Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 17

Tristan took Lewis to the boy’s quarters. I went to check on Alfred. Raelynn had recovered, she and Nathan were helping Bemus who looked like he had come back from the dead. Phoenix and I ignored him.

They both gulped down two glasses of water and didn’t talk until they were done with their watery tea. We all sat across them at the table waiting for breakfast.

“Lewis’ parents said we can take him but they have to stay in Sagittarius. I understood because obviously they can’t just leave, that’ll make people suspicious.” Alfred explained.

“At least we have one Sagittarius.” Raelynn said. Anthony and Nathan were in the infirmary helping Bemus. Tristan was with Lewis.

“When are we going to Geminus and Aries?” Phoenix asked.

“Let me breath first, woman!” Alfred teased.

“Right, sorry.” She started to say something but Alfred stopped her words.

“And no, you cannot go with me,” he answered. Phoenix was about to protest but: “Neither is Bemus.”

That seemed to satisfy her. “But, you can’t go alone,” I said quickly.

“No, I can’t,” he agreed. “But if I don’t find someone in two days I’ll have to go alone. That is my final decision. I’ve discussed it with Hellen.”

“Why can’t I go to Geminus?” I protested. “Lyra won’t agree easily. She’s stubborn.”

“Not a Gemini trait, stubbornness.” Raelynn added quietly.

“Yeah, well, she is and she’s my friend so I’ll convince her.”

“I’m sorry but that’s not acceptable.” Alfred said. “I can’t put anyone in danger.”

“At least take Phoenix then!” I regretted saying that the minute the words flowed out of my mouth.

“Nice to know you’d be okay with me being in danger,” Phoenix said but she had a playful smile on her face.

“That’s not what I meant,” I apologised. “You’re not a descendant of the Twelve Major so...”

“I matter less?” she suggested. Phoenix snorted. “Constellation racism,” she muttered. “Just like Jaxon.”

Raelynn nudged Phoenix. “You know what she means,” she whispered. They stared at each other, as if they were deciding to share their thoughts.

We ate in silence. Lewis and Tristan joined us. It was weird to see him here. He hadn’t changed his clothes. He kept looking around and making faces as he took bites of his eggs and bread. We all carried on with our daily schedules. Except me and Tristan. We sat across the training area, watching Phoenix take her anger out on practice dummies by stabbing them.

“How do you feel, Lewis?” I asked.

“So far . . .” He thought for a moment. “I don’t know.”

“I’m really glad you decided to come,” I said.

“I wasn’t even sure you two would be here,” he told. “I thought it was a trap but my parents knew a lot about the rebellion and they convinced me to go. Alfred was okay but that other guy just freaked me out.”

“Next we have to get Lyra and Amara,” I said. “And yeah, that guy is freaky.”

“He knows,” Tristan answered. “I told him everything.”

“Everything?” I raised my eyebrows.

Lewis nodded. “My only question is: how was that dungeon?”

“Pleasant.” I smiled playfully.

“I wasn’t sure what happened to you,” Lewis said. “I thought you were hidden in Virgus but now I know you ran away and joined a rebellion. Nice image for teenage girls.”

I nudged him in the ribs. I forgot how much I loved doing that.

“Hold up,” Lewis started. “You want to bring Lyra here?”

“Shocking, I know.” Tristan said.

He leaned in closer and whispered, “Do you both realize that this is a broken down, messed up rebel hideout.”

“We need all descendants of the Twelve Major,” I reminded. “And were you expecting a luxury hotel?”

“The girl can’t spend a night camping,” Lewis continued. “You expect she’ll be able to live here permanently?”

“Firstly, yes. I think she can live here because believe it or not Lyra cares about an important cause more than comfort,” I said defensively. “Secondly, this is just temporary, until this war is over.”

“But, who knows how long it’ll be?” Tristan said.

“Let’s hope it ends the way we want it to.” I added.

“What do you do for fun?” Lewis asked.

We looked at Lewis, then at our surroundings, staring at him as if he didn’t realize that this was a rebel hideout.

“Lewis,” Tristan started.

“This is a rebel base!” I almost shouted. “What do you think we do for fun?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Stab stuff?” He pointed at Phoenix.

“Yes, that’s exactly what we do.” Tristan said with mock enthusiasm.

“I’m serious.”

“We are too,” I said. “Well....not really but all we’re allowed to do is train for battle.”

“Speaking of which,” Tristan started. “You get today to rest and adjust but tomorrow you start training with me.”

“You’re going to teach me?” Lewis raised his eyebrows in amazement.

“Tristan has been here longer than I have,” I said. “He didn’t tell any of us he was a rebell.”

“That’s a small detail I forgot,” he smiled.

“Yeah, a small detail.” I joked.

“So, you can get me to look strong and brave?” he turned to Tristan.

“It’s not about looks,” Tristan explained. “It’s about whether you are strong and brave.”

“I wish you were my trainer.” I mumbled. “Don’t tell Phoenix I said that.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Tristan promised.

“Me neither, wouldn’t want to make that girl angry.” Lewis shivered. “Nonetheless, I think it’s a good thing she’s your trainer. Because if it were Tristan, you’re idea of training would be . . .”

