Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 56 ~ They Always Knew It

AN/ Hello loves!!! Here the next chapter, enjoy ;)

Love you and have a great weekend!!!!


Realization hit her like a tsunami and a swirl of memories passed through her confused and overloaded brain.

How her father had been completely relaxed in Mirko’s territory ... and his cryptic looks ...

How both parents had made several jokes about how she had slept, exchanging “knowing looks” ...

The time when Rex and Elena told them how Mirko broke Riccardo’s legs and how happy his parents had been ...


“What happened to Riccardo?” Luna Elisa exclaimed with worried eyes, staring at the photo on Rex’s phone. Alpha Giacomo, on the other hand, looked amused by the situation, pressing his lips in a thin line to suppress a laugh.

“Black Alpha beat him up really badly before his Gamma could move him away.” Elena snapped, with angry eyes and her jaw clenched.

“Black Alpha did that?” Luna Elisa questioned with sudden curiosity.

“Only with one kick?” Now Alpha Giacomo’s ear-to-ear smile was illuminating the whole room.

“I thought you didn’t like Alpha Mirko.” Elena glanced at him suspiciously.

“I just think that little Ricky must have deserved it, otherwise why the hell Alpha Mirko would have beaten him up?”


His father had never liked Riccardo since Elena and he had “dated”. Elena thought that her father had been so happy with the news of Mirko breaking him only because someone had finally done what he had always wanted to do: teach poor Riccardo a lesson.

But now, under this new discovery, Elena realized that her father had been happy because his daughter’s true mate had beaten a boy who had dared to go out with her, his daughter, and had shown how possessive and protective he was towards her.

More flashbacks appeared in her overwhelmed and tumultuous mind ...


“So sugary!” Elena mocked her parents, rolling her eyes.

“Sweetie, one day you will understand when you find your mate!” Her mother winked at her, oddly. She was not the type to wink…that was weird.

“She will…” Her dad paused to kiss Luna Elisa’s nose. “After her thirty-fifth birthday, when I let her go out with the boys.” He smirked at Elena, with a strange twinkle in his eyes. It was as if he was making fun of something Elena was unaware of…

“Hush!” Her mother shoved him away. “If not, when she finds her mate, she won’t tell us just because of your silly threats.” They both chuckled and stared at her.

Elena almost chocked on a piece of apple.

“She better does. And as long as it’s not from Black Devil, I will have no complaints.” He said casually, taking the newspaper from the counter.

“What?!” Elena blurted out, drawing everyone’s attention.

Her parents stared at her with two equally indecipherable faces. How they managed to do it, she’d never know.

“Have you found your mate and is he from Black Devil?” Her father asked with a poker face.

“N-no, I haven’t found him…” Elena murmured, looking at her nails with too much interest.

“So there’s no problem!” Her dad shrugged and took a sip from his cup. “Now get ready for school. Maybe your mate is there, waiting for you.”


But the biggest and most disturbing of all the memories had been the infamous day when her father asked her, or rather, forced her to accompany him to Black Devil, and had not accepted a no as an answer.


“I can’t dad!” I squeaked, louder than I intended to. Rex coughed, trying to hide the snicker that escaped his lips. I glared at him before I turned back to my father.

“I-I have to go somewhere ... for a school project!”

My father stared at me suspiciously, his eyes had narrowed to two slits.

“Tell me the truth Elena. Why don’t you want to escort me there and attend a regular meeting with another Alpha?”

“Ok…you caught me.” I admitted with false concern, fidgeting.

“The truth is that, err, I’m afraid of him. He is so scary. I don’t want to meet him.”

And now it was Rex’s turn to cough to avoid choking.

“Of whom? Of Alpha Mirko?” My father asked in amazement. There was a weird spark in his eyes…

“Y-yes.” I stuttered, moving my feet to accentuate my false nervousness.

“Come on, he is not the terrific black demon as everyone thinks. And the fact that Marco and his Beta are mates, it plays in our favour. We can put aside the discord of the past and maintain a semi-civil relationship. I won’t need to watch out for a possible invasion anymore.”

‘Oh. Certainly, I didn’t expect this.’ I meditated on his words. A sense of relief overwhelmed me knowing that my father did not completely despise Mirko.

“And excuse me, but haven’t you met him at school yet?” He questioned, scrunching his eyebrows.

“Mhm, not really” I lied without hesitation. “But I don’t want to be near him, dad. So…better you go alone.”

“Don’t be silly. I will be with you, nothing will happen. Also, I’ve heard that Alpha Mirko is quite popular with girls, he might fascinate you too, Elena!” My dad chuckled, studying me for a second.


Elena’s eyes widened at that particular memory, and how her father had claimed how Mirko was famous among the girls!

