Captive [MXM]

Chapter Thank You...

I knocked on the door of Jakob's office. He gave me a muffled 'come in'. He was pacing in front of his desk but stopped for me.

"What do you need?" He arched a brow and leaned against the edge of the desk, "where is Maeve?"

I shut the door and leaned against it, "oh, she's outside. I just, erm, wanted to come see you."

His brow creased as he waved his hand for me to come closer, "really? That kind of sounds like you want something else."

I flushed as he pulled me forward by my hands, "I guess there is something. Uh," I began and trailed off in embarrassment. This was the way to gain his trust. I had to immerse myself again. "I want to forget about everything. At least for a little while."

"What are you talking about, love?" Jakob hummed and brushed my hair back.

My face was hot, "I think I really want to be spanked. It's just been a while and I want to let go a little bit."

He cocked his head to the side, "right now?"

I bit down on my lower lip and shook my head, "no, just... later. Please?"

"Of course, of course," he assured me and cupped my cheek, "anything, darling."

"But," I began and poked his chest gently, "none of this means that we're a thing again. I'm still confused about my feelings and I'm also still pissed that you kidnapped me and won't let me leave."

He sighed deeply, "it had to be done, Paige. Can't you forgive me?"

"Not right now I can't," I frowned, "but on the bright side, for you at least, I'm also questioning how I feel about Warren. I'm just confused, okay? Don't take advantage of me, please."

Jakob pursed his lips and threaded his fingers through my curls, "I won't. I'll try to give you time."

"Thank you," I sighed and let my shoulders slump a little bit, "can I stay in here with you?"

"Of course you can, love," he whispered and held my cheek. I was hurt and confused but I knew that I needed to feel close to someone. I needed affection and he was the only one that could give it to me the way I wanted.

I hooked my arm around his shoulders as he lifted me up and circled his desk before taking his seat. I rested my ear against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Jakob," I yawned softly, "can we have dessert tonight? I really want something sweet."

He smiled and threaded his fingers through my hair, "a treat and a spanking? You just want to be spoiled, don't you?"

"Yes, sir," I giggled and squirmed on his lap, "pretty please?"

He sighed, "fine. We can have dessert after dinner and then I can spank you as hard as you want, okay?"

I smiled and hid my face in his neck, "okay."

Later I was stirred awake by Jakob talking on the phone. I whimpered and slipped my fingers across his jaw. He frowned a little bit and glanced at me before putting a finger to his lips. I frowned and pressed an open mouthed kiss to his jaw.

He faltered but went on with his conversation as I continued my trail. Jakob's hand tightened at my waist- his way of telling me to quit it. I didn't. My soft lips peppered his cheek and jaw and throat. I wanted attention that he wasn't giving me.

I released a soft giggle when he pinched the flesh of my hip. After a moment he stopped speaking and hung up. I gave him an innocent look and bat my eyelashes to really sell it.

"You're such a troublemaker," he frowned and arched a brow. I squirmed on his lap with a mischievous smile on my lips.

"You liked it," I murmured and blinked up at him, "and I'm hungry."

A smile found its way to his lips, "such a baby. You want to have dinner now?"

I nodded, "uh-huh."

"Okay, love," Jakob hummed and lifted me to my feet, "let's go eat."

I let him take my hand and lead me down the hall and to the dining room. He pulled out the chair for me and then took his own seat. I pulled my foot under my knee and slipped from the pint glass of water already out for me.

"Will I ever be able to go back to my old life?" I whispered awkwardly and stared at my lap.

"When everything is said and done- maybe," he shrugged, "not for a while, though. I'm sorry, Paige, but these things take time."

I frowned, "I just want to be normal for once. I don't want to be mixed up in anything anymore."

He let out a long sigh, "the minute you got involved with Warren you threw away your chance at normal."

That made me angry. My voice wobbled "that is not my fault."

He arched a brow, "whose fault is it then?"

My frown deepened. I don't know why I felt like crying all the time lately. "I didn't know any better. How am I to blame? I didn't choose for Warren to sweep me off my feet."

Jakob gave me a flat look, "no, but you let him."

"Why are you being so mean, Jakob?" I whimpered and wiped at my eyes so I wouldn't cry again.

"I'm angry," he whispered clearly and folded his arms over his chest.

"But what did I do?" I sniffed, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm angry because I love you," he swallowed, "I wish I'd had you first. I never would have broken your heart like he did. I'm angry because he never deserved you in the first place."

I pursed my lips as a tear slipped down my cheek and I was quick to wipe it away.

"Are you mad at me?" I faltered and kept swiping at tears as they fell.

