Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 26

I’m in the kitchen washing up when there’s a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it,” Millie calls from the living room.

Dad’s working tonight. He messaged before and asked if it was okay. Given it’s a Friday night and I planned to spend the night reading, I didn’t really care. It’s the first time he’s ever asked. I appreciate the effort he’s making with us. It’s slowly restoring my faith in the fact that he will be there for Millie next year.

“Ummm Yasmin, it’s for you,” Millie calls out. I can hear the laughter in her voice. I grab a tea towel to wipe my hands while I walk towards the front door.

“Who is it?” I ask, even though I know who it will be. I knew they’d show up eventually. I love them even more for giving me some space this week.

It’s just given me time to reflect and realise that I want and need them in my life.

Millie doesn’t say anything. She has tears streaming down her face, and her laughter has become uncontrollable. She pushes the door fully open and I take in the scene in front of me.

Standing at my front door is Chase, Arden, Rhys, and Ally. Their arms are loaded with bags and boxes and pizza. At first, I don’t understand why Millie is laughing.

Until I look down.

I can’t help but join Millie.

The four of them are wearing pink princess pyjamas identical to the ones that I own.

The pair that I was wearing the morning that I first met Chase again.

They look ridiculous. Well, the boys do. Ally is fine. It’s obvious she’s trying really hard to contain her laughter.

I look at her. “How’d you get Arden to agree to this?” It has to be her idea. Arden takes too much pride in his appearance. Plus, Ally suggesting it would be the only way that Rhys would agree to it.

“It was Arden’s idea,” Ally says as she gives me an awkward side hug because her arms are full. “He said there’d be no way you’d turn us away.” Ally makes her way inside the house, letting herself in like it was her own house.

Arden just nods. “Did it work?” he asks.

“Of course it worked, but I’d have let you in without the pyjamas.” I tell him.

“I told you,” Rhys says smirking at me and follows Ally into the house.

“Yeah but it was worth it to see you in pink. It suits you Rhys,” Arden jokes. He winks at me, gives me a kiss on the cheek, grabs the bags from Chase and goes into the house.

A quick glance behind me lets me know Millie has gone with them.

I look back at Chase and get lost in his gaze.

“Hi,” he says cautiously, taking a step closer to me.

“Hi,” I repeat following his lead and taking a step closer. The tension builds between us. It won’t take long for us to explode. The world disappears and it’s just us.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispers again, moving a step closer.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“I love you,” Chase says, his eyes locked with mine.

I see it in his eyes.

He really does love me.

I see the truth.

There’s no doubt.

I don’t over think it.

I’ve known for weeks.

This week apart just made me see it more clearly.

I love him as well.

Chase shifts nervously.

“I love you too.” I don’t give him a chance to respond with words.

I close the gap and pull him down to kiss me.

The tension breaks. I melt into his arms and tilt my head to deepen the kiss.

I’ve missed this.

I’ve missed him.

We kiss, forgetting that we’re standing on my front porch.

The world melts away.

“Sorry to interrupt, but the pizza is getting cold,” Ally says popping our bubble.

We pull away breathless.


We need to kiss like that more often.

Chase doesn’t say anything. He just pulls me into his side and walks us into the house.

As we enter the dining room, I take in just what my friends have done.

The smell of pizza fills the room.

There are plates full of brownies and muffins.

Bowls of chips and lollies.

How is it they know more about what I like and need than what my own father does? I’m hit with overwhelming waves of emotions. This is what family is.

“Are they Martha’s muffins?” I ask.

“Yep, she made you brownies as well,” Arden says as he hands Chase and I a beer and sits at the table.

I take in the table again, shocked that they’ve done all this for me. I blink back tears and Chase notices the slight change in me.

He turns me to face him.

“We all love you. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for you,” he says, reassuring me.

“Thank you,” I whisper and move forward to bury my face in his neck, letting him ground me again.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s eat. We’ve got a night of movies and snacks ahead of us,” Chase says, moving me to the table.

I love them for this. They knew this was what I needed.

