Center Worlds - Spark

Chapter Intimacy

Ocean Manor, Tara -3 BA

“Kya!” Kya jumped to her feet from where she had been sitting while reading an essay and came running to Mistress Tya as she saw her standing with one of the gardeners.

“Thank you, Johep, you have done fine. You may go now.” Tya said and the gardener nodded and then scampered down the hall and out the doors.

“Find Aya, my girl. She just had sex and may be feeling hurt or scared. Reassure her she is safe and when she is ready, you can bring her to see me.” Tya said as she looked at the much younger woman, barely into her first years of Maturity.

“Yes, my mistress,” Kya replied and then dashed off to check the places she knew Aya would go to if she felt lost or afraid.

She found her dearest friend sitting on the beach, watching the waves flow over the purple sand, the cyan-colored water lapping at the shore. Kya walked up quietly behind Aya and then sat down beside her.

Aya looked at Kya with red-rimmed eyes, then continued staring off into the distance.

“It hurt?” Kya asked her.

Aya nodded, then put her chin on her knees and hugged herself.

“You should have told me you were interested, Aya. I could have given you some ideas on how to make it a bit easier.” Kya said, putting her hand on her friend’s bare shoulder.

“You’ve done it already?” Aya asked, looking sideways at her friend.

Kya nodded. “Part of what I am, Aya. I’m not a Lady like you. I never will be. My role is more ... basic than that.” She sighed, then laid belly-down in the sand and traced idle shapes.

“He was big,” Aya said, then her voice caught. “I thought it would be different, but it hurt so much, it still does. I thought it would never stop leaking out of me. Kya, I was bleeding!” She sobbed.

Kya rolled onto her side and looked at her friend. “Come here, my Lady.” She said. Aya immediately uncurled and crawled into Kya’s arms, where she began to cry.

After some time, Aya felt a little better, she felt calmer inside, even as she ached where the gardener had penetrated her. Kya got to her feet and helped Aya to hers.

“Come on, we need to see Mistress Tya.” Aya heard, then pulled back.

“No-o, Kya. She’ll spank me, then you. I’m not supposed to be with a boy yet.”

Kya looked at her friend, seeing her eyes wide with fear, then reached down to take her hand again. “She sent me to find you, my Aya. She knows already and she is not upset.”

Aya allowed her to lead her back to the house, where they found the Mistress sitting on one of the comfy chairs in the lounge. Tya rose to her feet as they came in, and Aya shrunk back, only to be grabbed in a strong embrace.

Tya hugged her, then kissed her charge. She then gripped Aya’s head in both of her hands and made the young woman look at her squarely.

“Are you all right?” She asked.

Aya tearfully nodded. “I hurt, but I’ll heal. It does still sting when I walk though.”

“My darling Aya,” Tya said as she again kissed Aya on both cheeks. “You should have waited or told one of us if you felt the urge. We would have made sure that you wouldn’t have been hurt.”

Aya looked at her Mistress in confusion, not understanding what she was saying.

“When you become a woman, my dear. It should be a time of celebration because you enter into a whole new world of experiences. Not something to be had in a hurry with a gardener in the tool shed.” Tya said with a soft chuckle.

“You knew?” Aya asked, eyes even wider than before.

Tya smiled. “I know everything about you, my young Lady. You are the Daughter of Clan Camelin. I was given you as my total charge and focus. We are Lari’Sota. Both myself and Kya. We are here for your safety and well-being. While you are off learning about the court and how to be in the palace. I am busy training Kya in the ways of the Lari’Sota, so she can properly attend you.”

Tya sat and drew Aya onto her lap as Kya sat beside them. Aya hissed a bit as her sore muscles protested, but the feeling passed quickly as Tya gently caressed her cheek.

“You are stubborn, my Aya. Very strong-willed and independent. I expected you to do something like this. I just wish you had told me so I could have helped to make it easier on you.” Tya said as she hugged the smaller woman to her, and Aya put her arms around the woman who had been her mother from the age of four and sobbed out her pain and frustration. Kya gently rubbed Aya’s back and guided by Tya’s hands, gave Aya a gentle neck massage that relaxed the girl enough so that she could compose herself.

Aya drew back and felt Kya take over, to hold her comfortably as Tya gently undid the dress she was wearing and slid it open to expose her body. “I need to check you, Aya. Please relax. Or would you prefer I bring you to Doctor Solonae?” Tya asked as she felt Aya tense.

Aya shook her head and swallowed hard then breathed and relaxed, helped by Kya’s warm hands on her shoulders. She barely noticed as Kya’s hands slid down to cover her breasts. Tya’s gentle hands examined her intimately, checking for any serious injury or damage. She felt twinges of pain and pleasure as Tya gently checked and then lightly caressed her, then she was done, and only the warm sensation of a hand cupping her was left. Tya gently lifted her hand and helped Aya to sit up so she could slip out of the dress.

“You are not injured, my Lady. Which is good, both my head and Kya’s would be on the block if you’d been injured.” Tya said, quite seriously looking at her young charge.

She helped Aya to her feet and put her hand in Kya’s. “Take her to the bathing pool and clean her, in and out. I’ll talk to the Doctor and get a contraceptive issued. Aya, please do as Kya asks, otherwise I will have to be firm with you, my girl.”