He pursed his lips and pushed back his chair, "no. No, I'm not." I sniffled and tried to blink away the wetness as he scooped me up and sat back in his chair. Jakob kissed my eyelids gently. "I hate seeing you cry, Paige," he lamented.

"Then stop making me," I whimpered and rubbed at my cheeks, "I don't like crying but I can't exactly help it when you're so mean and frustrating all the time."

"Oh, babydoll," he sighed and cradled me close as the food was brought out, "I didn't mean it- sometimes I just can't help it."

"Just be nice. Please?" I mumbled and looked away as he pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Of course, love," he nodded, "I'll be nice."

When we were done with dessert Jakob carried me up to his room.

"Paige," he hummed and caressed my cheek, "you got your sweets, now do you want your other reward?"

I peeked up at him with wide eyes, "uh-huh."

He smiled, "are you going to tell me when I need to stop?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Okay, sweetheart," he murmured and sat down on the edge of his bed. I squirmed as he bent me over his lap and pat my ass. "Do you want your pants on or off?"

I sighed, "well that depends on you. If my pants are on then it'll take longer."

"Bare it is," Jakob nodded and tugged my pants down to my knees but left my underwear up. I gasped when the first smack came down. Those after felt even better. I moaned and whimpered and cried out as he went harder and harder.

The sting and burn felt so good. I let myself relax on his lap even as my erection pushed against his leg. The slaps rang out and were sweet in my ears. I whimpered and arched my back against the sensation.

"What a good boy," he cooed and continued to bring his hand down in swift strokes. I trembled in pleasure and pain. His words only increased my sensitivity.

"M-more," I gasped helplessly as shivers ran down my spine.

"Shh, love. Just take it," Jakob hummed and kept going. I squirmed and cried out in pleasure. "You're doing so good, Paige."

I really liked the praise.

After another minute or so- even though I knew I still wanted more I knew I should stop. With Warren he knew exactly when to hold back and I trusted him on it even though I liked to whine and complain. Jakob... not so much.

"Jakob," I sucked in a breath and he stopped for a moment.

"What, darling?" He asked and gently ran his palm over my burning ass.

"I-I'm done," I murmured and squirmed on his lap.

"Okay," he nodded and pulled my pants into place before sitting me up. I hissed at the pressure.

"I'm sleepy," I rubbed at my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Then we should get you to bed, huh?" He smiled and I nodded as I buried my face in his neck.

I liked being taken care of. Of course I liked it better when Warren was doing it but Jakob was okay too. I just... needed to feel small right now. I needed a get away of some kind and this was the only kind I could have.

It wasn't so bad.

"I'm sore," I whined as Jakob pulled the blankets back.

"You're the one that wanted to be spanked," he mused and pulled me off the bed.

"I feel deprived of it lately," I pouted and took the clothes he offered me.

"Uh-huh, then I'll have to fix that," the warlock hummed and kissed the top of my head. "Now go change."

I stuck my tongue out but walked to the bathroom anyway. A few minutes later I emerged to find him waiting by the door.

"You have free rein of the property," he shrugged and opened the door for me, "just as long as Maeve is with you."

A thought struck me, "does free rein include the kitchen?"

He arched a brow, "yes, why?"

"Cookies," I smiled widely.

"Didn't you just have sweets yesterday?" Jakob inquired and I nodded as we entered his office.

"Yes but I want to make my mom's recipe. I haven't had one of her cookies in... well a really long time," I mumbled and tucked my hair behind my ear, "uh, but it's in notes on my phone."

He narrowed his eyes, "I'm not giving you your phone back."

I frowned, "you still won't trust me?"

"Maybe when you agree to help me," he blew out a breath and circled his desk.

"That's not fair," I frowned and folded my arms over my chest.

"I don't really care about fair," he shrugged, "you can make something else."

My frown deepened as I walked closer, "please, Jakob? I promise I just want the recipe. Would you print it out for me?"

He pursed his lips but crooked his finger to me, "come here, Paige."

I let him pull me into his lap as he opened the top left drawer of his desk. He handed me my phone and I turned it on.

"It's not dead? It's been like two weeks," I creased a brow and put in my password. He watched my movements closely.

"Get your recipe, I'll print it," he sighed as I pulled up notes and looked around for a second before finding it.

"This is it," I whispered and looked back at him as he nodded. I texted it to him and handed back the phone.

"Thank you," he mumbled and put it back in the drawer. I watched as he pulled out his own and began to print out the recipe for me.

I cupped his cheek and pressed my lips to his jaw, "thank you, Daddy."

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