Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 4 Something Off

We decided to head to the lake.

It was a beautiful day and if I'm stuck at this lame camp, where I am sure I'm being manipulated by my parents at the very least, or there is some alien conspiracy to abduct me from my family (Hey! It could happen!), but whatever it is, this place is starting to creep me out.

The pine trees blow in the soft breeze. Some bird's soft song calls out to it's mate. Even the insistent buzzing of insects try to ground me in this place where something is just... off!

You know when you feel something deep in your gut, but your not even sure how you know it? Yeah, it's like that! Like you have a sixth sense or whatever...

I sigh and try to distract myself from my unease, but nothing helps. Luckily for me, I have a brother that knows exactly what I need!

"So, what do you think Mom and Dad are doing right now?" Ethan asked as we meandered down the path.

Well, maybe not because talking about my parents isn't exactly fun for me; but I go along with it because I desperately need to focus on anything that isn't this heavy feeling pressing on my chest. Hmm... I wonder if it's possible to develop athesma?

"Probably throwing a party at the airport that they finally got rid of their delinquent daughter," I grumbled.

Ethan laughed.

Of course he would think it's funny! He's the "good boy," not the "disappointed" or "problem child."

"It's not funny, Twix! They were counting down the minutes before they could shove me off on someone else. Now I am the camp's problem to deal with. As long as they don't see me messing up, they don't care. They only care about their image, making more money, and themselves..." I grumbled while fighting the tears from manifesting in my eyes.

"Hey, don't. Let's make a deal, we won't talk about the folks while we are here! It'll just be our big adventure. And, hey! Next month we will be old enough to move out on our own. We can share an apartment while I go to college and you... Paint! I love all your art... as long as it's legal," he chuckled.

"Deal! To all of it! No parents, and legal paintings while you're at college!" I laughed.

Ethan always knew what to say to help my moods. That is why his is the best brother in the world and I won't lose him for anything. He is literally the only family I acknowledge.

Which got me thinking...

"What happened to you and Jen after I left?" I asked.

"UGH! That chick was all like "You are the hottest boy in camp! I'd love to get to know you better..." he said in a false female voice.

I tried my best not to burst out laughing at his impersonation and focus on what he was saying.

"Then, before she could do anything else, Nate walks in and starts chastising Jen for not showing up for the meeting. And by this time I was getting all up in your head and I was freakin' out and told Nate that we needed to find you, but I didn't tell him what Ben was doing. I figured he'd take care of it when he saw with his own eyes. Luckily he knew which cabin you were in, so we rushed all the way to your cabin. I have to admit, I was surprised how angry Nate was when he saw Ben, but hopefully someone will make sure that doesn't happen again," he grumbled after he finished his story.

Somehow knowing that Nate was that angry warmed me to him. It's kinda sweet having a big strong councilor protecting little ol' me! Not that I need protection most of the time, but when it's Nate I didn't seem to mind as much.

We continued walking in silence with heavy thoughts on both our minds, when suddenly I tripped on a rock and my vision was diverted.

Something caught my eye as we near the lake. It was a group of toadstools with bright red caps and white spots.

I point to them. "Those are my new friends. I will name them Todd! And when I can't stand being here anymore, I will come and complain to them, because no one else will listen!" I announced.

Ethan gave me a funny look and shook his head, smirking. He gets me!

We wandered closer to my new BFF's and I gasp.


Ethan was suddenly concerned from the look on my face.

I didn't even know how to explain what it was I was looking at! So I did the only thing my brain allowed me to do.

I point to the water. "Look!"

My new friend's reflections were not red and shiny, but they were slate gray.

"How is that possible?" I shrieked.

"Don't know. But there is something wrong with the lake. Can you feel it?" he asked.

He was a lot calmer than I was. How does he always do that? Not saying I am irrational or anything, but he normally is the rational one thinking things through. I tend to be more emotional and explode when I can't handle something!

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself and speak sainly.

"Yep! Whatever is wrong with this camp, it feels like it's coming from the lake itself!" I stated.

"I'm not sure it's good for us to be here..." Ethan whispered.

I glance down at my watch. "It's just about time for us to go to the mess hall," I said casually.

But there is no fooling my brother. He knows exactly what I am thinking!

"No! No, and NO! He is too old for you and he... well he's normal and... just don't! I can't even... He's a good guy and your gonna mess with him! He... Don't even think it! I don't even want to know..." Ethan stuttered and grumbled all the way to the mess hall.

And I ignored him as I daydreamed about how Nate's lips would feel pressed against mine.

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