Aya nodded and dutifully followed Kya to the bathing pool. She waited as Kya filled the pool with steaming oil-scented water, then slid in and sighed with pleasure as her sore muscles relaxed in the warm fluid. She watched as Kya slipped out of her robe, and then stepped into the water beside her.

“You’re a Lari’Sota? For real?” Aya asked as Kya squeezed some soap onto her hand and began to wash the other girl’s shoulders and neck. Although Aya had become used to this, she normally also washed Kya at the same time. This time, Kya stopped her and made her lie still as she worked.

Kya softly laughed. “Not just a Lari’Sota, Aya. I am your Lari’Sota. Only for you. Most of us get to do palace time, and we get to be with many men and women. I get to be with you, in all things. Nobody gets to share my time, except you.” she explained as she gently cupped each breast in soapy hands, lightly flicked each nipple, washed Aya’s arms and sides, and gently rubbed her stomach.

“So you’re just for me? I know you’re my best friend, but I don’t understand?” Aya said as she rolled over to let Kya wash her entire back.

“You don’t have to understand it, Aya. This was what was ordered, by your Father and by the Lord Emperor himself. We do his duty towards you because it is the right thing to do.” Kya said, slipping around and then very gently washing Aya intimately, working gentle fingers in and around her soreness to clear her of any residue left from the rough coupling she had undergone.

“So this is duty?” Aya asked, allowing Kya to lift her leg and gently wash its full length.

“Not just duty, my friend. I do love you, so it gives me great pleasure to serve you as well. This way we will always be together, and you’ll always have me to rely upon.” Kya said as she switched legs and just as carefully washed the other one.

Aya smiled and then splashed in the water to throw her arms around her friend’s shoulders and hold her tight. “I love you too. Don’t ever leave me, Kya.” She whispered into Kya’s ear as she held her with a suddenly fierce grip.

Kya held her in the warm water until they felt the water cooling too much. Then they got out and gently toweled each other off, wrapped up in two gigantic fluffy towels, and walked back out to the main room where Tya was lying on a couch watching the sunset over the brilliant cyan water.

“You all clean now, Aya?” Tya asked her.

“Yes, Mistress, Kya did an excellent job,” Aya replied.

“As she always does, my girl. She has learned your needs very well. Here, drink this. The Doctor said it will ensure your body cannot become pregnant at this time.”

Aya drank the slightly sweet drink in one gulp, then followed it with some clean water to wash out the taste. She then sat down on another couch as Kya sat beside her. Before Aya could protest, Kya had pulled her over so she was lying down with her head settled on her friend’s lap.

Aya laughed as she felt Kya’s fingers gently massaging her temples and cheekbones. “I could get used to this, Kya. You better be careful or you’ll be doing this every day.”

Tya chuckled as she watched Kya lean down and kiss Aya’s nose. “If that is what makes you happy, Aya, then I’ll gladly do it every day for you.”

“You should have waited,” Kya continued as she gently caressed Aya's cheek. “I had my first time almost a cycle ago, it was me, Tya, and two other girls all there when one of the men came in to make me into a woman. It stung a bit, but with all of them around me, touching me as he did his part, I felt happy and at peace. It was such a good feeling.”

Aya frowned, but Kya’s fingers kept working at her, relaxing her forehead and preventing her from keeping the frown in place. “You would have been just Eighteen then. Isn’t that going too fast?”

“When your time is right, my Lady, then it is right,” Tya said from her position in the waning sunlight. “As long as you are physically old enough then we are always ready to assist. This is what a Lari’Sota does. We have many roles in our Confederacy. What you have been given is one of the most special. You have your own Intimate Companion. If you wish it, Kya will be there when you are with a partner, help you to bring yourself to the heights of pleasure, and help you to feel clean and refreshed afterward. However you want her, she is there for you. She will never abandon you, she will always be with you, unless you choose not to have her. However, she will always be ready when you do need or require her.”

Aya had been watching Kya’s face all through Tya’s speech and never saw any sign of wavering or lack of attention. She sat up and looked at them both.

“So you’re like a slave to me, then?” She finally asked, looking at Kya.

“No, Aya. I am your best friend, I will do the tasks that you may think of serving, but I am much more than that to you.” Kya replied.

“If I get angry and hit you?” Aya asked, reaching out to gently caress Kya’s cheek.

“As you wish, my Lady. I would heal. What you need is what I accept.” Kya said softly.

Aya felt Tya close by her and turned to look at the woman who had been a mother to her for so long that she hardly even remembered her birth mother anymore.

“What do I do? I want a friend, not a plaything?” She asked, feeling overwhelmed by this newfound knowledge.

“You have a friend, my Aya. Your best and dearest friend. A confidante to tell all of your secrets to. A person who will make sure you are always proper for the Palace. A maid to help you dress, a nurse for when you are sick. Most of all, a lover for when you are alone. You and Kya already have enjoyed each other many times. Do what feels right, and enjoy yourself. You are not cruel, otherwise we would have already made other arrangements. I am very confident in both you and Kya to be the very best for each other.”

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