Burning Vengeance

Chapter 11.

"The key to, what?"

Mikhail takes a step toward her, his face dark and serious. "The key to killing the Dragon King."

His words slice through her like blades and her knees buckle. "Y-you want me to do, what?"

"You are close to the Dragon King. He's taken a liking to you." His eyes travel down her body and she scowls at him.

"You must be joking."

"This is no joke, Fay. The answer is clear. You are the only way, the only way to save everyone."

Having heard enough, she pivots to run away, only she can't. Her feet are stuck to the tunnel floor, her legs too weak to move. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Explaining the truth to you."

"What fucking truth? That you need serious help?"

"All the help I need is standing right in front of me."

"If you think I'll do anything for you, you're-"

"The Dragon King is always in possession of a power that is unstoppable. And that king passes it along to his firstborn child every few decades, continuing the cycle of violence. No one has ever gotten close enough to kill him and end the cycle. Not until you."

"If you don't release me, I'll kill you, not Alarik."

" 'Alarik'? Since when does any human refer to the Dragon King by his given name?" Mikhail arches a suspicious brow at her.

"I called him that on accident. I'm not giving royal titles much thought at the moment."

"Uh-huh. One would think the king's slave would blanch at calling him anything other than 'Master'."

"Call him what you want. I'm not murdering him or anyone-"

"So, you'd rather protect the creature that's responsible for your brother's death?"

She stops struggling and breathing altogether. "No. He had nothing to do with Soren's death. He couldn't have."

"I know you don't want to hear this, Fay, but your Dragon King has been lying to you."

"I won't listen to your lies."

"You don't have to listen, just watch." Mikhail presses his palm to her forehead before she can dodge him. He whispers and it's as if six voices come from his throat. "Unveil."

With the force of a blow, she is knocked backward. She plunges through darkness and space, gently floating through the clouds. When they part, a memory takes shape, one she couldn't recall until now.

"Come on, Fay! Don't be a scaredy-cat." Her twin brother jumps and kicks the air with a wide, mischievous grin on his face.

She clamors after him. "I'm not a scaredy-cat, Soren!"

"Oh, yeah? Why won't you go in the old barn then?"

"Because it's definitely haunted."

"Ghosts aren't real!"

"You don't know that. What if-"

Soren ducks and rolls into the abandoned barn. She stops and bites her lip, staring up at it. With a gulp of courage, she follows her brother inside.

"See? No ghosts, silly!"

"Okay, fine. But, what if-" suddenly, a monstrous roar shakes the barn and the ground beneath their feet. "Wait. Th-that couldn't be-"

"D-don't worry, Fay. The dragons only come down here on the Solstice. It's not-" the roar comes again and the barn erupts in blue flame.


Coughing and choking in the thick smoke, Soren takes her tiny hand and pulls her toward the door. "We have to get out of here, come on!" A white hot flame lashes at her back. She shrieks and trips as the pain blurs her vision. Then a beam comes crashing down.... right for her. "Fay!" A split second before the beam hits her, Soren shoves her out of the way. Dust and debris sting her eyes. When her vision clears, she sees her little brother crushed under the beam. He coughs and grimaces in pain.

"Soren, no!" She tries to pull him free from under the beam, but it's no use. The smoke and flames grow stronger.

"It's no use, Fay. I'm.....crushed...." blood trickles from his mouth as he gives her a weak smile. "You have to go."

"No, Soren! You have to come with me!"

"I'm sorry I brought you here, Fay. I should have listened to you." Tears rise in his eyes, though he continues to smile bravely. "I'm really sorry."

Somewhere, deep in her heart, she knows these are the last words she'll say to her twin brother. "Soren, you should've been more careful!" She doesn't know what to do with all her grief and panic. Squeezing her eyes shut, she bolts for the exit.

"I'm sorry, Fay. I'm sorry."

The roof caves in right as she launches herself out of the barn. "SOREN!!!"

As the horrible memories fade, she's pulled back to the tunnel with Mikhail, tears streaming down her face.

"Do you see now, Fay?"

"No. What you showed me was a disgusting trick."

"I didn't trick you. I simply lifted the veil on a memory buried deep inside you."

"It can't be...."

Mikhail smiles, circling her as her mind races. "You know the truth now, Fay. And you understand what you must do. I see it on your face."

"You see anger. You don't know me, or what's important to me."

"Don't you understand? Humanity can't survive without your sacrifice!" Mikhail raises his voice, his eyes growing wide and frenzied. "You can't protect this savage false king! You can't condemn us!" He grabs her shoulders and shakes her, spitting in her face as he yells. "Swear to me on your life, Fay. Swear that you'll kill the Dragon King." He shoves her down on her knees. "Swear it. Now."

