Captive [MXM]

Chapter Cookies

Of course I wanted to make cookies, I really liked sweets, but I also had an ulterior motive. I was going to get out. I was going to get out and get away. No more Warren. No more Jakob.

I needed a knife. I wasn't sure what might happen if something went wrong so I had to be prepared. Second, I needed his trust. Inwardly, calling Jakob daddy made me cringe. That title would always belong to Warren even if I moved on from him. However, calling him that definitely tipped the scale in my favor because it would make Jakob trust me. I needed that for the final part of my plan.

Thirdly, I needed an excuse to go back up to his office so I could get him talking later. Much later. I would tell him everything he wanted to hear and when it was dark and he was sleeping in confidence that he had me hook, line, and sinker- I would slip away.

My backup plan? Maeve. Clearly, she did not approve of Jakob's treatment of me. If I could convince her to help me, or at least save me from his wrath if things went sour, then I'd be safe.

If Maeve didn't help? I would have to stick with my old tactics. Warren melted into my palms when I cried and begged for forgiveness. Apparently, Jakob was not so easily swayed. Perhaps he would be when all was said and done.

I sighed and carried on with my cookies. The mixer had been going for about a minute and the dough looked like it was the right color. I flicked the switch and twisted the bowl out before bringing to to the counter so I could make dough balls.

Even though I was being held captive I really did enjoy the baking. It was relaxing and the reward was pretty good too. I needed to relax a little bit.

I jumped a bit when a short yip sounded beside me. Maeve stood at my side.

I smiled, "hi. I'm making cookies."

She whined a bit and poked her snout at the bowl with her best impression of puppy-eyes.

I arched a brow, "you want cookie dough?"

The puppy-eyes intensified. I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully as I scooped out a small clump and she licked it from my hand happily. I laughed a little bit and washed my hands before finishing off the dough.

As I was putting the tray in the oven I looked at Maeve.

"Maeve," I said quietly and she cocked her head to the side, "I'm going to do something really stupid tonight. I'm not asking for your help but if Jakob catches me then please, please find help- find Warren if you have to. I'm afraid he might lose his temper with me."

She whined and flattened her ears to her head. It was obvious that she didn't like this plan.

"I'll be okay. Warren and Jakob like to pretend that I'm helpless but I'm not a baby," I shrugged and pulled out a pan for another batch.

She whined and nudged me in the ribs with her snout.

"Listen, you're my backup plan," I said and arched a brow, "so if I get caught I need your help."

Another whine. She licked my palm and then nudged my bowl. I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Fine, since you're helping you can have some more cookie dough," I sighed and rolled her another ball, "hey, is this even good for you? I know you're a werewolf and all but there's chocolate in here."

Maeve licked it out of my hand and I could have sworn she somehow rolled her eyes.

I cradled the warm cookie in my palms as I stood outside Jakob's office. It was from the last batch. I'd say the eighth or ninth. In my defense, I loved cookies and also I had nothing else to do. With care I pushed the door open and leaned against it.

"Jakob?" I whispered and he looked over at me and pursed his lips.

"Not right now. I'm dealing with something," he waved his hand and continued to pace back and forth. In a moment of clarity I stepped forward, "I'm serious, Paige. I don't have the time."

I placed my hand on his chest to stop him and looked up with wide eyes.

"You don't have time for me?" I asked gently and blinked a few times. I could see the hesitancy in his expression as he pursed his lips.

"I might have a minute or two," he sighed, "what do you need?"

"I brought you a cookie," I whispered as b he tucked my hair behind my ear. "Maeve likes them."

He arched a brow and took it from my hand with a smile.

"Thank you, love," he murmured and took a bite. I stepped closer and wiped chocolate from the corner of his mouth. The warlock tipped my chin up and kissed me on the forehead. "It's not the only sweet thing either."

I giggled when he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thank you, Daddy," I blushed and rested my cheek on his chest as he finished it off. "Will you be done with work soon?"

He finished off the cookie and put his hands on my hips, "that's depends, what are you wanting?"

I blushed and rested my chin on his chest as I looked up at him, "you."

Jakob arched a brow, "me? What for?"

My face grew more red by the second, "just... things."

Now he looked suspicious, "what? You want to knock me out and flee?"

I flinched, "no! That's not what I mean."

"I know, I know," he smiled and cupped the nape of my neck, "now tell me what it is you really want."

"Jakob," I practically whined, "I want you."

"You want- oh," he blinked, "you want that?"

I flushed and pressed my forehead against his chest, "I-I'm ready now."

He wrapped his arms tighter around me, "somehow I don't believe that."

"You don't want me?" I whispered and balled my fists in his shirt.

He shook his head, "I absolutely want you- every little bit."

I forced a giggle and narrowed my eyes at him, "then have me, Daddy. I want you to be mean."

"Mean, huh?" Jakob arched a brow and caressed my cheek, "I can definitely do mean."

I dragged my palm up to the nape of his neck, "I just don't want to be alone in this stupid house anymore. And I want your attention."

Jakob slipped his arms around my waist, "is that so?"

I nodded, "I never liked it when Warren ignored me. Are you going to ignore me, Daddy?"

A small smile grew on his lips. He thought he had me, "never, little one."

I forced a smile and pressed my face into his neck, "then spoil me, Daddy."

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