I sensed a joke that would no doubt make me and Tristan uncomfortable so I covered his mouth with my hand, muffling his words. I had to let go since he bit my palm.

“Do you have to harass me all the time?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said. “If I don’t then who will?”

“Hmmm . . .” he said. “Let me think, Lyra and Amara!”

“Oh, yeah. Them too.”

Lewis adjusted in no time. He was interested in learning everything Tristan had to teach him and he was quick to make friends. He was happy and I guess he liked the change. Typical Sagittarius. I was glad to see him so excited at practice everyday, I wish I had been quicker with accepting Crimsyn State. I suppose I haven’t fully done that yet. I reminded myself that Lewis was a Sagittarius and they liked change, even if that change was putting their lives in danger and coming here. Virgos on the other hand, tend to be over critical about things. And I think we’d be extra critical about the conditions at Crimsyn State. I’m not sure if I like change, maybe I do but I was still doubtful about coming here. It’s not like I had time to decide, I was standing outside a broken dungeon.

Alfred left alone to Aries. He said that he’d only bring one descendant to Crimsyn State. A first I thought he meant Amara’s older brother but he said Amara would be of much more use because her brother helps run their home province.

Since Aries was on the other side of Crimsyn State it took even longer for him to return. We waited for two weeks. He would cross a lot of other provinces along the way so he promised that once he got Amara he would take her to Geminus and try to get Lyra as well. So, we might get two girls in one go.

I still didn’t know what happened when I helped open the barrier. Phoenix said that I had burned it from the top. Hellen, with a lot of other people tried to repair it. After a few tries it worked. None of them were overexerted by it. When I asked Hellen why they felt fine, she said they were used to doing stuff like this.

I made the barrier burn but I don’t know how. It’s not like I intended to do it. But I didn’t want to let go of that power. It felt good. Better than I’ve felt in days.

We all were enjoying the freezing cold weather in the open air training area and trying to not get pneumonia. Phoenix made us miserable with a two hour workout in the gym and then we had to dodge her sword with shields and daggers. Lewis didn’t enjoy it, neither did Anthony. I suppose Tristan, Nathan and Raelynn were used to training with Phoenix. Anthony was still better than Lewis and so was I. But anyone could tell Anthony didn’t like working in groups. He was more of a train alone kind of guy.

Just as I knocked down Phoenix, pushing her back, making her sword fly up in the air, we heard someone calling our names. It was Hellen. She was walking over to us from the Conference Hall building with her hair blowing in her face.

“What is it?” Phoenix ran to her. They had a conversation which none of us could hear. Phoenix grabbed Nathan, Raelynn, Tristan and Anthony and rushed over to the entrance. Without needing an explanation I knew they were going to open the barrier and I hadn’t been invited, most probably because of what happened last time.

Hellen tried to stop me but I was too excited to wait. They had already opened the barrier when I got to the entrance. Alfred dorve in his van and parked it in the garage. Barrier closed. Anguished friends but I could tell they were getting used to doing this so they seemed fine. Phoenix was standing away from everyone and held me back from helping. Alfred walked over to us but he was alone.

“Where is Amara?” I asked before he could even say hello.

“Amara almost agreed but since Aries has the top military force in Stellaregno and Amara’s father is supporting them he didn’t let her go.” Alfred breathed. “He said that Amara can’t fight in a war because she’s a girl. She argued with her father but he quarantined her.”

I was speechless. How could he do that to her? I have to get her out of there. I had already guessed that he didn’t make it to Geminus either.

“Your other friend,” he started. “King Jaxon sent out patrols to hunt down the rebels so I thought it would be best for me to just come back. I’ll leave in a few days after the king has cooled down a little.”

I was furious. Not at King Jaxon but at Alfred. How could he say that so casually? Jaxon’s not going to cool down, he’s just going to get angrier. He could’ve at least tried to get Lyra. We waited two weeks for nothing. Now, who knows how long we have to wait before Alfred leaves and comes back again? There was no guarantee that he could even bring Lyra and Amara here. They’re families wouldn’t let them leave so easily. I realized that I didn’t really care whether or not they helped the cause, as selfish as it sounded I just wanted them with me.

Tristan and Lewis comforted and tried to console me but I was too annoyed to listen. I didn’t want false hope. I still wished something would happen and they were suddenly in Crimsyn State. I prayed that Amara would somehow run away from Aries. And that Lyra wouldn’t be so stubborn.

After barely eating my lunch Hellen said it was time for my lesson. We had had one every day ever since Alfred left. I was brilliant with the Star Stones now. Alfred let me keep his, he had a dozen more. But Hellen insisted we learn some more things.

“Today, I will teach you about Astral Travel,” she announced as she motioned for me to take a seat in her office.

“I’ve heard about that,” I said. “That’s when your astral body escapes your physical body intentionally.”

“Very good,” Hellen said. “It is an out-of-body experience, your astral body is separate from your physical body and it travels the universe.”

“Why do I need to know this?” I asked.

