Burning Vengeance

Chapter 13.

"But....but how?"

Killian opens his arms wide, a sadistic grin on his face. "Nothing, not even your pathetic attempt at murder, will keep me from my birthright."

The high priest holds up his palms, darkness gathering there as though he is building a powerful weapon. "Myrkva!" But Killian grabs the priest's hands and crushes them, forcing the man to his knees. "Agh!"

Celeste and the rest of the crowd scream and run from Killian, but Alarik doesn't move.

"Alarik, you can't let guilt rule you!" Her words seem to shake him from his stupor, but it's too late.

Killian grabs him by the throat. "Nngh!" Killian is impossibly strong, even without his hereditary powers. Alarik fights him, clawing at his grip.

"Do you remember that day, the day you tried to kill me?" He squeezes Alarik's throat so hard she fears it'll snap. "The day you betrayed your only brother and stole his throne?"

Through their bond, she feels something shatter within Alarik. He drops his hands, no longer fighting Killian off. "Alarik, this is bullshit, don't listen!"

Killian's dangerous draconian eyes snap to her and he cocks an eyebrow. "I see you've collected quite the bounty in my absence. When I take my throne back, I'll be sure to take you treasure too."

"Fay, run...." Alarik chokes the words out, squeezing his shut as Killian shakes him.

"That's right, don't fight. You pathetic, weak, false king." He squeezes Alarik's throat tighter. A trickle of blood spills from the corner of his mouth.


"Tell the truth before I kill you. You wanted me dead, you wanted my power!" A tear falls from Alarik's dull eyes. Her mark burns with the all-consuming guilt and self-hatred he feels. Killian grins triumphantly, his eyes flashing red as he raises a clawed hand to his brother's chest. "I'll be taking my power back now, brother."

Fear roots Fay to the spot, making it impossible for her to move. She watches in horror as Killian brings his clawed hand down like a blade over Alarik's chest. "Aghh!"

"No!" Killian throws Alarik on the ground like garbage. He rolls, clutching his chest. "Alarik!" She meets his eyes, her mark aching with her desperation to reach him. Struggling to her feet, she sprints for him, but another massive explosion sends her flying.

A horde of enemy dragons soar from the sky, slicing the wedding aisle in half with bomb-like blasts of fire. "Fay, run!" She stumbles and runs for her life, making her way back to the tents. But she stops in her tracks when several tents explode, shaking the earth beneath her feet.

A dragon swoops low and sprays more deadly fire, sending her lunging into the nearest tent. Flying debris and dense smoke obscure her vision. She covers her mouth to keep from choking as she inches further into the burning tent. Against the blinding flames, she miraculously spots a familiar, hulking outline. Tears prick her eyes. She grabs Alarik's hand and presses her forehead to his palm. "Thank God, you're here."

He puts his hand over hers, squeezing hard. "I was worried I wouldn't find you again."

"Alarik, what do we do now?"

"I can think of a few things."

"What do you mean? Alarik, you-" her words dry up in her throat. She lets go of his hand and steps back. When her vision clears, her heart sinks. Killian stares back at her.

"It seems you're as smart as you are stunning. My brother really has great taste in toys." She backs away and stumbles, falling over some burning rubble as he stalks toward her. "Let's play."

"I don't play with bullies."

"But you have had so much fun with my murderous brother." He takes a menacing step toward her and she feels the heat of the raging fire at her back. "Be a good little human and beg for my mercy on your knees. I want to see those big doe eyes looking up at me when I tear a scream from your lips." Shaking and out of options, she forces herself down on her knees. "Go on, beg."

"Please. Please, let me go."

"Mmm, no. I don't think I will." In a flurry of talons and teeth, Killian shifts into his powerful red dragon form. He whips his massive head down on her and she flies across the room.

"Nngh!" She slams into something hard, her head snapping back. As Killian stalks toward her, blackness bleeds into her vision, swallowing her. A nightmarish darkness takes her as she blacks out, powerless against Killian. Everything in her tightens at the thought of being crushed in a dragon's jaws.


But when she opens her eyes, it's not rows of teeth she sees, but bloodstained stone.

She tries to move, but can't. That's when she realizes she is flat on her back, her wrists and ankles bound in chains. She pulls hard at the thick metal restraints, twisting and kicking hard.

"Careful. You don't want to bruise that pretty skin." She freezes when Killian steps out of the shadows, wearing Alarik's face if not for the twisted, cold smile on his face.

"What is this? Where am I?"

