Broken Vows

Chapter 13: Sweet Sister

Hadeon POV

After days of searching for the dragon, I have found nothing. It’s like he vanished. I thought the stupid beast would come and try to confront me. He hasn’t. It seems the only way I will find him will be to find my sweet little sister. Theia has been nothing but trouble for me from the day she was born.

Theia’s willful disobedience was something our mother fought to control, but Theia constantly finds ways to be a problem. If I didn’t find her gift of sight so valuable, I would have done away with her when she was a child. I drained my mother’s powers and took them as my own; yes, it made her ill, and she died, but really it was for the greater good. By the time mother found out that I was the reason she was so sick, it was too late for her. I already had everything I wanted. The spell I use still needs a bit of perfecting, but it works well. I only wish I could use it on Theia.

I have a pretty good idea that Theia will be at our home waiting for me. One of my first orders for her was that she was to remain there. I am curious to learn how she could leave. I ordered her to stay home. She seems to have found a loophole.

I walk down the corridor holding the breakfast tray, still playing the part of the devoted husband to my new bride. I reach the door and open it slowly; I find that Willow is still sleeping. I enter the room and place the tray on the small round table. Leaning over the bed, I kiss her lightly on the cheek and then her lips. She hums and smiles as I pull away.

“Wake up, Princess. I brought you breakfast.” I brush the hair from her face lovingly as she opens her eyes and smiles at me.

“You didn’t need to go to the trouble,” Willow says as she sits up in bed.

“I wanted to. I told you I will do everything for you, Princess.” I give her my best smile.

I hate that I still have to act the part of a caring lover. I really care very little about her happiness, but I need her happy--at least for now. The more comfortable she is, the less she will question, and I need her for my plans.

I have put it off for as long as I can. Now, I need to find Theia. I need that dragon dead; I’m pretty sure she is the only one who can tell me where he is. He never returned to his home. Strangely, he didn’t head straight for the other dragons. My spies tell me the dragon elders are angry that their king was imprisoned. When Cadmus escaped, the elders refused to speak with Willow telling her there was nothing for them to discuss with her now that the king is free.

Willow tries to hide how torn she is over all of it. I can feel my hold on her slip every now and then, but as long as I keep her happy, it will be fine. The spells are strong, and they will hold long enough. Willow slips out of bed and stretches as she walks to the tray of food I brought her. She eyes the strawberries and smiles as she selects one.

“Princess, I hate that I have to say this, but I need to go for a few days.” I try and sound as remorseful as I can.

“What? Where are you going?” Willow asks, putting her strawberry down and coming to stand in front of me as I sit on the bed, trying to look sorry and sad.

“I want to check a few leads on the dragon.” I want to see how she would react to my words. I watch her face flash with a mix of emotions. The concern is the most prominent look on her face, but is she concerned for him or me?

“You shouldn’t go. I can send men anywhere you tell me, and they will look into the matter.” Willow wraps her arms around my neck, looking at me with pleading eyes.

“I hate to go, but I want to know if any of it is true. If it is, then we can come up with a plan to bring the animal to justice.” Willow flinches when I call him an animal. I decide to test my hold on her.

“Don’t you still want that, Princess? Don’t you want him dead for what he did? I only want to protect you from the crazy beast.” I slip a bit of hurt and anger into my words. Willow looks at a loss for a moment. I can see the struggle in her eyes. She is conflicted.

“I do want Cadmus brought to justice, but I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt.” She tries to soothe me, but I can tell that isn’t the complete truth.

“You don’t want him found, do you, Princess? Do you love him?” I mock a hurt and angry tone and watch the look of concern turn to shock.

“No,” Willow gasps. I pull out of her arms and stand, walking to the window, trying to hide my smirk.

“You do love him; don’t hide it from me. I only love you.” I am impressing myself with my little performance. I turn to see the hurt look on my dear little pet’s face. She is in pain over my words to her.

“I only love you, Hadeon. Please know that,” Willow meekly says.

“You promise you only have feelings for me?” I prod.

“Yes, I love only you.”