"Fine, fine. I swear it. I'll kill the Dragon King." Something painful and false twists in her chest.

Mikhail's grin grows wide. "Thank you, Fay. You've finally seen reason." Reading her expression, he narrows his gaze. "It would be unwise to turn your back on an oath of this caliber, Fay. Think about what I've said." He pushes her back and she plunges through startling darkness again.

When she hits something solid, she gasps awake, back in Alarik's tent once more.

"Fay?" Shocked and worried, he runs over to her on the bed. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Just a bad dream."

"I know you. Even a horrible nightmare wouldn't make you cry."

"I'm not crying."

Alarik drags a finger over her cheek and she feels the tears. "You are." It all rushes back to her. Mikhail. Soren. The blue fire. She gets out of bed and paces the length of the tent. "Fay, it's alright." "Please don't tell me it's alright. It's not alright. The things I've seen don't make any sense."

"What are you talking about, what did you see?" She tries to hide her tears, pressing her palms to her eyes. She feels him approach her. He pulls her hands gently away from her face, his hulking body warm and sheltering. "Something's clearly scared you senseless. Please, talk to me about it."

"I-I can't-"

"Listen. This is me. No one else." He moves in closer, pressing his body to hers. His fingers brush her tears away. "You can tell me anything. I hope you know that." He leans closer, his thumb brushing her cheek. "Please. Let me try to help you."

"You can't help me!" She rips herself from Alarik's grasp, the blue flames in her memory burning bright and hot. "How can you help me when I don't even know if I can trust you?"

"What are you-"

"I remember now, Alarik. I remember my brother dying, burning in an old barn thick with blue flames." Alarik's face goes ashen at her words and his hands fall to his sides. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"


"Answer the question!"


His single word hits her with the force of a bullet. "Yes, you really killed my brother?"

"No. I was not responsible for that fire."

"What are you saying? You're the only one with the power of the blue flame."

"I wasn't born with this power. I was never supposed to be king."

"Wh-what?" Her heart beats loud in her ears.

Alarik's eyes bore into hers with more sincerity than she's ever seen. "I was not my father's firstborn son. I was-" but before he can explain, a bell is rung and a woman sweeps into the room with an eerily unreadable expression. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The High Priest requests your presence and that of the royal courtesan."

A low growl eeks from Alarik's throat, brimming with frustration. "Fine." The woman turns and opens the tent's door, expecting Fay to follow. Alarik grabs her arm before she can move, whispering hard into her ear. "The next time we're alone, I will tell you everything."

"You have to promise me, please."

"I swear it. I'll tell you everything."

She grits her teeth and nods, with no choice but to follow the woman out alongside him.

Her mind races as they're led deep into the overgrown confines of the ruined castle.

"This way." The woman leads Fay and Alarik to a large hole in the ground, which serves as the entrance to a subterranean cave.

"What does the High Priest want with us?"

"That is for him to explain, Your Grace."

Alarik sighs heavily as he lowers himself into the cave's opening, holding his hand out to Fay. "Here. I'll help you."

"Okay. Thank you." She places her hand in his. It is warm and gentle, his fingers closing around hers as he helps her down.

When she looks around the cave, her breath catches. Sunlight dances over a warm pool of crystal clear water. The soft tinkling of its peaceful waterfall plays like a song.

"Welcome, my king. Fay." The High Dragon Priest glides forward, accompanied by several identical sisters, their heads bowed reverently.

"My priest. What is it that you need from us?"

"Need from you? What a question." The priest opens his arms welcomingly, gesturing to the pool of water. "Please, both of you. Remove your shoes and step into the water." They hesitate, but after a long moment, Alarik pulls his boots off and Fay follows suit. She steps into the pool at the same time as him. The water travels up to her knees, as warm as a bath. "You were recently named courtesan, Fay." The high priest looks down at her with a completely unreadable expression. "How do you feel about this?"

"I am honored and will do my best to perform my duties."

The priest stares at her for a long time, unmoving, like a statue. Then he smiles. "Interesting. Now, turn away from one another and remove the rest of your clothes, please."


"Is that really necessary?"

"Yes." Suddenly, the high priest's tone goes far lower and more serious. Alarik stiffens.

"Very well." Back to back, they remove their clothes. She feels his skin radiate, buzzing as it comes so close to hers and yet doesn't touch.

"I did say all of your clothes, Fay." The priest eyes the bandage wrapped up her arm. The bandage that hides her Dragon's Mark.

"My lord, this covers my arm for modesty reasons."

