Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 27

After our declarations on the weekend, Yasmin and I have been inseparable. We spent the first two nights at her house until we decided it would be easier to move Millie into the spare room at my house. Help get her settled in before we leave.

Their dad took it surprisingly well. He has been over for dinner almost every night and even picked Millie up from soccer practice on Thursday.

We thought for sure he’d fight us on it. But he’s listening to Mum and taking her advice.

The house has been full, and Mum has been so happy having us all here.

Yasmin and I are currently sitting out on the deck with Mum, GW, and Millie when Arden walks in closely followed by Rhys, Ally and Julia.

“Pack a bag mothertruckers,” he says to Yasmin and me. “You too Mills.” He says looking over at Millie.

“Why?” Yasmin queries, arching an eyebrow and staring at Arden. She hasn’t learnt yet that it’s best to not question Arden. Just do what he says. It’ll be easier.

“For me to know and for you to find out.” He taunts.

“What are you, twelve?” Yasmin asks.

“I know you, you said you are. So, what am I?” Arden responds without even hesitating.

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Yasmin says shaking her head at him. I chuckle and stand. There really is no point fighting this. We’ll find out when Arden is ready to tell us.

“Go with Chase. Or I’ll pack a bag for you,” he threatens and throws in a wink.

“Fine.” Yasmin huffs and storms into the house.

Two hours later we pull up into the driveway of a massive house.

“Where are we?” Ally asks. We’re all piled into the back of a limo. Ralph is driving us. Arden wanted us to be able to have a drink on the way. Yasmin and Millie were amazed. They’ve never been in a limo before.

It was an experience for them, and you couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces.

Seeing Yasmin smile made everything feel right in the world.

“We’re in Briar Bay,” Arden says throwing back the remainder of his drink. “Dad bought this as a holiday house. A while ago. I thought it’d be nice to have a weekend away together. I want to spend some time with Julia before we leave. Martha’s already here. She’ll have dinner ready for us,” Arden explains.

“Arden. That’s so sweet. Thank you,” Yasmin says before launching herself across the limo to hug him. He chuckles into her hair and hugs her back.

“You’re welcome. I just thought after everything you told us last weekend, we could use some downtime TOGETHER.” He says emphasising the together. It was hard to let Yasmin walk away and even harder to listen to what she went through.

I know we all took it hard. But I also know that we will do everything we can to help her move on and get through it. We are, after all, family.

“Come on. Let’s go. Martha will get shitty if the food goes cold,” Arden says, ushering us all out of the limo.

I lace my fingers through Yasmin’s as we make our way up the steps to the Beach House. I’ve never been to Briar Bay, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful. It’s mainly holiday houses and a bunch of high-end boutique stores. Kind of like Australia’s version of the Hamptons.

It doesn’t surprise me that Arden’s dad bought a house up here.

We don’t get given the tour. Instead, we’re ushered through the house and out to the deck. The house has floor to ceiling windows that overlook the beach. The stairs off to the side of the deck lead to the beach. The sun is just starting to set over the horizon. The sky is a combination of blues and purples.

Arden planned our arrival perfectly.

“Wow,” Ally whispers leaning on the railing of the deck. “This is beautiful.”

“I hoped we’d make it in time. Dad said this was one of the selling points, the view, especially at sunset. We have this little slice of paradise to ourselves. It’s a private beach,” Arden tells us.

We’re all watching the sunset and don’t hear Martha come out.

“Come on everyone. Sit. Eat,” she says, placing a dish on the table. It’s then I see she has set out plates loaded with spaghetti and bowls of garlic bread. Even extra little bowls of parmesan cheese. She’s thought of everything. Not surprising. I’m pretty sure that’s where Arden learnt his organisational skills.

We all sit and dig in. You don’t disobey Martha. We learnt that at a young age. She’ll whack you over the back of the head. She’s one of a kind. It won’t be the same, her not being around next year.

I don’t think Arden is going to be able find a suitable replacement.

There’s a collective mmmm around the table as everyone digs in. Ralph comes out with drinks for us, putting a beer in front of those of us over eighteen and cans of lemonade in front of Millie and Julia.

“That’s not fair,” Julia says, complaining about the drink in front of her. “I know for a fact that you let Arden drink when he was fifteen. I’m sixteen. Almost seventeen, dammit,” she protests, and Rhys spits his drink across the table.

We all look at him.

