Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 18

It was still dark out when I woke. I didn’t know how long I’d been Astral Traveling. I was tired, probably because I hadn’t been sleeping but I’d been consciously sererating my soul from my body.

I dozed off in seconds, this time no accidental astral travel only flashbacks and dreams. I dreamt of my days in Hydrus and all of my friends. I had flashbacks of the palace and that horrid dungeon.

I woke up feeling well rested. I distracted myself all day with hard training. I’d been doing this for weeks so Phoenix and Raelynn let me practice on my own. After lunch, I went to the Conference Hall building to talk to Alfred about letting me go with him. I grabbed Tristan and Lewis for support. They explained to me that Alfred was just trying to protect me from the dangers out there by keeping me hidden here. It made me feel like a toddler. I hated being here and doing nothing while the others took care of everything. I wasn’t being helpful at all, I was just training myself for nothing.

The two boys lectured me like they were my older brothers. Which I was grateful for but when they added terms like: “Young lady” and “Little girl” I couldn’t suppress my laughter.

“Don’t give me that attitude,” Lewis scolded.

“You’re acting like a petulant child,” Tristan said with his chin up.

“Save it,” I demanded before they could say anymore.

We knocked on the door of the Conference Hall, it seemed like it was empty. It was opened by Hellen and she let us in. Alfred was sitting at the table with papers scattered in front of him. I wasn’t surprised to notice Phoenix here. One glance at her, judging from her expression I knew we were both here for the same reason.

“And I suppose you’re here because you want to accompany me on the mission to Geminus?” Alfred guessed. I nodded.

“But,” I said, cutting him off. “I have a valid reason.”

“Annabelle,” Hellen said politely. “You have to understand that we’re keeping you here safely because we care about you.”

Oh, great. Her words hit me in the heart. She made me forget the argument I had planned in my head. Now I have to be nice.

“I appreciate that but, I feel useless,” I confessed. “I can’t just do nothing about this. Amara and Lyra are my friends. I won’t do this without them. You have to let me go with you. Lyra isn’t going to listen to you.”

“Then, that makes two of you,” Phoenix muttered with a grin.

“I already told you,” he said. “I can’t risk taking any of you with me.”

Phoenix frowned. “Why not?” she argued. “I mean, I get it. She’s precious. But I can do it.”

“You do realize that Lyra won’t be convinced if you punch her in the gut and force her to come?” I teased.

“Thanks for the idea,” she shot back.

“Stop it, both of you!” Tristan boomed.

The whole room fell silent. Even Phoenix flinched at his voice.

“Alfred said that no one is going with him so I think we should respect that,” Lewis spoke.

“Easy for you to say,” Phoenix snapped. “You’ve done nothing in the past weeks you’ve been here.”

“Phoenix,” Hellen put a hand on her shoulder.

“Look,” I said as calmly as I could. “Either you give me something to do or I’m going to leave Crimsyn State right this second. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but leaders don’t just do nothing.”

“She’s right, Alfred,” Hellen said. Thank you.

“Alright,” Alfred finally spoke. “Annabelle, when we get the two girls here you can train them all you want. Phoenix, I can’t let you leave Crimsyn State. However, you can help me decide how to get to Geminus and what to do about the Aries girl.”

It was a good offer and she agreed.

“There’s not much I can help with other than tell you to not get shot by a bullet.” She joked as if it were funny.

“Excuse me?” I shrieked.

“They’re shooting all the rebels on sight,” Lewis said.

“How do you know this?” Tristan asked.

“They started it in Scorpius after you escaped,” Lewis explained. “They’re doing it in Sagittarius and Virgus also.”

I hated myself for caring so less. It’s not like I was apathetic but I wasn’t really surprised by it.

“Why don’t they just come to Crimsyn State?” I wondered.

“Because we need rebels to get more rebels,” Tristan guessed.

The rebels were convincing other people to join the cause. And now they were dying.

“It was all over the news,” Lewis added.

“I’ll ask someone to fix up the old television so we can stay updated on the news and not just through messages.” Alfred said.

Phoenix was more miserable than me, Nathan tried to calm her down but nothing could stop her from demolishing the training area.

I tried to remain calm and not be anxious. I asked Hellen if we could have another lesson and she told me to come after an hour. The sky was pink and orange but with streaks of grey. The cold air wrapped around me like a blanket and I shivered. The Stars were brighter than ever. We didn’t even need lights since the Constellations were bright enough. Tristan and Lewis joined the rest of us outside and we sat cross-legged outside the training area, watching Phoenix release her anger.