We fall into easy conversation over dinner. It doesn’t feel like I spent the week ignoring them. They pick up from where we left off. Like nothing has changed. They aren’t holding grudges.

It’s then I make the decision to tell them all about what happened.

They deserve to know, and Smalls told me that maybe them knowing would help me. Being able to talk about it might help me move on. I struggle to find the words. I don’t know how to tell them. It helps that Rhys already knows. He’s always the wild card, but I know I have him on my side and that gives me the push I need.

I pick nervously at the label on the beer bottle.

Chase squeezes my thigh gently, reminding me that he’s there.

“I owe you all an apology and an explanation,” I say trying to clear my throat to make it seem like I’m a little less nervous than I am.

“It’s okay. We understand. You can tell us when you’re ready,” Ally tells me. I love how reassuring she is. It’s what she does, when she isn’t giving the boys shit or putting them in their place.

I glance at Rhys and he nods slightly, giving me the encouragement I need to continue.

“I’d like to explain now. You deserve to know, and I don’t want to keep this from you guys. It’s hard to talk about. But I know you aren’t going to treat me any differently when you find out.” I look around the table and meet all their gazes briefly. I have all their attention and this makes me even more nervous.

I need to do this.

Chase threads his fingers with mine and squeezes. His thumb rubs small circles on my hand. His touch grounds me and encourages me to continue.

“As you know, my mum was an alcoholic with a drug problem.” I pause and everyone nods.

“Well when she died five years ago, she was in debt with the local dealer. Apparently, they had made an agreement that when I turned eighteen, I’d be his to do with what he liked. He could keep me, sell me, pimp me out. Whatever he felt like.”

“Fuck,” Arden whispers.

Chase squeezes my hand harder, encouraging me to continue. I can feel his anger start to bubble. He isn’t angry at me. I know that. He’s angry at my mum.

“We didn’t know that. Not long after I turned eighteen, I was kidnapped. I wouldn’t comply so they beat me and starved me to make me comply.” I shudder remembering what it was like to be locked in the dingy, smelly room. I’ll have the scars forever.

“How long did it take for you to be found?” Arden asks.

I look around the room. Ally and Millie have tears in their eyes. Rhys is rubbing Ally’s back in the same calming way that Chase is for me.

Chase and Arden both look like they would kill for me.

“It took five days. Millie was the first to realise I was gone. Her and Smalls went to the station to tell Dad when they couldn’t find me.” I stop, the memories crashing into me all over again.

“Dad told them it was fine. Maybe I’d just gone to stay with a friend and had forgotten to tell someone. Both Millie and Smalls knew that I’d never do that. They knew something was wrong, but Dad wouldn’t believe them. He had no idea I had no friends.”

“Asshole,” Chase curses. I look into his eyes and see the turmoil in them. He feels this as much as I do. He’s angry. And rightfully so. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to forgive Dad for not taking the whole situation more serious.

“Three days later, Smalls asked his foster mum to report me as missing, because they’d more likely take her seriously. She went to the Sargent, who opened an investigation. Dad was benched because they suspected that maybe it was someone he’d arrested out for revenge. It wasn’t until my kidnappers realised I wouldn’t comply that they decided to send a ransom request instead. It took the police twenty-four hours to find me after that. I was bloody and bruised, dehydrated and starving but okay considering. It could’ve been worse. For the most part, I’m okay, but as you’ve all seen, I can freak out and I get jumpy in crowds,” I rush to get that last of it out.

“They threatened me while I was there, told me they knew I had a sister. They said they’d come for her. The police arrested the two guys, but it was a bigger operation. They couldn’t be sure that someone wouldn’t try again. That’s when Dad decided to move us back here. I already planned on going to NHU next year, so it kind of made sense.”

“But your dad didn’t change afterwards did he?” Chase asks even though he knows the answer.

“No, I think he blames himself. He threw himself into work as much as he could and then well, you know what he’s been like since we moved here. It’s only been this last week that he’s been home. I’m still worried that he may fall back on old ways when I leave.” I let the tears stain my cheeks.

