Broken Vows

Chapter 14: Better Weather

Willow POV

Hadeon has been gone for so long. Nearly three weeks have passed. I don’t even know where he went, so I can’t send anyone to look for him. I feel completely on edge, and I don’t know what to do. I fear the worst; I know something has happened to him. I swear I can feel it.

I have tried every spell to find him, but to no avail. I haven’t been sleeping, and I know everyone is worried about me. Rana has tried to check on me, but our friendship hasn’t been the same since my wedding day. I still feel like there are things she’s not telling me. I still have a suspicion that she may have helped Cadmus. They talked about me, and that feels like a betrayal.

I thought everything would calm down after the wedding, but now Hadeon is missing. I don’t know how much more I can take. I clasp the pendant of my neckless. The cold gem helps to ground my thoughts and emotions as I pace around the study looking for more books on location spells.

I just need to find Hadeon. He had said he only expected to be gone a few days, not nearly a month. I take a deep breath and see Richard walk into the study. He looks at me with worry in his eyes. He has terrible news; I can just tell.

“What is it? Have you found, Hadeon?” I ask, nearly pleading.

“No, Ma’am, we still can’t find him, but I’m sure he is all right. Perhaps he found a lead that will be helpful as to Cadmus’ whereabouts. Strangely, no one can find Cadmus; it isn’t like a dragon to abandon their people. It is not something I thought him to be capable of,” Richard voices.

“No. I came to tell you that the dragons have severed all ties with us. They have cut ties with us, the Fae, and even other shifters. They seem to be locking themselves away in their mountains. The Elders inform me that until the King is found, they will have no dealing with anyone.”

“Seems like a bit of an overreaction if you ask me,” I huff, annoyed at what I feel is an over-dramatic tantrum.

“Well, dragons do tend to be a bit hot-headed and stubborn. They feel like they can’t trust the outside world and want to protect the few remaining members of their clan. The dragons were counting on Cadmus to produce an heir and restore their people to their former glory. They are mourning his loss. For dragons, that is something they take very seriously. I was also told they grieve for your mother.”

I give a huff as I look for more books. I don’t even know how to feel about the dragons right now. If they want to go off and pout, then so be it. I have my own concerns, and right now, finding my husband is the only thing I genuinely care about. Perhaps I am being selfish or short-sighted, but I don’t care.

“Ma’am, I think you should give this a rest. You look pale and tired; perhaps Rana and you can spend some time in the garden or just have a visit?”

Richard puts forth his concern, and I flinch. Spending time with Rana has been uncomfortable, but I don’t want Richard to worry more. I need to get out of this study and think about something else for only a moment.

“Is Elizabeth in the kitchen?” I ask, and Richard smiles.

“You know she is. Liz said she was baking cookies. She has a new oatmeal cookie recipe she wants to try.” Richard chuckles a little, thinking of Elizabeth. He loves her and Rana more than anything. I miss that feeling of being loved so much.

“I think I will go and see if I can help her then,” I tell him, and he beams at me.

“That would be really nice. I know Liz would love it.” Richard holds his arm to me. I take it as we start walking quietly to the kitchen.

I’m trying so hard to pull myself together and stop worrying. I know it can’t be good for me. I have felt so ill for days. I think spending time with Elizabeth will be just the distraction I need. I still miss my mother so much, and being with Elizabeth makes being without my own mother hurt just a little less.

“You know we are all worried for you. Also, Liz and Rana miss you dearly,” Richard’s sudden words catch me off guard for a moment. He isn’t saying anything I didn’t already know. I can see how people have been looking at me: like I might break at any moment.

I let out a long breath.

“I know. It’s just everything happened so suddenly with mother and Cadmus. Now Hadeon is missing. I feel my world will never be the same as before,” I confess, looking at the floor as we walk down the corridors.

“Because it won’t ever be the same, Willow. Life is change: good, bad, and everything in between. I thought you knew that. Our lives are forever changing just as fast as the seasons. This season in your life will change for a new one. Hopefully, it will be better weather with fewer storms, but I know one day this will all be a memory and nothing more than that.”

