Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 5 Mess Hall

As we stepped into the mess hall, we were accosted by the cacophony of cutlery, plates, scraping of chairs against the wood floors and loud chatter of happy and hungry campers.

Strangely I also felt a low hum of excitement coming from each of the campers. This new buzz was gonna take some getting used to, because I was starting to get overwhelmed by feeling everyone's emotions. If it doesn't cool down soon, I'm gonna freak and blow this joint.

Nate was the first one to greet us.

I instantly felt better!

"Hey guys! I'm here to show you to your tables and introduce you to the campers in your cabins," he said with a big grin that had mine mirroring his. His emotions were calm and soothing to my frayed nerves.

Ethan grumbled again.

I elbowed him. HARD! Then grabbed his elbow and smiled sweetly at Nate. "That would be great!" I giggled.

Oh, my gosh! I giggled! What the HECK?!? I have never giggled in my life! Where has this girly-girl come from? I'm blaming it on the aliens! That's right! We are not alone, people!

And for some reason, Nate didn't look at me like I'm a lunatic, but smiles wider and chuckled a bit. "C'mon. Ethan, your table is right here at table number 12. Meet the guys. Here is Sam, Jake, Mikey, Justin, and Doug. Guys, this is your new bunk mate, Ethan. He just came in today, so make him feel welcome!" He said as he pointed out each of the boys.

One of the boys, Doug I think, got up, "Hey Ethan! Nice to meet you. You can come up with me and get in line for some grub!"

"Thanks, man!" Ethan said easily, wandering away with the boy. But before they got too far, I noticed Ethan sending a hard glare at me over his shoulder.

I just shrugged.

"I'll show you where your table is too, Melissa. It's this way," he said tipping his head to the far wall.

"I really don't understand why you and your brother are put on opposite ends of the camp. Most of the time we like to keep the siblings close together," he chatted as we started crossing the hall.

"It's probably because my parents hate me and are trying to keep me from my best friend," I grumbled.

"You and Ethan are pretty close, huh?" he asked in a way that was more like a statement. Something like understanding and pity was drifting from him.

"Yeah. I guess he felt sorry for me, cuz I don't have many friends..."

Why did I just admit that out loud? It makes me sound like a total whiner and a loser! Ugh! Does anyone have a spoon I can use to dig a whole, so I can jump in it?

Just before we reached my table, Nate lowered his voice, so only I could hear it and turned to me. "I would really like to be your friend, Melissa."

My heart almost stopped, right there, in front of the whole mess hall. All I could feel coming from him was a deep desire to be with me... It was a yearning for, well I wasn't quite sure, because I've never had anyone want me like this. It felt like companionship... only deeper. I smiled shyly, "I would really like that."

"Hey, beautiful," came a sultry voice over my shoulder that instantly made me tense up.

"Hi, Ben," I tried to smile. I hadn't noticed him sneaking up on me because my entire attention had been focused on Nate.

Ben radiated possessive aggression, coming right up behind me. He snaked his arm around my waist in a show of dominance; which annoyed me.

I wasn't the only one to tense up at the new comer.

"Hey, Ben. What's up?" ground out Nate.

"I was just coming to see if you needed any help introducing Melissa to her group. You two seem to be lost," glared Ben.

"Nope. I got it covered!" insisted Nate.

Ben nuzzled my neck and whispered, "See ya at campfire, then," and sauntered away.

"I hate that guy," Nate said under his breath. I could feel jealousy and something I couldn't put into words rolling off him.

"So," he said louder, as we approached a group of chatty girls, "Melissa this is your group. Cabin number 2. Ladies, this is Melissa. She and her brother just checked in today. Melissa this is Becky, Steph, Hannah, Jane, and Mercy. I hope you girls make her feel welcome, she has had a hard day," he smiled at them.

At which of course ever girl at the table giggle. I could feel hints of flirty giddiness, mild jealousy, and even eagerness surrounding these girls.

"No problem, Nate!" said Mercy.

"I'll see you later Melissa," he said as he turned and walked back to the councilors table.

Suddenly all the girls started gushing over Nate.

"Oh, my gosh! He is so hot!" Hannah was practically waving her hand in front of her face.

"He is the sweetest of the councilors! You are so lucky he walked you over here!" Steph proclaimed.

"And Ben! Wow! What's up with that?" asked Mercy.

"I don't think I've seen Nate so jealous before!" Hannah giggled.

