Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 38 ~ Cheating?

Elena had decided it might be worth skipping school and calling it a day. And for several reasons!

First of all, she was completely exhausted after the unstoppable sleepless nights.

Secondly, she certainly did not want to undergo the interrogation that a bouncing, extremely happy Marco would have subjected her to. Elena had almost had a heart attack when she realized that Marco knew about her and Mirko.

Running away from Marco, an expert hunter with regard to other people’s affairs, was to say the least impossible. But she had planned to avoid him as much as she could (which meant a couple of hours, just enough time to take a well-deserved nap).

Anyway, the event that made her exhaust all her energies, triggering the strong desire to go home, was the match with Mirko... just after he had asked her out ...

Would they still go out on?! Elena wasn’t sure. No way she would have asked him!


Walking through the path in the woods, reflecting on her daily misfortunes, Elena wasn’t paying too much attention to what surrounded her.

Goosebumps appeared on her skin so suddenly and she rubbed them away. The bad weather was starting as the rain finally poured down from the heaven and drenched the ground once again. The birds were not heard singing and the forest had thickened, with potential beasts that wallowed in it.

Elena looked towards the dark trees, with the eerie feeling of being watched. Her eyes lingered in one particular spot as she thought she saw something...

A huge black shadow began to crawl towards Elena.

“Herculi!” She exclaimed, releasing the sigh of relief that she had unwittingly held back.

It was from the day of the attack, precisely since Herculi tried to bite her, that she had never heard from the wolf again. Not that Elena had looked for him, considering how much she had been in the clouds. And now, there it was, popped out of nowhere.

Almost skeletal, with several scratches and wounds, prominent bones, the lone wolf watched her carefully, almost from a safe distance, almost as if he were... on alert? Something was wrong…

He raised his nose in the air, sniffing a few times ... then snapped his head towards her and stepped away. Those familiar yellow eyes that had always reminded her of home were full of fear and awe.

“Hey you, what’s wrong?” She asked softly, without expecting a real answer.

When the girl tried to get closer, he lowered his ears, yelping, and ran away as if he had seen the devil himself.

What a strange behaviour…

Elena sighed, shaking her head. ’And now we can add this to my fantastic day! Wow’ She thought sarcastically while she started to walk again.

She didn’t think for a minute that Herculi had picked up Mirko’s smell on her. Although not marked, its strong scent still lingered on the oblivious girl. And it warned the other wolves to run away from her… and to do it fast…very fast.


Cornelia POV

A heat wave crossed my limbs ... I just couldn’t stop thinking about my beloved Alpha and getting hot.

I had spotted him this morning at school, in all his glory, but he seemed extremely angry ... he seemed almost ... jealous? Then I noticed that he was staring at three Full Moon idiots, a girl and two boys. She was passable, with zero curves. The two guys were ok, nothing compared to my Mirko.

Alpha was probably just furious to see them there, at our school.

He couldn’t have any reason to be jealous ... he didn’t have a girlfriend.

Because if he had, I would have known. Trust me.

I would inflict her the worst pains, making her dash away with her tail between her filthy legs.

He was mine. Only mine.

Oh, I loved it wholeheartedly. The feelings were not very reciprocated, but I knew that sooner or later he would change his mind. And until then, it was fine to keep my heart broken. It was worth it if that guaranteed me a small piece of my Mirko.

We grew up together, Mirko and I. I saw him grow, become smarter, bigger, more feared. I prayed every night that he was my mate, but then he wasn’t.

When did things ever go in the right direction?!

Suddenly, I heard him scream and shout several orders to us, his guards, through our mind-link.

Speaking of the devil.

Once again, he seemed extremely angry for some reasons ... he usually liked to fuck around when pissed, however I hadn’t heard of him sneaking with someone for some time. I always kept track of his quickies, always making sure to beat the hell out of them after he was done with them.

Lately he had seemed different, more balanced but, at the same time, more tense… if that was even possible.

There was a missing piece I should have detected, something I should have understood...

’Oh, anyway, it doesn’t matter now. I want to ask him what’s wrong. Maybe I can comfort him…’

You could never know when he will decide to fuck you again. It had been too long since last time, and I was desperate.


Nobody could satisfy me as he did. There was no one like him.

‘Alpha, why are you so mad?’ I cooed. I felt the lower part of my body become jelly, anticipating his response.

’None of your business. Leave me alone’ He groaned with that hypnotizing and deep voice. His words tugged at my already raped heart.

‘Come on, I can make you feel better. You know it!’ I insisted, patiently.

When he didn’t reply, I tried a bit more. Maybe it was my lucky day…

‘You don’t want to realise the beast… do you? You know you need me…’

His next words would be the ones that will change my life forever. Something I never expected.

I’ve found my mate, Corn.’


I could feel my body numb more and more, my head was spinning, tears welling in my eyes.

How could he do this to me?

‘What?! When? Who is she?’ Somehow I managed to ask him

I hadn’t even noticed I fell to the ground until I felt fresh blood come out of a wound.

I know he would sense my uneasiness, and I know how much he hated dealing with crying women. I had to be stronger!

‘Does it really matter?’ He snorted impatiently, as if he wanted to get rid of me.

‘So that’s it? Our relation is over?!’ I stammered, covering my eyes with a trembling hand.

’What relationship!? What we had, was just a release for me, it didn’t matter.’ He clarified boldly.

‘And you knew it from the beginning’

His honesty and confidence were two of the characteristics for which I had loved him even more.

I remained silent for a few seconds while the wheels of my brain were spinning.

‘Okay then this could be our farewell. What do you say? One last night, for the sake of our past... So you can calm your boiling blood and avoid destroying the pack house again, before starting your life together with your mate’ I stealthily proposed, spitting the word mate.

I kept trying to convince him. Maybe he would have accepted...

‘Please Alpha! It’s just sex! What harm can it do if it never mattered to you anyway? It’s just to allow your beast to calm down!’

When Mirko didn’t answer, I thought he had cut our mind-link... But what he said later, made me grin endlessly.

‘Meet me behind the gym in 1 hour’


Next chapter will start with Mirko POV


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