Captive [MXM]

Chapter Monster


I flinched awake when the wolf moved and Jakob came in.

"Maeve, get out," he frowned, "I told you to watch. Not cuddle. He deserved his punishment."

Maeve snorted and whined as she rose to her feet and shook a little bit. Jakob creased his brow and pointed out the door. She huffed and walked past him. I pulled into a tighter ball and pressed my palms to my face when he looked to me.

"Please don't touch me," I whimpered and trembled. My body ached from falling asleep on the hard floor.

"Why are you still on the ground?" He asked and came closer.

"Hurts," I mumbled and flinched when he put a hand on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't have tried to get away. Where did you think that was going?" He rolled his eyes.

"I j-just wanted to look around," I whimpered as he lifted me up, "I don't know where I am."

"There's no way I believe that," he shook his head and scooped me up, "you could have just asked me and you didn't."

I was getting teary again as he walked me to the bed, "I don't want you."

"I don't care," he frowned and pulled the blanket over me, "I'm all you have."

My lower lip wobbled, "why do you hate me?"

Jakob kissed my forehead and brushed my hair away, "I love you, Paige. Who I hate is Warren and I hate that he hurt you. Don't you want to help me? Don't you want him to answer for what he's done?"

I pushed at him even though it made my aching hands hurt more, "I don't even know what he's done! I get that he hurt you somehow but he wants to get better."

The warlock caught my jaw and forced my to look at him, "he killed my family because of whispers that weren't true and when I begged him to kill me he told me that living with what I'd seen would be a punishment worse than death."

I winced and frowned, "I'm sorry, Jakob. I know he's an awful person but I can't stop loving him."

He pursed his lips, "come on, Paige, don't make me be the bad guy. I don't like hurting you. I don't like seeing you cry but you keep pushing it. He needs to pay for the things he's done. You have to see that, love. You are the only way to get to Warren so I need your cooperation."

I whimpered and shook my head as I pressed the heels of my palms into my eyes, "no, no, I can't hurt Warren. I don't want to hurt Warren."

"I know you're a sweet little thing, Paige," he hummed and caressed my cheek, "I know that you don't like to hurt, sweetheart, but you're the only thing he cares about."

"You don't understand," I was shaking, "he hates me now. I pushed him too far and now he hates me."

Jakob sighed, "Warren can't hate you. He always comes running back."

"B-but he won't talk to me," I shook my head, "he never answered any of my texts or calls. I know he hates me."

He kissed my forehead, "I'm telling you that he always comes back. Warren doesn't have anyone else but you. Even the cruelest of us need companionship and you're his only link. He needs you more than you need him."

I covered my face, "please. Please leave me alone."

"Fine. I'll be back later, love," he whispered, "Maeve will watch you."

"Hi," I mumbled when a tongue scraped across my cheek. Maeve whined and nudged my chest. I hadn't noticed that I'd fallen asleep again.

She nipped at my clothes and tried to pull on me, "you want me to get up?"

She growled softly and I slipped out of bed as I rubbed at my eyes. I stumbled forward as she nudged me to the door. The wolf walked me down the hall as I yawned. Soon we came to what I recognized as Jakob's office. I frowned and looked at Maeve.

"I don't want to see him," I whispered. She whined a little bit and pushed her snout against my side. I frowned and pat her head as I opened the door.

Jakob glanced up at me, "are you hungry, darling?"

I looked back at the wolf and shut the door, "yeah."

"Come here, Paige," he hummed and leaned back in his chair.

I went to his desk but didn't circle around.

"All the way," he said and pointed beside him, "right here."

I frowned and walked over to him. Jakob slid his hands down my arms and lifted my hands to his lips.

"I have something to show you after dinner," he murmured and looked up at me as he swept his thumbs over my bruised flesh.

I swallowed, "what is it?"

"A surprise," he hummed and placed his hands on my hips. My hands found his shoulders to steady myself.

"I don't want a surprise from you," I frowned as he pulled me closer.

"That's too bad, sweetheart," he sighed and kissed my shoulder, "because you don't have any control here."