“How long before she overexerts herself?” Lewis whispered to Anthony.

“With Phoenix,” he sighed. “No one knows what tires out that girl.”

“On the bright side,” Tristan started. “In case of a surprise battle we have a soldier who can take down the enemy single-handedly.”

We all found that amusing and true but I think Phoenix would need a little help with an entire army.

Phoenix was now surrounded by six guys with swords and before I blinked she had them bleeding and bruising, not to mention, they were begging her to stop twisting their bones.

Nathan gulped at the scene. Raelynn was sitting behind all of us, staring at Aquarius and making the Constellation change it’s aura from purple to blue and then sea green. I noticed that her eyes switched colours with her Constellation. But, she always had multi-coloured eyes. Maybe she could change that whenever she wanted.

I debated whether I should Stargaze or not. Remembering what happened the last time I tried. That was when I was astral traveling, I had a problem at that time as well as when I opened the barrier. But, our Stargazing doesn’t affect the barrier unless we’re consciously trying to open or close it. It was safe for me to Stargaze, then.

I tried Ophiuchus first. It lit up in green for some reason. Virgo was normal, it floated above me and created a spotlight with it’s glow. The two Constellations got mixed up and the green aura was lightened by Virgo.

“How are you doing that?” Lewis asked in astonishment. I stopped, my Constellations reassembled themselves. I turned to Lewis but he wasn’t talking to me. All eyes were on Raelynn and her rainbow Constellation. Her pupils had expanded and her eyes were changing colours, the only creepy thing was that she wasn’t blinking or talking which made her seem lifeless.

Raelynn blinked when Lewis snapped his fingers in front of her. Her pupils had gone back to normal size and changed to grey, though her eyes were still larger in size than they should’ve been. “Huh?” she mumbled. “You saw that?”

We all nodded.

“Oh.” She lowered her head, a blush of embarrassment tinted her cheeks.

“That was breathtaking.” I sighed in awe.

“It’s just something that I do when I’m Stargazing,” she stated quickly.

“That’s not fair, I can’t do that,” Lewis complained. He was pouting with his arms crossed. It made him look like a child.

“It’s just something that I’ve done for . . . ever.” she shrugged as if it were not a big deal. Before anyone could interrogate her anymore she ran into the girls’ quarters.

“That was...interesting.” Nathan decided. I noticed his hesitation before interesting. I think he was going to say abberrated.

“Is that an Aquarius ability?” Tristan asked me.

“No,” I confirmed. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Nathan promised that he had never seen Raelynn do that. I admired Raelynn’s eyes, the multi-coloured pigmentation was mesmerizing. A new eye colour everyday. These days her eyes were neon blue with hints of silver. Today, I had seen her hypnotize me with that trick. She didn’t like to talk about her rarity or her Constellation, from what I’ve learned. In fact, she didn’t like to talk at all. She only did when she had to. Maybe it’s an Aquarius thing. Even though Aquarius are known for being affable, they can be shy before you get to know them properly. I did remember learning that they’re aloof. I don’t blame her for not wanting to be the center of attention.

I realized I was late for Hellen. I said goodbye to everyone and rushed to the Conference Hall building. Hopefully I was only a few seconds late.

When I stepped inside her office I gasped. The table was pushed against the wall, the window was draped by the curtain. Star Stones were placed on the shelves and on the floor, illuminating the room. Not to mention, the huge cushions that had been placed on the floor to form a bed.

I stared at Hellen with raised eyebrows.

“Did I disturb you?” I asked with confusion, thinking she might be getting ready to do yoga or a spiritual ritual.

She giggled. “No,” she said. “For today, you are going to Astral Travel and this is the appropriate ambience for doing it.”

I couldn’t find my voice, all of a sudden my vocal cords had abandoned me. Leaving me making squeaky noises. My throat went dry.

Hellen motioned for me to lie down on the three large cushions. Hellen locked the door. I dropped to the floor and sat there trying to calm myself. I took a few deep breaths, my chest didn’t feel heavy anymore. Drowsiness spread through my whole body.

“Steady yourself,” she whispered. “Remember it’s not real and focus on seperating your two bodies.”

