Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 19

Lyra slept until noon. She took the longest shower with her special soaps, I was thankful that she brought the Stargazer Lily scented shampoo. She gave me a bottle of it and didn’t share it with anyone else. She dressed in green camouflage, braided her hair neatly as well as mine. She pinned something on her jacket, it was a broach shaped like the symbol of Ophiuchus. I had a flashback to when I accidently saw Anthony’s tattoo that he had done with the same symbol. It was clandestine.

She wore black combat boots and a belt with a dagger strapped at the side. Small diamond earrings and a dagger jeweled with a pink sapphire. She was dangerously beautiful. I saw determination in her eyes. She wasn’t wearing makeup for the first time and she looked just as pretty without it.

“I can’t believe you didn’t pack your own clothes,” she said with sympathy. “How can you wear a strangers’ clothes?”

“I didn’t plan a trip to a rebel base, now, did I?” I smiled. I told her about the dungeon escape, my training, Astral Travel and how we needed her help.

“Wait,” she put her hands in front of me to stop. “You met your grandfather?”

I nodded.

“He’s your father’s father?” she asked.

“Yes,” I confirmed. “Why is that so fascinating?”

“Because you never mentioned him so I thought he had passed.”

I ignored her astonishment but her eyes grew wider as I went on. I didn’t show her what was happening to my Ophiuchus Sign or what happened when I traveled astrally. As far as she knew, I visited the Stars and saw them up close.

“So, you’re the leader of an uprising?”

“Sort of,” I said in a low voice.

“I don’t know how to feel about this,” she mumbled.

“It’s a lot to take in, I know.” I told. “I understand. I didn’t adjust here until a few weeks ago.”

I thought her eyes might pop out when I said the last few words. She glared at me. “Exactly how long have you been here?”

I thought hard. “A month, probably.” I didn’t sound confident.

“I have to tell you something important,” she said. “I was visiting Aries, then I had to leave after Amara was locked up in her bedroom. Her parents wouldn’t explain what happened, they just said she was grounded. When I got back, there were rumours in my household about a secret rebel hideout. All the maids talked about it. A few days ago, my parents decided to send me and my siblings to Hydrus, along with two maids to look after us. We lived in our old house and I was always terrified. I never went out, always kept the doors and windows locked. I was afraid. People in the city were found in pools of Stardust and blood.” She nearly gagged, “Since Hydrus is the capital of Stellaregno, it was the safest place my family could think of. I met one of my cousins in Hydrus, he told me he was a rebel...he...he didn’t make it but he told me the location of Crimsyn State and I felt like it was the right thing to do so...I packed up and dragged everyone here.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that,” I tried to sound as sympathetic as I could.

“Don’t be,” she said. “I think it’s kind of cool to be part of an uprising. Now we can show him we’re strong.”

By him she either meant King Jaxon or Alec Hydra. I got the feeling it was the latter.

“We have to get Amara back,” I blurted. “Alfred already went there and that’s when her dad locked her up,”

“Can’t blame the guy,” she said. “I mean, he’s a general in the army. He’s furious that Amara even thinks about overthrowing the king.”

“But he has to understand that they’re on the wrong side.”

“That’s why you’re here aren’t you?” She gave me a small smile. “To fix everything?”

My insides twisted, turning into a pretzel. I gulped.

“At first, I was double-minded,” I told. “I was depressed when I got here I was having these awful dreams about terrible things happening to everyone because of me. But, then I realized people were depending on me. Which is a lot of pressure so...I’m trying my best.”

“Now, you have to teach me everything you’ve learned here,”

“Rule number one: don’t eat to much food unless you want to get diarrhea.”

We both laughed but I knew she was serious about training. Only one more left and then we can finally test our training in battle. The only question was: how? Alfred and Hellen won’t let us leave Crimsyn State. But, Phoenix still had a chance since she was strong, brave and she wasn’t a Twelve Major descendant which meant she’d get permission. I hated myself for thinking that her life mattered any less than mine. Even if Phoenix does get out, Amara is under house arrest.

After watching Lyra slowly swallow bites of a stale sandwich and apples, I gave her a small tour of the area. She didn’t gagg at the strong smell or cringe at the dirty bathroom. She seemed fine. If she was pretending to be casual about the polluted environment, I doubt she’d be able to keep up the act. I still can’t stand the fact that over thirty girls are sharing the same bathroom and wearing clothes that belonged to dead rebels. The thought made me shiver. I didn’t think Lyra would act like a brat and complain about everything. I just thought that, since we come from clean and civilized families we’d be uncomfortable at the disgusting appearance of this place. Everything from towels and clothes to floor tiles and walls were either a dull white or grey. I resisted the urge to borrow some extra clothes(preferably my size) from Lyra until I no longer had an excuse for not wearing the baggy trousers they provided me with.

Standing in the archery range, holding a bow and arrow like she had known how to use them since kinder-garden made Lyra look like a completely different person. I hated to admit but she was even better than me. Swiftly taking another arrow and moving on to the next target. She was rough at sword fighting but picked it up quickly. It was as if she had been practicing for years and years. I asked her multiple times if she had secretly been training all along for this but she insisted that this was her first time. Lyra does have a convincing tone in her voice, so I didn’t push much more.