“Because it is a useful way to convey messages to people,” she said. “Just as I will give a message to a friend in Geminus to help your friend get here.”

“Alright,” I said. “How do I do it?”

“You can’t rush into it,” she explained. “You have to calm your mind, heart and soul. You have to imagine your soul leaving your body and having a consciousness.”

“Isn’t that sort of like dying?”

“No,” she said. “You cannot die while being astrally projected unless you are trained to do so. There is always a “silver cord” which is attached to your physical body and it pulls you back to your real body.”

“Although, a person can die during astral travel if the physical body dies in the meantime.” she continued.

Something tingled on the back of my head. I had a thought but I wasn’t sure if I had traveled astrally before.

“What does astral travel have to do with our dreams?” I blurted.

Hellen was surprised to hear this but proud of my interest. “I was just getting to that,” she said. “The difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection is that, in a lucid dream, the conscious mind wakes after you fall asleep and the dream is on. On the other hand, astral projectors consciously get to the spiritual state.”

“We can astral project without knowing it, but that is extremely rare. Almost nobody can do it. It’s quite impossible.” she confirmed.

“Do Star Spirits have anything to do with this?” I asked, remembering the one from my dreams.

“That’s a little different,” she said. “One may meet a Star Spirit while astral traveling, but a spirit of a Constellation might be standing right here in this room and we may not no it. They’re just guardians sent by Stars to watch over us and guide us. They may appear in any way they want. If to guide a person the may communicate through thoughts and dreams.”

“And you’re sure astral traveling and dreaming are two different things?”

“Yes,” she confirmed.

That’s when I told her about my dreams. How I’d traveled to the top of The Tower and to that isolated land. And to my bedroom a few nights ago, how all of that had felt real. I told her about the Star Spirit but I didn’t tell her about our discussions.

“It seems to me that you’ve been mixing up astral travel with your dreams.” she sounded amazed. “I’m certain all the Ophiuchus knew how to Astral Travel. they all taught each other and they even taught me. In other words, it’s in your blood. You’ve been doing it without intention. As I said before, it’s not the same thing, astral travel and dreams, but I’m assuming, since the Star Spirit communicated through your dreams and Star Spirits can be found during astral travel as well as in real life so, your mind and soul got mixed between your ability and your dream.”

“But I wasn’t aware of what I was doing,” I added quietly.

“I won’t ask you what the Stars Spirit told you because that is supposed to be a secret conversation between the two of you.” she said.

“So, you’re going to help me control my Astral Traveling?”

“It’s going to be difficult because you can slip into astral projection while sleeping,” she said. “This is is my advice: tonight when you go to sleep, you have to concentrate on your dream. Remember it’s not real but you have to focus on your surroundings and take yourself wherever you want to go. Just remember that your astral body is in the dream or astral projection not your real body. It will be as if you are a spirit.”

I nodded that I would try. I was terrified of doing so. I decided to not tell anyone about this until I tried it once. I just hoped it would work because I really wanted to astral travel.

Before going to bed I had a glass of chewy milk, took a pleasant shower and made sure I was comfortable enough to sleep. In the dream, I was in the same place as last time. It was the isolated ice land with blue Constellations and Stars. I was dressed in the same clothes I slept in. Where should I travel to?

I focused on my bedroom in Hydrus. I imagined myself standing there instead of here. I pictured I was in Hydrus instead of Crimsyn State. I opened my eyes. Nothing changed. Then I woke up for one second, then I drifted off again. I repeated the routine. The scene dissolved to dust and I was in my bedroom at home. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like the Star Spirit. She always looked like she was made out of thin paper, I was always afraid to touch her out of the fear that she might get ripped.

I slowly walked to the balcony, my body had an aura of blue and green. I looked out at Hydrus. The city looked and sounded empty. Then I remembered something that I had learned in school. The astral world may look like the real world but it’s just a replica from the person’s memories. So, I would only be able to meet people who are astral traveling. No real people. I didn’t see any spirit or anyone here. I was the only one. I changed scenes. This time I was in Crimsyn State, outside the Conference Hall building. I saw something inside the building, it had the same aura as I did. The figure approached me and I squinted to see who it was.

“I see you’ve done it,” she said.

“Hellen,” I sighed. “What are you doing?′

“Astral Traveling to check on some rebel friends in the city.”

“I figured it out,”

“Good job, I’m glad you did it on your own.” She smiled. She was dressed in grey pajamas and she was wearing a long black coat.

“I should get going now.”

“Good luck.”

She slowly walked away until she disappeared into blue dust. She had changed her surroundings and pictured Geminus so she was there now. I looked up at the Stars, my Constellations were tempting and I couldn’t resist Stargazing, which was a mistake. My mind and soul couldn’t take so much at one time. Astral traveling and Stargazing, it was my first time traveling like this and Stargazing had become treacherous. I thought I was fine after opening the barrier but I wasn’t.

My head felt heavy, I could feel my dinner threatening to come up, I tasted bile in my throat, my knees buckled and I convulsed. My breathing fastened to the point where I couldn’t inhale anymore. Almost immediately, I was pulled back into my physical body and sucked in a deep breath as I woke.

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