Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 40 ~ The Dreadful Monday Night - Part 1

When the incredible smell of freshly baked cakes hit her nose, Elena licked her lips and clapped her hands in happiness. Upon reaching her room, she was greeted by her best friend lying on the bed, like a huge cow.

Rex usually bought pastries for their Monday night gatherings. Since Elena was constantly missing her mate and her wolf wanted to cut her veins in frustration, sugar was the key to their happiness. Forgetting love problems by dipping into cakes always worked.

Leave one drug addiction (love) for another (white sugar).

Most importantly, Mirko, their fight and all his (ex) harem momentarily forgotten thanks to the sight in front of her.

“Hey, don’t touch it! The chocolate and raspberry cake is mine!” She barked at her friend who already had a mouth full of sweets. That beast never waited for anything or anyone.

“Hdbwj wkjdj” He tried to say, impossible to understand. It looked like he had a whole pie in his mouth.

Elena laughed at this sight of Rex, so familiar and comfortable, reminding her of her childhood. “I have more!” He repeated, after drinking some milk noisily.

“Now sit down! The film is about to begin,” Rex ordered, patting the spot (on her own bed) next to him.

“Oh, I needed this sooo much!” She dropped onto the mattress and hugged him. Feeling his inquiring gaze on her, Elena quickly stole a huge piece of cake.

“Look El, I know you’re hiding something”

As usual, straight to the point Rex!

“You have been different…” He couldn’t have been more direct.

“What?“ She played dumb, biting her lips.

“Come on, don’t make excuses, like Marco’s accident or Lord Skull’s attack,” He grimaced, almost expecting that Elena would lie to him shamelessly.

His large mole was lazily lying down occupying almost the entire bed, white sugar stuck on his face and a sly grin filled his eyes. Elena would have laughed at him if it hadn’t been for the hot topic of their discussion.

“Violent mood swings, insomnia, constantly distracted and, well, it’s like you have the, uh, female thing all the time!” He said with a hysterical giggle, hesitant to mention the girl’s period.

How boys could talk about sex in such a free and shameless way, and then turn into shy children when it came to girls’ menstruation, was one of the strangest contradictions of the male species.

“Hey!! It’s not true at all! I sleep perfectly well and I’m not violent” It happened that she hit Rex on the shoulder at that moment, as if to contradict her statement about being violent.

“Besides, how come a big man like you still can’t utter ‘menstrual cycle’ without blushing like a pepper (capsicum)?” She teased, enjoying his silly reaction.

Shaking his head, Rex grabbed her hands and turned to face her.

“Listen El, why don’t we cut to the chase and deal with the elephant in the room?”

“Only if you say ‘menstruation’ four times in a row!” She replied, hitting his cheek repeatedly.

“Argh, ok let’s compromise.” He offered, with a calculating smirk. Suddenly all of Elena’s senses went on alert.

“I won’t be offended, for now, that you have kept a huge secret all to yourself and, in return, you stop pestering me with the, err, uhm, monthly female thing.” His compromise sounded fair. Although Elena will make sure to notify Marco about Rex’s fear of the menses.

“Uff, fine.” She gave in, well-aware there was no point in delaying the inevitable.

“So ... what’s going on with you, little El?” He insisted, pinching her nose. The intensity of his glare suggested that he already knew something…

With a deep inhalation, she decided to drop the bomb, to unleash the Kraken, to open the Pandora’s box ...and to reveal the best thing that had ever happened to her in her entire life.

"I found my mate!” She blurted out, checking her nails with sudden interest.

“Whaaat? When?” Rex semi-yelled with a high-pitched voice, kind of pretending to be surprised in an exaggerated way.

Yes, he had already realized…but when?! Why?!

Patting her head as if she were his personal pet, Rex chuckled at her stunned face.

“I just don’t get why you didn’t tell ME!” He exclaimed, pointing at himself.

“I’m your best friend, or at least I thought I was!” He continued with an expression of false betrayal, placing a hand on his chest dramatically as if she had pierced him with a sword.

Such a drama queen...

“Well, I was going to-” Her sentence was interrupted by his eager, bouncing friend.

“And most importantly! Who is the poor guy!?” His fake initial shock was quickly replaced by a malicious grin.

A promise of pure evil was written all over his face.

“The poor soulmate doesn’t know in which wasp nest he fell into!”

Here we go! The part that Elena had feared most of all had started…. Torture and teasing, as expected, had begun…

“Or I should say ‘nest of vipers thirsty for blood’!!!”

Elena sighed, rubbing her face.

The Unstoppable Rex was drawing up a nice list of what awaited her ‘naïve mate’, also called ‘martyr’, ‘saint’ and ‘prey’.

Then he pretended to think before asking: “Wait, your mate is a him, right?! Because I always thought you might like pus-”

“Are you done?!” Elena squealed, all flushed and exasperated.

“Not yet! But I can continue later!” Rex clapped his hands happily, as if he had discovered the funniest game in the world.

What could be better than making fun of your best friend and embarrassing her relentlessly?! Nothing!

“Ok so, the reason I didn’t tell anyone is related to his identity...”