Dinner was the best part of my day. Tristan and Lewis had saved us both seats. The chicken soup was just boiled water, salt and chunks of undercooked chicken. It was good for moistening the dried bread, though. I drained it all down with a glass of water colder than the weather. My teeth chattered.

“That was disgusting,” Lyra decided. There was a sudden change in her tone. She looked around, confused. She stared down at her clothes and touched herself as if she had forgotten what she was wearing.

“Are you okay?” I asked, but promptly self-conscious she didn’t hear me. Lewis knitted his eyebrows. Tristan looked at her confused.

Lyra massaged her temples, her face went as red as the tomatoes in the salad. Her expression changed from disgusted to relish. She cleared her throat and sat up with a strict face and her eyebrows were arched.

“That was a pleasant meal,” she said, dabbing her lips with a napkin.

I exchanged expressions with Lewis and Tristan, who were just as dumbfounded. “You just gagged at the food,” I recalled.

It was Lyra’s turn to be bewildered, she knitted her eyebrows and blinked as if trying to remember what had happened two minutes ago. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said decently.

“Alright, not weird at all,” Tristan muttered.

“You’re acting weird,” Lyra said, eyebrows knitted.

“Yeah, he’s acting weird.” I mumbled under my breath.

“Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Lewis said.

Again, Lyra’s face turned red and she held her head in her hands. Then touched her face, “Why?” she worried. “Do I have a pimple?”

“No,” I answered.

Lyra raised her eyebrows, she was confused again. Her expression changed.

“I’m going to bed,” she announced. “I have more training with Annabelle tomorrow.” She spoke about training as if she was talking about shopping with an unlimited credit card.

“Goodnight,” I said and she returned the gesture.

“She’s trying to censor her emotions,” I said, turning to the two boys. “She’s hiding how much she hates it here.”

“I think so too but I’m sure she’ll be fine as long as we help her,” Tristan agreed.

“I don’t think that’s it,” Lewis squinted his eyes suspiciously.

Phoenix walked over to our table. I respected her for being able to walk in those tight leather pants, as usual she was dressed in all dark colours, a leather jacket and a white and black striped shirt. The light hit her earrings, creating a disco ball effect on the room and making her highlighter more luminous.

“You have a training lesson with me tomorrow,” she told. Her perfume was too strong for Lewis, he started coughing and waving a hand around Phoenix to get rid of the smell. How subtle of you, Lewis.

“Alfred and Hellen insist that I coach you regularly.” She sighed, putting a streak of freshly dyed cherry hair behind her ear. I noticed her hands had been adorned with even more bracelets, covering up her Signs perfectly.

“I don’t need to,” the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. She blinked at me, her thick and long lashes created shadows on her cheeks. Her eyeliner made her look dramatic and I hated to say but alluring. There were hints of silver dust on her eyes, complimenting her silver accessories. She was the only person who looked put together, next to Lyra. I also hated her for looking pretty while the rest of us had to wear potato sacks. I was convinced she had a secret wardrobe hidden somewhere.

“Pardon?” she said with mock sweetness.

“I meant,” I hesitated. “I have to train Lyra and I think I’ll be fine on my own.”

She blew bubbles with her gum as if I was boring her. “I don’t care,” she said. “Training at seven sharp, tomorrow.”

I groaned when she was out of earshot. “Why does she hate me?” I asked no one in particular.

Lewis opened his mouth to say something. “Don’t answer that,” I cut him off.

Lyra was in a deep sleep, her braid had come undone revealing her ringlets of light brown streaked with grey, indicating she hadn’t dyed it purple. She mumbled in her sleep and her tone changed, as if she was practicing to play two characters. I thought it was annoying, then I remembered I talked in my sleep too.

Tonight, I was in The Tower in Hydrus. The sky was blue and pink with an orange blush. Apparently, in my dream it was daytime. The Constellations were the only source of light. I looked around for her but she was nowhere in sight. I wondered if a person could call on spirit of their Constellation.

I closed my eyes and imagined her standing next to me. Her hair which changed colour braided with a golden crown, her white see through dress and bronze bracelets. My eyes fluttered open as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s about time you showed up,” I said.

Her smile faded. “Is there a problem?” she knitted her eyebrows.

“Yes,” I sighed. “Why are we here?” I held out my hands and turned in a circle.

“Don’t ask me,” she held up her hands. “This is your dream, your thoughts have been projected into this. I’m here because you called me and being a Star Spirit I can enter your dreams.”

“I need your help,” I stated. “I have to get Amara back.”


“Amara Aries.” I provided.

She closed her eyes and thought for a minute. “Descendant of Aries, currently attending Serpens University in Hydrus.” she spoke like a computer.

“I thought she was locked up in Aries,” I said.

“Now she’s in Hydrus,”

That made no sense. Amara said she wanted to attend school in her home province. All of a sudden she’s in Hydrus. Impossible.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Her father sent her to Hydrus to study, it’s better than being locked up.”

“How can we get her to Crimsyn State?”

