Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 73 ~ Mine

Millions of little jewels glittered in the darkness of night. The wind battled the treetops in an eternal struggle for domination.

Somewhere in no man’s land, amidst overgrown vegetation, and almost hostile intertwining branches, the Alpha Wolf was carrying his mate deep into the forest.

He seemed so comfortable there, as if he had been created by that very nature and was meant to roam the undergrowth like the king he was. Usually, on his outings in the wild, the only company was his wolf.

That night was a different story. He was not alone. And he never will again. Usually, he hunted, ran, scared the forest dwellers, forcing all predators one step down the food chain. Usually, he howled alone at the moon.

But that night, Mirko found himself engaged in a different activity.

After a race that had made him feel all emotions in one... Fury, desire, excitement, worry, love. Not that he was surprised, since it always ended up like that when his mate was involved.

“Nice race! R-right?” The girl in his arms laughed nervously as he could not stop peppering her face and neck with feather-like kisses.

Elena was currently held by those iron arms, one below her knees, the other on her back. Mirko seemed to know where he was going as he wasn’t even paying attention to the path ... if it could be called ‘path’. There were bushes, brambles, and branches everywhere. How Mirko could recognize a way amid that storm of nature, Elena could never have guessed.

“Sorry if Titilas deceived you earlier. S-she really likes to play-” Words trembled out her mouth. Her chest tightened and blood pulsed through her veins as she felt the racing heartbeat.

Hearing her speak, Mirko lifted his head for a second, to stare at her with those pools of dark sky, making her forget everything.

“What are you blabbering about, mate?” He murmured, nibbling her ear.

A whimper escaped her lips when his teeth grazed her delicate skin. Sometime later, Elena found herself lying on a soft blanket. Or was it a fur?

The girl didn’t even realize where they were, she just knew they were out there somewhere. Only the stars witnessed.

Mirko took a moment to look at the prey he had caught too easily, grabbing her hands with one of his own. “So sweet” he growled lapping her neck, taking deep breaths.

She struggled under him like a caged bird. Too intimidated by his beauty, wildness, and intensity.

“Mirko, I don’t-” She was interrupted by a strangling hug and a fervent kiss.

And they kissed for so long that she forgot her name for a moment. There was just Mirko and the sparks.

It was a kiss of pure need, a kiss that poured out the months of waiting, the sleepless nights spent separated from each other. It was a kiss with the hidden promise that it would never happen again. That they will never be separated again.

When he came close to her neck, leaving hot pools of kisses behind, she shivered, tilting her neck more to give more access. Her breathing was short and irregular, her arms wrapped around his neck as a sailor caught in a storm would do to a rock.

“Elena,” he growled through clenched teeth

“I need to mark you,”

It seemed he had no energy left. Or an inch of patience. He had run out of it, thanks to her.

Elena let out a shaky breath, then moved her eyes to his lips and then back to his determined eyes. She looked at his lips once more and let out a cute whimper that made his blood boil before closing her eyes and nodding.

Expecting throbbing pain to invade her neck. when it didn’t happen, Elena peered at him from under those long lashes and found him staring at her with a look full of adoration.

His hooded eyes captured hers and when a small grin appeared, Elena found herself smiling back. After all, that was her mate, the person created to shower her with love. He was the Moon Goddess’s gift to her. And there was nothing to fear or be nervous about. Not the incredible length of his elongated fangs that could have snapped her neck in two. Not even the hunger that came out of his eyes or the beast emerging to the surface.

He nipped and sucked at the base of her neck, in a spot he must have deem perfect. After, he skimmed his nose up to whisper in her ear.


His large hands emanated waves of heat as he wrapped them around her waist. Elena could feel his sharp claws that had killed so much before, lightly brush her bare skin. Her heart was leaping uncontrollably as anticipation was devouring her.

Suddenly he stopped peppering all over the spot... Elena could feel warm breath hover over it as a familiar knot tightened deep within her.

And without warning, without wasting another heartbeat, Mirko threw his head back, let out an eerie growl, and plunged his swords into her flesh. With a deep, invasive bite.

The pain, as if someone had poured liquid fire directly on her neck, enveloped Elena. Pain so unbearable that she wanted to leave her body for a while, leaving it at his mercy.

As a reaction, she screamed, fought, and growled, trying to push him away, not moving him an inch, as he caged her in his arms.

Titilas and Craken howled in unison as the bond flooded them like a tsunami, all the barriers between them breaking.

Mirko had not yet retreated, on the contrary, had sunk his fangs even further. As if he wanted to make sure his mark was deep enough, a promise of protection and a flag to show who she belonged to.

Elena nearly passed out, though the excruciating pain was turning into something else. He pushed her towards a foreign land of sensations never experienced.

Finally, Mirko retracted his fangs with a grunt of pure satisfaction, and his tongue licked the mark. Elena had been glued to his side for eternity. It had to happen; and it had been written in their destinies since the day the two took their first breath.

A small part of Elena realized how his eyes had darkened considerably. Those deep blue depths were wild and indomitable. A primal satisfaction had flooded them.

Another part of her realized how the members of his pack must have realized that their Alpha had bonded with someone, her, since she could feel a new connection with them ... surprise and shock were coming from most of them. Mirko smiled as he understood her train of thoughts, though his eyes remained predatorial.

“I can’t wait for our people to see the mark and meet my Luna”

Another time she would have loved those words. How he had specified our people instead of his. Under different circumstances, she would have appreciated the look of happiness and relief in his eyes.

That time, lust and need were too much to focus on anything else. Burning desire shot straight to her core as she arched against him. Especially considering he was kissing repeatedly the fresh mark.

“Elena” His voice dropped to octaves never heard before. A jolt of electricity travelled down her spine when their eyes locked.

“If you aren’t sure...” He trailed off, shutting his eyes, almost as if he would pass out if she agreed to stop.

“Now it’s the time to back out... because I won’t be able to stop later.”

His voice sounded deeper than usual.

“I get it if you want to, uhm, maybe find a better place” He winced as if he should have thought about that. “Or if you need more time. I just really wanted to mark you. But the... can wait”

Then he cursed under his breath while her heart melted at how sweet and caring he looked. She thought she had never loved him more than that moment.

“I didn’t prepare anything for your first-”

But his words got lost as Elena captured his lips in a meaningful kiss. Surprised only for a fraction of second, Mirko responded quickly.

“I’m sure” She whispered with his face in her hands, trying to reassure him without showing nervousness. He searched her face for a hint of resistance, of doubt, of fear.

All he could see was a crystal-clear consent. When he didn’t reply but kept staring with concentration, she cringed.

“Have you started having doubts?” The girl asked, gnawing on the inside of her lip.

Mirko clenched his jaw, eyes flashing black at her silly question.

‘What does mate said?’ Craken growled, his grammatical properties diminishing as his bestial side increased.

‘We show mate we no doubt.’

And they did....

AN/ The actual +18 content is in the next chapter, I promise!!! :D :D Thanks for reading loves!!!

Read complete book on Patreon! Also sequel, Giulia’s story, and all the unrestricted scenes! Up to 50 chapters of my other werewolf story "Along came a mate" also available! :) OR click on the 'support me' button on my profile

Next update next weekend!

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