“Sorry. I’ve never heard Julia throw a tantrum before.” Rhys straightens in his chair and takes another mouthful. Successfully this time.

“You should’ve seen her when she was twelve. She went through a stage. It was mostly hilarious. But sometimes annoying as hell,” Ally adds.

I often forget that Rhys hasn’t been with us since prep.

“Nope. Not going to happen.” Ralph stands taller and crosses his arms.

His I mean business look.

“But why?” Julia retorts.

“Because I said, and while your dad isn’t here I’m in charge,” Ralph replies.

Julia responds by poking her tongue at him and huffing. Which causes us all to laugh.

“It’s beer or apple pie,” Ralph deadpans, giving her a choice. A choice we all know the answer to.

“Fine. But I still think you’re mean,” Julia says admitting defeat. Apple pie is her weakness.

“That’s okay, princess. I know you still love me,” Ralph says chuckling while he makes his way back into the house, no doubt to join Martha for dinner.

“I’ve planned something for you girls tomorrow,” Arden says between a mouthful of food.

“What?” Ally and Julia say at the same time.

“I’ve set up a private fitting at Giselle’s for you to get dresses. You will all need formal dresses.”

“No fucking way?” Ally yells. “Really? Like really really?” She asks excitedly.

“Yes, really,” Arden says offering no further explanation.

“I fucking love you.” She responds.

“What’s Giselle’s?” Yasmin asks confused.

“Only one of the BEST boutiques. It’s a one-of-a-kind dress shop. Her stuff is amazing and it’s super hard to get one. Her fittings are appointment only and the wait list is years long,” Ally explains. Her eyes are bright, and her smile is contagious. Even Rhys smiles.

I watch him watch her.

We really need to find a way for him to get out of this crap with Ashley. I’m not overly keen on Rhys and Ally being together. But if it’s what they want, I won’t stop them.

“I don’t even want to know how much you’re paying for the appointment,” Ally says to Arden.

“It sounds a little out of budget for me,” Yasmin tells him.

“Hush. I’ll have none of that. Only the best for you girls.” Yasmin and Millie haven’t been around Arden for long enough to realise that when Arden does something like this, he’s paying for it. He’ll make a girl very happy one day. I just hope he doesn’t end up with someone who’ll take advantage of his generosity.

“Don’t hush me Chuck,” Yasmin sasses.

“I’ll hush you as much as I like,” Arden teases right back. I love listening to them banter. It does something seeing my best friend and my girl getting along, even if they are arguing.

I gently squeeze Yasmin’s hand, bringing her attention to me. “I wouldn’t even bother. You won’t win this.”

“Fine.” She huffs, while picking up her drink.

Ally moves over to sit next Yasmin to show her some of the dresses that Giselle has made.

“So, I was thinking I need to plan something big for the graduation ceremony,” Arden says.

“No. Mum will kill you.” Rhys chuckles.

“Non-sense. Mrs G loves me,” Arden retorts.

This turns Rhys’ chuckle into a full laugh. “You keep telling yourself that.” Mrs G does love us, but it’s fun to watch Rhys rile up Arden.

“She does,” Arden says with a tone of finality.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Rhys says while finishing his drink. Arden chooses to ignore Rhys.

“I was thinking we definitely need to do a speech and maybe a song?” Arden asks.

“Hell no.” Everyone responds at once.

“I’m not singing. Or speaking. You’re on your own,” I tell Arden and everyone else agrees with me.

“Fine, I’ll sing a High School Musical song on my own then.”

Ally spits her drink across the table. “You wouldn’t?” She questions. She knows Arden. She should know better. Once he’s said something, there is no way he isn’t following through with it.

“Watch me.” He says with an evil smirk.

Millie and Julia head inside to pick their room and watch a movie. There heads have been in their phones, both whispering and giggling.

“I can’t believe how much Julia has come around the last few weeks,” I say to Arden while the girls continue their browsing.

“I know, I’ve been proving to her that I’ll always be there, no matter what. I’m happy that she’ll have Millie next year when we’re gone. And that she’s been spending time with Mumma Nat.”

“She knows you’ll always be there. Mum’s been over the moon that she’s been visiting more often.”

“I know she knows deep down; I just have to keep proving it to her so she doesn’t push us away again,” Arden says, concern in his tone. It’s always going to be there, I think. Julia pushed us all away once, what’s to stop her from doing it again?

We just have to trust her.

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