Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 39 ~ Disinfestation & Sanitization Plan-V1

Mirko POV

When I finished with Cornelia, she had remained on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Her hands covered her face and bloodshot eyes.

I should have felt like a brute or at least slightly guilty. But I wasn’t. Not at all.

Sooner or later it had to be done.

Rolling my eyes before her weeping act, I crossed my arms over my chest, reflecting on my next move. When I got to our meeting point, she was already there, naked. I had never worried about nudity, it was a fairly normal aspect for us werewolves, especially in my territory.

‘Yea suuure, now you say so…but would you like our mate to stand naked in front of someone else?’ Craken appeared inside my head.

Although I had never considered that scenario, it took me exactly 2 seconds to respond.

‘It will never happen’ I growled at my stupid wolf, receiving an annoying chuckle.

Wait a minute…Did she used to stay naked after shifting back to her human form or did she wear clothes straight away?! Was she together with those idiotic friends of hers when she did it? And how about that Rinaldo, or whatever his name was? Did he see her naked?!

(AN/ Mirko meant 'Riccardo' :'D)

The urge to go straight to her pack and ask her whether she ever showed her ‘treasures’ before or after shifting had almost prevailed. Unfortunately, I had to postpone that specific conversation, since, at that moment, I had a more critical matter to manage. A matter called Cornelia.

‘As if mate would agree to talk to you anyway’ Craken grumbled, still mad that I had pissed off mate. In fact, Craken liked to think it was my fault only… sometimes the genius tended to forget that we weren’t two separate individuals.

‘Don’t remind me that she is mad, ok?’ I groaned, shutting my eyes. What should you do when your female was angry, steaming and fuming for something you had done?! Bring her a dead deer that I would hunt personally for her as an “apology gift”? Tell her one of those sugary ridiculous things that females seemed to like?

‘What an idiot. Isn’t it obvious?!’ Craken scolded me as if I had been a naughty kid.

‘So, what do you think we should do, Dr. Craken? Enlighten me!’ I mocked him, raising my eyebrow. Apparently, my wolf had become a love expert.

’I call it: D&SPv1. Short for Disinfestation & Sanitization Plan ~ v1. And, of course, we have to eradicate the pestilence starting from our pack.’

Chuckling and shaking my head, I immediately understood what he meant.

‘It’s not a bad idea, Crak. And how exactly are we going to proceed?’

’We kill all the women we slept with. Then we burn their bodies.’ He proposed bluntly. The funny fact: he wasn’t kidding. He never did.

’So…this would be the ‘pest control’ phase?’ I had to admit that I was curious to hear more about D&SPv1, the idea of “removing” all the women we had had sex with didn’t sound so bad.

‘Yea, after which we must disinfect everywhere to safely remove their stench.’ He explained in a way as if I should have known already.

‘Tempting, but I’d rather stick with the dead deer for now, but thanks for your always innovative ideas!’ The teasing in my voice hadn’t gone unnoticed as he snarled offended.

“M-Mirko?” Cornelia’s stammering voice interrupted my little quarrel with Craken, of which he wasn’t happy about it.

‘Oh come on! Who cares about this bitch? Let’s just put D&SPv1 into action with her. Right now! Do it quick so then we can go to ma-’

‘Shush you, stupid wolf! I can’t kill an important member of my warrior team. I’ve explained it to you a thousand times.’ My voice was exasperated.

‘We already have many, one less will make no difference.’ He replied stubbornly.

Although alluring, I wasn’t always a monster, unlike “someone else”.

‘I’m not a monster! Sorry for being practical.’ Craken snorted into my head, marching back and forth like a dog that had been kept in a cage for too long.

‘Have you thought about how many problems this Cornelia will give Elena once she becomes the Luna?’

His statement had managed to silence me. Honestly? No, I hadn’t considered that possibility.

‘When she bears my mark, nobody will dare to touch her or even get close to her.’ I was becoming increasingly furious. Craken had touched a sensitive spot, as I was literally dying to mark her.

Hearing a noise, I noticed that Cornelia was staring at me with a questioning look (I had talked a lot with my wolf) mixed with fear and uncertainties.

I may have used a little too much of my famous intimidating ways on her, but she deserved it all.

The fact was that one day, Elena, my beautiful and fierce companion, would become the Luna of my pack. No doubt about it.

I, the Alpha of one of the strongest werewolf packs in the world, full of warriors who were more wild beasts than men, had no idea how to deal with her. I wasn’t quite sure why she was pissed at me yet. I still wasn’t sure how to make up for it.

But there was one thing I was 100% sure of: I had to put Cornelia back in her place. By disrespecting my mate, her future Luna, by inviting me to have sex, Cornelia had disrespected me, her Alpha.

Since I had met Elena, all the other females had MAGICALLY disappeared from my eyesight. I could only see her. I could only think of her. I could only want her.

Although we had different opinions about our past love life ~ I will make sure to ruin whoever she had before me ~ I would never, ever be with any other woman. I was physically unable to do so, as a wolf was unable to eat grass.

Cornelia had always been a precious patrol warrior with her refined sense of smell and fighting skills. My father, whom I wish he cannot rest in peace, had personally trained her with the rest of us. Over the time, her unshakeable loyalty towards me had turned into a disturbing infatuation.

Indeed, Gamma Rolando had warned me how Cornelia was becoming too obsessed, how this could cause issues in the future. However, I had always postponed the matter, not giving it too much importance.

When she had offered herself to me like a tribute, I realized that things got out of hand.

So, when I got to our meeting point, about 30 minutes ago, I had pinned her to the wall with one hand wrapped around her neck, making sure to maintain a safe distance between our bodies. Her eyes had almost popped out and breath hitched.

I had gone straight to the point with a bold, threatening speech that would have scared the crap out of everyone else.

As soon as I released her, she fell on the ground and started crying while I was busy talking to Craken.

And now here we were.

“P-please Mirko. I’m s-sorry.”

“Just shut up, would you?!” I growled harsher than what I meant to.

“When you will find your mate, you will understand. I’m not the one for you, I never was. I will make you unhap-“

“Nooo you won’t! Please give me another chance Alpha!” Her desperate pleas made me sick. Was she really expecting us to have sex? I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief.

“Then I don’t think I’ve been clear enough with you, Cornelia. Did you hear me before?!” I snarled, using my Alpha voice.

“If you are not willing to accept my mate and learn to respect her, you will have no choice. You will not be given the option to leave the pack since I cannot allow a threat to my mate to be on the loose. Either you will gladly accept my mate with the same loyalty and respect you have towards me, or you will go straight to The Underworld. And it’s an order.”

Hearing that word, Cornelia shivered violently. It was the Voldemort of Black Devil, the black cloud with thunders and evil.

“And don’t even try to escape.” In a swift movement, I grabbed her by her arm. “Because I will personally come and hunt--”

I was unable to complete my threat as the fool tried to kiss me. I was so surprised by her action that it took me a few seconds to fully realize the implications of her gesture. As if all my Alpha warnings and orders hadn’t even scratched her.

That did it ... The fool had dug her own grave.

Trying to kiss me, Cornelia had chosen her destiny: The Underworld.


AN/ Come on my lovely friends!! Have you really thought Mirko would cheat on Elena?! Who had faith in Mirko?! :D

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