Center Worlds - Spark

Chapter Conspiring

Oceanside Manor -3 BA

“You know what I’m going to do at the big ball tomorrow eve?” Aya said as she and Kya lay in their bed getting ready to sleep.

Kya rolled over and propped her head up on one hand to look at her friend. Aya had developed into a lovely woman, now Eighteen cycles old and ready to take on the worlds. “What do you plan to do? Drop another Water Bomb on the Clan Lords?” She teased, reminding Aya of the prank they had both pulled at the last ball.

They both giggled. Getting all the stuffy Clan Lords soaked by the water bomb last year had been hilarious. Getting soundly spanked in front of all of them afterward had not been as much fun, but it was still pretty much worth it.

“I’m going to bed the Emperor!” Aya whispered.

“You’re not! No way! Aya, that’s crazy!” Kya gasped, sitting right up in bed.

“Shhhh, I don’t want Mistress to hear,” Aya said, pulling Kya back down to bury her in the deep blankets and soft pillows.

“Aya, you’re supposed to tell somebody before you have sex now. We have rules to follow and you promised Mistress you’d be safe.” Kya hissed, although she was smiling along with her friend as she could feel Aya’s bubbling emotions.

“Who is safer than the Emperor himself? Besides, I’m telling you.” Aya asked, then ducked her head and nuzzled Kya’s neck.

Kya rested her hand on the back of her friend’s neck and tsked. A sound Aya knew meant disapproval, but still, she was determined.

“It’s a costume ball. He’ll never know it’s me. I’m certainly old enough now, and I have always got the tingles whenever he talks to us.” She said.

“He’s almost old enough to be your father.” Kya reminded her.

“My father doesn’t care, Kya. You know that.” Aya said with a sharp exhale of breath and a very light nip on Kya’s bare breast.

Kya squirmed and nodded. “He is off defending the frontier against the T’Ressi and the United Suns, my Aya. Fighting Clan Wars for our protection and prosperity. I am hoping he’ll visit you soon, but it’s been so very long, I know you don’t even remember the last time he saw you.”

Aya buried her face in Kya’s breasts and sighed, then slid up her body so that they lay breast to breast, and Kya felt her friend’s warm sweet breath on her own.

“You always speak reason to me, Kya. I don’t want reason right now. I want to feel slippery again.” Aya said as she wriggled her hips against Kya’s.

Kya laughed and swatted Aya’s wriggling bottom. “You’re oversexed.”

Aya grinned. “Yes, and I’m going to have the Emperor tomorrow. You can’t tell anybody, please?”

Kya looked at her friend’s earnest yet flushed face, then kissed her. “You will be safe, my Aya.” Kya snuggled down with Aya and waited as she felt her relax, and then Aya drifted into even breathing that indicated she had drifted off. Kya waited a few more minutes, then gently slid out from under Aya and made sure she was comfortable, then got out of the bed and slipped out of the door.

Tya sat quietly on the edge of her lounge as Kya quickly and quietly told the tale. “Go back to bed now, Kya. I will make sure everything is fine. Keep her safe and comforted.” she said and sent the girl off with a firm pat on her naked bottom. Tya rose and stretched, then walked over to her room and closed the door. Walking to her terminal, she opened a channel and contacted the Palace.

“Yes, Mistress Tya?” The Lord Emperor said as he sleepily answered the summons. Not many were allowed to wake him at any time, Tya was one of the few.

“My Lord, at the ball tomorrow you are going to be enjoying a teenage pixie. You had best prepare yourself appropriately.” Tya said, not beating about the bush with the information.

Tyo sat up straighter. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, Aya is determined to bed you tomorrow. She feels that as it is a costume ball, you will not recognize her and she will have her chance.” Tya explained.

Tyo shook his head, then ran a hand over his face and through his sleep-tousled hair. “Ryo is going to have me hulled when he finds out.” He finally said.

Tya laughed. Tyo frowned at her. “I’m serious. When he finds out I’ve bedded his daughter, he’ll have me skinned alive, then flayed, then tossed out an airlock. Then he’ll find a way to bring me back and do it again.”

“I’ve never seen you worried before, My Lord. This is not a big concern. She is of age, and she has a natural desire.” Tya said, still smiling.

“The Camelins are very traditional, Mistress Tya. Lady Aya is only just Eighteen cycles, therefore, as per Camelin rules, she is to be untouched until claimed by a proper Consort. Especially as she is the Lady of the Clan.” Tyo said, then swung up and got out of bed, leaving the sleepy Lari’Sota beside him to doze as he allowed her to sleep without disturbance.

“Do you want me to stop this event then, My Lord? I am sure we can come up with a hundred ways to prevent the Lady from seducing you or being alone enough to try.” Tya asked him.

Tyo shook his head. “No, we both know enough of teenage hormones and psychology that if we prevent her from this she may try something foolish or daring. Dropping the Water Bomb last year was bad enough, funny, but bad. If she gets put off her focus this year she may do something that gets her a real punishment. I don’t need Clan Camelin coming down on me for permitting her to be publicly beaten.”

“So what will we do then, My Lord?” Tya asked him.

“I guess, that at some time tomorrow evening, Lady Aya will find herself being bedded. And soon enough after that, to prevent my execution by Ryo Camelin, I will then declare her to be my future Consort.” Tyo said as he smiled at Tya.

“You are going to propose to her?” Tya asked, shocked. This was not the Tyo she knew. This man bedded a different Lari’Sota almost every night.

“I have to be proper. I’m nearly thirty-four cycles old. If young Aya wants me that badly, the least I can do is make a proper girl of her. It won’t prevent her from enjoying other men, or women if she so desires. But it will solidify the link between the two main Clans and help me govern this tangled mess of clustercats.” Tyo replied.

“As long as you’re not going to hurt her, my Lord. I think that is the main thing.” Tya said in response.

Tyo wriggled his eyebrows at her. “You best make sure she is ready for me, Mistress Tya. That girl is very small, and we both know from experience that I am not particularly slender. I’ll do my best to be considerate, but if she wants to bed me, she will have to handle all of me.”

Tya laughed as Tyo smiled, and then he chuckled as well. “We’ll have her ready for her adventure, my Lord Emperor. You best get some rest for the ball, in more ways than one.” Tya signed off the comm.

Tyo walked back into his chamber and slipped back under the bedcovers beside the lightly sleeping Lari’sota, who promptly snuggled up to him as he fell into a deep slumber, only to wake up an hour later in a cold sweat as he was sure he could see Ryo Camelin standing over his bed holding a cannon and charging it to fire.

“My Lord, what is the matter, you are soaked in sweat?” said the girl beside him.

Tyo turned to her and covered her face in kisses, feeling a strong urge and promptly burying himself in her as he pushed the dream away in a lustful coupling that exhausted him.

He slept the rest of the night with the Lari’Sota pressed firmly against him, her tight sheath holding him until he awoke with the morning light enough to roll and dislodge himself from a very pleasant prison.

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