"That is a creative story, though it is untrue."

She feels Alarik at her back, undeniably tense. "High Priest, I insist you not-"

"It's quite all right, my king. I know what lies beneath the bandage."

Her heart skips a beat. "Please, Fay. Reveal your Dragon's Mark." Blood pounds in her ears. Alarik cuts through the water, lunging at the priest with a protective snarl. But the man halts him with the slightest lift of his hand. "No need to be protective, my lord. Your secret is safe with me and my reverent sisters."

Something deep inside her knows that what he says is true. Even Alarik seems to sense it, stepping back. "It's okay, Fay. Show him."

Holding her breath, she slowly unwraps her arm. When she reveals her Dragon's Mark, it begins to glow. The sisters audibly gasp.

The runic markings curl up her flesh with a crystalline shimmer, reflecting off of the water and the priest's calm smile. "How extraordinary you two are. Surpassing the fates you were both destined at birth." The dragon priest steps into the water, reaching for her arm. With a serene sense of confidence, she extends her arm to him, to which he cradles carefully. His hand is cold but gentle. He drags a long, bony finger over her mark and the shimmer flickers, then dies. "Hmm. Something is off."

"Off?" Alarik cocks a brow.

"I sense something has passed between you two. Something that has driven you apart." She bows her head, thinking of all that has passed between them. "You will need to re-seal your bond."

"Re-seal it?"

"It can be done with a look, or a touch. Something invited by the giver, or the bearer. You must reconnect."

"Reconnect...." Alarik says the word longingly, though he craves nothing more than to re-seal his bond with her. In a swift, sure movement, he turns to face her. "Fay." He says her name softly, only loud enough for her to hear. His body leaning ever closer.

"No." She folds her arms over her chest and takes a step away from him. Her mark lurches painfully as Alarik feels the sting of her rejection.

"If we don't perform this reconnection, the imbalance between you could remain forever."

"We'll survive, we're tough."

"Very well. The sisters will cleanse your flesh without performing the re-sealing." The cave is painfully quiet as they are separately washed by the sisters. "Good. Now you must ready yourselves for the ceremony."

"What ceremony?" But the priest does not answer Alarik. He is led away down one side of the cave and she is led down another. She arrives at a breathtaking bedroom, carved into the stone face of the mighty cave. A large, four-poster bed lies in the center of the room.

"Is this ceremony something holy?"

"It is very sacred. And you have nothing to fear, my dear. After all," the priest walks the length of the bedroom, his kind, unreadable smile steady on his face. "You are the promised one. The one who will change everything."

"My priest, I didn't ask for this power."

"And yet it was given to you for a reason."

Before she can ask more, his attending sisters bring forward a selection of thin, glittering lingerie. "What are these for?"

"The vigil. Before marriage, the king is given one last night to settle his.... beastial urges. As the king's royal courtesan, it is your right and duty to see this night through with him."

Her heart leaps at the priest's words. Before she can say another word, attendants lead Alarik into the tent. He's blindfolded and clad in thin straps of leather.

"Wow.... Alarik...."

Curiosity, nervousness and the hint of temptation play over his handsome features.

"It is your turn, Fay. Which will you choose to adorn yourself in for your king and lover?"

Lover. The word alone sends a shiver through her body.

She threads her body into the delicate, sapphire-studded set, its delicate chains tickling her exposed skin. "This is beautiful."

"Yes. A beautiful choice to compliment a beautiful creature. I'm sure our king will agree."

Alarik's blindfold is removed. When he sees her, propped against the bed in her glinting neglige, he grows very still. "Yes..... I very much agree...." those are the only words he's able to get out, his eyes slipping over the shimmering, iridescent fabric as it clings to her.

"We are ready."

The sisters bring forward a stone bowl, filled with a thick, swirling violet smoke.

"What is that?"

"Your Grace, inhale this."

"Wait. I didn't agree to a vigil like this."

"It is tradition." The priest pushes the bowl toward Alarik. He backs away and the sisters take him by the arms.

"Hang on, he doesn't want that."

"It is required of him.... and you."


"Fay. I'm sorry." The sisters shove Alarik over the bowl and force him to inhale the smoke. "Fight me, Fay."


His pupils dilate, his eyes blazing blue as a low snarl rises from deep within him. "Fight me. With all you've got." He growls, contorting, his features becoming intense and feral, so unlike himself.

"There. His beastial urges have risen to the surface." The priest and his attendants walk to the door. "Good luck, promised one. Let's see how you fair with our king in his purest form." He locks the door behind them, leaving her alone with this new, untamed Alarik.

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