Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 72 ~ The Chase Part 2

AN/ 2 chapters this week! :D Surprise!!

The growl of pleasure and possessiveness that came from him almost made her regret the next move. The look of adoration he sent her, the one that confirmed that she was the only one for him, the only one he ever longed, it melted all her internal organs.

With one last glance, full of fondness, Titilas rushed away like fireball... A purely predatorial roar came from behind her.

Craken was angry.

’Why did you have to bite him again?′ Elena asked exasperated.

‘To show him who’s the Alpha. Now you take care of them.’ Having said that, Titilas shifted, giving the power back to a stunned Elena.

Naked in the darkening woods, she looked around frenetically, hearing the furious mate charging towards her from behind the trees.

‘Seriously?! You leave me like this?!’

In a last attempt of saving her pride, Elena climbed a nearby tree. Not as fast as she should have, since climbing trees was not her forte.

#Start of Elena POV#

I only stopped climbing when the ground was a good distance away from me, and perched on one of the first branches I reached. As I had mentioned, climbing was not my strength.

I had reported bruises and scratches but thanks to the adrenaline flowing in my veins I ignored them.

My breaths were short and fast as I looked around, wary. I felt that he would pop out of nowhere and launch towards my throat, to mark me.

Fortunately, Craken could neither climb trees nor fly ... at least as far as I knew.

By the time a dark shadow reached the bottom of my tree, his eyes were already fixed on me, as if he already knew I was right there.

Craken curled his mouth and showed me his fangs, in what might have been a wolfish smile and then shook his head, like I was the funniest thing in the world.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he lay down, and rested his head between his front legs, continuing to stare at me with affection that I did not deserve.

Suddenly, he frowned, growled at no one in particular, and all his fur stood up. He seemed bothered by something ... or someone.

With hazy eyes, he looked like he was conversing with... well, Mirko.

Apparently Mirko didn’t want to sit there and wait.

And the battle between wolf and man was won by the hothead.

“Hello mate” Mirko said after he shifted back. His eyes were still black with those thunderous blue lines and his hair electrified ... like a wolf with its fur standing on end.

The playful smile on his face did not match the predatory glint. It was scary. He was scary.

I growled at him, making him laugh.

‘Damn mate with that damned husky voice’ I was annoyed that he reached me so easily. I was an Alpha blood! He didn’t even look tired and all of my techniques to deflect or slow him down just seemed to have entertained him.

“Glad to be your source of fun” I said sarcastically, trying to hide the fear of falling from the tree. Mirko’s huge ego didn’t need it. I was an Alpha female, perfectly capable of hanging from a tree. ‘Keep telling yourself and I’ll believe it.’ my treacherous wolf whispered.

“Did you really think you would outrun me?” His voice was such a deep rumble that the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

“Give into it, Elena. You have proven your point, whatever it was.” He taunted.

“I’ve chased you, I’ve caught you, you’ve tricked Craken-” Saying that, Mirko stopped for a moment, probably talking with his wolf. Then he rolled his eyes at something and huffed. “I meant, you’ve tricked Fluffin."

I giggled at that, “Fluffin is a nobleman compared to you.”

‘Ah ah!’ Meanwhile Craken exclaimed in his head with pride. ‘Mate prefers me because I’m a noble-something and you are not’

Mirko’s jaw twitched, scrunching his black eyebrows.

’You don’t even know what’s the meaning of nobleman!. He growled at his whipped wolf. He couldn’t believe that his infamous wolf became such a lost pup when dealing with his mate.

“You are completely right. I’m not a nobleman.”

He walked around my tree, slowly, with a smirk, running his elongated claws over the trunk... leaving deep cuts, as if the trunk were a piece of butter.

“And I don’t want to be one. Nor ever be one.”

I swallowed, following those deadly claws with wide eyes.

“Because by the next dawn you will bear TWO marks. Since you bit me twice” he growled in the last part... it wasn’t an annoyed growl, more like a fiery, passionate sound.

A kaleidoscope of butterflies began to flutter in her stomach and her heart and pulse pumped rapidly.

#End of Elena POV#

“So, are you stuck up there, my love?” Mirko crossed his massive arms over a wet chest and leaned against a tree, completely comfortable with his nakedness. Just then she realized that not only was he naked but he looked like he had gone for a swim. A swim!! His whole body and hair were wet and he looked perfectly clean.

