
Chapter 18

It was nearly ten thirty when I got dressed and due to the busy day, everyone else had been in bed for a while now. Luckily I was wide awake and going out the back door, I prayed the gate wouldn’t make any noise as I snuck out that way. I wasn’t gifted with the ability to jump over things like certain people and leaving my house, I wondered for the millionth time what I was doing exactly.

This did seem like the better option when compared to pacing around my bedroom. I felt fully charged, like I’d had too many red bulls and a bucket load of lollies, so despite having no plans of running; I did. Luckily I had on the right gear and it felt almost refreshing to just, run.

I was hoping I got it right, and wrong as I made it to the beachfront. Turning left, I almost started to go up towards the kiosk area, but at the last minute, I went right and followed the track around to the look out. If things went bad, well, I could always try and throw him off the cliff. If they went really, really, bad, I could throw myself off instead.

There was no wind tonight and the ocean showed hardly any swell. The moon had the inky blackness of the water painted silver, and the white orb was nearly completely round in the sky. Something about moonlight unsettled me now, nothing good ever seemed to happen at night anymore and looking around the dunes as I headed for the stairs, I half expected something, or someone to jump out and attack me.

By the time I got to the top, my adrenaline only seemed capable of fueling my nerves which made it hard to keep still. After a quick look around, I knew I was alone. Did I get it wrong or simply take too long to get here?

What did it matter, I made a mistake by even coming and as I turned back to the stairs, I jumped as a figure was suddenly there blocking my way to freedom. How anyone could move that quietly, especially on the old wooden planks to get up here was beyond me.

“Hi.” Michael greeted flatly, taking the final couple steps so we were now on the same level.


He came closer, circling around me slightly. If he was trying to intimidate, he was doing a great job at it, but it wasn’t working. There was no fear of him now, not like before and I slowly turned with his steps, making sure I was always facing him.

He finally he stopped, barely an arms length away from me and I almost inched closer towards him. Now it was just us, I couldn’t deny a part of me was happy to be here and that I hadn’t missed the chance to see him. That soon turned to concern as I noticed his shoulder was again bandaged.

“I didn’t think you were going to show.”

“Neither did I.” I admitted.

“Then why did you?” He pushed.

“It seemed like the right thing to do.”

Michael tilted his head to one side, before shaking it slightly. “Bullshit. Why are you here?”

“You asked?”

“So, you always do what I ask?” He asked coyly.

“No!” I snapped, sounding like I was about ten. “I mean, no, I don’t!”

I was proud of how confident I managed that last bit and crossing my arms over my chest, I dared to narrow my eyes at him. “What do you want? I came here, the least you can do is tell me why.”

The moonlight caught his eyes, and for a second there I would say they glowed. It was unnerving, but at the same time exciting. Being here was practically forbidden. Danny would be beyond annoyed if he knew who I was with, while Mum and Dad would go into strict parents mode on me for sneaking out. I didn’t care, because despite everything, I had wanted to see him.

I couldn’t help feel like I was about to a giant leap towards the unknown. I’d watched a show about hand gliders once, they spoke of the thrill and rush they get before taking off and this now felt as terrifying as I imagine that would be. And stupid, so, so stupid.

“You know why, and it’s the same reason that has you standing here now.” Michael’s voice changed; deeper now, with a husky edge that sounded too good to be true.

It would be so easy to get lost in this fantasy.

And stupid.

Trying to think of anything except the way he kisses is impossible, yet somehow I manage to snap myself out whatever, that, just was.

“Is everyone who works for Scott a werewolf?” The questions works and the moment is ruined.

“What?” Michael fails to hide his surprise at that.

“I know about his brother Guy, and the two aspects of the club and-”

“How do you know about him?”

“Internet.” I lie.

He crosses his arms and I mimick his actions, as we set up something resembling a mexican standoff. “Few people know they’re related. Tony is presumed to be Scott’s Dad, but he isn’t his biological father. It’s complicated and that’s beside the point. How did you know?”

I decide I don’t have to answer him, so start trying to stare him down instead. It doesn’t work, but he plays along.

“Fine. What else do you know then, Bright Eyes? The lawyer got you wired or something?” He snaps.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrug nonchalantly, and glancing towards the railing, now might be the time to throw myself over it.

