Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 58 ~ Nervous

After the chat with my father and a long and embarrassing ‘interrogation’ with my mother and aunt, we were finally back home.

A day full of events to say the least.

As relieved as I was that my family and close friends knew about Mirko, as if a boulder had been removed from my stomach, I felt somewhat nervous. On edge.

I couldn’t keep my crazed hormones at bay. I couldn’t calm my frenzied heart. I couldn’t regulate my breathing. I couldn’t pacify the army of evil goblins that were creating a mess inside me.

My father was right, Mirko had waited a long, too long, time to mark me. Considering he was an Alpha wolf, beyond territorial, the fact was extraordinary, never heard of.

That night, when my mother finally let me go to bed, I kept tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position but my attempts were futile. Not that I expected differently.

After an hour and a half of fruitless attempts, my eyes were still wide open and frustrated beyond all limits. So I pulled the blankets aside and marched to my wardrobe.

Mirko had promised to come tomorrow morning... I shivered at the memory of that hungry look, that vow... but I decided that my mate had waited long enough.

Maybe it was rash, without thinking, but I made up my mind: i would go to him, that same night.

Chuckling to myself, I took a quick shower, doing what needed to be done, even though I didn’t put any cream on since I knew how much Mirko loved my natural scent.

How I wished Marco still lived here to advise me on what to wear “under my clothes”. Then I remembered how little Mirko cared about aesthetics.

When I was almost ready, nervousness and uncertainty began to infiltrate the crevices of my confidence again.

Should I stay or should I go?

‘Come on, stop being a chicken and go to your mate with your head held high, Elena!’

I motivated myself, like a crazy old lady. Beside, I wasn’t entirely sure Mirko would want to, um, ‘complete the mating process’ all the way... Argh, I couldn’t even think about it without blushing like an overripe tomato.

Maybe he just wanted to mark me ... by then I was so lost in the lands of anxiety and trepidation that for a moment I even wished I had at least one boyfriend with whom I had done everything instead of being completely inexperienced.

Would he have liked to be with me after all the experienced women he’d had before? What if he thought it was boring to do it with me?

Biting my lip, I began to consider calling Marco, even though it was 2 in the morning, since Rex was out of the question and Giulia... well, she had been weird lately. Feeling guilty for not talking to her, I jotted down in the corner of my mind to see her first thing tomorrow, after Mirko and I-er ... another wave of blush hit me hard.

As I grabbed the phone, I pressed my friend’s name. Luckily it was ringing.

“Hi” His hoarse voice made me smile for a moment.

“Hey,” I said, biting my lip. What was I supposed to even say?

Am I nervous for my first time that I’m not even sure it’s gonna happen? I’m afraid my mate won’t like it? What do I have to do to make him sexually happy?

“Baby, is everything okay?” now he seemed more alert and I heard Crucifero’s deep voice ask what was wrong.

“It’s Elena” he whispered to his partner.

“Nothing wrong ... I just need to-uh” I swallowed placing my hand on my forehead. “I just need to talk to you in private”

“Sure, give me a second” His words were followed by muffled background noises.

“Here I am. All yours.” Marco’s so familiar voice somehow relaxed me. Even though he was mated and I was barely seeing him lately, I knew I could always count on him, no matter what. 18 years of friendship was no small feat.

“So” I started “I want to surprise Mirko today-”

A shrill squeal interrupted me. “OMG! My little girl is about to fuck!” Shaking my head, I chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Alpha Mirko will expel all that pressure that has accumulated since he met you! The boy is a saint, El! ”

I decided to ignore his last comment not sure how to respond.

“Well ok ... the thing is, I’m a little nervous,” I admitted without the need of giving any further details. Another perk of such a friendship.

“Oh honey, that’s normal!”

“How was it for you and, uh, Crucifero?” As soon as I finished the sentence, I realized my mistake.

“So hot! Oh and I couldn’t walk for days!” He exclaimed laughing warmly.

“But also intense, unmatched.” His tone became serious, distracting me from the embarrassment.

“Now, we both had our share of experience before, but nothing can prepare you for what happens with your fated mate, El. Everyone who came before magically disappears! And I wish I had waited for my mate.”

Some of my doubts pulverised, although few remained. “I’m afraid he won’t like my inexperience”

“Are you kidding me?! He’s so crazy about you that you could behave like a stone during sex and it would still be the best sex he had ever had in his life!! Plus the guy stares at you like you are the most delicious piece of meat in the history of pieces of meat. I’m surprised he doesn’t drool half of the time!”

Scrunching my eyebrows, I only focused on the word ‘stone’. What did he mean?!