I smile, knowing that I have won this little game. She is mine, and I will keep my little pet for as long as I like.

“That’s my good girl.” I praise her, and she looks relieved. I open my arms, and she rushes to hug me.

“I will be back before you know it, and hopefully, we can put an end to that monster. Just so you can be safe, Princess. You are mine, and I will keep you safe.”

Theia POV

The days tick by so slowly. I hate this house. I don’t want to be here, but this is the only place I can be. I have managed to bend the rules on leaving for as long as possible, and I need Hadeon to find me. The visions are worse, and I’m confident in the outcome of our meeting. The faint glimmer of hope is the only thing keeping me sane. Sitting in the grimy cabin deep in the murky woods is not helping. The mildewy air and dust of the house make my nose run as I stand staring at the stain-glass window.

“Come on, brother, where are you? I know that plaything of yours can’t be that entertaining,” I growl out loud, not expecting an answer.

“Oh, that is where you are wrong. I find her very entertaining. Hello sister, have you missed me? You have been a very naughty girl.” Hadeon’s cool voice makes my skin crawl as I turn from the window to face him. He is smiling at me, but there is no warmth in that smile. I feel my blood running cold.

I quickly think of the spell I need, the one that will make me forget the last few months of my life. I hope it won’t be permanent only because I promised the lizard brain that I would go back for him just as soon as possible. I can feel the spell working as the last several days begin to fade from my mind as quickly as a dream. When I hear Hadeon speak again, I’m confused about where he came from.

“So, little sister dear, where have you been and pray tell what did you do with the dragon?” Hadeon is speaking to me from the door of our cottage. He’s leaning on the door frame, looking bored and smug as usual.

I have a faint memory that I need to break the curse my mother put on me. I can feel my spells all around me, but I don’t know how they got there. When I don’t answer and just look around, confused, Hadeon’s face changes from boredom to anger. He hates to be ignored, but I don’t know what he’s asking me. What dragon? The one from my vision? The one whose mate Hadeon wanted to steal? What am I missing?

“Theia, tell me what you know!” Hadeon orders, and I’m compelled to answer whether I want to or not.

“What dragon, brother? The one from my vision? I told you to go to the spring ball, so you can break the bond and have it set to you. The girl will love you.” I fumble with my words, still trying to figure out what is happening.

“No, Theia, I have her already! What have you done?” Hadeon orders again, moving closer to me and grabbing my shoulders. When he looks into my eyes, the vision clicks, and I see what it is I am meant to do.

“Why, brother? I have done nothing.” I begin to smile sweetly at my brother as I feel the magic pulling.

I can feel him try and let me go, but he can’t. It’s as if he is glued to me, and he begins to yell. He tries to kick, but his feet are even stuck to the floor. It might be wrong, but I love the pain he is in. I can feel his magic draining and filling me and the air. I want to take it all from him.

Hadeon is getting weaker as the air shimmers with ice blue waves of magic. Too soon, Hadeon gives me his own menacing smile, and I know it will happen now. He starts to draw his magic and mine back to himself. I shriek in pain as my own powers slip from me in silver white ribbons of light. The air is buzzing so loudly it hurts my ears. I try to regain control of my spells and fight just a little longer. I know he is being flooded with more magic faster than his body can handle. That was my plan. But I want to see him suffer just a bit more. It’s a bizarre game of tug-a-war I know I was never meant to win. I don’t want it to completely destroy me, but I think it just might.

The air pulses and hums, and I decide now is as good a time. I let go of the rest of my magic hoping it will consume him. This is it, and it is the end for me; I know it, but at least I hurt him a little, and he can’t use me any longer. I pull hard, trying to regain control and draw more of his power to me. I start to gain a little ground when Hadeon lets out a roar that would impress even the largest dragon.

“Have it your way, dear brother!” I yell before letting go. The last thing I will ever hear in this world will be his scream of pain as all of the magic I have stored around the cabin floods his every cell. I just hope it will be enough to break him. Unfortunately, I won’t get to know if it works or not. The blinding light and the screams of my brother will be the last thing I ever get to know.

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