I lay on my back with my hands folded on my chest. My eyes were closed but my soul was still inside my body. I wasn’t sure how to perform it voluntarily, last night it seemed much easier to do it. Probably because right now, someone was watching me and I got scared to do stuff in front of an audience. But this was just Hellen, and she needed to see me do this, she wanted proof that I could. I imagined that I was alone in my bedroom and focused on my soul.

I stiffened as I felt something leave my body but it was tethered to me. I opened my eyes but I wasn’t inside my physical body, I had the same form as the Star Spirit and I was standing in the middle of the sky with thousands of Constellations surrounding me.

Each one had its own energy crackling inside it’s Stars. I became aware that I could walk in the air, even though there was no ground supporting me. I passed a few Constellations which I had memorised by name. I spotted Phoenix, it had a red-ish aura and its energy was golden. I passed Virgo but I ignored it because there was another Constellation far more riveting than that. Ophiuchus was so bright it stung my eyes but I couldn’t look away. I walked over to it in a trance. One Star, I think it was the brightest in the Constellation. It’s name tingled at the back of my head but I couldn’t grasp it. I was too distracted by that Star. Unlike the rest of the Constellation this Star was purple with yellow energy inside of it. I knew I shouldn’t but, I stepped as close as I could to it and felt the power radiating into me...or my soul.

I closed my eyes and let the energy fill inside me. Something pierced my hand, it was my Ophiuchus Sign. I stared at my wrist, the Sign was sizzling on my skin, making it even worse than it was before. The skin around the Sign was red and bruised. I held up my hand and reached to touch the Star. My whole hand went numb and I was sucked into the Star.

Being in a Star was like being trapped inside a bubble but with Celestial Energy zapping me, making me stronger. The Ophiuchus Sign stung and to make things more painful the energy of the Star hit my wrist, it striked me for a minute. I felt like an ant had tried to bite me but it didn’t hurt, it didn’t exactly feel good either. I was just glad to be out of there.

My wrist was scratched and throbbing. The skin was peeling off, but both my Signs were still there. I focused on returning to my real body, the “silver cord” pulled me back and I woke with a start. My Sign started hurting again but I wasn’t feeble I felt energetic. My soul had been powered by a Star.

“Where did you go?” Hellen asked. I had forgotten she was here. I quickly hid my hand and stood.

“I saw the Constellations up close,” I told.

“That’s nice,” she smiled. “You must feel tired after your first Astral Travel.”

“No,” I sighed. “I feel better actually. I should do this more often.”

“That’s strange.” She frowned.

“You mean I should’ve passed out?” I said. I’m a pro at that too.

“No, no.” she said. “You’re stronger than I thought.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“We will concentrate on staying in the Astral Projection a little longer next time,” she told. “Class dismissed.”

I rushed out the door. Despite my activeness I was famished. I ate everything at dinner. Everyone was staring at me. I don’t blame them.

“You’re hyperactive,” Lewis decided. Tristan nodded agreement.

“Yeah,” Phoenix said. Looking at me askance.

“I just traveled somewhere new,” I hinted.

“How?” Tristan asked. “And, where?”

“I visited the Stars,” I said with bread in my mouth.

“Yeah, of course you did.” Lewis said. Phoenix and Tristan exchanged looks, like they knew what I was talking about.

“That was an exquisite dinner,” I sighed. “See you all tomorrow!”

I got to me feet and headed straight into the shower. I washed all the sweat and dirt away. The soap stung on my wrist, then I noticed. What seemed like tiny pimples on my wrist. I didn’t think about it too much or the fact that they were exactly on top of my Ophiuchus Sign. The pimples didn’t sting or burn. I didn’t even feel them anymore.

It’s because it was hit by Celestial Energy, I decided. I gulped nervously. I wanted to make myself believe that it was just Celestial Energy, but I couldn’t stomach the assumption.

I sensed tension in the room. Raelynn and Phoenix muttered to each other. Unintentionally, they attracted attention. I dried my hair with a towel and tried to smooth it out with my fingers.

“Is there a problem?” I whispered to both of them. “It’s late, go to sleep.”

“Don’t you think we would if we could?” Phoenix snapped.

“There’s a problem,” Raelynn said in a low voice. “Alfred needs both of us at the entrance.”

As much as I hated to leave my uncomfortable bed, I had to help. Alfred was there with Hellen. Tristan was trying to calm down Nathan. I knew we had to open the barrier.

“Where’s Anthony?” I asked.

