Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 35 ~ Yes

Black Alpha had never wavered, never faltered, and never failed, let alone be nervous and insecure in his entire life.

His person was leaking confidence from all pores. And, you would think he was a man of the world, a powerful mighty Alpha who had nothing left to experience. Nothing to fear. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to make his heart beat with trepidation. Nothing to give him palpitations.

It was therefore quite an odd (someone may say ‘funny’) sight to watch him shake and wobble over a date.

Would you believe it if people told you he had never had a real date before? Probably not, considering the crowd of women trotting along at his heels, like thirsty creatures left in a deserted land.

Had he ever been asked to go on a real date? Heaps of times.

Had he ever accepted one? Not really, and when he did, Black Alpha had always managed to turn them into purely sexual affairs, to satisfy his animal needs.

More importantly: had he ever invited a girl to go out together? Hell no!

But here we were talking about his true mate, not a random chick. Her answer meant the world to him. The evil doubt whispered in his ear that perhaps he hadn’t invited her correctly, that perhaps his mate was expecting a different scenario ... What if she said no?! What if she invented an excuse not to go out with him because of his poor manners?!

Mentally cursing himself for becoming such a nervous fool, Black Alpha couldn’t help but open his mouth, without patiently waiting for her response, giving life to a senseless stammering show. A show that his Gamma and Beta would have paid gold to attend.

“I mean… I don’t mean right now as in this exact moment … or today. I’d probably need to prep-…organized the-“ Mirko glanced at Elena.

‘What a gracious way to ask our mate out!’ Craken mocked his human side.

“Because I-” He scratched the back of his neck with a nervous laugh, “Of course I organized it because I’m the one who should plan our date...”

He put it almost like a question, staring at Elena in a way as if he were looking for confirmation from her.

“Not that I have assumed that you have already accepted it, because you ha-“

‘Moon Goddess give me another human being right now!!! Please’ Craken shouted to heaven, hoping to reach the magical ears of the Goddess.

“And you would also need to change ... maybe you can sh-” He stopped abruptly, gulping when she lifted an eyebrow at him.

“No, of course there is no need to change!” He raised his hands in peace. “You are always so beautiful and perfect that ...”

At the same time, Elena was speechless, open-mouthed at the sight in front of her.

Was her mate so nervous just to ask her to go out together?! Could it even be a feasible option?! Was she in a sort of parallel reality? A world where Black Alpha, the prettiest, tallest, most muscular, smartest, most feared, and sexiest guy, behaved like a virgin teenager.

’Oh my god EL! Maybe he’s really a virgin...′ Titilas suggested with hope that it shone in her eyes and through her hairy body.

‘Pff! Really, Tit?! The guy didn’t even know he had a mate a few weeks ago!’

‘So? Maybe he was too busy conquering, destroying and training to notice that the other girls existed!’ Her wolf proposed, although hesitantly. Her theory didn’t make much sense, although Elena was thrilled about it.

‘Anyway ... say yes to his date and end his misery’ Titilas chuckled, extremely fluttered by his behaviour and cuteness.

The poor girl hadn’t answered him right away simply because he hadn’t let her speak. In addition, it had taken a few moments to absorb the emotion due to his unexpected invitation, not to mention his proximity, which always made her blood rushes to her cheeks.

And come on, who hadn’t dreamed of the day your designated mate would finally ask you out?

Simple: none.

Ok maybe Crucifero hadn’t cared, and maybe Rex wasn’t very inclined, but all the other werewolves did dream about it.

Meanwhile, the splendid werewolf in front of her continued with his sweet nonsense.

“How about going on a date on Friday?”

Elena opened her mouth to comment, but Mirko didn’t allow it. Again.

“Or we could do Saturday ... oh crap, I have that boring Alpha’s meeting ...” His eyebrows curled up as he bit his lip.

“Mirko!” Elena laughed, receiving a painful stare. “You are rambling!”

“I am.. am I?” He covered his eyes with a grunt. With a chuckle, she grabbed his hands, squeezing them to comfort him.

‘What a stuttering fool!’ Mirko swore internally, feeling his cheeks blush once again.

As usual, Craken’s comment was not long in coming ’For once, I totally agree with you’

’Oh, shut the f*k up, Fluffin Mirko barked at his wolf, underlining the word Fluffin, mocking him. Craken was about to fight back when Elena spoke.


A simple yet powerful word, which dragged him out of his internal discussion with his wolf. The tight coil of nerves suddenly eased.

Yes, are you free on Friday? Or, Yes, you need to change?” He teased, regaining his ubiquitous confidence.

Jokingly hitting him in the shoulder, she repeated solemnly. ”Yes, I want to go on a date with you, my mate.” Pausing for a second, she could not remain silent for long. Her curiosity was too much...She will soon realise curiosity can really kill the cat (or the wolf, in this case).

“But Mirko, I don’t understand. Why you were” She pretended to think, to find the appropriate adjective to politely describe his ridiculous stutter from just before.

“Why did I act like a complete idiot? Why was I like a pathetic kid?!” Mirko finished the sentence for her with a sexy wink.

Nodding anxiously, Elena urged him to explain.

“It’s just that I never-” He paused to clear his throat, looking at her from under his eyelashes. “The truth is, that I’ve never been to a real date.”


“Awww! Really??” She cooed, launching on him, hugging him tightly around the head, while Mirko frowned, despite having returned the hug.

‘Why is she so happy?! Should it be a good thing that I have never been on a real date?’ He asked his inner wolf, all their previous discussions and insults were forgotten.

“I have no idea, wolves don’t ‘go out together’, we just mate.” Craken’s words spurred another fight.

‘Yea I know, you horny animal’

‘Hey, I’m not an animal’ He defended himself, although his statement didn’t make much sense since he was a wolf. A huge one, which looked more like a dinosaur.

‘Oh yes? What are you, a fish? A bug? I could see a certain resemblance between you and a mosquito, both incredibly annoying and sucking all of my-’

“Mirko !! Are you talking to Fluffin?! What does he say?” She broke off the quarrels between Mirko and Craken again.

Meanwhile, his wolf started to chant as the puppy he was with her. ‘Mate mate mate!!!’

“We were just planning the date and Fluf- I mean Craken, suggested some ideas… but then he admitted that mine was way better”

Her gaze flew to his face and he gave her a sheepish smile.

“So cute!!” She continued, placing a small kiss on his face.

Cute?!” He muttered, “Right, now she thinks I’m cute.” He scoffed, pursing his lips. The word cute uttered as if it were a blasphemy.

Guess ‘cute’ and ‘alpha’ came from two different universes.

“Sorry! It’s not cute. Uh-uh. Not at all.” Her voice sounded serious, though the corner of her lips twitched upward.

Ruffling up her hair, he chuckled lowly and scooped his little mate in his arms.

Where she belonged.

“So…” She trailed off, her beautiful smile warmed Mirko’s heart.

But what she was about to say was going to bring a new world of panic.

“Am i your-your first?” Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, almost distracting Mirko.

Shit!’ Craken and Mirko swore in unison.

What would they answer to that specific question?!

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