
Chapter 19

.Sitting on my bed, I stared at my phone. Rachelle had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and I took a quick look down at where she was curled up in the bean bag chair. Before she did I promised to wake her when I heard the news. Did Jake survive?

I don’t know why it was different for him, compared to when Danny did it. Michael said something about him being a follower, weak; with little to motivate him through the pain. Most people gave up when the change started, and it usually takes longer than what Danny’s did that first time. Because I had been there, he’d wanted it that much more to keep me safe.

My eyes started to feel heavy, and hitting the button on the front, I saw it was nearly two am now. Still no news, but no news is good news, at least I think that’s what they say. I kept the vibrate option on and the volume at half strength, finally giving in to not sleeping for the last twenty four hours. I was too nervous and scared for Jake.

What would his parents do if they found him dead?

I snuggled into my pillows, finding some comfort in the fact that they smelled like Michael. I was already creating a bad habit; letting him stay again last night. It was risky with a house full of people, and I doubt anyone would believe it was completely innocent. We weren’t official; at least I don’t think we are, but surely letting him stay over was already getting too far ahead of ourselves. How long until it wasn’t and he’d want more especially since Rachelle reckons that’s all guys like him are after, and if so, what did that make me then?

I didn’t want to believe that, and I wasn’t naive enough to end up like Annabelle. Then again, maybe I was. I didn’t really care. I was following my heart on this one and I liked him, a lot and despite being surrounded by Michael’s scent, I thought of Danny. I could keep fighting off sleep, I just need to know something. It worked on Christmas, just thinking and focusing on him until that connection appeared. I touched the gem around my neck, twisting it over the chain, begging him to tell me anything.

What would Danny do if Jake didn’t make it?

My insides clenched, while my throat burned and I took a few deep breaths as I tried to calm down. Judging by how Danny and I have connected in the past, if something bad had happened, I was positive I’d feel it. An hour later I woke up and a wave of relief sent me back to sleep until dawn.

“Sarah! Oi! Wake up!” I slapped away the hand tapping at my cheek and opening my eyes, Rachelle was practically on top of me. “You never woke me, did he make it?”

“Yeah, I think so.” I sleepily reached out and got my phone, and barely ten minutes earlier Danny had texted me. I handed her the phone and rolled over. “Read it.”

“He’s okay. It took a while apparently, but he changed and hunted and is now asleep in their shed. Doesn’t know when he’s coming home. Depends on how he wakes up.” Then she gasped.

“What?” I groaned, turning back to her.

“I may have clicked back to your messages and there is another one there, from a certain, alpha male.” She grinned slyly. “Can I open it?”

“No!” I snatched my phone from her and sat up, while she stared at me.

“What’s it say? I saw the first line about him being okay.”

“He asked if I can go over there.”

“After what happened? Is he crazy?” She gasped.

“Must be for Jake, I guess, but I can’t face his family.”

“No, you can. You have to! No fear Sarah, it’s a dog eat dog world out there and you have to show them, you can’t be eaten!” Rachelle declared. “That sounded better in my head.”

I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head.

“On the plus, they’re probably all tired from last night and it’s like, ages until the next full moon so you’re off the hook.”

She had a good point.

“I wish you could come with me.” I ended up going into my wardrobe, looking for something to wear.

“I’ll hang out at Wendi’s until you give me the all clear or I can run down the street to the police station if you need back up.”

“Good plan.” At least it is until Mum suggests Annabelle hangs out with us today since she’s staying for New Years.

“Sarah has to go pick up Danny and his mates from a party they went to last night, so while she does that, how about we check out the shops? We have a New Years party tomorrow night, and we need something new to wear!” Rachelle offers, calling Peta so they have someone to drive them.

Annabelle doesn’t like this idea, still thinking we’re all country bogans, but Rachelle doesn’t give her much choice. She’s practically dragged and stuffed into the car as Peta pulls up and I quickly follow them out incase Mum gets smart and wonders why we’re taking two cars. I end up following them out onto the highway and then disappear when I take the turn onto Michaels’ driveway.

