Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 36

Val sat in his grand chair, tall windows behind him framing the sprawling city below his domain.

“Ace,” he said, his fingers steepling atop the polished surface of the oblong table that stood as the only barrier between them. His voice held the timbre of power and command. “Your role as the Hand of Tyr is one of paramount significance. I need you to stay in this realm. The Hand of Tyr is too crucial to lose, especially now. Your presence here is non-negotiable.”

Leaning back, Ace appraised Val with an analytical eye. “Why the sudden emphasis on my importance? What’s the bigger picture here?”

A sigh escaped Val’s lips, a measure of weariness creeping into his posture. “Word is, there’s trouble brewing among the gods. Whispers of an imminent war threaten to splinter the heavens themselves.”

Ace straightened and leaned in. “War? Who’s fighting who?”

“The gods are split into two factions, the Aesir and the Vanir,” Val explained. “My engagement to Gersemi is supposed to keep the peace. But with everyone vying for power, it feels like we’re on a ticking clock.”

“And where do I fit in?” Ace pressed.

“You’re the middle ground,” Val said. “You keep everyone in check so no one gets too powerful. Tyr’s mantle rests upon your shoulders as his chosen emissary among the realms. Your duty lies here as the Hand of Tyr.”

Ace took in Val’s words, thinking. “Alright. I’m in. But there’s something you should know...” Ace took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “It’s about Bat. I can’t just sit back and watch her suffer. I must know that you are committed to doing what’s right, not just what’s easy.”

Val’s jaw clenched at the mention of Bat’s name, but he didn’t look away. “You think I’m not committed to doing what’s right?”

“A few days ago, Bat came back,” Ace revealed. “I didn’t have the chance to break the news about your engagement before heading here.”

The hardness in Val’s expression eased just a touch, though the air remained thick with tension. “Yes,” he admitted in a low voice. “I need to talk with her, but I don’t know where to start.”

Ace met Val’s gaze evenly. “I think you’re in a tough position. But that doesn’t excuse hurting Bat. She’s been through enough.” Leaning in, Ace met Val’s gaze dead on. “You need to talk to Bat yourself. She deserves that much.”

Val looked off to the side, his jaw setting stubbornly. “It’s just not that easy,” he muttered.

Val’s eyes flashed with an emotion Ace couldn’t quite read, but he didn’t respond. The silence stretched until Val finally spoke, his voice low and steady. “I know I’ve made mistakes. But everything I’ve done, I’ve done for the greater good.”

Ace leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “The greater good doesn’t always mean making the easy choices, Val. Sometimes, it means making the hardest choice of all.”

Val looked away, his jaw working as he fought against whatever emotions threatened to break free. After a long moment, he looked back at Ace, his gaze unwavering. “I know. And I’m ready to make whatever choice is necessary.”

Ace held Val’s gaze for a moment longer, searching for any sign of deceit or hesitation. But all he saw was determination and resolve. Satisfied, he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Good. Because we’re going to need all the help we can get if we’re going to stop this war from happening.”

Val nodded, his shoulders straightening as he took on the total weight of his role. “You have my word, Ace. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep the peace and protect the realms.”

Ace nodded, satisfied with Val’s response. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

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