Elena took a deep breath. “He’s Mir-”

“I already know who he is!” Rex announced, extending an arm on the bed frame with nonchalance.

“Do you!?” Her eyes almost popped out of her sockets. “Are you s-sure?!” Then she asked with some hesitation.

’Why hasn’t he had any kind of reaction?!

After all, her mate was The Black Devil himself!

“Look El, I understand perfectly why you kept it to yourself. Having a Black Devil mate isn’t the easiest thing in the world, considering our history, the spilled blood and everything else. But, in the end, our people will learn to respect him, and Alpha Giacomo will understand too…” He paused, as if he were not so sure whether her father would actually accept a Black Devil as a mate.

In the meantime, Elena’s heart had stopped. The girl stood open-mouthed, staring at her best friend as if he had grown three extra heads.


Rex didn’t faint, didn’t scream, didn’t hit his head against the wall, didn’t turn pale, didn’t get mad, didn’t convulse, didn’t shout her secret from the rooftop.

Whatever possible scenario she had imagined in her mind, this was the last she would have expected ...

“Anyway! I’m so soooo happy that you won’t have to move to live in a different pack!!”

Elena frowned.

Naïve Rex thinks Mirko would simply leave his pack to move here at Full Moon and live under my father’s rule… who had no intention of giving up his Alpha position for many years to come.’

Her mate was the perfect stereotype of the proud Alpha male. He would never, ever take orders from anyone ... The sky would turn green, the hell would freeze, and the pigs would start flying before that would happen!

“And I’m sure Alpha Mirko together with Marco and Crucifero will help you sort everything out.” Rex statement was odd.

“Wait what!?” Why would...


‘My dear Rexilio has no idea that my mate is Mirko!’ Elena chuckled to herself before breathing a sigh of relief. That explained his lack of reaction!

Meanwhile Rex continued with his senseless theories.

“Yeah, I mean, they already know you are mated with a Black Devil werewolf, right? This would explain their strange behaviour and why they were so protective of you!”

And he called himself a genius?! Pts!

‘Seriously, who could think this twisted way?! Mirko is protective of me because he knows I’m the mate of one of his werewolves!?!? Come on!’ Elena mentally scoffed, shaking her head. In the Full Moon Territory, folks had always claimed that Rex was too busy focusing on girls to have extra brain space for other things. Well, it was very true!

“Damn, I’m a genius!!! I knew you had found your mate!” The fool even patted himself on the shoulder, as if to self-congratulate himself.

“Why did you say I wouldn’t need to move to Black Devil?” Her grin went unnoticed; Rex was too busy feeling like some kind of highly qualified detective.

“What do you mean WHY? Your mate will have to move here with you, since you’re an Alpha daughter and he’s just a commoner. ”



The silence that followed his statement and Elena’s nervous face triggered a spark of doubt in Rex.

“Wait…who’s your mate exactly?”

“Who do you think is he, Rex?” She countered quietly, fidgeting with her fingers.

Rex looked like a deer in headlights when realisation finally hit him in the guts.

“Fuck!!! You are mated with Black Alpha???? The Black Alpha??? The Night Fury, the Boogie Man who kidnaps children?!”

He was opening and closing his mouth without making any sound. Like a giant fish out of the water. His eyes couldn’t have widened more, and he paled considerably. As if he had seen a ghost, or worse, the Devil

“Wait, Night Fury?! I have never heard of this one!” Elena tried to ease the situation.

But Rex ignored her while all his memories flashed in his mind: Alpha Mirko and Elena outside the Medical Center, so close to each other, and Elena had invented that stupid gardening excuse… then his strange growls and creepy stares… the moment when Elena had defended Alpha Mirko from Crucifero’s wolf…. And his frightening roar when he had seen that Marco and Rex were tickling Elena… But, above all, his behavior towards Riccardo!!!

Alpha Mirko was JEALOUS!! Because Elena, his sweet, annoying, beautiful, plague of best friend, was BLACK ALPHA FREAKING MATE!

‘Shit! Riccardo did really play with his own life here! Messing around with Black Alpha’s mate!!!!’ At that moment Rex was 100% sure that Mirko would have killed the poor fool if Rex himself hadn’t intervene in time…Holy cow!

Suddenly he cursed, slapping his face when another memory hit his brain…

“Shit, I have something to tell you, El… But don’t get mad.”

Elena, Black Alpha’s mate, looked at him quizzically.

“What is it?”

“Uhm” He cleared his throat.

“Well ... remember when Black Alpha, I mean Mirko, hurt Riccardo?”

Elena snorted, still pissed about that episode. “You mean when Mirko broke both Riccardo’s legs with a single kick?”

The girl still couldn’t believe it was possible.

“Yup!!” Rex confirmed, playing with the hem of his shirt. “You see, El… I-I may have said something, by accident and unwittingly... you know, to calm your mate down...”


Thanks for reading! Next update on next Saturday :D Have a great weekend my loves!!

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Also on Patreon there is the side story of how Giulia met her mate, a peak at Mirko's past and his parents, Elena and Mirko plenty of cute bonus episodes, and more! :D

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