Now when I look at him, I can’t work out what he’s thinking or feeling, but something tells me I overstepped the line. My anxiety flares up again, and I was positive I read something about this stone Danny gave me was supposed to help with that. It wasn’t. I needed a diversion, just like a second ago, only less controversial. Something that wouldn’t take us back to tension of the other kind either.

“Do you play poker?” I try to relax, dropping my arms as I take a few deep, slow breaths, which only leads to me trying not to squirm as his eyes only narrow to full glare. “You’d have a killer poker face.”


“I’m not wired and he may have said a couple of things to me, but only as a warning!” I confess.

“A warning?” Finally, he talks.

I shrug and want to leave it at that, stepping past him to go over to the railing and do a lap as I subtly head towards the stairs. Coming here was a bad idea.

“About what?” He cuts off my escape, opting to lean against the wooden poles blocking off the drop to the side.

“Nothing much.”

“Enough Sarah, just tell-”

“About you. He knows some cops and hears stuff. When he met you the other night, he realised who you are.” I sighed.

Michael doesn’t move, and when I look at him again, the faintest smile has appeared. He closes the distance between us. I’m left stuck in the corner, with nothing other than a long drop behind us and something just as deadly reaching his arms out either side of me so I’m boxed in.

“So, let me guess. He told you stay away from me?” His amusement is clear now.

“Yeah and-”

“You still came out tonight?”

“Obviously.” I retorted, pushing him back. “But I shouldn’t have.”

“You’re probably right.” Michael agreed, and the pang of disappointment I felt as he stepped back stopped me from leaving like I should have.

Maybe it was reverse psychology, but the reality was, we both knew why I’d come out here tonight. For whatever reason, I chose now to be the rebellious teen version of me, and while my brothers reckless actions had him turning into a werewolf - I decided to go down a different path and kiss one.

It wasn’t our first kiss, no, that actually had some feelings going with it. This felt awkward and wrong. I couldn’t believe I did it, and neither could Michael, so it ended up just being me, pressing my lips against his, before working out nothing was happening. The second I was off my tiptoes, no longer reaching towards him - I was gone.

While every thing felt like it was happening painfully slow, it clearly wasn’t as I’d hardly took a step before I was back in the corner. His fingers were around the back of my neck, sliding upwards slightly into my hair like he had to hold me in place this time we kissed for real. His other hand firmly settled against the curve of my back and it wasn’t like I’d go anywhere now, so if he was trying to keep me from escaping; he didn’t have to worry.

The heat of his palm found my skin as it slipped under the hem of my shirt, sending a shiver up my spine as he dared slide it around to my hip. It was amazing how such a simple gesture felt so powerful, and I arched against him, desperate to close any distance between us.

I don’t know what I just started, but I didn’t want it to stop and as we parted a slither of common sense kicked in.

“We, shouldn’t be, doing this!” I managed to get out, though it was obvious I didn’t believe it for a second.

My legs went around his waist, while Michael’s breath was hot against my neck as I clung to him. Somehow I’d ended up on the top rail, trusting him not to let me lose my balance. Then again, with the way I had my arms around his neck, I wasn’t going anywhere without him going too.

“I don’t care.” He murmured, the sound of voice vibrating slightly from where he hadn’t moved his head from my shoulder.

“Michael, we-”

“Don’t.” His grip tightened, and he moved back so we were face to face again. “I like you too much to just, let you go, again. You’re here, you had a way out and chose to stay; so please don’t screw me around anymore.”

“You done?” He nodded, resting his forehead against mine. “We need to work out what we’re going to do.”


“Us, Your family. Danny. Jake. Everything!” I sighed.

“I’ll work it out.”

This time when I reached for his lips, he was ready, but all I could feel was the additional burden he’d just been loaded with. His mind wasn’t with us, already trying to work out everything else, because so far that had been working out so well. Pulling my head away, he frowned.

“No, we will work it out.”

“Listen to me Bright Eyes, you-” He started and it was obvious he was going to try and tell me what to do.

“I can look after myself, so don’t worry about me.”

Instantly Michael went to protest, but I distracted him by pushing back his dark hair to reveal his forehead. I took his face in my hands, unable to miss the way he leant into my touch and with the moonlight behind me, I could see him clearly for the first time tonight. He looked tired, his brow creased with worry and the bruise his hair had been hiding was unmissable.

“Let me help you!” I argued. “You’re the one drowning, not me.”

He thought this over. “I wanna hear it. Why did you come here tonight?”