“Plus I’m 10000% sure your first time will be memorable. Have you seen that hunk? I’m sure he’s got a huge-”

A growl reverberated from the line. “Sssh baby, I’ll be back soon. Now go away. Up Up. ” Marco cooed as if nothing had happened.

“What were we talking about? Ah yes, I’m sure Mirko is huge down there and you will be fully satisfied-”

When another snarl, even louder than the previous one, interrupted our conversation and the line suddenly went dead, I gasped.

The jealous Crucifero couldn’t help but get angry.

Marco’s words and Crucifero’s little show helped me, even though his remark about how “big” my mate could be made me shiver.

Opting for comfortable clothes, once I was happy with how I looked, I walked out of the room.

Passing the quiet corridor, I silently closed every door.

Once in the woods, I headed for that pack that everyone feared. That pack from which everyone had to stay away. The pack of which I will soon become the Luna.


Once I arrived, standing a few meters from the border line, I simply remained motionless, like a statue. Staring at that much-discussed and all-too-silent territory, like inside a grave, I mulled once more whether I should turn around and go back.

Short and crooked trunks supported their broad range of slender branches and thick twigs. That nature looked angry. That was a forbidden land from which even the wild animals stayed away.

‘I don’t think this is a good idea, El’ Titilas commented as we were approaching.

That night the moon had decided not to show up and the wind was screaming in a secret language. Maybe it was a premonition, maybe I should have listened to the wind and just go back to ‘sleep’, in the safety of my pack.

No. I shook my head and clenched my fists.

After all, this was my future land and my wonderful mate was somewhere in there.

If Mirko could join my pack and visit me unnoticed, why couldn’t I?

So I made my way through the land, like a cloud of mist, silent, downwind, as I had been trained.

Soon enough, doubts attacked my mind once more. What if Mirko wasn’t at home? I cursed for leaving my phone at home, unable to call him.

Too engrossed on my thoughts, at the last second I noticed a huge trap hidden in the bushes, practically invisible. Luckily my father had trained me well ... or I probably would have died instantly.

Why was there such a trap? Fear began to creep into me. Maybe, it was better if Mirko came to me, I told myself--

“Well well well” an evil voice called from behind a tree. “What do we have here?”

Two huge brutes appeared as if they had just materialised there. I did not hear of smell anything at all.

One was a walking wall, with a long beard gathered in a braid like a Viking. The other seemed smaller, though everyone would have been next to the viking one.

“Let’s kill her and go to sleep, Arch”

After the initial moment of shock subsided, my drowsy mind absorbed what he had just said.

“I am your future Luna and I am Mirko’s mate.” I declared confidently. “Now, take me to him please”

My father would have been proud. He always said be confident when you ask for something but do not forget to be polite (here’s the please).

The two bulls widened their eyes for a second, then turned to look at each other and then again looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow when they started laughing. A laugh that made my skin crawl, because it was a fake laugh, as if the two were born without the ability to laugh.

“Yes yes, and I am the son of the Moon Goddess” the ‘little one’ smirked, showing rotten teeth and eyes that promised all sorts of pain.

“The mate of the Alpha” repeated the other, not believing me even a little with his mocking voice.

“Then why don’t you take me to him and ask?” I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes. I won’t let those rude animals despise me even before I became the Luna.

“you are crazy if you think we will wake Alpha up now.” Fear crossed his ugly face.

“Do you want to risk me being his real mate and disrespect me? I don’t think so.” Anger helped me keep up with them.

They froze for a moment and then snorted as if I said something ridiculous.

“Alpha already chose his future Luna, Cornelia, plus he doesn’t want a mate, everyone knows that.”

To my dismay, those words managed to hurt me more than I thought.

“Come on, take her to the Underworld. Let Gamma decide what to do with her once he wakes up.”

And so, ignoring my bites, yells and kicks, one grabbed me and threw me on on his shoulder as if I were a stupid doll while the other kept me from moving.

Damned super strong and well trained warriors!

While a part of me was proud of their abilities, another was overwhelmingly indignant. I will not give up without a fight .... on the verge of changing my strategy and attacking again, I stopped when I smelled something.

“What the fuck are you two doing exactly?” A deep, angry voice came from above the trees and a huge shadow appeared, towering everyone and freezing the two guards on the spot.


AN/ Who is that?!

If you’re thinking “Why the hell didn’t Elena stay in her room” put an emoji with a devil in the comment section below ;)

If you are thinking “I hope it’s Mirko and I hope they’ll mate” put an emoji with a baby in the comment section below ;)

Love you all and have a great weekend! See you next week for a surprise update ;)

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