Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 35

Now devoid of the raging storm from the night before, the landscape stretched out in a silent, snow-covered expanse that seemed to go on forever. In the absence of sunlight, the icy tundra glistened faintly under the light of countless stars that filled the dark sky. Underground, frozen rivers flowed beneath thick sheets of ice, their presence hinted at by subtle shifts in the terrain. The serenity of the scene was both breathtaking and slightly unsettling.

A glowing dome came into view, rising majestically out of the desolation. Its surface appeared to meld seamlessly with the snow-covered ground, giving the impression that it was floating in mid-air. A closer inspection revealed no visible entrance or exit, as if the structure was self-contained.

Lyell was the first to approach the dome, his gloved hand brushing the snow off its surface. When he touched it, the dome rippled like the surface of a pond, causing him to step back in surprise.

Velika turned to the group, her eyes severe. “I’ll need to fetch a guard. I can pass through, but I’m not certain you can. I wouldn’t recommend testing the dome’s defenses without permission,” she warned before disappearing through the dome, leaving the others standing in the snow.

Bat felt the cold seeping into her bones and wrapped her cloak tightly around her. She glanced at Ace, raising an eyebrow in question.

“If you try to enter without permission, you’re turned to ash,” Ace explained, seemingly reading her mind.

Bat saw the various possibilities play out in her mind’s eye before making a decision. “We’ll be fine,” she declared confidently before stepping through the dome. Ace reached out to stop her, but she was unharmed on the other side.

She let out a sigh of relief and turned just in time to see Lyell stumble through the dome, followed closely by Ace, who had given him a not-so-gentle shove. “What?” Ace shrugged, looking bemused. “I trust her.”

Stepping inside the dome felt like entering a different world entirely. Imposing buildings reached for the sky, their sleek designs illuminated by the soft blue light that filled the compound. The contrast to the barren, snow-covered landscape outside was jarring. An abundance of plant life, none of which appeared native to this realm, thrived beneath the protective cover of the dome. Vibrantly colored and alive, these plants gave the city an unexpected and breathtaking lushness. The pathways winding through the city were lined with glowing stones, providing a guiding light for those walking along them.

Vampir milled about everywhere, some moving purposefully while others paused to take in the newcomers. Humans were among them, but also otherworldly creatures with pointed ears and features that Bat could not quite place.

Velika approached, a small smile playing on her lips. “Seems you had permission after all,” she said, her eyes wide with amusement. She turned to dismiss the guards before motioning for them to follow her toward the city’s center.

A modern castle, grand in scale and intricate in design, rose from the convergence of several rivers at the city’s heart. It was constructed from a combination of brick, steel, and glass, all arranged in complex patterns to create a structure that appeared to have emerged from a dream. A footbridge, glimmering in the light, stretched over the sparkling waters below, leading them straight to the castle’s entrance.

Once inside, they were surrounded by luxury. Spiral steel staircases wound their way to the upper floors, and from the windows, they could see the entirety of the city spread below them. They passed by rooms filled with artwork and others filled with technology far beyond anything Bat had seen before, and even a library, its shelves reaching from floor to ceiling, filled with books.

When they reached the top of the castle, a large circular room awaited them. Its domed ceiling towered above them, and in the center of the room was an oval table surrounded by oversized chairs. A seating area was situated at the room’s far end, and several large fireplaces were scattered throughout.

Seated in one of the chairs was Val, a powerful presence in the room. He looked up as they entered, his gaze meeting theirs.

“Good to see you still perched on your illustrious throne,” Ace declared with a grin, his arms sweeping wide.

Val’s eyes sparkled with amusement as they moved over the assembled group, finally resting on Bat with an intensity that made her stomach flip. Rising from his chair with the grace of a predator, he approached them. His gaze never left Bat as he clasped arms with Ace in greeting.

“You know I abhor it when you call it a throne,” Val chided.

Ace chuckled. “And that’s precisely why I say it.”

Val’s attention shifted to Bat, and an electric charge filled the air. A lump formed in her throat as their gazes locked. The weight of the silence pressed down upon them until Val finally broke it.

“Welcome, Bat. It has been too long,” he said, his deep voice resonating in the cavernous room.