Richard is generally a man of few words, but when he does have something to say, everyone listens. He gives my arm a squeeze as we reach the kitchen.

“Don’t forget how strong you are, Willow. You will weather this storm and any other that may come your way. You are more like your mother than you think you are. I believe you will be in good hands here. Now tell Liz to save me some cookies.” He smiles at me, and I turn to leave.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Rana. She gives me a small smile. For that moment, things feel right. I have hope that everything will be all right.

“Willow, have you come to help me with a new recipe? I don’t think the lad wrote it right. I asked for his gran’s recipe, but this can’t be it.”

Elizabeth scowls at the paper, and I find myself smiling for the first time in days. I walk over and reach out my hand.

“Here, let me have a look,” I reply, and Elizabeth hands me the paper.

“I guess the only way we will know is to make them.” I shrug.

“Well, then let’s get to it,” Elizabeth quips, and we waste no time getting to work.

We have been in the kitchen together so many times. We know our roles and fall into the easy familiarity of it. I feel more like myself than I have in weeks.

It takes three tries, but the last batch of cookies are the most perfect oatmeal cookies in the world. All too soon, the afternoon has ended, and the dark long night comes. I find myself alone again in my room, missing the kitchen’s warmth. Elizabeth and I talked and laughed over everything like nothing had changed. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until today.

The tap at my chamber door startles me from the book I am trying to read.

“Willow, it’s me. Can I come in?” Rana’s voice is muffled through the door.

“Yes, Rana, come in,” I say, relieved to not be alone anymore.

The door opens, and Rana comes in. She closes the door behind her.

“I thought I would check on you. I know how worried you have been, and I wanted to come sooner. I thought that you were still angry with me, and I didn’t want to upset you more, so I didn’t. Are you still mad at me?”

I think for a long moment, but to my surprise, I’m not. I was so sure that I was still angry with Rana earlier today, but now I’m only happy to have her with me. The afternoon in the kitchen along with the ease and warmth I felt seems to have dulled any anger I was holding on to.

“I thought I was, but I don’t really think it was you that I was angry with. I think I was just angry at everything, and I took some of that out on you. I am sorry for that. So many things have changed, and I thought I would lose you too,” I admit feeling ashamed. I regret my words and the fact that I had been needlessly angry with Rana for weeks.

“Would you like me to stay? You can tell me everything,” Rana proposes smiling.

“I would like that.”

I return her smile, but it fades as I see the large black crow land on the balcony. The bird shifts to Hadeon. He is badly injured. I jump from the bed as Rana turns to see Hadeon fall through the balcony door, glass shattering and the door swinging violently.

We rush to him, helping Hadeon up and getting him to the bed.

“Hadeon, my love, what has happened to you?” I franticly ask. Hadeon is battered and bruised. The injuries are severe but look as though they have started to heal.

“That beast. I found him, and he did this. I only wanted to bring him to face justice for his crimes. But he attacked me,” Hadeon weakly says, coughing and breathing hard.

“Rana, get the Healer,” I order, but Rana is heading for the door and nods like she was already on her way to get help.

“I just had to get back to you, Princess. I needed to be with you and our baby,” Hadeon says before passing out.

I’m in shock as the Healer, Rana, and Richard flood into my room. Baby? What baby? Am I? Could I be? How would Hadeon know if I was?

I feel like the room is spinning. I feel sick looking at Hadeon’s broken body. As the Healer sets to work, she gives orders to everyone and starts removing Hadeon’s shirt. His perfect pale skin is nothing but purple and black bruising. He has gashes across his chest, and I don’t see how he had the strength to shift at all. The magic he used just to do that could have killed him in the weak state he is in. Hadeon is still out cold, and Rana takes my arm. I can’t hear what Rana or the Healer are saying though; I only hear the buzzing sound and Hadeon’s words in my head: I wanted to be with you and our baby.

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