"What were you guys so secretive about," asked Jane, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

That just set the silly girls off again. I wasn't sure how much of their silliness I could take. I am not what you would call a girly-girl. The only one who wasn't quite so boy crazy seemed to be Becky. I decided I'd sit next to her.

"Oh, we were just talking about my twin brother..." I said, trying to sound casual. The last thing I wanted was these girls knowing how bad of a crush I had on Nate, when apparently every other girl in the whole camp was after him too.

Becky hopped up and took me by my arm dragging me to the line. "Tell me about your brother! Is he hot? I bet he is if he looks anything like you..."

I laughed, okay so maybe she was a little boy crazy. But Becky seemed a couple years younger than me and maybe Nate was too old for her, which was fine with me! I looked across the hall to the table on the opposite end and pointed to my brother.

As if he could feel me staring at him, he turned and met my gaze. Then he looked at the girl standing next to me, and a slow smile stretched across his face. I felt something new coming from him... it was interest.

Huh... Maybe if I could get these two together...

"That is Ethan. He is the best guy I know. I would be happy to introduce you two after dinner," I said casually.

"I... He is... I mean, he... Wow! Does he have a girlfriend?" she stuttered.

I just laughed and grabbed the burger, salad and a Sprite.

Then I tugged her arm and caught my brother's eye again and winked. Then he turned red!

As we sat down, some guy that looked about 30 or so stood up to address us from the front table.

"Welcome to all our new campers. My name is Jack. I am the camp director. We are excited to have you here with us today. For all the campers who've been here for the past month, this is old news, but please be courteous while I briefly go over the rules," he smiled down at us.

"First, there are no boys going into the girls cabins, and no girls going into the boys cabins," he said as he glanced at Ben, who just looked smug and shrugged. All I felt coming off him was pure satisfaction.

"Second, please remember to keep our campsite clean. Pick up after yourselves. We have recycling and garbage cans placed all over. Third, please do not wander off on your own. There are wild animals about and your safety is our top priority. Lastly, if you have lost something, or have found something someone else has lost, our lost and found is located in the main office. Also, campfires starts at 8:30pm and we expect everyone to sit with their cabins and lights out is 10:30 sharp. Thank you."

Once he sat down the noise picked back up. I was only half paying attention to what the girls were saying. I kept sneaking glances up at the councilors table, where Nate was talking to one of the other councilors... But every once in awhile he would catch my eye, causing him to pause for a minute, I could feel a pleasant sort of slow burn drifting off him. He smiled at me before he turned back to his companion.

Finally it was time for everyone to get up. I decided now was the time to act, so I grabbed Becky and pulled her across the mess hall, past all the gossiping that followed me.

"C'mon. I want to talk to my brother before he leaves," I said, giving her a sly look.

She instantly turned bright red. Yep! That's it. I was gonna get these two together... If Nate has been claimed by every other female in the compound, this one was gonna distract my brother. At least I'd give it my best shot! Man, this would be fun to watch!

"Hey, Twix!" I smirked as we reached his table. "I just wanted to check on you. You know, see how you were doing. Make sure all the guys were being nice to you, before I headed out to my cabin with my new best friend, Becky," I said as I practically shoved her at him.

Ethan deftly caught her, and held on tight, so she didn't fall into a puddle at his feet. His eyes danced in happiness, which was weird too, because I've never seen my brother infatuated with anyone either!

Ethan's raven hair and bright green eyes next to Becky's strawberry blonde and blue eyes almost looked like they were made to be together. Looking at them together was almost so sweet, I may be sick! It would be totally worth it.

"Hi, Becky. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ethan, and anyone who can put up with Lissa is a friend of mine," he teased.

"Uh, hi Ethan. I'm Becky... I mean... you already knew that! I, uh! No, that's not... Oh! I just can't..." She was so cute, her face getting redder the more she tripped over herself in front of my brother. I could feel her embarrassment and frustration pouring off her. I giggled again.

Man! When did I start getting so freaking girly? I'm gonna have to go blow something up just to make sure I'm still me!

"Don't worry about it, Becky," crooned Ethan. "You have the most adorable blush when your embarrassed! If you guys need an escort back to your cabin, I'd be happy to volunteer, " he said, trying to sound reassuring and friendly.

I smirked at my brother. He wasn't fooling me, and he knew it. I could feel exactly what he was feeling. If that was any indication, I was positive he wasn't the least bit sorry or embarrassed about his sister stopping by to "check on him," on our way to the cabin. This was gonna be freakin' awesome!

All my newly proclaimed bestie could do, was stare into the seafoam green eyes, that matched mine perfectly, and murmur "uh-huh."

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