Captive [MXM]

Chapter Getaway

It was late that night and I was wide awake. Jakob had his arms around my waist and his lips at the back of my neck. I was haunted. Sleep would not find me.

Those pictures shook me to my very core. The were indescribably disgusting and horrifying. To think that the man I loved did those things scared me to death. Did I truly know Warren? Or did I just know the version I wanted to? Was he really capable of changing? After seeing those pictures... only someone past the point of no return could do those things.

I wiped my hands down my face and released a shuddering breath. Could everything be a lie? Of course I knew he got his hands dirty. Of course I knew he hurt people but to go so far? How could you test the limits of the human psyche so severely?

My eyes grew glossy. I wasn't entirely sure that Warren was redeemable. I knew that Jakob wasn't right for me and I couldn't forgive him for kidnapping me. Then again I knew that the only person who had ever been right for me was Warren. The thing was... did I truly want to go back? After what I'd seen? Did I want to go back to that man?

No, I told myself, everyone deserves a second chance. He can change. He can do better.

But was he willing? Warren wanted to stop being so controlling and mean to me but nothing had been said about his cruelty to others. He hurt good people and he hurt bad people but not even the worst deserved a fate like what he'd done.

A soft sound slipped from my lips as my eyes welled up. I sniffed and sat up in bed as I tried to wipe at my eyes.

Jakob shifted, "Paige? Sweetheart?"

I looked down at him as my lower lip wobbled, "did he really do all that?"

He furrowed his brow and sat up beside me, "Paige it's nearly midnight, why are you still thinking about it?"

I released a quiet sob, "I can't stop. I thought I loved him but how can I love someone that did those things?"

He frowned and cupped my cheek as tears began to spill and I trembled uncontrollably, "don't cry, love. I know it's hard but you had to see the truth. There's nothing wrong with you. Warren warped your mind and I'm only trying to make his lies come undone."

I let him pull me against his chest as I sobbed, "those poor people. How could he? How could someone do that? He's- he's-"

Jakob kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tight as I buried my face in his neck, "Jakob, he's a monster. He's a monster."

The warlock rubbed my back, "I know, baby, I know."

A fresh wave of tears streamed down my cheeks as I leaned back in his arms, "it hurts, Jakob."

I clutched at my chest. The pain of knowing almost felt physical in my heart. He frowned and held my cheek. Concern shone in his eyes, "oh, babydoll. I'm so sorry."

I was blubbering as I held his jaw in my shaking palms, "I want it to stop. P-please."

He creased his brow even as I leaned in and pushed my plump lips against his. Jakob sucked in a sharp breath and cupped the nape of my neck as he kissed me back. I was an awful kisser but he knew just what to do. I was trembling against him as tears kept falling down my flushed cheeks. The warlock held me close and kissed the breath out of me until I was gasping for air and wiping at my cheeks again.

He leaned back with an expression of awe before pressing gentle kisses along my face to soak up the salty tears. I let him hold me and comfort me and coo in my ear until my shaking had subsided and I was breathing steadily.

"You poor little thing," he sighed and laid me back down, "so sweet."

I sniffled a little bit and buried my face in his chest as he stroked my back, "he's evil."

"I'm sorry I had to show you like that but it was the only way, Paige," he mumbled and kissed the top of my head.

"Hold me, please," my voice cracked, "I just want you to hold me and tell me the things I want to hear."

"Of course, babydoll."

I woke up with my forehead against his collar and his chin on top of my head. I shifted and released a breath as I started to gain complete consciousness.

"Shh, love," he mumbled and ran a hand down my spine, "just a little longer."

"Jakob," I whined and squirmed against him, "I need to pee."

He sighed and laughed a little bit, "fine, darling, go ahead."

I slipped out of bed and padded over to the bathroom to do my business. When I returned he was sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at his phone. He looked up at me and crooked a finger.

"Come here, Paige," he instructed and I stared at the ground as I obeyed. I sat on the bed beside him as he took my hand and brought it to his lips. "Your hands still hurt?"

I nodded.

"Mm, you still want to go outside?" Jakob pondered and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Yes," I murmured under my breath and glanced away.

"Okay, sweetheart," the warlock hummed and stood up, "I'll take you on a tour today. Just promise to be a good boy for me, alright?"

I swallowed, "alright."

He held my hand tenderly as we walked down the hall.

"Do you have flowers?" I asked and looked up at him.

"Some flowers," Jakob shrugged, "why?"

"I really like lillies," I smiled, "that's all."

He turned a fond look on me as he opened up a door for me, "that's adorable."

When the sunshine hit my face I couldn't help the relief that overcame me. It hadn't been very long but I missed being outside. He released my hand so I could explore as he shut the door. The grass was wet and dewy. I could hear birds chirping. He came behind me and pulled my hair back from my face.

"You like it out here?" The warlock hummed and kissed my temple.

"It's fresh air," I mumbled and looked back at him, "smells nice."

He sighed and slipped his arms around my waist, "Paige, after last night... does this mean you're ready to cooperate?"

I blanched and threaded my fingers through my hair, "I don't know, Jakob. I feel like I don't know Warren and I don't know if I can forgive him but-" I turned in his arms and stared up at him, "I'm scared to hurt him. Please don't make me."

Jakob kissed my forehead and rocked me in his arms, "that's okay, love. I don't want to make you do anything. As long as you're starting to see who he really is then I'm happy."

I sniffled a little bit, "but you still want me to hurt him."

He squeezed me tightly, "he has to pay for the awful things he's done. I can't do that without you, Paige."

"I don't want to," I whimpered and pressed my face into his chest, "can't I just stay? Can't having me be enough?"

"I'm sorry, love, but it can't," he whispered and stroked my head.

My eyes welled up as I pulled my arms between our chests, "I'm scared. I don't want to see him. I just- I just want to stay. I just don't want things to be complicated."

"I promise that when everything is over and done with that it can be just what you want," Jakob murmured, "but not until Warren pays."

Even as my eyes welled again I nodded, "yes, Sir."

Late in the afternoon I got to go outside again but this time with Maeve. There was no gate around the house, only a clearing and then woods. That wasn't to say that there wasn't a gate somewhere within the trees, though.

The werewolf bumped her shoulder against my hip as we walked along. I pat her head.

"Maeve, you seem to reject authority, would you keep my secrets if I told you them?" I pondered aloud and her steps faltered for a moment. She licked my hand. I took that as a yes.

"I want to go home," I sighed and sank onto the now dry grass. She settled back on her haunches and listened intently. "I still haven't forgiven Jakob for kidnapping me but if I ever want to get home I need him to trust me and I have to be good."

She whined and licked my cheek which made me giggle a little bit.

"I just don't have any feelings for Jakob anymore," I whispered very quietly as if someone would hear me other than Maeve, "but I kissed him last night."

She growled at the sound of that.

"Listen, I told him I was ready to be good but I still don't want to hurt Warren," I frowned, "I still love him but after seeing those pictures of what he did I can't think of him the same way. Maybe if I ever get out then I'll get away from here. I'll live on a beach somewhere. I just- I won't hurt Warren like Jakob wants me to."

The werewolf whined and nuzzled my cheek affectionately.

I smiled sadly and laid back on the grass to state at the sky, "thanks for listening, Maeve."

She blew out a breath and licked my chin before resting her head on my stomach as it rose and fell.

I needed to get away from here.

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