Relief washed over Bat, and she offered him a small smile. “It is good to see you well, Val.”

A melodic voice cut through the air as a statuesque woman with skin like rich mahogany and hair a dark blue like the twilight sky emerged from the shadows, looping her arm through Val’s. Her charcoal grey dress clung to her in all the right places, accentuating her figure.

“Darling, who might our guests be?” she inquired, her gaze sweeping over them before coming to rest on Bat with an appraising tilt.

The woman who stood before them was the epitome of elegance and power. Her eyes were pools of intelligence, and her lips painted a wicked shade of crimson. She radiated an aura of confidence that was both intimidating and awe-inspiring.

Val’s gaze softened as he regarded the striking woman. “Gersemi, allow me to introduce Ace, Velika, Lyell, and Batilde.”

Gersemi’s laughter was a melody that wrapped around them. “A pleasure, truly,” she said, extending a hand to each in turn.

When she reached Bat, she paused, a knowing smile on her lips. “I can see you’re strong. I admire that.”

Bat’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but she managed to maintain a neutral expression as she shook Gersemi’s hand. “Thank you.”

The corner of Gersemi’s mouth quirked up in response, and she returned to Val’s side, her arm once more looping through his.

“Oh, I’m so delighted to meet you all!” Gersemi’s face lit up with a wide smile. ” I’ve heard the most fascinating tales about all of you. Please stay and celebrate with us. The wedding would be incomplete with you there.”

Bat felt anger and frustration as she faced Val, her gaze locking onto his. Her body was rigid, a coiled spring ready to snap. “Wedding?” she struggled to keep her voice steady, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.

Ace leaned in, his voice barely audible. “I tried to tell you…”

But his words were lost as Gersemi’s laughter filled the room, bright and clear. “Oh, my apologies! It appears the news has yet to reach your ears. Val and I,” she paused, her hand lovingly caressing Val’s shoulder, “are to be wed.”

Bat’s glare could have set the room ablaze as she directed it at Val. He remained stoically silent, his gaze never leaving hers.

“Congrats,” Bat said, her face twisted into a scowl as she tried to handle her emotions. She crossed her arms in a futile attempt to shield herself from the jealous rage building up inside her, further fueled by Val’s silence and Gersemi’s proximity. She wanted to scream, to lash out, but she forced herself to remain silent, to keep the emotions brewing within her at bay.

Just as Bat felt she might explode, Velika’s calm, measured voice broke through the tension. “It would be our honor to attend your wedding.”

“Divine,” Gersemi cooed, her eyes gleaming with happiness.

Gersemi was the epitome of regality, her dark skin flawless, her features sharp and commanding. She looked stunning with her midnight blue hair. Despite her calm mask, there was an underlying air of superiority about her, a quiet assertion that she was in control. Her eyes gleamed with cunning intelligence, and the way she clung to Val’s arm, her body language screamed possession. Bat felt a pang of jealousy, her mind racing with suspicions about this woman who had seemingly bewitched Val. As Gersemi regarded Bat, her smile widened.

Val’s voice cut through her internal turmoil. “Ace, might I have a word?”

“Sure.” Ace shot a worried glance at Bat, concern etching his features. “Will you be alright if I remain behind?”

“I’ll manage,” she answered curtly, turning on her heel and exiting the room.

A castle worker led her down a long corridor lined with portraits of Vampir leaders. The air felt heavy and constricting, and by the time she reached her room, she was ready to scream. She threw herself onto the bed, her body shaking with suppressed sobs. Val’s engagement felt like a physical blow, all the more painful because of the intimate moments they’d shared, which now felt like a distant dream.

Drawing a shuddering breath, she pushed herself up and made her way to the small bar in the corner of the room. Her hands shook as she uncorked a bottle, her movements mechanical as she poured herself a glass of wine. The liquid was a small comfort, warming her insides, but it did nothing to dull the sharp edges of her pain. Another sip and she stared blankly at the wall, her mind engulfed with confusion and pain. She knew Ace was the safe, logical choice. He’d waited for her, loved her unconditionally. But the wound Val had left was still fresh, and it stung. She took another long drink, hoping the wine would numb the pain.

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