Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 28

I wake up to soft kisses on my shoulder. Chase’s arms are wrapped around me. He pulls me even closer when I stretch a little.

“Mmmm.” I let out a soft moan and tilt my head to the side allowing him access to my neck. I can feel him inhale deeply before letting out a groan.

“I’m never going to get sick of waking up next to you,” he whispers in my ear and then continues his assault on my neck. He’s not making any other advances, and as much as I’d love to jump his bones, I’ve enjoyed taking it slow with him.

“What time is it?” I ask. The room is blanketed in darkness.

“Early. I thought we could go sit on the beach to watch the sun come up.”

I roll over in his arms to face him. “I’d love that.” I kiss him hard and fast, knocking the breath out him as I roll him on his back and straddle his waist. Deepening the kiss to show him just how much I love the idea.

His fingers dig into my hips, stopping me from moving at the same time he meets my kiss with just as much force.

“You’re killing me,” Chase says finally breaking the kiss. He has so much more restraint than I do.

“Right back at you.” I say breathless. My lips are swollen and bruised and I love it. I love what Chase does to me.

“It’ll be worth the wait,” he says kissing me quickly before moving me off him and sitting up.

“I know. But remind me again why we’re waiting?” I ask as I get up from the bed and re-tie my hair.

“Because it’s the right thing to do. We don’t want it to just be about sex. I want to know you. All of you before we take the next step.”

“Ugh. I hate that you’re right,” I mumble which causes him to laugh at me.

“Come on pretty girl. Let’s go.”

I don’t say anything. Just lace my fingers with his and follow him. He grabs a blanket off the deck on our way down the stairs. It’s breathtaking. The sun is just starting to peek above the horizon, casting shades of gold and red over the water.

Chase puts the blanket on the sand and pulls me down to sit between his legs. It’s nice this morning not too hot and not too cold. Summer is just around the corner.

Chase wraps his arms around me again, and I settle against him. Neither of us speak, both lost in thought and captivated by the view.

“Come on. You need to eat,” Chase says at the same time that Ally yells to us that breakfast is ready.

“I don’t want to, it’s too nice out here.”

Chase stands and reaches down to help me up. “We can come back down here tomorrow morning.”

I pick up the blanket and shake it off as we make our way back to the beach house.

“Do you think Daddy Warbucks will let us come back here? This place is beautiful,” I ask Chase.

“We can come back whenever you want. I doubt that they’ll use it themselves. This is just one of many houses in their property portfolio,” Chase tells me. I’ve still yet to meet Arden’s dad. But they all promise me he’s nice and will love me. He’s not a bad person apparently. Just a workaholic.

I have my doubts, but I trust my friends.


We’re just finishing up in Giselle’s when the boys arrive. It’s been an amazing experience. Arden is spoiling us.

Giselle is lovely. She’s prim and proper with a British accent. She knew what we wanted without us even saying anything. She just shoved us in dressing rooms and starting to hand us dresses to try on.

Given it’s only a few weeks until we graduate, I didn’t expect her to be making the dresses from scratch. But she is. She’s made us try on dresses so she could get an understanding of the styles that would suit us.

I have no idea what she’ll come up with, but looking around the shop I know that I won’t be disappointed. The dresses that line the walls are stunning.

“How’d you go?” Chase asks as he drops his arm around my shoulder.

“Good. This was so much fun,” I say looking up at him and kissing his stubbly cheek.

“That’s good. I knew you’d have fun. Come for a walk with me,” he demands more than asks, and honestly, there’s no way I could say no. I nod my head.

“We’ll meet you soon.” Chase calls over his shoulder and walks me out of the shop.

“Where are we going?” I ask curiously. We start walking down the main street of Briar Bay. It’s lined with old buildings that hold a lot of boutique shops targeted for the wealthy holidayers that flock the streets.

“It’s a surprise,” he says mysteriously. I decide to be patient and not pester him.

We turn a corner and stop. Chase waits for me to turn and face the shop.

Holy shit.

No way.

We’re standing in front of a used bookstore. Tale as Old as Time.

“Wow,” I say speechless. I can see through the window that there are rows and rows of shelves stacked with books.

“Come on,” Chase says and gently pushes me in front of him as he holds the door open for me.

I step in and turn in a circle trying to take it all in at once.

This is incredible. I can’t believe Chase brought me here. I turn to him and kiss him the same way I did earlier this morning.

A voice clearing reminds me that we aren’t alone. I pull away and my cheeks are flushed with embarrassment.

“Welcome to Tale as Old as Time, I’m Chris Chippendale. But you can call me Chip.”

“Your shop is beautiful Chip,” I say looking around again.

“Thank you. Feel free to browse and let me know if you need any help,” Chip says before he takes off towards a stack at the back of the store.

“Go look. Pick whatever you want,” Chase says nodding towards the shelves.

“Are you sure?” I ask again, still not convinced this is real.

“Positive. Go. I’m right behind you.”

I don’t say anything else. I start to browse the books and occasionally hand off a book that I want to Chase. I spend hours browsing and not once does Chase complain.

He handed me some red frogs earlier and then took the book I was holding. I fell in love with him that little bit more.

I’m standing in front of the first editions that are locked away behind a glass door and looking at the books with awe. I’d love my own first edition library.

“Pick one,” Chase says startling me.

“No, I’ve picked enough. One day I’ll have my own first edition library. Until then, a girl can dream,” I tell him while I pull my phone from my pocket to read the text message that just came through.

“What’s the first book you’d buy for your first edition library?” Chase asks.

“Alice in Wonderland,” I say as I show him my phone. It’s a text from Dad.

Dad: Hope you girls are having a good weekend.

“At least he’s trying,” Chase tells me as he pays for the twenty books that I have stacked up at the register.

“I know, it’s just weird. It’ll take some getting used to I think.”

“Most likely, but you have us to help you get used to it,” he says kissing my nose.

“Thank you. And thank you for bringing me here and buying me books,” I say and duck my head. This is one of the most thoughtful things someone has done for me.

He places his finger under my chin and gently forces me to look at him.

“I will take you to ALL the bookstores. It’s your happy place, and seeing you happy makes me happy.”

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