Center Worlds - Spark

Chapter A Grand Event

Oceanside Manor, Tara -3 BA

“Aya, don’t argue with me. I don’t want you hurt, and you promised me you would be safe.” Kya whispered as she held the small gel capsule.

“What will it do?” Aya hissed at her, determined to keep her voice down so that the Mistress did not hear them.

“It will get you wet, very wet and well lubricated so you can handle the Lord Emperor if you do manage to get him alone. I have heard that although he is not long, he is thick, my dear. You are not very big so he will tear you if he enters you. You have to be safe.” Kya whispered back.

Aya sighed and nodded. She had flutterbies already, and now she would have very slippery flutterbies even before she could put her plan into action. She breathed slowly as Kya’s slim fingers deftly slid the gel capsule between her labia and into her sheath, then up against her cervix.

“There,” Kya said as she gently withdrew her fingers and dried them on a cloth. “Now at least you can handle the man if you do manage to get to him.”

“I’m going to get to him, Kya. I’m going to have him and he’ll never forget it, either.” Aya said as she brushed her skirt down and made herself presentable for the afternoon.

They spent almost an hour with Aya very carefully winding thin lines of transparent cord around Kya’s torso, arms, and legs, tracing lines along each major muscle group and then pressing them into place with skin adhesive so the lines would not dislodge for at least another eight hours. As her fingers were smaller, Aya had no problem threading each line into a flat power pack that was attached at the base of Kya’s spine, and once they were all connected, she sat back and looked at her friend.

“Ready?” She asked.

Kya nodded. “Light me up.”

Aya reached behind her and pressed the button to turn on the lines. Bright waves of fires sped down the wires and it looked like Kya was burning with sunlight streaming down every part of her body. As she moved, the light seemed to flow with her, causing almost a bright halo effect. Aya quickly scooted behind Kya and made an adjustment to the power pack, the lines of fire began to gently ebb and flow as they ran in trace lines along her torso and limbs.

“Much better. Once you have the outfit on, you’ll glow like the Cometary Storm itself.” Aya said as she critically examined the placement of the tiny light wires.

Kya shook her hair, and the wires threaded through it caught the light from thousands of tiny clear jewels and made her hair spray light across the room. “It looks fabulous. You did a good job, Aya.”

Aya smiled and leaned close to whisper in her friend’s ear. “That thing is working, I’m getting slippery already.”

Kya smiled and kissed Aya’s cheek. “You’ll be safe now, that’s all I ever wanted, my Aya.”

Then she heard a gentle knock at the door and both turned to see the stylist, a renowned artist by the name of Rauge, who was there to make Aya into a living work of art for the ball.

Rauge walked into the room and then did a slow turn all around Kya, looking at her from all angles. “That is remarkable. You used light wire?” He asked.

Kya nodded. “Aya managed to get a supply from the palace. The wire is too coarse for electronics, but it works wonderfully for this. I’m going as a living comet.”

Rauge laughed. “Excellent choice, my darling girl. You will look wonderful. I am going to transform Lady Aya into the living Oxymax Nebula. A Comet and a Nebula, what wonderful concepts for costumes at the ball.”

He sat down and opened his kit. Carefully laying out the tools of his work on a small table beside him, he looked at Aya and then tapped the stool in front of him. “Come here, young miss. We have work to do.”

Aya slipped out of her robe and stood on the stool, a bit wobbly until Rauge helped her to find her balance. Then he looked at her body very critically before pulling out a fine-tipped airbrush and loading it on a vial of very fine white body paint.

The paint went on cool, like a constant light breeze blowing all over her, and as she looked down, her body was getting streaks of pure white, coating her pale skin in shimmering pearl white that glimmered in the house lights. Rauge worked quickly but very efficiently, coating almost all of her in the white, then switching vials and putting on another layer of a slightly different white. Then he changed vials again, and she felt the whisper of the airbrush as different colored streaks began to appear all over her. He moved so fast it was almost like a type of magic, and both Kya and Mistress Tya were staring astonished as their girl transformed into a living image of the Oxymax nebula.

