Burning Vengeance

Chapter 12.

"You have to fight me, Fay!"

"Alarik, you won't hurt me."

"I won't be myself! I won't have.... any....control....." she backs away on the bed as the last of his voice disintegrates into an animalistic snarl. "Aarrgh!"

"Alarik, it's okay. You can fight this. I know you're strong enough." She inches closer to him, reaching out with a welcoming hand.

But with a low, threatening growl, Alarik lunges for her. "Rahh!"

She ducks and rolls off the mattress right before he is able to pin her. The force of his massive, untamed body cracks the bed frame. He leaps from the bed with inhuman agility, landing on his feet right in front of her. She backs up. "Stop. You don't want to do this."

"Claim.... claim you....." the dark commanding words boil up from his throat like magma, threatening to burn. "I will.....have you!" He throws his arms out and catches her around the waist, lifting her into the air. She kicks and screams. "Mine.... my mate.... my only!" He sniffs her neck and she feels his hands inch higher, a groping hunger in his touch.

She brings her foot up, aiming for Alarik's groin with a silent apology. Then she brings her foot down with all her might. Alarik roars and his grip loosens. She somersaults out of his reach. "You don't want to do this, Alarik. Stop." Her words resound throughout the cave, ringing in his beastial ears. His blue eyes widen.

"Fay...." her name comes from his mouth on a tortured gasp, the pain so clear it makes her heart twist. He tears at his leather-strapped chest, warring between beast and man. "No! Won't hurt her! Can't!" He claws at his own skin, roaring with the frustration and pain. When his hungry eyes land on her once more, he opens his mouth wide, releases his draconic fangs and bites down hard on his own arm.

"Alarik, no!"

Tears prick his wild eyes as he sinks his teeth into his own flesh over and over again, his voice strangled and desperate. "Won't! Hurt! Her!"

"Alarik, you're acting like a monster!" With the focus of a predator, his eyes snap to her and she turns to run. "No, no, no!" She flings herself away from him, but it's no use, he's too fast. He slams her to the ground, snarling like a wild beast. She throws her hands up in defense and his fangs sink into her palm. "Ahh!" A tidal wave of burning page suddenly shoots through her bloodstream like acid. The shock of seeing her in pain brings him back and he blinks in horror.

"Oh, my God, Fay. My venom!"

"It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. Of course, it is!" Alarik takes her in his arms, his eyes wide and panicked. She wants to be strong, she wants to tell him not to worry, but the pain is far too great. She screams, gritting her teeth. "Fay!" Alarik's hold on her tightens. Through his hands, she can feel her Dragon's Mark flare to life, but it's not pain she feels through it. It's relief. "Please, Fay. Give me your pain." For a fleeting moment, she feels her strength return and the unbearable pain dulls. She tries to hold still, but a blinding pain makes her arch her back, loosening his grip. The heat from his connection dies and the pain returns in full force. She cries out. "I can take your pain away. I can take it for you, Fay." He tightens his grip on her once again. She looks up into his eyes. They gleam, not with aggression, but with desperation and guilt. "Fay, please..... you have to let me in. You have to trust me. It won't work if you don't." She feels the soothing warmth of Alarik's attempt to trickle back in, blocked by something she put in place. "Trust me. Let me in."

She shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "No, I can't. I can't-"

Alarik grimaces. "Okay, then I'll do this as fast as I can." He lifts her palm to his mouth, sucking the venom from her body through blinding pain. She screams as the acid-like venom shoots through her. He holds her as still as he can. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." After what seems like an eternity, the venom is sucked away. Weak, but finally free of her suffering, she falls against Alarik's chest. "Let's get you to the bed." He lifts her effortlessly in his arms. She knots a hand in the leather strap of his chest. She turns her face into his shoulder, holding onto him with both hands. He folds her closer, his lips brushing the top of her head. "Just rest, Fay. It's okay." When they reach the bed, he lays her on the soft mattress, stroking her hair from her damp brow. "I'm sorry this happened. If I'd known what they were planning, I would've-"

"It wasn't something you could control."

"But I'm the Dragon King. I should be able to overcome a mere drug." With the little strength she has left, she lifts herself up in bed. "What are you doing? Lie down."

"No. You promised the next time we were alone, you'd tell me the truth. What did you mean when you said you weren't supposed to be king?" Alarik lowers his gaze as he sinks down next to her on the mattress. "Was it just a line to get me to stop asking questions?"