The gall of him!

And that same day, her dad had also witnessed their quarrels ... and congratulated Mirko for his new girlfriend!!!!


“Uhm, Elena.” His hand touched her shoulder in a reassuring gesture.

“I wasn’t aware you already knew Alpha Mirko. Or his girlfriend.”

Then he shifted his attention to Mirko who looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Congratulations. This girl must be quite a catch for you to commit!” He winked with a sly smile.


They have known about it for all this time!!

“I have to repeat, Elena, that I am very disappointed that you haven’t said anything to us all this time.”

Elena opened her mouth but nothing came out, so she closed it again. She was still too shocked.

“And Alpha Mirko” His attention was now on the big Alpha next to his daughter.

“Did you really think you could sneak into my territory and go unnoticed?” A mixture of annoyance and challenge swirled in his inquiring gaze.

When Mirko did not answer, Elena finally looked at him... and panted at the view.

His chest was rising frantically up and down. His eyes seemed mad. His figure was slightly shaking.

“Oh, Alpha Giacomo” Again, his voice was strange, distorted.

“I have entered your territory unnoticed most nights since then” He looked like a black devil ... what was wrong with him? There was something evil about his voice.

And there was no obvious remorse for sneaking into her father’s territory.

“What?” Elena exclaimed when she realized what he had admitted. Had he gone to see her most nights? How.... why...?

At her words, Mirko’s attention shifted to Elena. He gritted his teeth before a larger fire ignited in the recess of his eyes. “Why haven’t you told me?” She stammered under that deadly look but he simply stared at her without answering.

Mirko looked like a predator about to jump on her at any moment.

In the meantime, Alpha Giacomo, who did not seem to be surprised at all by the news, could not deny that he was impressed by Mirko’s ability to break through without being noticed.

“I had to make sure she was safe,” Mirko admitted, averting his fiery gaze away from his little mate and bringing it back to Giacomo.

“I see.” A flash of respect crossed Alpha Giacomo’s face before being replaced by annoyance one second later.

“You are lucky to be my daughter’s mate or I would have cut your throat right now for violating my territory.” There was something that suggested that his statement was serious, that he wasn’t kidding at all.

Mirko, however, was not at all afraid of it, on the contrary, he scoffed, as if Giacomo had just said something ridiculous.

“And you, Full Moon Alpha, are lucky to be the father of my mate or I would have thrown you in my prison.” The sincerity of his words made Elena shudder, but Alpha Giacomo didn’t seem at all impressed ... despite having Black Alpha in front of him.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice those scouts that you placed near my pack. To spy on us.” Mirko’s eyes narrowed into two slits. Testosterone levels were rising rapidly ... until Alpha Giacomo snorted.

“Those were mostly to control your Beta’s movements, since he came in and out of my pack as he pleased,” Alpha Giacomo groaned, rolling his eyes as he remembered how Crucifero went to visit Marco without asking permission at the beginning of their relation.

“Speaking of scouts, don’t think I haven’t noticed your men scattered around my pack, Alpha Mirko ...”

A frown climbed on Alpha Giacomo face as his lips pursed.

Now was Mirko’s turn to show surprise. “Well, Elena likes to wander alone many times. And I couldn’t always be there to check on her”

“She does, doesn’t she?” Alpha Giacomo chuckled shaking his head.

Meanwhile Elena was flabbergasted. They had gone from threatening each other to laughing at her. But she still couldn’t pronounce a single word.

Luckily the tension was gone, at least the one between Mirko and her father ...

“Now, if you excuse me, Alpha Giacomo, I have to go. I’ll leave you with your daughter. Greetings to Luna and Diletta.”

Alpha Giacomo simply nodded.

“Don’t forget our chat, young man”

“I won’t.” He nodded respectfully before shaking hands.

“And you,” Mirko suddenly growled, towering over Elena. His nostrils widened and his posture seemed even larger and more powerful than usual.

“Don’t think I forgot what you did a little while ago.” To emphasize the phrase, he touched the fresh mark, hissing in the act, and closing his eyes. Elena wasn’t sure if it had been a wail or a moan ... or both.

When he opened them again, his eyes were pitch black.

“I’ll give you today,” he deadpanned. “Talk to your parents. Rest. Eat.” The look on his face and his unspoken promise was enough to tell Elena that he would not let her get away with the mark. Mirko was looking at her in a way she never saw him doing before.

There was this guttural look that wanted her to run away and jump at him at the same time.

“But tomorrow I will come looking for you.” His elongated claws lingered on her cheek without really touching her while his eyes scanned her whole face with a mixture of longing and hanger

“And I’ll find you. No matter where you hide”

AN/ oh-oh!!! Mirko will hunt ;) and this time, not a deer!

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