the cave. Overwhelming shock courses through my veins. Flashbacks of the now-destroyed cave enter my mind. The berserker looked the same as what this merman is turning into. Using his half-human-arm tentacles, he crawls on land, inching his way to me.

Bare naked, I know there is the only way to escape him: the water.

My hands tremble, but I’ve been through this before. Today is my possible escape; I can’t lose this chance. Assan or Hass will come to check on me soon; until then, I have to protect myself or flee to the water; however, going to the water naked is not ideal. Despite my hate for him, I wish it was just Assan peeking at me rather than a lustful, enraged merman.

“Stay back, or I . . . “ My voice catches in my throat, “ . . . I-wil-l kill you!” I stammer out, but I will not falter.

The deranged merman laughs again. His once human face is now half-monster: dark green, scaly, and eyes turning black. Sharp teeth appear in his mouth, and one arm has fully reformed into a tentacle.

I dart my eyes right to left, searching for an opening to run; there isn’t much space. He lunges a tentacle at me, and I close my eyes, bracing for the impact.

“Stop!” A voice roars through the cave. Heart beating, mouth dry, I slowly open my eyes. Before me, the scaly tentacle stopped right before my eyes.

“If you touch her, Dylan, I will kill you.”

Those threatening words belong to the only merman I have ever spoken to. In the distance, Assan’s eyes are narrowed, glaring daggers at the merman attempting to entrap me. Anger is blazing in his solid blue eyes, and the air in the cave is heavy; the tension between the two mermen oozes around me, both auras making me lightheaded.

The merman, now a half-monster named Dylan, whips around to face Assan. “Tell me, Assan, do you understand how being left behind and forced to be alone feels? This war started because of him. She left, convincing the others her way was the correct path. Is it Assan? You tell me . . . my Lord.” Dylan snarls, his voice full of disdain as if saying Assan’s name disgusts him.

I stare at both sea creatures, trying to understand what is happening. She? The others? Does he mean the mermaids? What does Assan have to do with that?

Assan stares directly at Dylan from within the middle of the water. A scowl is plastered on his features, and his eyes are still blazing.

“Dylan, I understand more than you ever will. Being a lord means nothing to me, and loneliness”—Assan laughs sarcastically—“The one you despised left me as well; that was not my choice. If you have issues with the current state of our affairs, take it up with him. But let me warn you here and now: if you so lay one hand on that woman”—Assan gestures to me—“I will kill you here with no regrets.”

Dylan’s eyes widen in surprise. “Assan, you would care this much for a human?”

Assan scowls. “Yes, for more than a fellow merman who is turning into a raging fool because of his selfish lust,” Assan growls out, with his brows knit together, as the water around him begins to swoosh about.

Dylan lowers his gaze to the dark blue water, and his body slowly returns to its original size and shape. Now, his fishtail is halfway in the water, and his upper half is on the bank of land. Still wordless and naked, I stand, staring.

“Lord Assan. .. I.”

“Go, Dylan, before my punishment for you is even worse.” Assan hisses at Dylan, venom lacing his voice.

“Yes, my Lord.” Dylan eases his way back into the water and glances at me before diving under.

With relief flooding through me, I exhale.

“Foolish,” Assan mumbles and shakes his head. He shifts his gaze to me, looking at my stiff, naked form.

He then smirks and tilts his head. “I’m sure after this, you have even more questions”—he clicks his tongue—“are you ready to go out now, or are you just going to stand there naked and tempt me?” His lips twist into a lustful grin.

My words catch in my throat, and for a second, I realize Assan is playing with me. How he can remain calm and collected is beyond me, but I simply nod my head to his question. I have questions, and once they are answered, I will leave here, hoping never to return.

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