Danny is out the front instantly.

“What are you doing here?” He snaps.

“Checking on Jake.”

“Sarah, there are four werewolves in that house. This isn’t a good place for you to be right now.”

“I’m checking on Jake.” I tell him again.

Danny had gone to sleep as a wolf, or at least, passed out as one and I’d woken next to him as a human. Jake wasn’t any different. Danny told me about their night, how long and horrible it had been for him to change; the four kangaroo’s he’d taken down and also the dislike he was showing towards Michael. Any chance he had got, he’d played up - acting much more dominant than he was.

“I did it too during my first time, but the second time of being pinned down told me to quit it. Jake didn’t. I have no idea what got into him. Michael lost his cool after the fourth time, gave him a beating, and then we moved on and killed another roo. It’s a mixture of need to hunt and feeling lost until you work out, you’re where you belong. The worst part is, I think he knew he was doing it!”

Shaking his head, Danny took me down behind the pool table and there was a pile of blankets in the corner that had Jake on them. I only thought about how he told me he’d be stronger after the change, and it hadn’t been the same type of dominance fight that Danny had experienced with Michael.

A pair of boxer shorts had been put on him, but the rest of him was exposed. Danny had cuts and bruises all over his body too, but Jake, he was destroyed. Black bruises surrounded his joints, and there was barely an inch of tanned skin that wasn’t unmarked. He shivered, groaning slightly and some of the cuts had started to heal.

“He didn’t stop until dawn, he’s exhausted and his body hasn’t started to recover from it all yet.” Danny told me sadly.

It broke my heart seeing him like this and thinking about what Rachelle said about changing, I could never deal with having to see her like this. “Will he though? You weren’t this bad.”

“At one point he stopped changing, we thought he wasn’t going to make it. It took him nearly three hours and then his fight with Michael and the others, he’s the new wolf, he got picked on.” He sighed.

I dropped to my knees beside him, carefully pushing back his hair. Jake groaned again, barely opening his eyes as he started to shake a little more. “Can I get a cloth? Something to try cleaning him up a bit?”

Danny nodded and disappeared, while I just took in the state of his injuries. Anyone would be dead from this, and a blood encrusted hand reached out for mine.

“You, came.” He croaked out.

“Oh Jake!” I couldn’t be angry with him, just disappointed, but that didn’t matter as he looked like he was still fighting away death.

A small bucket with a cloth and warm water in it was put beside me, so as carefully as I could, I wiped his face, his arms, and hands. If it wasn’t a bruise or blood that marked him, it was dirt and once I was done, I let him hug my legs while stroking his hair. He fell back asleep with a much more peaceful expression on his face. Danny got comfortable on the fold out sofa behind me, and I wondered what to do next.

“I thought I heard your car.” Michael yawned, casually walking in.

His hair hung longer than usual thanks to it still being wet, and he lazily scratched his stomach as he yawned again; his bare stomach since all he had on was a pair of brightly patterned board shorts. Michael’s eyes dropped as he took in Jake, and they instantly narrowed.

“Dad’s cooking breakfast if you’re hungry?”

Danny rolled over, sighing as he did so and Michael didn’t even look at him as his eyes stayed on Jake.

“I’m good. Thanks.”

“Thought he’d be more submissive that what he was. He’ll feel better in the morning, it’s going to take him a while to recover.” Michael explained. “Danny will be out for a bit too. He did good last night.”

Michael’s hand was extended to me, and I tried to get Jake to let me go. He didn’t and as soon as Michael realised the trouble I was having, the growl was undeniable.

“Jake, let me go.” I pushed on his arms again, and this time the growl was from him. “Jake!”

My tone was firmer this time, and his grip weakened enough for me to pry his fingers from my thigh. I remembered the bruise Danny had left me with and wondered if I would find the same thing on my leg now. The second he was loose enough for me to actually move, Michael had lifted me up and away.