The Star Spirit looked at me like she was deciding whether or not she should tell me what was on her mind. “She’ll just show up like Gemini did,” she said casually.

“Lyra,” I corrected. “And how can you be so sure?”

“Because . . .” she hesitated. I crossed my arms.

“Lucky guess?” she suggested.

“Nice try,” I said. “We can’t waste anymore time. We have to get her back before something bad happens.”

“It’s already happening. she stared off into the city. Her voice dramatic. “You’re already fighting a huge battle. There’s a war coming.”

“Oh, thanks.” I rolled my eyes. “Never would’ve figured that out on my own.”

She made a growling sound in her throat and rolled her eyes. “Alright, fine!” she agreed. “I will help you but just so you know, this is a creepy and almost impossible method.”

“What is?”

“I have a way to get you out of Crimsyn State without anyone knowing you left. You can go to Hydrus and return safely with your friend.” she explained.


She sighed, as if about to tell me bad news. “I’m going to need your body.”

I blinked. “Excuse me?” I asked.

“As a Star Spirit, I can possess you and use my astronomical powers to celestially take you to Hydrus and bring back your friend. But I need your consent to do it.” she said.

“Celestially take me?” I repeated. “That sounds like Astral Travel.”

“There’s a difference,” she said. “Anyone can travel astrally. But, only Star Spirits can use Constellations to visit . . . and transport beings.”

“How would you do that, though?”

“I’d convert the energy of a Star from Virgo into a vortex from Crimsyn State to Hydrus,” she told. “You have to be quick about grabbing this girl and pulling her into the Celestial vortex.”

“I’m in,” I agreed without thinking. I remembered reading something like this. Stars and Constellations have Celestial Energy in them, we can manipulate them but we can’t use them to do stuff like open a celestial vortex. Astral Energy comes from the Stardust in our blood when we separate our astral body from our physical body.

“When will we do this?” I wondered.

“Right now?” she suggested. She closed her eyes, when she opened them neon blue dust flew out of them and settled on my face. She whispered, “Wake up.”

I burst into dust, which I became aware was Stardust from Virgo. I lifted my head from my pillow. Pitch black, couldn’t see a thing. I pulled out Alfred’s Star Stone from my pocket and made it glow, creating a night light.

Wake up, she had said.

I noticed the Stardust coming off of my face and making a trail outside. I followed, it led me outside the Conference Hall building, the centre of Crimsyn State. The Star Spirit was waiting for me there. I gasped as my eyes fell on her. She was dressed exactly like me, or how I used to dress before I came here. She had magically changed her hair from gold to red. In deep blue pants, a pink top under a long black coat with gloves and knee length boots she looked like my older sister or even my twin.

“Why are you dressed like . . . me?” She was wearing what I used to before I was handed potato sacks.

“I’m about to possess you so I’m not going to wear a potato sack,” she pointed out.

“What do I have to do?” I asked.

“Hold on.” I held up my hands. “Why can’t you just bring Amara here without the whole . . . possession part?”

She looked at me as if I was dumb. “Let me make this clear,” she said, trying to remain calm. “Only descendants of Virgo can see and hear me. And I cannot ‘kidnap’ a girl because I am a spirit, I won’t be able to touch her without a physical body. She won’t even feel my touch, you can because...”

“I get it!” I interrupted. “How do we even know where her dorm room is in such a big university?”

“I know,” she said. “I asked the Spirit of Aries to research on Amara for me.”


“Two minutes before you woke up,” she grinned. That was fast.

“Give me your hand,” she demanded. I knew she meant the one with the Signs on it. Reluctantly I held it out. She didn’t say anything about the decayed Ophiuchus Sign. I realized it was because that one was covered with my sleeve.

“I’m going to open the vortex,” she warned. She closed her eyes but they snapped open instantly “No! I should take over you first.”

“Are you sure?”

“No,” she confessed. “I’ve never done this before.”

That’s reassuring, I thought.

“Annabelle,” she snapped. “Say that you allow me to take over.” She touched her pointer to my Virgo Sign. It tingled and cooled up.

“I allow the Spirit of Virgo to temporarily take over my body.” I said. I felt something enter my body through the Sign on my wrist. My chest felt heavy. I looked down at my clothes, they dissolved into what the Spirit was wearing. My thoughts were replaced by her thoughts. My head spun. A million things I didn’t even know ran through my head.

Spica, the brightest Star in Virgo, shot out a light which was a vortex to Hydrus. Subconsciously, I was concentrating my mind on Spica and converting it’s Celestial Energy into a vortex. I stepped into the vortex. Instantaneously, my brain went numb and I blacked out.

I woke sucking in a huge breath. I sat up immediately. I had a terrible headache and it felt like my Virgo Sign was crawling on my skin. I stared at the window, bile rising in my throat. It was early morning, judging by the pink and yellow of the starry sky.

I was in the infirmary with an IV drip in my right arm. Laying next to me was Amara Aries with an oxygen mask over her mouth, eyes closed and a dozen drips in her arms. Her breathing was slow, as if her lungs were struggling to work. She looked like she was dying and I knew it would be my fault. With hot tears streaming down my face, I screamed for help defiantly.

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