I clenched my jaw as he rose and picked me up.

"Why are you always picking me up?" I asked and folded my arms across my chest.

"Because I like to hold you," he shrugged, "that's all."

I ran my hands down my face in frustration, "I hate you so much."

Jakob kissed my forehead, "don't be angry, love."

"What's the surprise?" I asked again.

"It's a surprise for a reason," he arched a brow and set me down when we entered the dining room. He placed a hand on my lower back and led me to the chair beside the head of the table. I sat down and rested my head on the table.

"Are you going to punish me?" I whispered as he took his seat.




"Then what?" I groaned and sat up.

"Why do you want to know?" He mused and regarded me closely.

"Because I can't exactly find it in me to trust you," I frowned and folded my arms over my chest.

"That will change," he sighed and leaned back.

"I don't think so," I rolled my eyes, "you kidnapped me and you want me to betray the most important person in my life."

"You don't need him, Paige," he waved his hand, "in fact, you don't need anyone. You are your own person."

I wiped a hand down my face, "but I want him. I want someone."

"You have me," Jakob said and looked over, "and there's the food."

I frowned as a woman placed a plate in front of me and then him before departing. I watched her leave with a curious expression.

"I thought we were alone here?" I wondered aloud and looked to the man beside me.

"No, I have staff. I have guards," he shrugged and cut into his steak, "the guards being werewolves like Maeve. She's not particularly good at following orders but she's very good at what she does."

A small smile came to my lips, "I like her. She licks my face when I'm sad."

He frowned and glanced at me, "if you'd behave then you wouldn't be so upset."

Now I was frowning, "you kidnapped me against my will. I still think I'd be upset."

I poked at the food a little bit as he replied, "you'll get past it, love."

A quiet sigh escaped me, "I feel miserable, Jakob. Can't I go outside?"

"I'll see about it tomorrow, okay? Eat your food," he murmured and pointed to my plate. My shoulders slumped but I relented to my empty stomach anyway.

Around half an hour of silence later he was finished and I was too for the most part.

I swallowed and tucked my hair behind my ear, "what's the surprise?"

Jakob pushed out of his chair and offered his hand to me, "I'll show you."

With hesitancy I took it and let him pull me up. The warlock led me out of the room and down the hall and into a different room. There was a projector stationed in front of a wall and a chair facing said wall. Jakob directed me to the chair and turned on the projector.

"Jakob?" I whispered and looked back at him as he picked up a small remote and came behind me, "what is this?"

"Hush, darling. You'll see," he murmured and turned my head forward again. I swallowed and set my arms on the armrests as he clicked a button. Immediately I was greeted with an absolutely horrible sight. Blood everywhere. Lifeless eyes and bodies. A massacre.

"Jakob," my voice was shaking as I covered my eyes, "why would you show me th-this?"

He tipped my chin up and pulled my hands away, "you need to see what he's done. Warren did this. He did it in cold blood."

My stomach churned as he changed slides again. It was even more foul. A man who was hardly recognizable laid dead on a floor somewhere. His face had been bashed in and he was cut from collar to bellybutton. Blood and guts were splattered around him. I resisted the urge to gag.

"Stop," I whimpered, "Jakob, please I don't want to see this."

He caught my jaw and forced me to look again, "if you shut your eyes then I'm going to do much worse than cane your hands."

A small, scared noise escaped me when another picture came on screen. I gagged a little bit at the sight. My stomach was twisted in knots. The two people had most certainly been beaten to death. It was as if someone had taken an orange and squeezed it until nothing but pulp was left. Nothing but pulp was left of these people.

"Jakob," my eyes watered, "please, I understand. I understand. Don't show me anymore. Please."

"You need to see what a monster he is," he hissed and held my jaw tight to shut me up.

The next picture was another massacre. It looked like each body had exploded from the inside out. Blood and tissue cos tree d the walls of the small, grimy room. It was too much. I couldn't handle it. I keeled over and vomited everything I'd just eaten.

Warren was a monster.

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