“Somehow, I find myself really, kind of, liking you too.” Michael smiled, easing some of the worry lines. “Last night we had a good time, right? But then things went to hell and the more I thought about it, the more I realised I couldn’t blame you like I wanted to, and had been. I’m sorry. You risked a lot to keep me safe, you asked me to trust you and when I should have, I got scared and turned on you instead.”

“I get it. I do, you don’t have to be sorry.”

“I thought about you all day, anytime I saw my phone, I was going to call you. Then you turned up and I couldn’t stop myself from getting angry again. I’m in constant conflict whenever you’re involved. We need to I dunno, set up some rules or something if this is going to work.” I decide.

I like rules.



“Okay, I’m willing to try. I only turned up to push you by the way. I was hoping for more of a reaction.” He smirked.

“More of a reaction?” Slamming the door in his face wasn’t enough of a reaction?

“I kinda love seeing you all fired up. You’re a strong girl, I like the challenge.” This time when he kisses me, it’s barely a whisper across my lips and I’m lifted down. “Come on Bright Eyes. You need to go home.”

“Why?” I had no interest in going home right now.

“It’s nearly midnight and I want to leave it how it is before you change your mind again.”

“I’m not going to change my mind.” I argue, but his is made up.

He walks me home and tells me about what happened after we left last night, as well his Dad’s great plans. The strangest thing is, after all that, they’re able to act like nothing happened.

“We forgive, but we don’t forget. You forgive Danny for whatever he does. Same thing really.” He shrugs.

“Yeah, but he’s never done anything like that before.”

“Well, my family has done a lot worse. Did you actually hit Justin with a cricket bat?”

“He had it coming.” And I’d do it again.

“Here we are.” He pulls me close as we stop at the end of my driveway. “I’m sorry that happened though. I’ll do what I can to make sure Jake survives too.”

“There is really nothing that can be done to reverse it?” I asked hopefully.

Michael shakes his head. “I’ll see you later Bright Eyes.”

He kisses the tip of my nose and lets me go. I’d gotten through tonight with ease, so I guess I wasn’t done tempting fate.


“What?” He asks in a mixture of confusion and surprise.

“I can’t sleep, on my own. You helped once before, and can you stay?”

“Yeah. If you, ah, want?”

Danny told me I wasn’t turning into a werewolf, but something else in me had woken up instead. It’s why I struggle to sleep alone, and get this, intense need, to control who walks in and out of my front door. It’s why the house I grew up in doesn’t just feel like home anymore, it feels like mine. Like all of Flame Tree Bay. I know all the roads, the people, and rules. It’s my territory, and even last night on ‘our date’ I had been the one showing him around; letting Michael in on my terms where I had control.

He wasn’t a threat, he was an ally; a companion and it took me seconds to curl up beside him once we made it to bed. A content sigh escaped me as Michael’s arms held me close. Out on the swing, I had felt secure. Now, I felt like everything that had been missing lately had finally found me. I couldn’t fight it anymore and I didn’t want too either.


The rattle of the door knob being turned woke me up, and it took me a few seconds to work out where I was, but more importantly, why there was someone beside me.

“Sarah? Your Mum wants you up, it’s nearly eleven o’clock!” Annabelle called out, knocking this time since I had remembered to the lock the door last night.

“I’m awake! I’ll be down soon.” I answered, before flopping back against Michael.

He yawned and stretched, not moving me once as he did so. “You have a lock on your door?”

“Sibling wars. Don’t ask.”

“K. I had planned on getting out of here before dawn. Got any idea’s Bright Eyes?”

“More sleep?” I suggested, feeling him relax beside me once more.

“I always picked you as a morning person?” He pushed back my hair and kissed my cheek.

“I am, usually, but it’s more afternoon that morning now.” I yawned, looking up at him. “You look better.”

He had colour in his face again, the stress was gone from around his eyes and even the bruise I had seen last night was no longer there. Remembering the bandage, I looked to his shoulder and carefully touched it.

“What happened?”

“Before I went into prison, I was stabbed with a silver blade. Werewolves are fine with it unless it touches our blood so bullets, and all that shit, hurt, a lot. Silver won’t kill us, but we are weakened by it and while I did recover from the attack, it’s never gone back to a hundred percent. Those who know me go for it whenever I fight, so this always happens.”

Michael tenses as I reach up and kiss his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I wish I could make it better.”

