Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 57 ~ Revelations


I swear it works ;)


Elena POV

Since I was a little girl, I had heard all sorts of stories about mates and how we werewolves needed them to keep our beasts at bay. And how we required the other half to be happy. And how we started loving our mates in a noticeably short amount of time.

Now that I had finally found mine, I realized how far all those stories were from reality. All inaccuracies and falsehoods.

Because the truth was much, much more.

In fact, I did not need my mate to calm my beast.... Mirko was a necessity without which all of myself would no longer be able to live.

In fact, I did not require my other half for me to be happy ... I required him to function.

My love for him did not grow in a short period of time ... I simply fell in love since the first day I laid eyes on him.

I never, ever imagined that my mate was the Black Alpha. I never, ever imagined the indescribable feeling of marking him, one of complete satisfaction that reached the roots of my soul.

Oddly, that day Mirko had seemed even bigger and more frightening, with a dark aura hovering over his powerful figure. Chills ran down my skin every time his intense gaze had rested on me during the insane conversation with my own father.

When Mirko decided to leave, I felt disappointed and hurt.

Was he angry that I had marked him without warning him? Why was he leaving? Did he hate my parents? He seemed too nice with my dad ...

My hormonal side wanted my mate by my side. My bestial side wanted him to mark me.

“Mirko! Wait! I-”

“Let him go Elena” My father spoke in a low tone, grabbing me by the arm. In the meantime, my mate stopped at my words, and I could not help but notice how tense his shoulders were and how hard he breathed. Disappointment washed over me when he did not turn to look at me. After another heavy second, he simply walked away, disappearing between the trees without any noise, like a black shadow.


“We have to talk. You and me.” His face was unreadable, with a certain glint that I could not decipher.

Taking a deep breath, trying to keep Titilas from running after our mate, I turned to face the Alpha of Full Moon.

“Of all places, you had to mark him right here, in your human aunt’s garden.” He said bluntly, raising an eyebrow.

Sure, it was not exactly the best idea since aunt Diletta could have appeared at any moment and noticed my sharp canines busy piercing Mirko’s neck.

“I’m surprised he didn’t mark you back. Or mated with you.” A hint of stupor and amazement transpired from his serious voice, as if this situation had never happened to him or he had never heard of.

“The guy is stronger than what the legends assumed”

Remembering that this wolf in front of me was none other than my own father, not just a friend, I tried to change the subject ...

“When I met your mother, I wasn’t patient at all. Just a week actually- ”

But I was not fast enough!

“Dad!” I covered my ears, humming a random song to avoid absorbing details about my parents’ sexual life.

“And I have to say, I respect him more for that.” Alpha Giacomo ignored my protests and continued.

Feeling the familiar flush rising my already burning cheeks, I bit my lip.

“Besides, I ignored my father-in-law and took your mother without even listening to her nonsense about courtship” He scoffed, lost in his memories.

Still not believing my parents had known about my secret all this time, I grabbed my dad’s hands before he could add more horrifying details about him and mom.

“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” These words caught his attention.

I was simply amazed by how two people like my mother and father could keep their mouths shut for so long.

“I could ask you the same question, honey.” He sighed, rubbing his face wearily, before pulling me to the chairs in the corner and gesturing for me to sit down.

“I expected you to have come directly to your mother and me that same night, after I saw you with Alpha Mirko in the clearing. I even cancelled all my meetings!”

The bitter arms of guilt hugged me when the awareness that my parents accepted Mirko began to make its way into my mind, clouded by hormones and the need for my mate.

“But you didn’t. So, I wanted to see how long you could keep it away from us. Your mother was almost dying of happiness.”

That sounded a lot like Luna Elisa.

“I’m sorry.” I finally admitted, averting my eyes.

“I was afraid of negative comments and having to choose between you guys and him.” There was no question where my choice would fall. And my father was aware of it, considering the look on his face.

“Well, I have to admit that at first I wasn’t that thrilled with the idea that my little girl had already found her mate. Especially that mate.” He grimaced at the spot where Mirko had disappeared, before returning to his stern expression.