I’d barely had my feet back on the ground before he launched himself at me; nearly knocking me backwards from the force of his hug. It was like we’d spent years apart, and his body seemed to smother mine as he held me close. I could sense desperation, need; I didn’t think it was possible to read so much into something as simple as a hug.

“You okay?” I asked, my cheek pressed against his chest as his chin rested on my head.

“I am now. Come inside with me.” I managed to get free of him, and looked between the pair of them. “They’ll be fine.”

Reluctantly I followed Michael inside and found his family sitting around the dining table. Justin nearly choked on the glass of orange juice he had while Joe sat up straight, glaring at me. Mr Blake simply smiled. “Coffee?”

“No thank you.” I then realised how we must look, since I had my arm around Michaels back, while his was over my shoulders.

“How’s the pup?” He asked.

“Sleeping.” Michael snapped.

“I was talking to her.”

“He’s sleeping.” I quickly answered.

The old man sat down, glancing at his youngest sons before nodding. “We’re all sorry about the other night. It was just bad timing. We mean no harm.”

Michael growled.

“I’m sorry. I got caught up in the rush of it all.” Justin mumbled, hunched over his plate, I wasn’t sure if I saw him tremble or if it was just my eyes playing tricks.

Joe sighed and what ever was coming, I think was going to be as close to an apology as I was going to get. “I think you should be one of us. Norms and our kind don’t mix well, not for long periods of time. Like Mum.”

Mr Blake nodded, while Michael shook his head. “Her issues had nothing to do with not being one of us.”

“He’s right. It does make it easier though.” His Dad mumbled, sipping his coffee.

“Sarah!” Danny yelled from outside and instantly Michael was instantly gone from my side. “Sarah?”

“Stay.” Mr Blake ordered, while the brothers followed him out.

I made it to the steps before Justin went to stop me. “Something’s not right. Seriously, stay close to me. If I say run, fucking listen. Maybe I should get you another cricket bat.”

I rolled my eyes, but did as he said. Something felt off and I was certain the fear I was suddenly flooded with wasn’t my own as my brother reappeared.

“Mike! It’s Jake, I think he’s trying to change again!” Danny yelled hesitating as he saw me before quickly going back in.

“Is that bad?” I asked Justin, already knowing the answer but clueless as to what else to say.

“Yeah. It could be too much for him, he was really beaten up after!” There was no missing the worry in his tone.

“Get that food out of the fridge and bring it to him.” Mr Black told Joe, who did as he was told.

Justin stuck by me as we neared the entrance and looking inside, Jake was writhing around on the floor. I froze, holding onto the shed door for support as Justin stuck to my other side. Michael slowly approached him, shadowing Danny who was attempting to calm Jake down. He looked around frantically, growling and sniffing; the sounds coming from him were more canine than human. He stopped, his body shaking before his head shot up in our direction and his eyes met mine.

“Sarah! Get away from them!” He grunted, pointing at Justin as Danny tried to push him back down as he struggled to stand. Someone he managed to stay up, fighting against Danny. “They’ll, hurt her. Dan, why she here? It isn't safe. Sarah!”

I left my spot near Justin, shrugging away from him as he tried to stop me and slipped by Mr Blake who seemed to be somewhere else as Joe called is name and Justin bumped into him trying to grab me.

“Jake, calm down. You can’t change right now. I'm safe, you're safe. Please just breathe.”

Michael didn’t look happy with me going towards him, none of them did, but they stayed back as Danny still struggled to keep Jake where he was. If he let go now, I had no doubt I wouldn't stand a chance against him and Jake had no hope of surviving Danny if he hurt me. I glance at Michael, and decided it wouldn't be Danny Jake would have to worry about.

"Sarah, here." Joe called softly, and turning he handed me a slab of meat before retreating back over to where Justin stood near their dad.