"It wasn't a line, it's the truth. My twin brother, Killian, was born first. Five minutes before me. He was born with the blue fire inside him."

"But, how? How is that possible if you-"

"It's a long, complicated story. And I don't have all the answers."

"I don't care if it's long. Please, I need to know." She twists the sheets in her fists, her body trembling. "I can't get the image of Soren dying in those blue flames out of my head. To think you had something to do with it......it's torture...."

Alarik turns to face her, meeting her eyes. "I didn't do it. I swear to you."

"Then tell me everything." Alarik hesitates, then he leans in close, taking her bitten palm in his hands again. "What are you doing?"

"I don't have to tell you. After having my venom in your system, I can show you." His eyes flick blue and her Dragon's Mark hums with a quiet strength as his thumb strokes the previously poisoned cut. "Can you trust me?"

"I trust you, Alarik."

At her words, Alarik leans onto her palm. Where his fangs touched, a magnetic pull awakens. He whispers against the wound and a cool smoke coils from his mouth as he speaks. "Sofna."

The smoke-spoken command slips into her body, cool and quiet, like a gasp. Her vision blurs and she falls back. Unlike when Mikhail forced her to plummet into her subconscious, she floats like a feather into Alarik's.

When the thick mist parts, she sees the barn again. The one her brother died in.

She turns to see two identical dragons, one black and one red, soar down onto a nearby cliff and shift into their human forms.

"Killian, stop. We're not supposed to be out here."

"Says, who? This is my kingdom, isn't it?" Killian is identical to Alarik, but his eyes are ice-cold. He laughs with a harsh lilt.

"It may be your kingdom, but this town belongs to the humans. Until the Solstice, we should-"

"Nothing belongs to humans, you soft little shit." Suddenly, eerily familiar laughter rings out. The brothers watch as young Fay and her brother, Soren, scamper into the barn. "Here. I'll show you just how weak they can be."

"What?" Alarik lunges for Killian, but he's too late. Killian swiftly shifts into his massive, red dragon form. Before Alarik can do anything, Killian sprays the barn with deadly blue flames. "No!" Killian shifts back down and laughs at the sound of young Fay and young Soren screaming. "Hear that? That's the sound of my power, brother. Don't fucking forget it."

"Those were..... little kids!!!"

As young Fay shouts her brother's name below, Alarik shifts into his black dragon form.

"You want to go?"

Alarik hurtles through the air at Killian. With a dark smile, the evil brother shifts in the blink of an eye and catches Alarik's neck in his jaws. He crushes Alarik and throws him high in the air. When Alarik slams to the ground, the force of it rocks the barn and the roof collapses. Killian brandishes his razor-sharp talons, aiming for Alarik's heart. But when the roof caves in on Soren, his blue eyes and strength leave him. Suddenly, Alarik's eyes flash blue and with a massive surge of strength, he blows Killian back.

Not knowing his own strength, Alarik ignites the very oxygen in the air with his blue flame, sending Killian flying off the cliff. He falls out of sight, burning in a fury of white-hot, blue flames.

Her feet leave the ground as she's gently summoned back to her body. When she opens her eyes, Alarik is at the foot of the bed, his back to her. "Alarik, I understand now. You didn't have anything to do with Soren's death." She crawls to him, reaching out. But she stops when she sense how tense and quiet he is.

"You're right, I didn't kill your brother, but I did kill mine and usurped his throne." Alarik doesn't look at her, only stares at his hands. "I'm a monster for killing my own brother. No matter what kind of person he was."

"But it was an accident."

"Doesn't matter. I killed him and stole his throne. Everyone knows it. They whisper 'false king' and 'brother killer'. They don't respect me at all." Alarik suddenly spots a fleck of her blood on his palm and he goes rigid. "Damn it, look at me."

"Alarik-" she reaches for him but he flinches away, rising from the bed and stalking over to a small pool in the cave.

"Weak. So weak." He tries to wipe the blood from his hands, but it has dried and sticks to him. "I'm a monster who can't control his impulses. I couldn't protect my family, my kingdom, or you." He swears, tearing at his palms, desperate to get the blood off. "Damn it! Damn it!"

"Alarik, you're right. You are responsible for your brother's death."

His back muscles tighten at her words. She bites her lip, feeling the distance between them widen as he thrashes alone. "Damn it, damn it!" He presses his still-bloody palms to his eyes.

"But that doesn't mean you didn't do something good in the process. You saved me." Not able to take it anymore, she runs and plunges into the water, throwing herself between his legs so he has to look at her. "You saved my life, Alarik."