“I just slept for over ten hours. I can’t remember the last time I did that.” He smiled in that easy way I wish he did more.

“What are we going to do?” Getting up, I looked back to find he hadn’t moved at all.

It was an interesting sight to see a boy in my bed. The blankets had moved enough to show off his bare chest and the edge of his shorts at his waist. There were still a few pale scars on his skin, and I wondered if they were from silver attacks too.

“See something you like Bright Eyes?” He smirked as he put his arms behind his head so it was propped up in my direction. “Keep looking at me like that, and I won’t want to leave.”

“Okay, stop being jerk you for a second, and let’s work out what-” I ordered. The front door slammed and the sound of men’s voices got Michael sitting up and I froze.

“Your brothers home.”

“What do we do?” I panicked. “Should we tell him you’re here?”

“Not yet. Let’s keep this between us for now okay?”

“What?” It kind of stung to hear that.

“I need my family onside to help Jake, once that’s over, then we can deal with the rest of it.” He decides, finding his shirt and shoes.

I didn’t like how that sounded, but understood.

“Sar! Mum said you’re still in bed. Are you sick?” The door handle rattled as Danny tried to open it. “Seriously? Sarah!”

Michael held his finger up to his lips, while I only rolled my eyes. “I’m fine. Go away!’

“Sarah, I will break this door down if you don’t tell me what’s happening.” He snapped, keeping his voice low so it came out more like a threat. “Is someone else there?”

“No, I’m, just, naked. I’m trying to work out what to wear so will you just back off!” I snapped.

“Fine!” He gives up. “Jake is coming over in about an hour. We need to talk about stuff.”

“Great. I’ll make sure I’m dressed by then!” I try not to groan from the ridiculousness of it all.

As soon as Danny is gone, Michael laughs. “You should get naked.”

“You should get out of here.” I answer unimpressed.

“I can go out the window?” He offers, before realising there are flyscreens blocking it. “Just go out there and make sure everyone is away from the front door. Oh and here.”

He grabs a bottle of perfume from my dresser and starts to spray it over me and then some over him.

I swear he is trying to kill me and coughing I wave my hands around to try and get some fresh air. “What did you do that for?”

“Danny will scent me. Tell Jake to relax and I’ll call this afternoon, try and get them on my side again.”

“Okay, so um. Thanks for staying last night.” This isn’t awkward at all.

“Anytime. His kisses my forehead and after one final spray of perfume, I slip into the hall. I barely get to the stairs when Danny reappears.

“God, are you marinating in that crap? There is such a thing as too much you know!” He fake gags and follows me into the kitchen.

“I like it.” I shrug.

He follows me into the kitchen and I’m suddenly starving so take out the bowl of leftover salad, while Danny goes for the meat.

“Where’s Mum?” I ask him.

“Everyone went out so it’s just us. Thought that would be better for when Jake comes around. When Dad and I got back from cricket, I said you weren’t feeling well so offered to stay.” He looks at me suspiciously. “What is going on with you?”

“Christmas hangover?”

“You sleep okay? I was expecting to wake up with you complaining about my room again.”

“Just great!” I smile, not needing to lie. “Why is it you don’t seem to have sleeping issues now?”

“I’m with my pack. I understand it a bit more now, and if you’re safe, I have nothing to worry about.” He stops shoving ham into his mouth and turns serious. “Did you hear something?”

Instantly he moves to the front door and I chase after him. There is nothing there, and Michael is gone.

“Seriously, your perfume is disgusting. It’s like taking over the whole house!” He huffs, before we go back to getting our lunch.


Two hours later, I’ve done nothing other than sit in our living room, listening to Danny tell Jake about how much of a bad idea it was for him to be changed too. Jake still won’t say why he decided to do it, and the pair of them discuss all the new ‘feelings’ he has. I try to leave twice only to be told to stay and when Michael calls, I snatch Danny’s phone from him to answer.

“What do you want?” I answer coldly.

“How's everything going Bright Eyes.” He greets, not bothered.

“Dumb and Dumber here are-” Danny wrestles the phone from me, to take over.

“What?” He snaps down the line.

I can’t hear what’s being said, but Danny soon leaves the room and from the tone of his voice, it isn’t going well. As soon as we’re alone, Jake leaves his spot on the other lounge and sits in front of me on the coffee table. He won’t look at me, not directly and starts to fidget with his hands.