Danny licked his lips, eying it up hungrily, but Jake was practically drooling over it, now struggling against Danny for a different reason.

“Hungry?” I asked gently.

He nodded.

“Come sit down okay, and this can be yours.” Danny had to help him move as his steps were stiff, wobbly and clearly causing him a lot of pain now his adrenaline was wearing off.

He fell onto the lounge chair and I stuck by Danny as I held out the plate to him. Jake took a piece of steak, barely blinking as it was gone in an instant and slowly I sat down next to him. Flashbacks of Danny raiding the freezer made my stomach churn, just like the red drool now running down Jakes chin.

“Do you remember what happened?”

All I got was a grunt as he took more meat.

“Jake, you’re a werewolf now. You have to listen to Danny and Michael. They can help you!” I felt like I was talking to a three year old and wondered how much of this was actually getting into his brain right now. “Remember how Michael helped Danny?”

“You? The. Three of us?” He motioned between me and Danny. “Pack. Not him.”

I shook my head, knowing what I needed to tell him despite how annoyed it seemed to make me. “No Jake. I’m not pack. I’m not like you all are.”

Then he passed out, a piece of steak still in his hand.

“Will he be okay?” Looking at Michael, he nodded.

“After effects. I’m surprised he even woke up so soon. Leave that there for him.” He motioned to the few pieces left on the plate. “You should go Bright Eyes.”

“He’s right. I’ll be with him and I promise to keep you posted. I think the worst of it is over now.” Danny put his arm over my shoulders and led me to the car before I could protest. “Drive safe.”

Michael came up behind him, and as Danny started to go inside, he took his place at the window as I closed the door. It didn’t mean we didn’t notice Danny stop by the stairs and watch us.

“Did you believe them? That they’re sorry?” He asked.

“Yes.” I felt their apology as if I had actually seen them all get on their backs in submission. It was a weird thought, but I knew there was a peace amongst us all again. I just didn’t know how long for.

“I told them about us. Believe it or not, Joe only thinks you should change now so you’re better equipped to defend yourself.”

“I can do that already.” I remind him.

“He was referring to Scott. We all know it’s only a matter of time before he comes to town, but you were given a free pass of sorts after Danny changed. It depends how much this pisses him off, because that’ll change everything.” He sighed. “Hopefully Jake gets over his crush on you, so he stops acting like an idiot and is the submissive wolf I know he will be. I might leave that to Danny.”

“His crush on me?”

“I worked it out last night when we were having dinner. He hates me because I can do this and he can’t.” Michael grins and just when I’m about to ask him, what he was talking about - he kisses me. “He thinks you only like to date our kind.”

I smirk, glad to see Danny is gone. “Maybe I should date a few more and let you know if that’s the case?”

“I wouldn’t recommend it.” His face turns dangerous and I manage to laugh at him. “I’m serious!”

“Me too. Later wolf man, look after them okay?” I blow him a kiss and feel rather smug about stirring him up like that, because annoying a werewolf is always a good idea.


Later that night I’m sitting opposite Annabelle at the dining table, staring at her. The lighter shade of her hair is now as dark as mine and her eyeliner has been applied in such a way her green eyes seem to pop that little bit more from her face. I thought the family resemblance was only obvious with me and Deborah. I was wrong. It’s almost like I’m no longer one part of two, but of three.

I don’t like it.

“So Sarah, what are your plans for tomorrow. Gracie at the newsagency told me there was a party going on at the Rivers place. Is that something you and your friends are into?” Mum asks, clearly trying to get into my schedule.

“Yeah. I think everyone from school is going.”

“Well, you know the rules and Annabelle, would you be interested in this? We’re going down the cricket club for a few hours, you’re welcome to come with us instead” She offers.

“Oh, no thank you. This party sounds great, Rach well telling me about it today and I even got something to wear when went to the shops today.” Annabelle smiles.

“Great! Hope you’re not pushing yourself too much. How are you feeling?”