I’m not afraid to show my emotions in front of these people. I don’t want there to be secrets.

When I’m with them I feel like I’m home.

“Unbelievable,” Chase says shaking his head at the same time Millie speaks.

“You don’t have to worry about me next year.” She wipes her tears and straightens her back.

“I know you can look after yourself Mill, but you deserve to have someone here when you’re home.”

“I know. But…” She hesitates. Out of the corner of my eye I see Chase nod at her. Almost as if he’s encouraging her. What’s going on?

“I was going to wait to ask you. But Nat spoke to me during the week. She asked if I’d like to move in with her next year. She’s already spoken to Dad, and he’s agreed if it’s what I want. She’s spoken to the hospital, and they are happy to move her to mostly days and GW will be there when she’s not,” Millie tells me.

“You’re okay with this?” I ask Chase. I love Mumma Nat for offering this. I’d feel better knowing Millie was there.

“Of course, I am. Mum asked me before she offered. Mum started doing nights when I was old enough to be on my own. If I’d asked her, she would’ve stopped. But I had GW and these guys, so I was okay,” Chase says nodding towards our friends. “Mum knows your dad has a lot of work to do, but she doesn’t think forcing him and Millie together is in the best interest for everyone. Including you. Your dad’s agreed to regular dinners to start with, and he’ll work his way up from there. He knows he screwed up,” Chase finishes.

“I’m okay with this if it’s what you really want to do?” I tell Millie. Nat is right. Forcing Dad and Millie together won’t end well. Millie will likely rebel and Dad will fall back into old habits.

I’d feel better leaving knowing that Millie was safe.

“It is. I thought about it and I’d like to try. Being at Nat’s feels like home. It has to be baby steps with Dad,” Millie tells me confidently. “Plus, it means that you won’t worry so much about me and can enjoy being a teenager at University,” she says excitedly. Millie gets up and comes to stand behind me.

Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she leans down and whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too Mills.”

Arden clears his throat, bringing the attention back to him.

“Okay, so it’s obvious we all forgive you and we really appreciate you telling us what happened. It means we can be there for you in the future. BUT….”

“But what?” I ask dubiously. I’m glad they aren’t dwelling on what I told them. I’ll answer all of their questions, but I feel like if they have any, they’ll ask me when we’re alone.

“We need to make the most of our fabulous outfits,” he says throwing a new pair of PJs’ at me and a pair at Millie.

“Suit up. We’ve got beers to drink, and I think The Little Mermaid should be the first movie on the agenda tonight,” Arden says as he starts grabbing bowls and heading towards the living room.

Rhys groans and Ally laughs but they follow his lead.

“Wait,” I say stopping them in their tracks.

I turn to Chase.

“Did you get the apprenticeship?” I ask him. I hadn’t forgotten. I just really needed to tell them about what happened before I could truly move forward.

“Shit, I completely forgot to ask,” Arden says from the doorway. Everyone turns to Chase waiting for his answer.

“Yep.” He nods. “I start late January.”

A collective woo and cheer from everyone in the room, each of us congratulating him at once.

Arden piles the stuff in his hands-on top of what Rhys is already carrying and walks out of the room.

“Where the hell are you going?” Rhys yells confuses.

“BRB. I’m going to get the good stuff to celebrate,” he yells back just before we hear the front door close.

“Typical fucking Arden,” Rhys mutters, leaving the room to offload all the snacks onto the coffee table. Ally and Millie follow him, leaving Chase and I alone.

I turn in my chair so we’re facing each other.

I lean forward and kiss him quick and soft.

“I’m so proud of you.” I tell him.

I kiss him again.

“I knew you could do it.”

Another kiss.

“I love you.”

I pull away before Chase can deepen the kiss.

“I love you too.”

I smile in response to his words, loving how hearing them makes me feel. Happy and loved.

“And I plan on showing you just how much I love you later,” he adds making me smile.

“Is that a promise?” I ask.


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