“Sarah, I, I’ve known you guy my whole life.” He starts, finally meeting my gaze. He doesn’t hold it though. “Life is changing and we’ve finished school now. Danny is my best mate, and then I saw us drifting apart cause of the Blakes and then, everything happened.”

“Jake, just-” I don’t get to finish as he holds up his hand to stop me.

“Let me talk.” I nod. “We thought you were changing too, and if you were, well then I’d lose both of you and this way, I’m part of it. Danny actually told me he was glad I was doing it, he was pissed, and hated it too, but we do everything together. Just makes sense you know?”

We couldn’t reverse what was going to happen to him, and it was too late try talking him out of it, so as long as he was happy with his reasoning, I wasn’t going to keep punishing him for it either. The less stress he had, the easier it might happen for him?

“As long as you’re happy Jake. You’re like a brother to me, and I’d do anything for you and Danny.” I take his hand in mine and squeeze.

“I’m going to be stronger than I am now. Be pack.” He dared to smile, and as I went to let him go, his grip only tightened. “I know this is going to be a good thing for me. Danny’s changed, he’s better than he was. He doesn’t even argue with your parents anymore. Pack take care of each other right?”

“Yeah Jake, they do.” Something was changing in Jake too, and I still couldn’t pull my hand away.

“I can take care of you, better than I could before. If you liked Michael despite what he is, then you can like me, and-” He started, dropping to his knees as he inched closer to me.

“No. Jake, no. We’re family, we grew up together, you’re like a brother to me.” I emphasized that, hoping he’d understand.

“Sarah?” Dany interrupted, frowning as he looked between us.

Jake finally let my hand go and moved back to his chair.

“Mike wants to talk to you. I think you should listen to him.” Danny’s eyes didn’t leave Jake, and I quickly got up.

“Okay.” Going into the kitchen, I felt like an idiot for being so stupid; even after Danny had told me Jake liked me before, I just never took it seriously. “Hey.”

“Danny’s going to bring him out here tomorrow night. Don’t come with them. Feel free to argue with me at any point, otherwise Danny might get paranoid.”

“No, you’re right. I think it’s for the best.”

I look back into the living room to find them talking close together. It’s easy to sense Danny’s anger, and not for the first time I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.

“You don’t sound like, you.” Michael picks up on it instantly.

“I can just smell you through the phone. I’ll talk to you later.” I hang up and suddenly need to get out of here, so I call Rachelle.

“Danny? Why are you, calling me?” She greets defensively.

“Cause I love you, oh baby, oh baby!” I mock, making her laugh. “Free this afternoon?”

“For you lover, anytime!”

We makes plans to meet up at the beachfront with the rest of the girls and I don’t need to convince Danny about taking Jake to Michael. I head out as soon as the TV goes on and werewolf talk is over. I need girl talk, and to try and work out what I’ve actually agreed to with Michael as well as what I’m going to do about Jake. None of my friends can help me, with all this being way out of their league too and only Rachelle knows the whole truth.

“So why not Jake?” She asks as we head back to my house.

“He’s Jake!” I give her a look and she knows what I mean.

“So why Michael?” She smirks.

“He’s Michael.”

That makes me her laugh. “I don’t really like him. To me, he is the scary werewolf guy and I don’t know how you keep going so on and off about him. He is hot though, so you can be forgiven for some of it, but the bad boy thing is more scary that attractive.”

“I understand it though. He's trying to keep his family together, safe, and so much is out of his control. I have this urge to fix it, fix it for him. When it’s just us, he doesn’t act how he does when others are around because he knows he doesn’t have to. There is like, pack leader Michael and then just Michael.”

“Listen to yourself. You have it it bad! Just, make sure you’re not making excuses for him like you always do for Danny. Werewolf or not, I will hurt him if he hurts you!” She promises. “Maybe I should become one too. Like Jake. Then we can all make a kick ass pack of our own!”

“What?” I stop walking, not sure if she’s being serious or not.

“I’m kidding. Besides, I’d be too paranoid about getting bad fur. What if I was an ugly wolf?” Rachelle grins. “Oh, do you think you’ll be a black one like Danny?”

“I dunno. I never really thought about it.”

“Do you think you’ll even become one? What if you Michael end up being together? Will you have to change?”

“His Mum wasn’t one, so I don’t know.” I tell her.

She had a point though; would I have to change too?

Would it really be so bad?

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