Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 34 ~ Angry Fluffin

Mirko was fuming as he marched in the depths of his territory with his fists clenched.

His blood had boiled at the sight of his little mate touched by those rats or pack members or whatever.

He had left the school to avoid something he would have regretted later.

Trying to get as far away from the scent of his mate as possible, he didn’t want his anger to bring him back and slaughter those puppies.

‘We need to kill those mutts that touched mate!’ Meanwhile Craken was shouting inside Mirko’s head, making things worse.

‘And start a war with her pack and her father for killing two of its members?! Not to mention Crucifero, who would hunt me forever for murdering HIS mate?’

‘Yes!’ He roared, still very pissed.

‘Yea what a smart idea! Thanks a lot.’

‘Your welcome’

Mirko rubbed his eyes, trying to calm down. Only his little mate could make him feel better, but she was not there with him. He pouted at the thought.

‘Craken, you need to relax. I don’t want to hurt her feelings by killing her father and best friends. And I don’t want to lose my beta either’

His wolf was so violent and unreasonable at times. Mirko had never cared about it until he had found his perfect mate and had to start considering her feelings.

‘Don’t call me Craken! My name is Fluffin now!’ His voice, so arrogant and full of power, broke Mirko chain of thoughts as a smile appeared on his lips. Hearing the word ‘Fluffin’ so authoritatively had been ridiculous and funny.

His wolf was so whipped; she had called him Fluffin to joke and probably to make fun of him and now Craken wanted to change his name in that absurd name.

’If our mate likes that name, then what’s your problem, dry shit?’ Craken snarled with exaggeration.

‘My problem is that my fucking wolf has become a crying old lady, ass head.’ Mirko replied, rolling his eyes but couldn’t stifle a laugh.

Craken, or Fluffin, growled again before blocking their mind connection, probably offended.

With an exasperated sigh, the Alpha began to run along a secret path in that part of the forest. He knew every possible secret of that vast territory, not only for having full control of it, but also because he had often wandered there at night, when he was unable to sleep, thinking about his time in the Alakasian mountains.

Often sleeping outdoors in his wolf form, or eating from the treasures of the woods, Mirko felt more like himself outside the houses and walls. Far from humanity and modernity, where instincts dominated...

‘Alpha, there’s an intruder walking around the border. She doesn’t belong to our pack and came from the school. Should I kill her now?’ One of his patrol guards communicated with his nasty voice.

Mirko muttered with himself, pissed that someone dared to interrupt him.

‘No idiot, I’m sure is just a student from the school.’

‘But Alpha, she seems to go to your same direction.’

Mirko frowned.

Wait, was it possible that his mate…?

When an alluring and very familiar smell hit his nostrils, Mirko turned around growling so loudly that several birds flew away from the surrounding trees.

If any of you even touch one hair of her, I will kill all of you. Don’t even look at her!’ He roared to his guards.

’Go back to your position right now before I change my mind and come to hunt you.’ He threatened, uttering each word deliberately slowly, confusing and scaring his guards.

Mirko cursed mentally as he was running like a mad man, following her scent.

‘Why is she here?! Did she follow me?! That girl is gonna be the death of me one day.’

His territory was teeming with dangerous werewolves, all part of Black Devil, and Elena was an unclaimed she-wolf from a different pack.

‘What was all that about?! Since when you care whether a simple intruder got killed?!’ Gamma Rolando exclaimed, through their private mind-link. It was obvious that the whole patrolling team had heard his threats, including his Gamma.


‘Yea, Alpha, since when?’ And Crucifero had joined the conversation, chuckling.

Sometimes Mirko truly hated that they had a private Alpha-Beta-Gamma mind’s channel.

‘Tell you later.’ He muttered, quickly breaking their connection before the situation got out of hand.

Meanwhile Craken had appeared again, roaring and fuming, outraged by the fact that their warriors had dared to look at his mate and, even worse, had proposed to harm her.

In retrospect, perhaps Mirko would have killed them all regardless.


“Mirko!” Elena called his name when she spotted him running towards her. He seemed stressed out and tense.

Mirko didn’t stop until he was right in front of her, ignoring her questions about why he looked so worried and why he was checking her out that way. And for the first time ever, Mirko had even ignored her redness and all the cute things she normally does when embarrassed, too worried about making sure she wasn’t injured and that she was fine.

She grasped his hand and tried to smile up at him, a little afraid of Mirko’s darkening face. Suddenly Elena was no longer sure if following him was a great idea or not.

And then, out of nowhere, the ‘vulcanic eruption’ hit her with full force.

“What are you doing here? Why are you alone?! Don’t you know how dangerous is to come alone in this part of the woods?! In my pack?! Are you out of your mind?! This is Black Devil!! Not a fruit market where you go for a stroll or that ridiculous Crystal Wolf pack. Didn’t you hear the stories of what happened to-” And so on and on for a few more minutes.

Elena had never seen him so angry with her, even if, in truth, he seemed insanely wild and beautiful at that precise moment. And he wasn’t even impolite or vulgar in the way he was scolding her, which was something Elena had become fond of: no matter what, he had never treated her with irreverence or rudeness.

“I’m sorry… I have missed you.” She said, when he had stopped his yelling, probably to catch his breath before starting to scold her again.

Elena had decided to play the “I miss you” card and had also added a cute pout ~ and on purpose. And it seemed to work since Mirko had remained silent to watch her, though the veins on his neck and face were still frighteningly enlarged and his eyes still stormy.

“When I saw you at school barking at Rex, I wanted to come and hug you, but then you left, so I followed you here.” She explained, chuckling when he narrowed his eyes when he heard “barking”.

“I don’t bark, mate.” He remained serious though she noticed a flash of amusement crossing his face.

He smoothed his hair that slipped on his forehead and leaned against a tree with his back.

Never breaking eye contact with Elena.

“Now come here.” His hoarse and deep voice made her shiver.

Elena found herself pressed against his chest, with his chin on her head and his huge arms around, enveloping her small figure. Almost as if he wanted to hide her from the eyes of the world.

She sighed happily and hugged him in return, enjoying the sparks and their mate bond. All the frustration caused by the sleepless night was gone. Magically.

Moon Goddess had given her the best possible companion, nobody could be better than him. And she had managed to make him jealous and then super worry within an hour!

What a great mate she was...

When the phone rang from her pocket, she pursed her lips, not happy that someone disturbed their intimacy.

“Where are you El ???” Marco cooed. “Why aren’t you in class?!”

As usual, he didn’t let her speak. “Are you on a secret date with your alpha lover?”

Okay, it was too embarrassing considering Mirko could hear everything, with his super werewolf’s ears. Elena was now 10000% sure that Marco had discovered her little secret. But surely this was not the time to face that conversation. Not in front of her mate ...

“Speak to you later, byeee!” She dismissed him, hanging up the phone without letting Marco bother her any further.

She did not notice how Mirko’s eyes had widened when he had heard the word “date”.

“I’m sorry my stupid friend was ...”

She gasped when suddenly he took her face in his hands and pressed his forehead against hers, staring deeply into her eyes.

“Come on a date with me?”


Thanks for reading!! :D

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