Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 37 ~ The Fight

The thought of her with other men made him insane.




His wolf had already promised to hunt down everyone who had kissed or even touched her... and it would be a hunt to kill.

None left to tell.

His jaw tickled frantically, reminding a bomb about to explode at any moment. His bloodshot eyes hid a volcanic explosion that was about to leave vast plains of desolation and death. His shadow reminded of an unstoppable tsunami sent by the evil king of the sea depths to massacre humanity.

“Answer me.” He ordered through gritted teeth.

Now she seemed more guarded, as if she didn’t intend to revel too much. And that intensified Mirko’s fury even more.

‘Tell him you were joking, please! I don’t want to fight with mate.’ Titilas whined like an abandoned puppy on a deserted street.

Elena could not believe that her wolf did not even have an ounce of pride. Sure, he was their mate. He made them feel vulnerable, he made them forget everything and everyone.

‘No way! It’s a matter of respect! And I’m not so naïve, I didn’t expect him to be a virgin…’ She cringed, remembering that she was a virgin.

How pitiful ...

‘But at least he could avoid slamming in my face that he slept around every time he felt like!’

There’s a big difference between knowing about all male werewolves are horny 24/7 and having the sexual past of your own mate crammed down your throat.

‘Arghhhh’ Her mood was becoming more and more black.

‘At least mate is honest’ Titilas suggested, though hesitant, uncertainty stained her usual confidence.

Did Mirko have many girlfriends before meeting her? He probably had half a dozen, all on a rotating schedule. Cornelia on Monday, Rutia on Tuesday, Amber on Wednesday…

Or worse: had he ever loved someone? Had he ever had a serious relationship?!

The shadow of insecurity and doubt re-emerged in her mind, starting to expand to her stomach. What if he hasn’t stopped seeing them? She had always taken it from granted that he did it… But what if he didn’t?!

‘Pff, impossible! Because we would feel unbearable pain in the chest every time mate is with another female!’ Titilas declared, self-confident.

Meanwhile Mirko continued to stare at Elena, the intensity of his anger increased with the passing of the seconds.

Elena should have felt afraid or intimidated. But the image of Cornelia wrapping her dirty hands on his biceps, back at school, infused new waves of anger. It gave her the courage to lift her chin and respond to Mirko in the way he deserved.

“So, what if I did it? Since, apparently, you slept with any woman every time you and your wolf-” Craken whined, covering his eyes with his front paws “-felt the need to let off some steam! And I guess it was every single day, considering how you are!” She snapped with her chest heaving up and down, and her little fists clenched.

Mirko’s eyes widened for a second before he chuckled at her insinuation, though he looked deadly serious. Or rather, frightening serious.

“And how would you be so sure of everything? Mhm?” He baited her. His voice was tight and controlled like he was holding back his fury.

Growling, Elena felt the need to punch that pretty face. And, she certainly would have done it...if it weren’t for the fact that she probably would have hurt herself more. Maybe she would have even broken her hand, since he was made of stones...

“Uuuh, you are so infuriating, Mirko!” At her words, he snorted, crossing his arms over his chest, and lifted his head up to the sky, looking at it with exasperation. Elena would have laughed at his childish expression had it not been for the situation.

“I don’t care what you did, because I went on pleeeenty of dates, and you know what? Riccardo and I had been a couple for some time!”

Mirko snapped his head towards her, his nostrils flared.


It seemed like he was trying to keep his beast at bay. She was left breathless, lost in his tenebrous gaze and hesitated before another surge of anger gave her the energy to continue.

“But that’s fine because, guess what?!” She nudged him, trying to avoid the sparks and killing all the butterflies initiated by the touch.

"I didn’t know you yet!" She had repeated his own words, from before, condescendingly. “Because even my wolf had the animal/carnal instincts!”

It was not true, female werewolves were different from unmated male werewolves, but Elena would not have specified that!

Uh uh.

Meanwhile Mirko hadn’t even blinked.

“So?” He spitted out, through his elongated fangs.

Before she could reply, he roared: “And it’s not the same, Elena! I’m a man!”

‘Oh bro, that was low’ Craken murmured, shaking his head in disapproval. All his cockiness gone.

“What did you just say?” She barked shoving him away, which obviously didn’t happen since he was three times her size.

Mirko growled in frustration, suddenly turning around, and hitting the poor tree behind him.

“Why are you so damn difficult?”

“I’m not being difficult” Elena denied, trying not to flinch seeing the uprooted (huge) tree. Mirko was so freaking strong…

“God, you are so argumentative!” He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

“Excuse me?” She asked indignantly, placing her hands on her hips. “Well, hello genius!! I’m your mate so I’m perfect for you, argumentative and everything!”

He cursed, muttering something under his breath.

“And, mister, if you aren’t happy with mua, then go on a date with that Cornelia bitch!” She yelled, taking quick shallow breaths in an attempt to calm down.

“I may do just that!” He shouted back.


“Urgh!” Elena reached out as if about to punch or kill him (as if), then brought her fists back and stormed off.

Imaginary steam was coming out of her ears.

And so, ended one of the biggest quarrels between Mirko and Elena.


Mirko POV

All I want was to shower her with more kisses and mark her as mine. The impulse became more intense the more time I spent with her. SO intense that sometimes I couldn’t contain my fangs. Not to mention the effect of having her near me. I was constantly tense and, well…

So. Fucking. Hard.

With each passing day, Craken became more and more impatient, restless, urgent, especially after seeing those boys who had dared to touch what was ours, back at school.

Sure, they were her friends.

Sure, one of them was gay.

But did I give a shit? Not even a little.

Do I still want to dismember, slaughter them for touching my mate? Fuck yeah!

And now she was standing in front of me, babbling again and again, explaining why my wolf and I were two horny dogs and why it was right that she too had had her share of boys.

Sure, I was so fucking furious but, no matter what, I could never have paid much attention to whatever she babbled about or what surrounded me ... Because she was so damn distracting!

Her cheeks had turned deliciously red and her full lips either pouted or parted made me really wanted to kiss them.

And the little minx was so breathtakingly beautiful when she was angry, and always too damn sexy, whatever she wore….at the time she was wearing a school uniform…. God, prevent my imagination from going wild…

Everything she did or said, whatever it was, would always be the cutest thing I had ever seen or heard.

And, no matter what, I always wanted to hug the life out of her. Well, not only hug… but we weren’t there yet ... Damn, I didn’t even know if she wanted to go out with me anymore.

I cursed internally at that.

When she mentioned that pup (Rimmardo, Gissardo, Riccardo?), effectively pulling me out of my thoughts, I swore that I would ruin him for real.

When she left, my teeth ached from all the clenching. My hands ached for the need to chase her and touch her everywhere. My lips ached for need of kissing the hell out of those sweet lips.

I groaned hitting another tree, and then another one and so on, until the hot lava that flowed in my veins emerged on the surface.

In the end, I let my beast possess my body. I howled at the sky, with all its gods hiding behind the clouds, while all animals and werewolves hid behind the depths of the forest.

Hiding from me, Black Alpha, and from my wrath.


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