"I thought it would be best for us to get to know each other away from all that.... excitement." He strides slowly through the room, owning every threatening step.

"I'll ask you one more time, where am I?"

"I brought you home with me. This is where I've been honing my abilities, discovering my.... darker urges."

"By darker urges, you mean your kinks? Because if so, I hate to tell you, this is very unoriginal."

"You still have a clever mouth even when you're tied up on your back. I can see what my brother likes about you."

"Your brother barely knows me."

"Don't lie." His words pierce the air, stained with spite. "I will tolerate many things, but in this room, you will only speak the truth. I'll make sure of that." He picks up a long, rusted torture device. Its sickening, fang-like blades make her heart stop. "Now, let's see if you understand me. What is your relationship with my brother really like?"

"I am his royal courtesan."

"Are you now? My, my." Killian drags a finger over the thin golden collar at her neck. "I never thought my brother would have it in him to take an official mistress."

"There's a lot you don't know about him."

"And whose fault is that?"

"I wasn't the one who stole my brother's birthright. Who tried to kill him and take his throne!" Killian stares down at her with shallow, unfeeling eyes. It makes her blood run cold. "If it weren't for Alarik, you would belong to me. Don't forget that." He drags his hand up the length of her dress and bile rises in her throat. "I suppose I'm lucky. I was hoping to steal his bride from that wedding. I never thought I'd land on someone.... better." With the force of a rabid dog, Killian flips her on her stomach, exposing the back of her dress to him. He rips at the buttons.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"Strange. I thought for you would have...." he drags his cold hands down her unmarked spine, then slowly buttons her dress back up. To her surprise, he unshackles her. She bolts to her feet.

"What is this? Are you looking for a fight?" She raises her fist.

But Killian just shakes his head and chuckles darkly. "No, no. I just prefer to see you untethered on your feet when I do this."

Suddenly, her entire body seizes with searing, white-hot pain like she's never felt before. "Ahh!" She hits the ground, writhing and clawing at her own flesh.

Killian smiles. "I love to see the full body reaction."

"Stop, stop!"

"You don't like my dark magic? That's a shame. I worked so hard on it these past few years. And I haven't even begun to show you what I'm capable of." He forms a fist in the air, giving it the slightest twist. When he does, her suffering increases tenfold. It feels like her skin is being peeled off, re-stitched, then peeled off again. Tears rise in her eyes. "See, you're telling me you're his mistress, but I think there's more to it than that. Will you help me test my theory, Fay? All I need you to do is scream." He brushes a strand of hair from her eyes and when he touches her again, the pain increases. "Scream loud enough for Alarik to hear." He growls. "I want him to come running right into my little trap." The pain's simply too much to bear. A tortured scream tears from her throat. "That's it. Scream!" For a few long, agonizing minutes, she empties her lungs. When she can't scream anymore, Killian drops the spell. "That was beautiful. You did such a good job."

"Go to hell."

"Look around, Fay. We're already in your hell." His voice is a low, predatory snarl over her throbbing, broken body.

"Why are you doing this? What is the point?"

"My brother stole something from me long ago. All I ask is that it's returned."

"You will die before you get that power back."

"So, you know the story. Then know this as well." Killian bends over her, hissing into her ear. "I will get that power back. And it's Alarik who will die, not me. Whether you want to or not, you'll bait him. You'll get him to come to me." He sniffs his way up the length of her body with a salivating smile. "I'm sure he can't be without this for too long."

"Go fuck yourself, Killian. You won't amount to anything."

Killian chuckles, walking to the door. "We'll see what I amount to, Fay. I'll be back in the morning to.... continue this conversation."

Her stomach curls at his promise. He slams the door shut and locks it. Finally alone, she curls in on herself, clawing at the grimy prison floor. Time slips by at a strange pace as she agonizes over her situation.

She's not sure if it's days or minutes, but suddenly out of the darkness, the heavy lock on the door slides away. She sits up quickly, grabbing the torture device Killian left and brandishes it like a weapon. But no one enters. The door just sits ajar, easy for her to walk right through.

Her mind races as she inches toward the door. But she drags herself to the farthest corner of the room, thinking this is a trick, turning away from the open door. She squeezes her eyes shut and cries herself to sleep.


When she wakes up, she is hauled over someone's shoulder. They carry her down a torch-lit tunnel that looks vaguely familiar. She struggles in the man's grasp until he drops her.

"What the hell is this?"


As her eyes adjust in the darkness, Mikhail appears in front of her. "You. The man from my dream. You're-"

"Yes, I'm real. And I can help you."

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