"Fay...." he reaches up and cups her face, stroking her cheek. Slowly, he slides into the water with her, lifting her to straddle him beneath the pool's surface. "If I hadn't met you..... if you'd died that day...." his grip on her tightens and an answering heat rises inside her. "Nothing in my life would've been worth living for."

"Alarik...." she lowers her lips to the dip in his neck, lingering there, feeling him melt beneath her.

"Fay...." her name is hot on his lips. He pulls her up and takes her into his mouth, growling through his kiss. "I can't hold back, not with you. Not anymore."

His confession rings in her ears. "I don't want you to."

"God. Fay." Blistering passion ignites within her as he claims her with his lips, his tongue. Instinctively, he presses her down on the edge of the pool, her back flat against the stone floor, spreading her legs. "Fay, you're so fucking beautiful." The sincerity in his voice catches her off guard. He slips his hands over the shimmering sapphire cup of her bra. Her back curves upward at his touch. He squeezes her breast and she gasps. "That's right, let go." Wrapping his hands around the small of her waist, Alarik pulls her closer to his body. Their bond ignites as his leather-clad chest rubs against her tender nipples. She moans softly into his mouth as he kisses her. Soaring desire courses through her veins. She rocks against him, feeling the steel of his erection surface.


"Shh." He slides down her neck, her collarbone, kissing her just above the swell of her breasts. He reaches down, skating his fingers over her parted thighs. She gasps. When he reaches her damp panties, he runs his fingers up and down, teasing her, so close to her aching clit.

"Alarik...." she closes her eyes, arching her back against the feeling of him there. The heat from their bond threatens to burn white-hot.

"Is this okay?"

"Mmm, it's more than okay."

"Are you sure?" Alarik wedges a finger beneath her clothing, teasing her with his fiery touch. She swears. "I need an answer."

"Yes. Yes, I'm sure, Alarik."

"Good." He brushes lightly over her center, wet and throbbing for him. She grips his shoulders, grinding yourself against him. "Fay...." he pierces her with his scorching eyes, fire practically blazing beneath the surface. "I want to be inside you." He growls into her hair, his hand hot and promising between her legs. "I need to feel you." He nips her ear and whispers. "Let me make you scream."

"I..... I don't know if I'm up for this."

He backs off immediately, releasing his grip. "Too much?"

"Maybe for right now."

"I understand." He gathers her in his arms and they both slip down into the depths of the pool, regaining their breath. That's when they hear sounds of the new day. A bird chirps its flute song. "No. Not yet." He groans.

"What is it?"

"It's nearly morning." Alarik drags his hands through her damp hair, dread overtaking him. "The wedding. We can't avoid it anymore."

Her heart twists at the reminder. The promise of Alarik marrying Celeste in a few short hours. "Can't we run away together?"

"You know we can't." With a heavy sigh, he lifts her out of the pool and dries her body in silence. As the towel in his hand glides up her Dragon's Mark, a horrible thought enters her mind.

"Alarik, when you spend the night with her...."

"Everyone will expect my mark to appear on her body. Yes."

"But it won't, will it?"

"No. Like I said, this mark only appears on one mate. And it is permanent, lifelong."

"What will happen..... when it doesn't appear?"

Alarik's grip on the towel tightens. "I really don't know."

She stares up at him as he bandages her mark, realizing just how great the weight of the situation is upon his shoulders. But before any of them can respond, the door is unlocked.

"Well, now. Look at the two of you." The high priest ambles into the cave with his familiar smile, looking Fay up and down. "You were able to tame the beast within, child?"

"I barely saw a beast to tame."

"Brave words, but I see you can back them up."

"Yes. She was braver than ten of my strongest men." Alarik places his hand on her waist and she leans into him, all too aware this is the last time he'll touch her before his wedding.

"Very good, promised one. Well, I am afraid this is goodbye between you. The queen-to-be has requested your presence, Fay."


"I'd rather keep her by my side, High Priest."

"I'm sure you would, but she is needed elsewhere." The priest hands her a robe and gestures for the door. She has no choice but to obey.

"Wait." Alarik catches her wrist, holding her back. "Just..... wait for me, Fay. I'll come for you as soon as I can."

"I know you will." Alarik's eyes shine with something deep and unplaceable at her words. She can't quite tell what he's thinking. She wants to stay, to ask him. But with one final look, she is escorted away from Alarik.

Her heart is in knots when she reaches the bridal tent. Reluctantly, she walks in, head bowed.