The talk turns to her pregnancy and I focus on my vegetables. The whole time I know Mum is trying to make a point by her boy discussion that I should be using my cousin as an example on what not to do. I feel kind of bad for her, but she’s either happy to play along with the impromptu and awkward sex ed lesson at the dinner table, or she doesn’t realise what’s happening. Dad does and is quick to disappear upstairs as soon as he can.

“Oh I don’t blame you at all. Condoms aren’t a hundred perfect effective, and you should really be on the contraceptive pill. If you are, going to do it, you can’t be too safe!” She says matter of factly.

I groan.

“I’m not on the pill. I was too scared to ask my Mum about taking me to the doctors. Deb, well, we don’t really talk about that kind of thing.” Annabelle sighed.

It only gets worse when she starts to cry over her ex-boyfriend. They’d been together for four months and she felt like it was the right thing to do because of all of her friends were doing it. I kind of wanted to slap some common sense into her, wondering how our parents could be from the same family tree, but so different.

If Mum knew I had been getting up to any of what Annabelle had been getting up, things would be very different around here. Then again, I had been sneaking out to meet a boy and had him hidden in my room too.

So after dinner and once it was just us, I took a seat beside her and decided we needed to talk. I’ve always been open with her, it’s part of why there was so much trust in our relationship, and by keeping so much from my parents, I felt I owed it to her to let her in on a part of it.

“Mum, I need to tell you something.”

“Oh god, please don’t tell me you’re knocked up too?” She frowned.


“Did Danny get some poor girl-”

“No! No, Mum, nothing like that!” I quickly tell her. “Not quite anyway.”

I tell her about Michael and that we had a fight after our date. I told her Danny didn’t like him, but since we made up, I had to keep it quiet and also about Jake’s crush. I managed to avoid werewolves and all that is related to them and the part about Michael sleeping over. I did tell her about going out after curfew to meet with him though and I couldn’t work out what was going on her head once that came out.

“Thank you for being honest, but Sarah, anything could’ve happened to you. I want to ground you, and take away your car rights, but instead, I’m not going to tell your Dad and I’m taking you to the health clinic whether you like it or not!” I wait for more, but she just sighs instead. “You’ve never had the police on our doorstep. You’ve followed our rules when your brother broke them, and don’t think we don’t know what you do trying to fix things all the time. Do it again, you’re not leaving your room for the rest of the holidays and I’m only letting you out tomorrow night because you’re taking your cousin.”

“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have, but-”

“Sarah, stop it. You’re off the hook, so no need to punish yourself more than what I am. I’m serious though, if you leave this house at that hour to see a boy again, I don’t care if you’re eighteen and have to go to uni or work, you’re grounded for life!” She threatened.

“Thanks Mum!” I give her a hug and she offers me a smile.

“Your Nan warned me about that boy too!”

“What?” I felt the blood drain from my face as I suddenly felt sick.

Did Noah say something to her?

“Said the way he looked at you reminded her of the way your Grandad used to look at her or something and wanted to put money on whether or not you two would have a second date. Let’s not tell her about this either okay?”

I was almost dizzy with relief and laughed with her. “Sure Mum!”

“Now, go to bed. It’s getting late!”

“It’s nine-thirty?”

“You’re semi-grounded. Bed, now!” She scolded.


“Oh and Sarah? If Danny doesn’t like him, don’t hide it. It’ll make things worse. Goodnight love!”

I called Danny and Jake was doing better. He’d woken up at seven, and was more himself now. They were going to try getting him to shift again in the morning, and go hunting before dawn. We said goodnight and it wasn’t long until Michael called.

I feel asleep listening to him talk about anything and everything, and while I could still smell him around him, it must’ve been enough as once I was asleep I didn’t wake up until Annabelle came in at eight to tell me breakfast was ready. I almost wished I hadn’t though, because from that moment on I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was coming and it wasn’t the storm clouds that lined the horizon.

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