Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 25

This week has been hell.

I’m exhausted.

I busted my ass.

But it’s been worth it.

I got offered the apprenticeship and I can’t wait to tell everyone.

I want to tell them in person.

I messaged Yasmin as often as I could this week. Everyone kept me updated and she even called me one morning at four a.m. because she had a night terror. She was apologetic for waking me. But honestly her calling gave me the push that I needed. As soon as I’m showered, I’m going to her house and I’m not letting her push me away.

I need to hold her.

I walk in the front door and stop when I hear voices in the kitchen. I immediately recognise Yasmin’s Dad’s voice.

“I don’t know how to help her Nat,” he says. “She freaks out at the smallest of things. It’s no way to live her life. This week’s been hard for me. I know in the past I was never home to notice but this week, she’s like a shell of a person. She’s not sleeping. I hear her wake up screaming. I didn’t even know she had night terrors.” His voice waivers. He was an asshole the last time he was here. It’s obvious something has changed.

“You know her night terrors stopped when she was here?” Mum asks him.

“No, really?”

“Yeah, Chase told me she used to get them every night. But while she was with him, they stopped. I don’t know what happened in the past, but I do know that both her and Chase are better together. The whole group is. They’re good kids David. You have to trust Yasmin and trust them. I don’t think this is something you can get her through. I think it might be better to let them do it,” Mum tells him with a firm voice. I love that she doesn’t let him walk all over her.

“I know you’ve been trying this week, but one week isn’t going to make up for the years that you’ve been absent. Both the girls are pretty much adults. They don’t need you; they’ve shown you that. Show them that you’re there when they do need you without pushing. Let them come to you.”

“I just want them to be happy. Especially Yasmin.”

“I know, which is why I’m telling you to let Chase, Arden, Rhys and Ally be the ones to get her through this. She’s a part of their family and she’s happy when she’s with them. She laughs, has fun. She gets to be a teenager,” Mum tells him.

“Okay. What do I do?” He asks.

I decide now’s a good time to make my presence known.

“Leave that to me,” I say, walking around the corner and startling them both.

“You’re back early,” Mum says.

“There wasn’t any traffic.” I turn to David. “Do I have your permission to use your house tonight? Fair warning, I’ll be spending the night. The others may as well, or they’ll come back here.” I ask him. If he doesn’t give us permission, I’ll find a way to get her here or to Arden’s. It just works better if we can go to her.

“Why? I don’t want any parties in the house. Especially with Millie there,” he says with an edge to his voice. He still doesn’t like the idea of Yasmin and I. It’s clear. But I don’t care.

“If you knew your daughter like I do, you’d know that a party isn’t what she needs. Millie will always be safe when she is with us. If you must know, we are going to show up with all her favourite things and spend the night watching Disney movies, eating junk food, and laughing. It’s what she needs. To be with her family,” I say while waiting for my words to sink in.

I see the defeat take over.

“Why don’t we go to dinner tonight?” Mum asks, trying to distract David.

“It’s okay Nat, I’ll pick up a shift at the station. I’m not happy about you staying, but I know if I say no, you’ll just come back here. Promise me you’ll look after her?” He says.

“Always. I don’t know what happened in the past, but when she’s ready, she’ll tell me. I miss her. We all do. She’s had time to think. Now we’re going to help her,” I say with an authority in my voice that wasn’t there before.

I don’t like the way David treated Yasmin. I don’t like that he was absent most of their lives. He may be her father, but I don’t need his permission. I asked out of respect for Mum. She raised me to respect my elders.

But she knows that I’d find a way if David didn’t agree.

David looks away and Mum gives me a small smile.

“I got offered the apprenticeship,” I tell mum while ignoring David.

She rushes from the table to give me hug.

“I’m so proud of you,” Mum whispers in my ear.

“Thanks Mum.” I’ve worked hard to get here. I have a foot in the door for my dream job, I get to live with my best friends next year and I’ll hopefully get to be with the girl who stole my heart when we were too young to even know it was happening. Everything is starting to pay off.

“I’m going to organise the gang. Breakfast tomorrow to celebrate?” I ask Mum.

“Yep I expect you all to be here at eight,” she says, moving back to the table. I love that Mum knows that we’re all a package deal.

“All right. I’m going to organise the gang,” I say as I walk out of the kitchen and head to my room. Just before I’m completely out of earshot, I hear Mum speak.

“Trust him David. He knows what he’s doing, and I think he’s the best thing for her right now.”

I don’t wait for his response.

“Yo, you back?” Arden says by way of greeting when the phone connects.

“Yep. Are you busy?”

“Nope, I’m with Rhys and Ally. We’ve been waiting for you to get back so we can discuss how we’re going to get our girl back.”

“Our girl? Put me on speaker phone.”

“Yes, she’s our girl. You might be dating her, but she’s our friend and we want her back already,” Arden explains.

I move around the room getting some clothes ready.

“What’s the plan?” Ally asks.

“We need to get supplies and go to her house,” I tell them.

“That won’t work. Her dad isn’t our biggest fan and from what Julia told me, he’s been around a lot more this week,” Arden says again.

“Her dad won’t be a problem. He’s here talking to Mum. She pretty much told him to trust us. He’s not happy, but he isn’t going to get in the way,” I explain to them, giving them the short version of the conversation that was just had.

“Okay, so what supplies do you want us to get?” Ally asks.

“Snacks, dinner, drinks. The usual. You guys know what she likes.”

“I don’t think Chinese is a good idea. Should we do pizza instead?” Rhys asks.

“Good idea.” Rhys told me he spoke to her this week and they’ve worked out some of their issues. It’s nice to see he’s making an effort.

“I had Martha make brownies and muffins in the hope that we’d be beating down her door this weekend,” Arden adds.

Ally laughs at him.

“We’re not beating down her door,” she says to Arden. “Wait… that’s not the plan is it?” Ally asks sounding a little worried.

It’s my turn to laugh.

“No, we aren’t beating down her door. She’ll let us in,” I say confidently.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. She may not realise it, but deep down she’s expecting us. She just doesn’t know when.”

“Okay,” Ally agrees hesitantly.

“We’ll meet you at your place in half an hour,” Arden tells me.

“Okay. See you soon.”


“I’m not wearing them,” Rhys says walking into the lounge room.

“Wearing what?” I ask standing to greet my friends.

“Those. I have a reputation to maintain,” Rhys says pointing to the bag that Arden is holding. Arden throws me the bag.

“It’s a good idea. She’ll love it,” Arden replies.

Slowly opening the bag, I look inside and then back up to Arden. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking. But we’re definitely doing it. Reputation be damned.

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