Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 71 ~ The Chase Part 1

Titilas ran and ran, through the foreign forest, not caring where she was headed. The scent of her mate faded slightly but did not completely disappear. The she-wolf knew he was back there, somewhere, beyond the curtain of thick trees that seemed to stare at her with derision. As if the forest itself mocked her for trying to escape from something like him, like Black Alpha.

Recognizing the wet smell of a water body, she swerved to the right. As expected, there was a swollen river. Without thinking, Titilas jumped in, ignoring Elena’s complaints about the frozen water and sharp rocks.

The pungent scent of the stormy water would hide her smell, at least as long as she stayed inside. Elena / Titilas had always been a mermaid, not only for hypnotizing her mate but also for the ability to swim.

After several strokes down the raging river that would have torn an experienced swimmer to pieces, with the water whipping the rocks and a current worse than the winter wind, after a while, Titilas leapt out of it and darted away like a bullet. Both the human and the wolf smirked contentedly, confident that the trick would slow down their self-confident mate.

Mirko could be as powerful as he wanted, he could be more legendary than the legends themselves, but Alpha Giacomo had trained his only daughter very scrupulously. Above all, Elena hid an ace up her sleeve: she was a very skilled swimmer, even in wolf form. This was a rarity, as wolves and werewolves were known to hate cold water and, indeed, kept a safe distance from it. A tip for all humans who found themselves in the unfortunate case of being chased by a pack of wolves: go straight to a river. That would keep hungry predators away.

As she zigzagged through the trees, past fallen trunks and brambles, Elena/Titilas remembered all the strategies she had learned over the years to cover tracks and camouflage the scent.

After running for what seemed like hours, Titilas, still dripping, stopped and crouched in a strategic position: on top of a hilly part, downwind, surrounded by thick bushes, from which you could see the surroundings but from which you could not be seen.

It was a perfect place to rest for a few seconds. Elena, with heart beating so hard that she thought the birds around could hear it and butterflies that made so much noise that those same birds could think of feeding on them, expected to see Mirko appear on the horizon, looking for her, lost after her strategy of masking her smell in the river.

Her hopes, along with her sly smile, were murdered moments later. Elena, through Titilas’ eyes, saw something startling. A gasp would have escaped her lips had she not been in her wolf form.

Craken stepped out of the blinding curtain of trees. Immune to the whipping wind that sliced ​​through Titilas’ skin, Craken appeared, trotting as if he was in no hurry and owned the entire wood... He could, if he were interested ...

Instead of being at least several miles (km) away, he was right there. A hundred meters (feet) away!

Holy cow!

Her heart rate quickened as Titilas purred, proud of her strong mate and his skills. Because, no matter what, in the end, Black Alpha remained Black Alpha. The superior wolf.

Suddenly, Craken stopped. Elena found herself watching her mate sniff the air ... and in a split second, those electrifying blue eyes met hers, though she was far and hidden beyond the thick nature.

An electric shock ran down her back as their eyes collided.

How the hell can he see me!? And how could he identify my scent!? Elena was speechless and slightly annoyed.

Elana couldn’t know, but there was nothing and no one, not even herself, keeping the Alpha away from his fated mate.

‘My Goodness! Run, bitch! Run!!’ Elena barked at her wolf after they both stood still, mesmerized by her mate glaring at them, with burning eyes.

When he lowered his head and stepped forward, never interrupting the burning gaze, Titilas leapt out of her trance and bolted away.

‘Shit shit shit and double shit.’ Elena was so nervous, a storm of possessed butterflies pounded in her stomach as she heard a powerful roar. It wasn’t threatening in the traditional way. More like a warning...

As the female ran with all she had got, a sound of shattered or uprooted things came from behind. The loud thumping of paws followed right after, making her blood rush frantically.

The girl knew Mirko was close. And that only made her push harder. She had the eerie feeling he had been looking forward to this particular chase. She had the certainty that she couldn’t run forever while he...probably could. He wasn’t like any of them. He was a separate species.

Suddenly, an alien scent invaded her nostrils and a fast blur to the right made Elena snap her head towards it.

Four giant wolves looking wild and dangerous were flanking her and apparently did not belong to any pack. A rancid odour flooded her senses, making her wince. She increased her speed, distancing herself slightly, but a fifth one appeared out of nowhere, in front of her, growling in a crouched position.

In that particular circumstance, she was pleased that her mate was near.

Speaking of the devil, a black blur popped out, this time growling in a way that terrified ghosts.

Titilas saw how two of the wolves ran away while the three bigger ones faced Craken. For a fleeting moment, their eyes met. There was ferocity mixed with possessiveness in his gaze but also so much affection that she almost stopped. Almost.

After a few instants, all the animals in the surroundings, including Elena, heard ear-piercing shrieks and then the sound of whimpering. The sound of life being carried away through unforgiving fangs and steel claws. A lesson for anyone trying to damage Black Alpha’s mate.

Elena could not avoid but feel impetuous waves of love for him. He was there. He had protected her. Fast and unforgiving.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind almost knocked her over and a black shadow cut her off. One second later, Craken appeared out of nowhere. Like a thunder, the black beast pounced on Titilas. The she-wolf yelped and tumbled onto the ground, somersaulting a couple of times until the ball of fur and fangs stopped, with Craken hovering over her, pinning the rebellious mate to the ground. Right below him, where she belonged.

The she-wolf felt hot breath down her furry neck and heard rough breathing. Immense body heat was waving off him. Moonlight bounced off his fur and made him look like a creature from another planet.

For a moment she felt in awe, then she remembered.

Titilas, who was the personification of pride, struggled under her other half. Trying to escape from the iron trap with four powerful legs and knives instead of canines, called Craken.

Meanwhile, Craken could not been happier as he stared at his mate. A masculine primal satisfaction flooded him. The target was acquired: mate has been chased and caught.

The Alpha Wolf ignored her paws on his muzzle and chest, and arched backwards to prevent her from hurting herself, with his own fangs and hardness.

When the opportunity presented, Craken leaned over and brushed his snout against hers, sniffing and licking her. He was not at all intimidated by her cute whim. Suddenly Titilas stopped her tantrum and stared at her mate, with large big green eyes. His eyes were already set on her. Eyes that radiated pure adoration, only for her and no one else.

Then, his snout parted to reveal sharp canines that wished to sink into her was supposed to be a smile but, well, can a t-rex really produce a smile? If a great white shark smiled at you, would you reciprocated it?

Of all creatures, Titilas was probably the only one not afraid of Craken’s infamous ′smile’. Of all creatures, she was probably the only one he had ever smiled at!

She was rather annoyed that he had submitted her...until an idea popped into her evil mind while Craken was busy sniffing her and trying to cuddle.... Cuddles that were stubbornly not returned.

Smirking internally, Titilas yelped as if to show he had hurt her. Poor naïve Craken panicked and stared at her as if she had died right under him and jumped off her as if she had burned him.

Without losing another second, Titilas jumped to her feet and rolled them to the ground, taking him completely by surprise. Now on top of him, something crossed her bright eyes making his black with lust. And then, without hesitation, as if to show who was in charge, she snapped and bit him hard in the neck. Exactly in the spot of her mark...

For the second time.

Titilas 2 – Craken 0.


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