The whorls of the deep sand-colored clouds swirled around her breasts, with one nipple highlighted with the Pulsar at the heart of the nebula, and the other the G2 star that was the home of Clan Desinlo. Her stomach was a roiling mass of deep yellow and red clouds that swirled in the ever-changing gravitational play between the pockets that interweaved the nebula. With gas streamers running down her legs and arms. Her eyes and face were covered in the deepest black, with speckled flecks of brilliant white to indicate the cluster of stars that sat above the nebula, her hair had been colored the most brilliant reflective silver, to allow light to dance off her as she turned.

Each finger and toenail was a brilliant point of self-illuminated light, so she glowed in the dimming daylight like the self-lit nebula that she had become.

Tya had the two girls stand side by side, Aya fully nude, coated in the body mask that showed her as a brilliant representation of the Oxymax Nebula with brilliant reflective silver hair speckled with tiny jewels. Kya, also nude, glowing with a hundred streamers of light and wearing a billowing robe of transparent reflective fabric that helped the threads to glow and diffuse, making her look like a glowing cloud of star stuff, a Comet to rival the swarms that descended into the heart of the Tara system every cycle.

“Rauge, you have outdone yourself.” Mistress Tya said. “You two girls truly take my breath away. At this ball, you will both be the talk of the palace.”

She looked at him as he lay gasping on the bed beside her, eyes closed in memory of what had just occurred. She was sore, very sore, but it was a good ache. She had done what she set out to do. The Emperor had been hers, even if just for a moment.

Aya carefully got up, checked herself, then slipped out of the bed chamber and began to carefully walk down the corridors, not quite ready to join the party again, her legs ached and she could still feel him all slick between her thighs. She had to get cleaned up, but the body mask would be ruined if she did ... what to do?

Tyo watched through half-closed eyes as the small woman left the room quietly, thinking he was asleep, and waited for her to go around the corner, then opened a comm. “Mistress Tya, it is done. We were just in the Anteroom off the main fountains. You better get Kya to locate her, she looks wobbly.”

He heard a soft chuckle, “Understood, my Lord. We’ll take care of her.” He lay back and deep breathed, allowing his own body to come back to a sense of normalcy.

Aya stumbled over her feet and nearly slid down the wall, but was determined to keep going. She knew there had to be a refreshing chamber close by, just had to find it. Putting her hand on a sturdy corner, she turned to see Kya running down the corridor towards her, her outfit billowing around her like a cloud of fire.

Her Lari’Sota came to a skidding halt and grabbed her in a firm hug, kissing her gently and running hands over her face to check her.

“I’m fine, fine. Kya, I’m fine. Sore, but not hurt. Can you help me get cleaned up? I don’t know where to go?” Aya managed to get out in between Kya’s affections and concerns.

“Of course I will, Lady Aya. Come on.” Kya replied and guided her lady down the corridor, when she saw how slowly Aya was walking, she deftly lifted the smaller woman and carried her the last few steps into the refreshing chamber kicked the door closed, then hit the console with her hip to lock the door behind them.

“How will we get clean? My body mask will be ruined.” Aya said plaintively.

Kya laughed. “It’s already a mess between your legs and your breasts, dear. Anybody who sees you will know you had fun. It’s getting late already. Let’s just get cleaned up and we’ll take a flitter back home. Then you can rest. Sound good?”

Aya nodded and turned to start the warm water filling the pool while Kya tsked and began to peel the attachments out of her Lady’s hair, slowly beginning to transform Aya from a magnificent piece of body artwork back into the girl she normally was.

Aya turned and helped Kya to slip out of her voluminous gown, then tapped a control on the power pack and the lights went out all over her. Another control sent a light negative current through the wires and they all sprung away from Kya’s skin with a very slight pulling sensation, letting them fall in a thin mesh into Aya’s hands as she rapidly coiled them around the power pack and put it beside the gown.

The Ball was done, they both stepped into the pool and cleaned up before managing to get out of the palace unseen by the other partygoers and into a flitter back to their home.

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