“But the more I thought about it. The more it made sense. ” And there it was, a genuine smile. Calmness and peace invaded me instantly.

“No one else would have suited you better, my daughter, than a formidable and brave warrior like Black Alpha.” He conceded, grabbing my hands. I could already feel familiar tears welling up.

“All those weak little boys you showed me throughout the years” He frowned at the memory while I let out a laugh.

“You were much stronger and superior. And I would never let you go for someone less worthy.”

At that point I was crying like a baby. His words initiated a mix of relief and happiness I never knew I could feel one day.

“There is no one else who can protect you better than Black Alpha. Neither do I.”

Those words were strangely like Rex’s when I had revealed who my mate was.

“And as a father, that’s all I need. Apart from your happiness of course.” When some tears stained his face, I could not contain it any longer and I hugged him tightly.

“My daughter will be Black Devil’s Luna.” He sniffed, more to himself, trying to recompose himself while I was like a fountain.

“I would have killed whoever told me.” At those words we both laughed, as I wiped my face and my father hid the few tears.

“Thanks dad. You will always be my favorite man, you know that, right?” I joked but remaining serious at the same time. Luna or not, my parents and I would always stick together.

I should have known that they would accept whichever mate the Moon Goddess chose for me, that they had an incredibly open mind and deeply believed in the power of the mate’s bond, having experienced it themselves.

My father and I kept chatting after those intense moments, until the screaming humans reached us. I did not notice, too busy trying to breathe between those powerful hugs of my mother and aunt, that my father was not there anymore. His eyes focused on nothing. Lost in dark memories, in a past that I never had to live on my skin.

His mind travelled through time and space... and focused on the day he saw Alpha Tiberious for the last time ... which strangely, was the first time he saw his son, Mirko.


The Blue Star’s pack simply no longer existed. Yesterday was there, and today there was no trace of the ancient pack. Just dust and ashes, as if to testify what happened when someone crossed paths with Black Devil.

The head of Alpha Elix, a friend of my father’s and brave Alpha, hung from a spike held by one of the Black Devil’s men, or something that looked like a man. While the wolves of the Black Devil were passing with many other cut off heads on sharp spikes, my Beta and I were watching them from atop a hill, from a safe distance. Not that they did not notice us, but we were safe as long as we broke into their business.

In front of that procession of brutal warriors, more like beasts than men, was none other than Alpha Tiberious, the biggest and most horrible man I had ever had the misfortune to meet, just behind him stood his thugs: the Beta, rapist of women, and the Gamma, killer mates.

What caught my attention, though, was a boy walking alongside Tiberious. Somehow, I knew he was his son, the famous devil’s son. Some of his features resembled his father’s sharp ones, though his eyes, hair, and some facial elements were not at alike. though they walked and moved in a similar way, the predatory position was evident.

So, it was true. The son of Alpha Tiberious who had survived the Alakasian Mountains was back, bigger, and more ferocious than ever.

Alpha Tiberious had always been a ticking bomb to all the packs. Both my father and I had always made sure that none of my men, children or women accidentally passed by the vicinity of his pack. I avoided his pack’s members at all costs. To avoid any pretext for war and bloodshed.

Rumors said he had killed his mate, apparently a she-wolf from another pack. Although I was sceptical about it... I could not imagine anyone killing his own soulmate. Not even the devil himself.

Alpha Elix’s son, Alpha of Blue Star, was the mate of one of their (few) women, and the two innocents met by chance. Both were killed instantly after refusing to ‘cooperate’ with Balck Devil’s ‘law’.

And the rest was a chain of events until all it took was a couple of hours for a thriving and rich werewolf’s pack to disappear from the world, as if it never existed.

The boy had a strange look and his size was already massive. At that time, I only heard stories about his wolf, Craken. I could see trace of his wolf right now.

Never had I ever seen a werewolf able to shift partially like he could. It was as if the boy and his wolf coexisted perfectly, sharing and dividing the body too naturally.

But above all, I never ever imagined that he would be my daughter’s mate, my son-in-law.

AN/ Next update on Saturday my loves!!

PS: From which country are you reading? :)

Me: Denmark, although I’m not from there!

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