‘What?! Did he even have time to take a bath and clean up during the chase?’ Elena felt outraged, but also relieved that blood and dirt no longer covered that magnificent sculpted body.

“No, I’m just resting here. What gave you the impression that I am stuck?” She replied sassily.

‘Don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall. Please!’ She prayed to herself.

‘Tell mate to come get us, so then we can mate!’ Titias whimpered.

‘You shut up’ Elena snorted.

’But look at him!′ Titilas was right ... Mirko was so masculine and gorgeous that it almost hurt her eyes.

“Do you want me to come get you? Because I climbed trees all my childhood.” He said smugly, those blue eyes never left her figure.

Elena saw his lips curl into a fake angelic smile and she quickly looked away. That smile created trouble for her well-being.

“Me too,” The girl lied, even though she was in a precarious position as she said it. In fact, Elena had always hated heights but would never admit it. Jumping between rocks, climbing mountains and swimming in swollen rivers. All that she could do without effort. Climb trees? She loathed it.

“Oh really?” He arched an arrogant eyebrow. Elena wanted to punch (or kiss) that smile away.

She was about to counter back when a bee appeared right in front of her face, startling her and almost making her fall ... with a groan, Elena found herself hanging upside down. Her legs were supporting her body, hanging from a branch, while arms and upper body were in the air.

Like a salami.

Mirko was right below her, his arms slightly open as if wanted to catch her, with a look of concern. Then, his gaze moved up and his nostrils flared wildly....Concern was replaced by lust.

“Oh my God stop staring!” She screamed, covering her chest with one arm and her private spot with the other, hiding from his passionate gaze.

“Why?” He asked seriously surprised. “Those boobs are mine and I can look at them all I want.”

Was it possible that the color of his eyes had changed since he had seen her naked? Yes it was. There was a fire burning blue flames in those deep orbits. And a predatorial wave that scared the birds around.

“Stop talking about my boobs like they’re a separate person!” She said embarrassed, he probably already noticed her resemblance to a red pepper.

Mirko let out a chuckle at her antics.

With a groan, Elena tried to pull herself up, but she realized that her hair was caught in a lower branch ...

Great! So great! Exactly what I needed.′

#### Meanwhile, Moon Goddess, who was extremely fond of those two mates, was watching. The couple who had postponed mating for so long.... would have expected anything but that from dear Mirko.

‘Jus mate already!’

She wouldn’t usually interfere with her werewolf sons and daughters... but a little push to speed up the process wouldn’t hurt anyone,,,, ###

How to untangle her hair when one arm covered her breasts, the other covered her secret spot and her calves kept her from falling out?

Titilas chuckled, as if she had expected it from the start ... as if she had wanted it. The wolf had enjoyed riling Craken up, but now she was back at being the usual needy animal.

Maybe it would be worth to lose some of my hair so as not to satisfy that evil mate ... Maybe if I used one of my legs to untangle my hair ... when Elena tried her plan, she got dangerously out of balance, and a portion of hair was pulled out. A painful groan left her mouth.

Mirko, who loved everything about that she-wolf, including her silky hair, was not happy.

“Ok enough,” he growled, his eyes flashing blue. “I’ll come get you now.” Then he moved to climb the tree, like a panther.

“Noo! Wait!”

Mirko looked at her with eyes so heated that Elena almost fainted. With a smug predator, he began to climb the tree. It looked like he could climb a tree as easily as he walked.

And then it happened.

Her legs lost their grip, more hair had been pull out and it would probably have stayed on the tree, as if to remind her of her stupidity, and her cry echoed through the surroundings ....

But Elena hadn’t even come close to the cold ground. She had felt herself falling on top of some rocks ... but she soon realized that those rocks were Mirko’s chest and arms. He was holding her, staring at her with a playful smile.

“Today it’s raining mates” He joked but she ignored him, averting her eyes and pursing her lips.

Mirko brushed her clenched knuckles with his lips, his eyes locked to hers. The softness in that gesture melted her heart and all her resistances.


AN/ The next chapters will include a certain content not recommended for minors, nuns, and all those who are pure and not sinners! Eheh *evil laugh.

Please don’t die on me before next update or I will hunt your soul!! ;)

AN2/ Read completed book, the sequel, Giulia’s story, and my other werewolf story (“Along Came A Mate”), on my Patreon’s page :) there are also 40 bonus chapters of Elena, Mirko, Marco and so on ;)

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