“He refuses to open the barrier because it gives him migraines.” Raelynn rolled her eyes.

“First we have to decide to even open the barrier or not,” Hellen said. She was in deep conversation with Alfred.

“What do you mean?” I pleaded. “Who’s out there?”

I took a step closer to the invisible barrier, I could see it’s glassy texture. Despite the luminous Stars, I couldn’t see who was on the other side in the dark. My foot nudged something and I yelped, jumping five steps back. Someone yawned. I squinted to see who I’d bumped into.

“Lewis!” I exclaimed.

“What time is it?” he said groggily.

“No time to explain,” Tristan said as he approached.

“You have to help us open the barrier.” I told. Tristan explained how to do it. Good information always hooks up Lewis so he was awake in no time.

We all took our places but Alfred didn’t allow us to open the barrier.

“Why not?” I asked, irritable.

“Because we have to be absolutely sure that it’s not the enemy we’re letting in,” Raelynn said.

“It’s the Geminis!” Nathan said.

“Are you sure?” I said.

“I think so,” he thought, hesitating now. He swallowed, shrugging. “I mean, who else would it be?”

My first thought was: how did they find out about Crimsyn State? Now I know the first question I’m going to ask Lyra. If it is really her . . .

“Annabelle,” Alfred called. I rushed to his side. “We can’t open unless we’re absolutely sure they’re on our side.”

“We can’t take a risk,” Hellen added.

I don’t know why I hesitated. Of coarse Lyra was on our side. A million thoughts ran through my head. How come, all of a sudden, the Geminis had packed up and decided to become rebels? Was she also a rebel and didn’t tell me like Tristan? With reluctance I only nodded my head.

“I need you to give me a proper answer,” Hellen said. My insides churned. What if I’m wrong? What if this is a trick?

I cursed my indecisiveness and anxiety. I felt bile rise in my throat and my mouth went dry.

“I have to know if it’s really Lyra . . . I mean, if it’s really the Geminis out there.” I stated.

“You can go and see,” Alfred pointed to the entrance. I wobbled over, feeling as if my ankles were turning to butter and melting. I circled Virgo above me for it’s light and gently put a hand on the barrier. I made Virgo shine brighter so I didn’t have to squint. I didn’t see a person, rather I saw a hand holding a fabric with the symbol of Ophiuchus painted on it in black. Even if it wasn’t the Geminis, that Sign was the identification of every rebel so I told Alfred to let us open the barrier. I concentrated on only Virgo this time, since I didn’t want to overpower the process. The Summer Triangle’s Stars aligned.

Seven figures were standing a few feet away from where the barrier used to be. They didn’t know what to do but they slowly took a few steps inside and we quickly closed the barrier.

I could tell there were four children and three adults. We all lit up our Constellations so it wouldn’t be so dark. Sagittarius flickered, Lewis was almost asleep. He couldn’t concentrate. Hellen and Alfred talked with our new arrivals, an understanding passed between them. They went inside the Conference Hall building and I followed. They were inside an empty room with only a light bulb flickering over their heads.

I nearly gasped at the terrible sight of our new arrivals. They were carrying heavy bags, dirt and sweat stained their faces and clothes were tattered and torn. I didn’t even recognize Lyra until she started talking.

“My parents sent me and my siblings here because they thought it’d be safer here,” she spoke. “They sent two maids as well because they need to look after my brothers and sisters. I would appreciate it if you could give us the same room.”

“You can stay in the girls quarters and we can find a seperate room for them,” Hellen told. they didn’t notice me, so I hid in the doorframe. “I’ll show you to your room.”

They turned to the door and Lyra’s eyes widened. She set down her bag and took small steps towards me.

“Annabelle?” she asked.

“Nice to see you too.” I smiled.

“How are you here?” she wondered.

“I can say the same about you.”

“It’s a long story,” she scratched the back of her head, pulling out chunks of dry mud. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Grab your things,” I said. “I’ll show you to the girls’ quarters.”

We walked out of the building, hauling her heavy bags. Lyra was reluctant to leave her siblings, after promising they’d be okay she came with me. She was even more surprised to see Tristan and Lewis here. Lyra tried to explain here journey but I insisted we talk about it in the morning.

I dragged a cot from the end of the room and set it next to mine. Lyra placed all of her bags underneath the bed. I tried to ignore her uncomfortable and disgusted expressions. On my suggestion she peeled off her shoes and was snoring in no time.

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