"You're late, slave." Celeste sweeps toward her in a wedding dress that practically takes up the entire tent.

"Mistress, if you remember correctly, I'm not a slave anymore."

"You're whatever I want you to be right now. This is my day." She hisses in her ear. "And when I become queen, I'll make sure you go back to being the trash you are." Fay clenches her fists, but she is careful to stay still. The dragon flashes a poisonous smile. "I have your dress ready for you, slave. A very special dress."

Two handmaids force her robe off and shove her into a gown made for an old doll. "This, really?"

Celeste laughs openly at the sight of her. "Mmmm, look at you. Now, you're all ready for my big day." She fluffs one of the sleeves mockingly. "This will be the last thing Alarik sees you in, before I fuck him senseless."

"Celeste, you'd look better in this, I think."

The dragon chuckles, pressing her ruffled body against Fay with a threatening grin. "Your taunts mean nothing now, or ever again. Whore." Suddenly, the door to the tent opens and the sister of the high priest enters, carrying two white garments. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The king has asked me to bring a present."

"A wedding present, for me?"

"No, my lady. A gift for the royal courtesan."

"What?" Celeste shrieks.

"For me?"

"Dresses. To wear to his wedding." She unfurls the gowns and her breath catches at the same time Celeste gasps in horror. "They're..... they're white...."

"They look like wedding dresses!" Celeste moves to tear them from the sister's hands, but the woman snarls with the force of a wild dragon.

"Apologies, my lady. But I have strict orders to deliver these to Fay specifically." The sister bows, bestowing the dresses to her.

Over her shoulder, Celeste glares daggers. "Don't you dare wear white to my wedding."

Something builds within Fay, something open and defiant.

She smooths down the silken, lily-white dress over her curves, the slit in the gown celebrating the length of her legs. "This is gorgeous."

"You.... you can't-"

"I will tell His Highness that you have chosen this dress. I'm sure he will look forward to seeing you in it."

"Please tell him thank you for me."

Celeste's fury creates sweat stains in her frilly gown. She glares at Fay with pure malice. "Listen well, Fay. This is the last day that you'll have any power. When I'm queen, I'll make sure that you're made a slave again. And I'll send you to the darkest brothel in the kingdom."

"You don't scare me with your empty threats."

"There's nothing empty about it. Alarik only has a few days left to lift, don't forget." Her words strangle Fay's heart, leaving her without the ability to breathe. "Yes. And when he dies, I'll be queen alone. And you'll be all mine." She kisses her cheek. "I'll have the entire dragon army fuck you, while I watch." Fay wants to say something back, but the dragon shoves her toward the door. "Let's go. I don't want to be late for my king and my crown." The seconds pass like hours as she marches to the wedding behind Celeste. When they come to the altar, she makes eye contact with Alarik. He shines in his wedding finery, his eyes locked on hers from across the aisle. A pain like she's never felt rises up in her as she remembers the feeling of his body against hers, just hours before. Sensing her connection with Alarik, Celeste takes her by the hair and forces Fay to her knees. "Carry the train of my dress, like the good little slave you are."

"I won't."

"You will, or I'll embarrass you in front of this crowd in unforgettable ways."

Fay's whole body trembles with rage, but she knows the position she's in, so she takes the dragon's dress in her hands. Celeste turns and makes her way down the aisle toward Alarik as the ceremonial music swells. He looks sick as she walks triumphantly toward him. The dragon's threats ring in Fay's ears, her promises for a dark future.

The ceremony is long and painful. She tries to drown out the high priests' words and Alarik's vows to Celeste.

"Now, as in tradition, the groom will mark his mate."

Her heart pounds in her ears as she watches Celeste kneel before Alarik, bearing her shoulder to him. His fangs extend and with strength and poise, he bites down on Celeste.

"Ah!" She gasps in sadistic pleasure, arching her back theatrically as his venom courses through her. But she stops herself when his mark doesn't appear on her body. "What? But why....."

The crowd murmurs, confused. Alarik's eyes meet Fay's and her Dragon's Mark burns hot and bright. Panicked and disheartened, she stands rooted to the spot as he reaches for her.

Celeste follows his powerful gaze and spots her. Then it all seems to click into place for her. "You."

Fay backs away as the dragon points right at her with dark, deadly precision. But before she can say anything, an earth-shattering explosion of dragonfire sends the whole wedding up in smoke.

Through the spray of debris and thick black smoke, a figure appears. A man who looks exactly like Alarik. "It's been too long, brother."


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