Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 3 My Hero

"Hey, Ben!" a guy called out as he marched into the cabin, followed by an extremely angry Ethan, and a very pouty looking Jen.

"What is it, Nate? I'm a little busy at the moment!" Ben growled, still leaning into me, holding my hands captive. Can't he see that other people are here? Doesn't he know that this will get him in trouble? Does he even care? Well, maybe not!

"You and Jen were late for the councilors meet, so Jack sent me out to get you and Jen," stated Nate, evenly, but I could also feel his vibe and it was almost as angry as Ethan's.

I was actually shocked when I realized I could feel his emotions. That isn't normal for me!

Also, it surprised me he would feel this strongly about this when he didn't even know me!

I looked over at the new comer. He was handsome, too. But not in the perfect way Ben was; and some how that made me more at ease. He had light brown, slightly scruffy looking hair, and dark blue eyes. A five o' clock shadow gave his sharp jaw line just the softest touch. Even his white tee shirt was a little dusty, and his pin was slightly askew, giving him a more human feel.

Ben's hard eyes cut back to mine and his hands tightened possessively for a fraction of heartbeat, then he released me. He turned abruptly and marched out the door.

"Come on, Jen," he commanded.

Jen's sulky eyes drifted over to Ethan, but turned and followed Ben.

That perky princess better not lay a hand on my brother, or she will have another thing coming!

Nate sighed deeply, and turned to me.

Relieved, I walked up between my brother and my new hero.

"I apologize for Ben and Jen. What they did was definitely against the rules. Jen should have been the one to show you to your cabin, Melissa, not Ben. And he definitely should not have been alone with you in the cabin," Nate stated. Suddenly the hard edge in his gaze softened as he took in my face. "Although I can see why he did it," he whispered as an afterthought.

He was second guy to pay me a compliment in the last few minutes, and caused my face to burn red, only this time I wasn't so freaked out by it. There was a different feel to this guy, almost tender, so I looked up at him and gave him a shy smile.

My brother cleared his throat loudly. Twice.

Nate ducked his head as his face blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry," he was quick to apologize.

Man! He was so cute! I've never seen a guy blush before. I kinda wanna see it again!

I sent Ethan a death glare, but he just smiled like it was his life's calling to keep my from flirting. And up to this point in my life, he never had to. At 17 years old, I'd still never had a boyfriend.

"So, Nate, thanks for the rescue," Ethan acknowledged. "What are we supposed to do while you go to your little meeting?"

"Right!" Nate practically shouted in surprise, red coloring his face all the way to the roots of his hair, as he struggled to keep his eyes from mine.

Aww! He did it again! My heart just did a little happy dance. This has totally made my day. Sigh... If only I could stay here and watch him forever, then my parents wouldn't have to worry about me being a screw up!

"Uh, why don't you two take a look around. We have the whole forest on this side of the lake until you hit the fence. We also have an obstacle course, archery targets, horses, the craft area, the commons area with rope swing and climbing wall, the amphitheater, which is also where we have the campfire tonight and the mess hall, and of course, the lake. It's all there for you to explore and become familiar with, until about 6, then everyone meets at the mess hall for dinner. I'll catch you guys there and introduce you to your cabin mates," he finished a bit flustered with a shy smile.

I smiled back at him. Man he was adorable!

"Thanks, Nate. I really didn't know what to do when Jen cornered me like that. And then with Ben..." Ethan's words leaked with annoyance that matched his emotions.

"Yeah, thanks Nate. Your my hero," I teased.

By this time the poor guy was as red as a tomato and it just made him cuter!

"Uh, yeah. No prob! I'll see you guys later," he responded as he almost stumbled out the door.

I sighed.

"Don't even think about it!" Ethan demanded.

"What?" I asked, as innocently as I could.

"I just saw you lip locked with Ben. And I know for a fact you didn't ask for that. I could see the panic in your mind when I was telling Nate we needed to find you. But I am not watching you fall all over Nate! I actually like that guy!" Ethan scolded while he led me out of the cabin and back toward the other buildings.

"Yeah, there is something wrong with Ken and Barbie!" Perfect people were not to be trusted!

"I agree, but just cause Nate is a normal guy, doesn't mean I want to walk in on you two, with his hands all over you! Normal guys have normal feelings and that is NOT happening!" he proclaimed.

I blushed thinking about Nate's hands all over me...

Ethan groaned loudly.

"I didn't say anything!" I insisted.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to. It's like our "twin power" is amplified in this place, and I am getting a picture loud and clear. One that is NEVER going to happen!" Ethan proclaimed.

Now no one has ever accused me of being a good girl, and the things running through my mind have never even crossed it before! I really didn't know how to control my thoughts or my emotions. I felt all giggly and crap! That has never happened before! But now it's blasting through my mind like a TV set on full volume!

"Crap!" I mumbled under my breath. I definitely didn't want my brother knowing what I'm thinking about... especially when it came to Nate!

"So, where are we going?" he asked in an attempt to distract my thoughts.

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